World War I PAGE 1<5-PLAINDEAL£R-FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1972 JOIN FARM BUREAU BOARD - Four farmers join the McHenry County Farm Bureau board of directors following selection by members in their respective townships. Welcomed to the board at the annual meeting are, from left, Edwin Meier, Algonquin; Keith Weingart, McHenry; Mark Kerk- man, Burton; and Elmer Hill, Coral. (DON PEASLEY PHOTO) Yy • Homecoming activities at Marian Central Catholic high school will be culminated Oct. 14 with the #-f f\m0OCiHTk ma selection of a homecoming queen and king from the above candidates. Seated, left to right, are 1 vfll'C/l/l/ill'Ulg Patty Carey of McHenry, Debi Landre of McHenry, Mary Jo Burg of Woodstock, Celeste Doherty a 71 if • of McHenry and Sheila Buckley of Woodstock. Standing are P J . Conerty of Harvard, Tom Zlm- J f /l/f Q »*| o n , merman of McHenry, Tim Desmond of Woodstock and Jim Stilling of McHenry. Absent when the C* ' +€Mr f v picture was taken was Chuck Clark of Wonder Lake. Conduct Vision-Hearing Screening Oct. 26-27 Outdoor Club Very Active At Marian Central The Outdoor club of Marian Central Catholic high school is again planning a variety of activities for its members during the 1972-73 school year. In charge of the planning are this year's officers, Tom Smith, senior from Woodstock, president; Larry Huck, senior from McHenry, vice-president; Scott Visin, sophomore from Crystal Lake, treasurer; and Karen Fallow, a sophomore from Wonder Lake, secretary. Moderators for Marian's Outdoor club are Miss Rose Mary Rowles and Mrs. Robert Gough. One of the maj<.» goals of Outdoor club is the service to school and community in the areas of environmental awareness and problems. The first project in this area for the new year was the design and installation of a bike rack in the parking lot. This device, conceived and completed by the officers, will enable twenty bikes to lock securely to metal tubing. This project was aimed at urging more students to ride their bikes to school in the interest of environmental awareness. Another obvious goal of the club is to organize trips to enjoy and experience the outdoors. After a successful first year's trip to Missouri-Wisconsin and scenic spots in Illinois, the Outdoor club began this year's events with a sixty-five-mile bike trip to Rockford for a weekend. Ten Outdoor club members biked their way to Rock Cut State park against twenty-mile headwinds in five hours. The wind aided the return trip which was com pleted in just three hours. The goal of this first overnight was to check the feasibility of group bike trips for larger numbers of club members. With this success, Marian's Outdoor club members are planning for many more activities throughout the year. Legal Notice NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on October llth; A.D. 1972, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, setting forth the names ana post-office addresses of all of the persons owning conducting and transacting the business known as R. CONSTRUCTION, located at 2618 DRUCKER, McHENRY, ILL. Dated this 11th day of Oc tober, A.D. 1972 Vernon W. Kays County Clerk. (Pub. Oct. 13,2027,1972) Vets Entertain Exchange Student Christine Guillermou, Foreign Exchange student from Louviers, France, was introduced to Veterans of World War I of the USA, Inc., McHenry Barracks No. 1315, at their dinner meeting held Thursday, Oct. 5, at the McHenry American Legion home. Commander Clyde Blackwell noted that of the many Foreign Exchange students who have attended McHenry high school in the past, Christine is the first student from France. She was welcomed to the meeting along with Mrs. Joseph DeMarco, with whom she is making her home while in McHenrv. As a special gesture to Christine and for the veterans to show their wives and buddies where they fought, a three by four foot map of France was displayed on a large bulletin board, indicating the location of Louviers. One buddy pointed to a spot on the map and was heard to say, "I was wounded here". Other guests in attendance at the dinner were American Legion Commander Rossberg and his wife, City Clerk Earl Walsh and Mrs. Walsh and Rusty Jensen and Lewis Lohich, veterans from Woodstock. Several McHenry buddies also had guests. Speaker for the evening was Mrs. Dorothy McEachren, president of the McHenry County Historical society. She explained the purpose of the museum at Union and urged those present not to discard any artifacts or other historical objects but rather donate them to the society for display in the museum. The evening ended with an enjoyable sing-along led by Department of Illinois Past Commander Harry C. Lock, accompanied by Buddy Louis Woelfersheim on the piano. The McHenry County Department of Health will conduct a pre-school vision and hearing screening program for all children in the community, ages 3 through 5 years. The screening will take place at the V.F.W. club Thursday, Oct. 26, and Friday, Oct. 27. The program is being sponsored for the third year by the McHenry Area Jaycees in cooperation with the Illinois State Department of Public Health and the Illinois Society for the Prevention of Blindness. The purpose of the screening is to locate the pre-school age children with possible visual or hearing problems and to identify children needing special educational services because of any limitations. Technicians, trained and certified by the Illinois State Department of Public Health, will perform the actual screening. All children evidencing any difficulty at the screening will be asked to return at a later date to be rescreened. If the difficulty persists, parents will be requested to take the child for c o m p l e t e d i a g n o s t i c examination. It is necessary to register children for the screening program. At that time the parents will be given a vision readiness game to play with the children so they will be prepared for the screening. Registration will be held Friday, Oct. 20, and Saturday, Oct. 21, at the MpHenry State Bank and The First National Bank, during regular banking hours. The staff of the Lake- McHenry program and the McHenry Jaycees invite all parents of pre-schoolers to take advantage of this pre-school vision and hearing screening program which is offered as a free public service to the children. Abraham Lincoln received patent No. 6469 in 1849 for a contraption for buoying vessels over snags and shoals, in river traffic. The old Patent Office building in Washington was used as a hospital during the Civil War. Here & There In BUSINESS STANLEY C. LEZAK Stanley C. Lezak, purchasing agent for Community Memorial hospital in Spooner, Wis., has been certified by the American Purchasing society as a fully qualified purchasing professional Lezak has demonstrated his knowledge of the many business subjects which are prerequisites for certification. In addition he has maintained the highest ethical standards and is recognized as a person of integrity in all business endeavors. Arrange Tour Of Children's Home Complex On Oct. 17 the Woodstock Children's home auxiliary will tour the new additions to the complex. For many years the home comprised of the main building, Harrison House for teen-agers, and Kishwaukee cottage for family groups. The facilities have grown and now include three smaller home units where children in the same age bracket live with their house parents. Auxiliary members will meet some of these house parents and will see first hand how they and their family groups live in an environment as close to the natural home as possible. The groups will also visit the youngest addition, the Wood stock Child Care center, located in the main building at the home. The center was formed last March and has proved very popular with working mothers, as wdl as mothers of younger children. Members and guests will meet at the main building Tuesday, Oct. 17, at 9:30 a.m. Interested persons are cor dially invited to join them on this tour. A lot of people are going to get this expensive Filet Knife when they add to a savings account $25 or more at First Federal Savings & Loan this is exquisite, super-sharp, hand- honed cutlery made of the finest Stainless steel. And it's yours at a nominal cost for adding $25.00 or more to your savings account. Get your knife and full details at the bank FEDERAL SAVINGS&IQAN OF CRYSTAL LAKE 7 WIU3: SCENE Using the McHenry Service Center LAWN-BOY Sales & Service BR00KW00D GARDEN CENTER 4505 W. Rte. 120 McHenry (just across from Foremost) Phone 385-4949 Farm Equipment I George P. I Fremiti,Inc. I Case - New Holland 4102 W. Crystal Lake Rd. McHENRY I I ! Bus. 3850420 ! Res. 385-0227 l lRELU RADIAL TIRES FOR ALL CARS Europa Motors Inc 3 3 1 8 W . P e o r l 8 1 5 - 3 8 5 - 0 7 0 0 , insurance & Real Estate jEARL R.WALSH (A JACK WALSH 1. i !e A uto Liability Bonds Workmen's Compensation I ire Homeowners Plate (.lass Marine Accident and Health Office 385-3300 3429 \V. Kirn Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 if RADIATORS • Cooling System Specialists it AIR CONDITIONING • Trailer Hitches Fabrication • STEEL SALES • Welding & Ornamental Iron • Frozen Pipe Thawing WOMK OUARANTKO 3006 W. Rte. 120 McHenry ADAMS BROS. (Next to Gem Cleaners) Phone 385-0783 JIT, Thompson's Elm Street Service •Complete Lube •Wash •Tire Repair "Same good gas, same friendly management... since 1953." 385-9749 3603 W. ELM - McHENRY ED'S STANDARD SERVICE EXPERT TUNE-UP ATLAS Tires, Batteries, Accessories QUALITY American Oil Products PH. 385-0720 3817 W. ELM STREET AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE U-HAIJL Trailers & Trucks COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE & TRUCK REPAIRING ARC & GAS WELDING Guettler Service, Inc. 818 N. Front Street 385- 9831 ...L'HONE 385-0170... Wi USi AND RfCOMMIND RK PRODUCTS You CAN Tell The Difference. JAXE'S Styling I-or Men By Appointment 3H5-7771