PAGE 9-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 197? Lion William R. Howell, Wauconda Lions club, 1105 W. Northeast Shore drive, McHenry, Illinois-District Governor, and Mrs. Lu Howell experience a brief exposure into the dark world of the blind during a recent visit to Leader Dog Training Center for the Blind in Rochester, Mich. The highlight of the trip was blindfolding each guest and having him walk through the obstacle course with a Leader Dog. The visit also included observing the students' "on site" training through downtown Rochester, Mich. The guests also , toured the facilities at the school. Lions Leaders Enter World Of Unsighted Fifty-four Illinois Lions and Lionesses experienced mobility travel in an unsighted world with the aid of a Leader Dog during a recent visit to the PUBLIC PULSE (Hie Plaindealer invites the public to use this col umn as an expression of their views on subjects of general interest in our community. Our only re quest is that writers lim it themselves to 300 words or less - signature, full address and phone num ber. We ask too, that one Individual not write on the same subject more than once each month. We re serve the right to delete any material which we consider libelous or in ob- jeetional taste.) "Dear Public Pulse: "I am writing in regard to Musin' and Meanderin's comments on the baby ducks given as prizes at one of the concession stands at the McHenry County Fair. I agree wholeheartedly on it being a most inhumane practice to give out any small animals or birds to be mistreated or not cared for. "However, as an employee at the McHenry County Fair of fice, I would like to clear the Fair's good name. Since the Fair has grown so much larger each year, it is hard to screen each concession. They were unaware of these ducklings being given away until the Fair was well under way. When the officials found out, they im mediately put a stop to, anymore ducklings being given as prizes. New truckloads were not allowed to unload anymore ducklings. They also were told not to come back to the Fair in the future with live animals as prizes. "The McHenfy County Fair will still go on encouraging the young people to raise their animals with 'tender loving care' and strive to make 'the best better'. "Sincerely, -i "Cheri Nickels "8902 Rt. 120 "Woodstock" (Editor's Note -- Our congratulations to the Fair officials. These yearly events have been a source of pride to the county, and to many of us as individuals. Like any other large undertaking, unsavory practices sometimes enter in and go unnoticed for a time. The fact that Fair leaders took such positive action is hear tening. We're still in their booster corner!) Leader Dog Training Center for the Blind, located in Rochester, Mich. The guest list included district and club officers. The visit also included a tour of the center's facilities, the students' dormitories, kennels and administration building, plus a retracing of the students' "on site" four weeks of training through downtown Rochester. Leader Dogs for the Blind was founded by a small group of Michigan Lions with four dogs, $400 and a lot of faith in the Lions. Since that time, more than 3,000 blind persons have been trained and supplied with dog guides. In Illinois alone, over 300 Leader Dogs are aiding the visually han dicapped. Leader Dogs ranks tops in its field, graduating more handicapped and dog guides than any other similar institution in the world. Leader Dogs is one of the primary projects supported by Lions Candy Day for the Blind, scheduled in Illinois for Friday, Oct. 6. This year, the Lions' state-wide goal is $850,000. Governor Opens New Interchange Friday August 18 Governor Richard B. Ogilvie officially opens the new partial interchange connecting Route 47 with the Northwest Tollway in ceremonies to be held Friday, Aug. 18, at 4 p.m. The new interchange, con structed at a cost of ap proximately $1.2 million, provides east-bound entry and west-bound exit ramps for motorists traveling to and from the Chicago area. Route 47 directly serves the towns of Huntley and Wood stock in McHenry county on the north, and Hampshire in Kane county on the south. Woodstock and Crystal Lake are the largest traffic generators for this region. Much of this traffic includes the trucking of milk and gravel, the area's leading industries. McHenry county is the second largest milk producing county in Illinois. Previous routing to and from the Tollway took motorists through congested main roads of communities north of the Elgin interchanges at Routes 25 and 31. Crystal Lake, Algonquin, Cary and Fox River Grove will benefit from the reduction of traffic on Routes 14 and 31. Joining Governor Ogilvie as speakers at the opening ceremonies are Elliot W. Frank, chairman of the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority; State Senator Dennis J. Collins, Authority Advisory committee chairman; and McHenry County Auditor Jack R. Schaffer, also of the Advisory committee, who has been ac tive in arrangements for the celebration. Senator Collins, Auditor Schaffer and State Rep. Thomas Hanahan, another Advisory committee member, have been instrumental in promoting construction of the interchange along with Mayor Melvin Stuessy and former Mayor Frances Kuhn (now councilwoman) of Woodstock and William Burfeindt, publisher of the Woodstock Daily Sentinel. Governor Ogilvie and William F. Cellini, secretary of the Department of Tran sportation, serve as ex-officio directors of the non-tax- supported Illinois State Toll Highway authority. [PRICES EFFECTIVE SUNDAY AUGUST REGISTRATION FEES Registration fees have been announced in McHenry School District 15. Kindergarten, $10; grades 1 to 5, $13; grades 6 to 8, $17; lunch fee, $.40 per day. No insurance will be collected at registration. It takes an optimist to take a skillet along on a fishing trip. If it weren't for water, Mauna Loa, a volcanic mountain in Hawaii, would be the world's highest mountain, as it reaches up through 30,000 feet of water, then rises 13,675 above sea level - making it 41,675 feet high, as compared to Everest's 29,141 feet. . Soft Corn Special IARVESTORE' 5.52% LOANS unm* The booklet "High Moisture Grain, the Harvestore Revo lution in Milk Production," shows yc^u ways to increase your income HARVESTORE worlds leading manufacturer of automated feeding systems. Please rush my free copy to Name Telephone I farm Check Livestock Enterprise Dairy ~ Beef Hogs Number of Animals 'Check il iiH«• n<lir114 -i how! Mail to a <**> Curt Weaver HARVESTORE, INC. 504 North Main Street Sycamore, Illinois 60178 PH. COLLECT 815-895-4537 SAVE MORE a\ (JmHsBYf] fami ly centers D r i r A C P I 1 °Bio to >MKM»tRICAM Vsfpf cftdVv Prices Effective While Quantit ies Last MENS KNITS SPORT SHIRTS Wear with sweater, sport jacket. Short sleeves. Choice of solids and stripes in assorted colors. Sizes S-M-L-XL *3.96 Mfgrs. discontinued Shirt *** K of 5.00 BOY'S FLARE PANTS Reg. $3.96 Sizes 6-20 Your Choice Of Colors *2.94 • LADIES BLOUSES Reg. $3.96 8'/a x 1VA ROOM SIZE INDOOR/ OUTDOOR RUG Made of continous filament nylon Latex back, choice of beautiful assorted solid colors, Will not mildew or fade 13.97 Good thru August 20, 1972 $2.00 OFF LADIES PANT SUIT UNIFORMS With Coupon ECOUPON3 6 h *2.96 Sizes 32- 44 52x70 Vinyl TABLECLOTH # IffimkrSr̂ 0$i s | 07 Assorted Colors & Styles And Prints. v/ $$ Flannel Back, Choice of assorted !! designs in decorator colors, slightly ||: irregular in print only. 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