* PAGF20-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1972 Attending the District Director* conference Cram the Northeast Illinois Production Credit association of Woodstock are, from left, R.G. Ullrich, president, McHenry; Paul E. Jackson, Marengo; Alan Ainger, Harvard; and Marvin Kruckenberg, Lake county; second row, Norbert J. Hiller, McHenry and Kenneth Svensen, Boone county. Farm Predictions A re Made To NIPC Local Directors* If farmers are to really retain control of farming, they must exert increased control over 'market' capital by becoming closer to the ultimate con sumer, through integrating production and marketing. Farmers will have to con tinue tapping money centers for greater amounts of capital during the 1970's...and the years following. These and other predictions relating to agricultural credit were made during the Production Credit associations annual conference in St. Louis. T.E. McGuire, president, Federal Intermediate Credit Bank of St. Louis, reported to the nearly 900 PCA directors and guests that at year end (Dec. 31, 1971), loans out standing in Illinois, Missouri and Arkansas (Sixth Farm Credit district) exceeded $491 million. McGuire also stressed the need for more "money management" as a major key for the success of those in farming in the years ahead. Another key speaker was Dr. Donald B. Eoark, deputy governor and director, operations and finance service, Farm Credit administration, Washington, D.C. "The PCA system began in 1933. It took more than seventeen years for the Sixth district PCAs to reach $100 million in loans closed in a single year. Yet within the following ten years (at the end of 1971), PCA annual loan closings almost tripled the 1961 volume, at more than $952 million. It is very evident that more than a billion dollars in credit will be extended to farmers in Illinois, Missouri and Arkansas during 1972." Another speaker appearing on the program was Lindley Finch, vice-president and agricultural consultant, Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust company, Chicago. Other key speakers ap pearing on the program in cluded Franklin K. Spinner, senior vice-president, First National Bank in St. Louis; Dan Lehmann, past president, National Future Farmers of America; and William F. Barratt, president, Federal Intermediate Credit bank, Spokane,, Wash. Attending the conference from the » Northeast Illinois •r i i I t - K I I I ( t i* * K I I I < t K C I ( ( I K Are You New In McHenry Area ? Do You Know Someone New? WE WOULD LIKE TO EXTEND A ROYAL WELCOME TO EVERY NEWCOMER TO OUR AREA ! ! ' Joan Stull 385-5418 CALl Fran Olsen 385-5740 Doris Andreas 385-4518 norm trncoMi K N O W Y O U H N E W A R E A -- R O Y A L W E L C O M E D O E S I T B E S ' Legal Notice NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS TIME AND PLACE OF OPENING BIDS Sealed proposals for the improvement of the roads described below will be received by McHenry Town ship, McHenry County, at the office of the Highway Com missions, 3703 N. Rte. 31, McHenry, Illinois until 10:30 A.M., D.S.T. Sept. 6, 1972, and at that time publicly opened and read. LOCATION OF WORK The proposed improvements are located as follows: CUHLMAN ROAD A total length of 3960 Ft. DESCRIPTION OF WORK The proposed improvement is to be a Bituminous Surface Plant-Mix, Class B, Modified, 22 ft. wide with Type B Gravel Shoulders. INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS Proposal forms may be obtained from the Highway Commission of McHenry Township, 3703 N. Rte. 31, McHenry, Illinois All proposals must be ac companied by a bank cashier's check, bank draft or certified check for not less than 10 percent of the amount bid, payable to the Treasurer of McHenry Township. REJECTION OF BIDS The Highway Commissioner reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive technicalities. No proposals will be issued after noon on the day preceding the letting date. Pre-qualification of bidders required. Clarence Regner Highway Commissioner McHenry Township (Pub AUK. 23,1972) Some people have power, others, happiness: sometimes both, often, neither. Legal Notice ' IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE nrvrwoN ESTATE OF GRACE E. SCHUGART Deceased, FILE NO. 72-P-247 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 194 of the Probate Act, of the death of the above named decedent and that letters Testamentary were issued on August 17, 1972, to Barrett E. Schugart, 906 E. Main St., Cary, Illinois, whose attorney of record is Stinespring and Stinespring. One First National Plaza, Chicago, Illinois. Claims may be filed within 7 months from the date of issuance of Letters of office and that any claim not filed within that period is barred as to the estate which is inventoried within that period. Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court, County Court House, Wood stock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney. MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of the Court (Pub. Aug. 23,30, Sept. 6,1972) CLOSEUP . . . Magnified closeap of several gypsy moth eggs removed from yellow-gold egg mass may be seen at end of pencil. The fly on pencil is a natural enemy, Imported In to the United States to help' hold down populations of the destructive gypsy moth by narasitiiing the larvae Production Credit association, Woodstock, were Alan Ainger, Harvard; Paul E. Jackson, Marengo; Norbert J. Hiller, McHenry; Marvin Krucken berg, Lake county and Kenneth Svensen, Boone county, ac cording to R.G. Ullrich, president of the Northeast Illinois Production Credit association: Walworth Fair Opens Gates To Public Aug. 31 "Come to the Fair" is the invitation the Walworth County Fair board extends to everyone. They invite the public to see the many fine exhibits of Agriculture, Hor ticulture, Arts, Home Economics and Education. The entertainment will be tops in grandstand shows, tractor pull contest, horse pull contests, snowmobile races and harness races. All entertainment in the grandstand is free. The 123rd Walworth County Fair will be officially opened Thursday, Aug. 31, at 10 a.m. by a veteran newspaper editor and long time friend of the Fair, Claude "Mud" Eames. After a parade from downtown Elkhorn, "Mud" will cut the ribbon at the maingate and from then until closing about 10 p.m., Labor Day, there will be five fun filled days and nights for people of all ages to enjoy. Senior Citizens will have their day on Thursday, with free gate admission by presenting their medicare card. The Senior Citizens band from Janesville will return this year to entertain. Legal Notice Public Notice is hereby given that on August 17, A.D. 1972, a certificate was filed in die Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as McLake Land Co., located at 2810 Spring Rd., McHenry, Illinois 60050. Dated this 17th day of August, A.D. 1972. Vernon W. Kays County Clerk. (Pub. Aug. 23,30, Sept 7,1972) We Carry Complete Line Of Ice, Block-Crushed and Cube A Great Bourbon JIM BEAM CANADIAN MIST OR Fifth CANADIAN MIST SMIN0FF VODKA maid* Extra Dry CEST BON GIN A Repeat Sell Out PAUL MASS0N BRANDY 2 98 rv-' Your Choice Fifth Vi Gal. l/2 Gal. While Beer Items Last SCHLITZ MILLER 12 u. Cans 6-99* Fifth 12 Year Old GOLD COACH WHISKEY A Great Price For This Fine Whiskey The Finest IMPORTED QQc CHIANTI 9Z \ Original 12 o PABST 12 oz. N.R.'s e-99c Brewed By Hamms BUCKH0RN 6 69c 12 oz. Cans If You Like Lancer's And Mateus You'll Love Imported From Portugal Alianca [l Rose :1 Wine DR. PEPPER ALIANCA ROSE WINE Full Qt. POP 8 ",<"59 While They Last We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities wwie items last. PRICES EFFECTIVE AUGUST 22nd thru AUGUST 29th PAY LESS - GET MORE! "BIG M" MILLERS MALT LIQUOR 6 16 oz. Cans 1 M B 4512 WEST ROUTE 120-McHENRY 1 1 KOSHER IJL CONCORD 59" |gj WINE Quart i