PAGE 15-PLAINOEALER-FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1972 REAL ESTATE WE ENJOY LIVING IN McHENRY SO WILL YOU A Rare Buy in lie Heart of McHeniy 8 Bedrooms---Large dry basement---Attached garage ---beautiful landscaping--Quality built with plaster walls wiring in conduit---cast iron baseboard heat ----walking distance to schools, churches and shop ping a real buy at $37,500.00. McHeniy Shores 1800 sq. ft. Living Space 3 to 4 Bedrooms Family Room 2 car garage Carpenter Built, quick possession good living at a good price for only $30,500.00. NEW - Ready to Move Into On Hillside with beautiful view--this 3 bedroom raised ranch offers, 2Y2 Baths Family Room- ---2 car ga rage Look at the price, only $29,900.00 REUXED LIVING • LAKE & RIVER RIGHTS B a 3 Bedrooms Family Room 2% car garage lH blocks to Lake Beach Access to Fox River & Chain of Lakes excellent for children a Good Buy at $25,300.00. , LAKELAND PARK NEAR BEACH 3 Bedrooms 1^ baths Attached Garage only 7 years old---in Move-into condition. PHONE: HARRY POSTAL 385-1459 WINN PHILLIPS 497-3194 BETH SWAN 385-3752 JUDY BRADLEY 385-4547 fi] postal- ( REAI.TORS plti l l ips p VSI REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE I 3409 WEST ELM STREET, McHENRY ARE8I5CODE 385-9360 9-15 *25,750 proof that an ex pciisi vek >ok i 11 g lu >mc need if t be expensive. You wouldn't think a home that looks so costly could cost so little. That's the great thing about National Homes. They give you all the styling elegance, space and comfort you usually find only in much more expensive homes. Just a little down, a little a month. Come see us. AS LITTLE AS »1,250 '177.08 $26,258 Total Price 29 year mortgage 248 payments Annual percentage rate 1\% WIN A FREE TRIP FOR YOUR IMMEDIATE FAMILY TO DISNEY WORLD IN OUR BIG NATIONAL HOME SHOW Principal See fabulous Disney World in Orlan do. Fla Nothing to buy. Gat detai ls now at our salas of f ice Void where prohibi ted by I ?! CROKIN CONSTRUCTION CORP. OPEN 9-6 EXCEPT SUNDAY In Eirst National Bank Building 3814 W. Elm McHenry, III. 385-6757 or 385-7163 0 t|«il fenuai OfM'tamlifs HOMIS MORE FAMILIES LIVE IN NATIONAL HOMES THAN ANY OTHER HOMES IN THE WORLD 9/29 r« * « • 4 iJ _ % *ei 111 *4*1 • 4s * f$ i » REAL ESTATE just T.TSTF.D! Lovely home on beautifully landscaped "Tot! Closeto town; across from Fox River with rights. Full basement, enclosed porch, front & rear. Family sized rooms including a formal dining room. Be first in line to see this one today! $37,500 EXECUTIVE HOME - Four bedrooms, 2 baths, 2-story home in Edgebrook Heights. Living room has beamed Cathedral ceiling and double fireplace. Panelled family room; 2 car attached garage. $43,500. RUSTIC RANCH on 4 3/4 wooded acres. 3f bedrooms, 2 baths. Large beamed living room with natural 12' fireplace. Full basement, utility room, plenty of closets. Central air conditioning. This ones loaded with extras and only $69,500. WATERFRONT & COUNTRY LIVING combined! Spacious and gracious ranch home on lovely 2 acre site with wide water frontage, Ingleside area. 3000 square feet of floor space in main house PLUS excellent second house for guests, inlaws or income. All for $79,500. 5% additional acres available. SEE US FIRST FOR WIDE SELECTION OF GOOD HOMESITES WATERFRONT TOWN a COUNTRY John H. Fuhler Real Estate Company 3321 W. Elm St. McHenry, Illinois 60050 385-3250 9/29 WANTED TO RENT ONE BEDROOM apartment preferably unfurnished. Walk ing distance to Brake Parts. Couple with no children. 385- 0490. 9-29 FIND JUST THE RIGHT * HOME FOR YOUR ^ FAMILY WITH A X PLAINDEALER CLASSIFIED. PHONE 385-0170 Weather Slows Construction Construction progress on the new building for the Lake Region YMCA is moving slowly, due to inclement weather. In the foreground of the picture is the beginningof oneof the pool walls. In the background, a concrete truck has just poured concrete for the foundation walls. Funds for the construction of the new building, which is located on U.S. Route 31, V4 mile south of U.S. Route 14, have been provided by nearly 2,000 subscriptions and by persons who have purchased Income Revenue bonds. As building construction proceeds, the sales of additional bonds will be made. YMCA board members and other individuals have bond circulars providing the details for the bonds. PET CENTER 1^ GOT A ppf fgp y(jO-* PETS THAT NEED A HOME OR ARE LOOKING FOR THEIR MASTER As a public service of the McHenry Plaindealer all ads run under "Pets That Need A Home" are Free. The only requirements are: The animals are to be given away to good homes without charge, or you are trying to find the owner of a pet that has strayed into your possession. TO BE GIVEN AWAY 4 BEAUTIFUL 2-month old kittens, must be destroyed unless a good home can be found. Available singly or as family. Call 385-0199 after 7 p.m. TF MOVING - Must give away, 6 month Cock-a-Poodle, paper and housebroken. Call 385-7345. 9-29 FOUND YOUNG black dog, collar, no Ridge Road, 385-5515. female, found on 9-29 MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS Bertram S. Brown, M.D. Director National Institute of Mental Health counts for one-third of all ar rests reported each year. . .. Each year also, alcohol costs thousands of lives because of the major role it plays in half the highway fatalities in the United States. . . . A l c o h o l i s m i s a n i l l n e s s or disease which requires re habilitation through a broad range of health and social serv ices. . . . Present programs dealing with the problem are given a low priority and are too often unrelated to most of the health and social resources within communities. . . . E s t a b l i s h m e n t o f m o d e r n public health oriented facilities to deal with intoxicated per sons will free law enforcement agencies from being overbur dened by a large population of ill people. Secretary Richardson said that the Federal government needs to set an example of a new attitude toward alcoholism as a disease. He also pledged HEW support to State and com munity programs, as well as to medical and social research efforts. TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED PHONE 385-0170 1 Using the McHenry Service Center 1 LAWN-BOY Sales & Service BR00KW00D GARDEN CENTER 4505 W. Rte. 120 McHenry (just across from Foremost) Phone 385-4949 Vfwfff? RADIAL TIRES FOR ALL CARS lEuropa Motors Inc 3 3 J 8 W . P e o r l 8 1 5 - 3 8 5 - 0 7 0 0 Farm Equipment George P. Freund.Inc. Case - New Holland 4102 W. Crystal Lake Rd. McHENRY Bus. 385-0420 Res. 385-0227 ^ insurance & Real Estate EARL R.WALSH & JACK WALSH I.if'e Auto Liability Bonds Workmen's I ire Homeowners Plate (ilass Marine Accident and Compensation Health Office 385-33(10 3429 W . Kirn Street .McHenry, Illinois 60050 it RADIATORS • Cooling System Specialists it AIR CONDITIONING * Trailer Hitches Fabrication it STEEL SALES • Welding & Ornamental Iron • Frozen Pipe Thawing WORK OUAHANTIIO SZ& ADAMS BROS. McHenry (Next to Gem Cleaners) Jit, Thompson's Elm Street Service •Complete Lube •Wash •Tire Repair "Same good gas, same friendly management... since 1953." 385-9749 3603 W. ELM - McHENRY I AIR CONDITIONING I SALES & SERVICE U'HAUL Trailers & Trucks I COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE & TRUCK REPAIRING ARC & GAS WELDING 1 Guettler Service, Inc. 818 N. Front Street | 385- 9831 I ED'S STANDARD STANDARD SERVICE EXPERT TUNE-UP ATLAS Tires, Batteries, Accessories QUALITY American Oil Products PH. 385 0720 3817 W. ELM STREET GET ATTENTION ...1'HONE 385-0170... W! USE AND RECOMMEND RK PRODUCTS Vou C AN Tell The Difference. JANE'S styling I or Men By Appointment 385-7771