PAGE 9-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15. 1972 T V COMMENTARY A NEW YARDSTICK to m e a s u r e v i o l e n c e o n T V may be developed by the FCC. This effort to meas ure the level of mayhem on TV has grown out of Senate hearings last spring. If and when a violence index (V- ratings) issue forth, view ers will have an idea in ad vance as to which shows are too bloody for their [ THINK ABOUT IT! By BOBJUSTEN Procrastination, the fault of putting things off un til tomorrow, can carry a heavy penalty. For ex ample, the return of a book loaned by a friend, is put off - until tomorrow. The visit to Uncle Charlie to tell him about some of his friends we saw, is put off - until tomorrow. The letter that should be written to Aunt Jane is put off - until tomorrow. "Hie drive across town to see a friend is put off - until tomorrow. Then, unexpectedly, the putting off fault stabs us, and it hurts. It really hurts - badly. In our tears, we shake our heads in disbelief. Hie talk we mea nt to have, the things we meant to do, can not now be done. We can only make a visit, but not as it was intended. During visitation hours, we pay our last respects and realize yesterday's tomorrow is now today, and today it is too late. This of course is an imagined vignette of life. But it can happen. Why let it? . . . GEORGE R. JUSTEN & SON, FUNERAL HOME, 3519 W. Elm Ave., McHenry, 111., Phone 385-2400 SEPTEMBER HATO STOCK CAR RACING taste, or for their children's viewing. IF a brutality formula is d e v e l o p e d , o n e s u s p e c t s that when shooting and knifing integers are com puted with sock units, stomp quotients and kick indexes, and when the sum of the mayhem is excessive to the FCC violence factor, some brutality in the show being measured would be sub tracted by means of a non violent ax, if you'll excuse the expression. BECAUSE of Dan Block er's death, a major new character will turn up on "Bonanza" next season. It is no doubt, however, that Hoss Cartwright will be greatly missed. TV HAS HELPED spawn a new generation of sophis ticated weaponry--"smart bombs"--that make pinpoint bombing attacks possible and has changed the com plexion of the bombing cam paign in Vietnam. The TV bomb has a television cam era in its nose. The pilot locks the target image on the camera, releases the bomb, and it is guided auto matically to the objective. THE Oscar-winning Rus sian film version of Tols toy's classic "War and Peace" will be telecast in its entirety by ABC on four consecutive nights, starting August 12. The four seg ments will consume seven and a half hours of prime time. ADVERTISERS SPEND three billion dollars a year on the basis of the research information known to view- ers as ratings. AT LAKE GENEVA RACEWAY SATURDAY NIGHT * SPORTSMAN * SPECTATOR * LADIES POWDER PUFF SUNDAY NIGHT SEPTEMBER 17 MODIFIEDS - OPEN COMPETITION TIME TRIALS 6:30 P.M. RACES 7:30 P.M. >OQ»OOODOOOOOMUOOOOOOOOOO Shapely June Meyer looks over mnlti- million-year-old formation at Meramec Caverns, Stanton, Mo. Jesse James and his gang used to hide out there in the 1870's. fircstonc QIC PCODIC wf htnf pcopie UNBEUEVABLE OFFER •*®Bisb 0r'Qinaliy , h*d E*. off your CHARGE IT! W* FRONT END ALIGNMENT CLIP & SAVE WITH THESE VALUABLE COUPONS 388 Most American luding >ome luxurj C'ari with Air iond. S3.00 extra. ( ars with Tors Bars evira McHENRY FIRESTONE 4005 W. WAUKEGAN RD. McHENRY PHONE 385-2323 H:00 am to 5:3^ pm HOURS: DUn H ilf) am-H:00 pm FRIDAY 9 MONTH STUDENT SUBSCRIPTION SPECIAL • : ' • • \ ' V V FOR THE 0E3BE© a§s§mm mm JUST LIKE A LETTER FROM HOME TWICE EACH WEEK! m Send your son or daughter, away at college, their home town newspaper, THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER. Think of the pleasure it will give them keeping up with home town activities; you can save $2.50 off the regular subscription rate, by taking advantage of this offer. DO IT TODAY! This offer expires soon. m • igfig <?• mm ill® mm * « EXPIRES ON OCTOBER 1, 1972 SPECIAL OFFER PRICE $ 6.50 Subscription To Start Immediately and Continue to June 1, 1973 Clip and Mail your Order Today! THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, III. 60050 Enclosed find $6.50 Subscription To Start Immediately and Run to June 1, 1973. Mail Subscription To: Sent By: Name Name Address City and State. Z ip Code Address City State & Zip McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry III. 60050