PAGE 4-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1972 Holiday Hills Bonnie Kellen & Marge Connell 385-6344 Women's Club Annual Klck-Ott Dinner Successful The Holiday Hills Women's Club annual kick-off dinner, held on Wednesday, Nov. 8, was a grand evening for all in at tendance. A delicious spaghetti dinner was prepared by the dinner committee, Betty Powell, Bev Saunders and Pat Lonergan. These gals were assisted by several others in making beautiful centerpieces, and also in passing out flyers, and handling some of the details. Phyllis Harper was the big winner of the night. The club would like to make mention of new members, joining for the first time. They are Penny Appleyard, Eleanor Brasser, Lorene Farr, Janet Hamilton, Judy Jaramski, Marcia Ledford, Betty Powell, and Valerie Tannert. We welcome these gals, and anyone else who would still like to join, is more than welcome. The club's next event will be the Christmas party, to be held on Wednesday, Dec. 13. There will be many prizes, games, and delicious food, besides a regular grab bag, and a funny grab bag. Mark the date down now. ANNUAL CHRISTMAS DANCE, DEC. 9th The holiday season will get under way officially, when the Holiday Hills Property Owners Association holds its annual Christmas dance, Saturday night, Dec. 9. The gala event will get under way at 9 p.m., and will be held at the Crystal Bowl's "Yacht Club Room", according to John Kessler, the chairman of this event. Ticket chairman is Karen Maras, and also unit directors and association officers have tickets available. Association dances are always a lot of fun, and now more than ever, the association needs your support of this event. Not only will you and your friends have a great evening, but all proceeds will help toward the large bill over the winter for road main tenance. If you have read your latest Association Newsletter, it explains where the money is going, and where it will be needed. So invite your friends and neighbors, and get the holiday season started in grand style. 4-HCLUB HALLOWEEN PARTY Just received the news about the really fun party the local 4- H Club had for Halloween. The party was held at the Hellmig residence, and altogether there were seventeen young people enjoying all the Halloween fun. They bobbed for apples, played a toilet paper Mummy game, danced, had refreshments, and all enjoyed the scavenger hunt. Winners of that event were Debbie and Tammy Smith. The 4-H members would like to thank all the ladies of the subdivision who recently baked items for the club's bake sale, held last Saturday. CHILDREN'S VACATION Diana, Keith and Brian Gregg are the envy of all their little friends as they have just returned from a fantastic vacation and had a marvelous time. Leaving on Friday, Nov. 3 with their parents Katie and Don, they flew to San Diego, Calif. Upon arriving their first stop was Sea World where they viewed many types of trained fish including penguins, dolphins, seals and whales. They also witnessed the Japanese method of pearl diving and thoroughly enjoyed the Charlie the Tuna Underwater Show. From there they went to the Balboa Zoo and took a three mile bus tour of the zoo grounds. They especially en joyed the children's zoo which is a baby animal nursery and really had fun playing with the tiny new-born animals. A BULLETIN McHENRY Local executive with McHenry construction co. has been asked to assist the world's largest metal manufacturer. After many years of research, a new pro duct has been developed for remodeling homes. Solid vinyl bonded to be solid steel, formed to make the perfect siding. 10 homes in Greater McHenry County will be selected for display purposes. Home owners must give permission to company to show pictures before and after material has been installed. Homes 5 years or older with old asbestos, old shakes or a paint peeling problem are preferred. CALL ANYTIME 385-5117 (Advertisement) thrilling ride was the Skyfari, which was an aerial view of San Diego and the zoo grounds. The following day, they visited the San Diego Wild Animal Park which is 1,800 acres of wild life preserve. Here they saw the Nairobi Village and had an electric monorail ride around the preserve with guides who pointed out all the interesting sights. Many "wild" animals were seen on this trip including elephants, zebras anid rhinos in their natural habitat. After a good night's rest, they drove to Los Angeles the following day and stayed with former Holiday Hills residents, Joan and Harry Schroeder and their children, Lisa, Mark, Gail and Melonie. The Schroeders have a beautiful home in Los Angeles and love it out there very much. They send regards to all their friends "back home". Taking in the sights of Los Angeles included the Japanese Village where they saw the Sea Mammal, Bear and Tiger Shows. These animals are trained without any contact with human beings and their behavior was unbelievable. They also saw the Karate Show, Tea Ceremony and Samurai Dance, which is a very ancient authentic Japanese dance with weapons. The colorful costumes were beautiful and the children learned much from this display. Disneyworld was on the agenda the following day and they saw everything there was to be seen, Adventureland, Tomorrowland, Pirates of the Caribbean, Frontierland, Bear Country and Fantasy Land. The raising and lowering of the flag was truly a sight to behold as every morning and at sundown when the flag was raised or lowered, the band played the Star Spangled Banner and thousands of white doves were released who flew over the entire area making it a very memorable sight to see. The one display that especially impressed and was appreciated the most by the entire Gregg family was the "Moments With Lincoln." A life-like Lincoln sat in his huge chair ; he moved about, his eyes blinked and it was very touching as he rose to the front of the stage and addressed the audience. California was all sunshine while the Greggs were there and when they flew home on Nov. 9, it was nice being home again, but Diana, Keith and Brian will long remember their "beautiful children's vacation" and the marvelous time they had with mom and dad. NEW GRANDPARENTS Bruce and Eleanor Brasser of Holiday Drive are proudly CUSTOMERS KEEP COMING BACK TO MITCHELL FOR TWO VERY IMPORTANT REASONS. NUMBER QHt THE CARS HE SELLS THE CARS ARE 1973 BUICKS AND 0LDSM0BILES. THE ONES THAT ARE TOTALLY NEW AND BUILT TO DRIVE. YOU HAVEN'T EXPERIENCED WHArS REALLY NEW UNTIL YOU'VE SEEN THEM. Rtd Mitchell MITCHELL BELIEVES THAT THE DEAL HE GIVES ON MY NEW OR USED CAR AND THE SERVICE AFTER THE SALE ARE JUST AS IMPORTANT AS THE CAR YOU BUY. JOIN THE HAPPY CUSTOMERSTODAY. .IKE NEW USED CAR! NUMBER TWO: THE WAY HE SELLS THEM. 1972 BUICK SKLYARK Like New Air Conditioned 1972 CUTLASS SUPREME Full Equipment Air Conditioned ^ 3495 1969 BUICK ' ELECTRA 225 Air Conditioned ^1995 1971 OLDS R0YALE 4 Dr. H.T. Full Ec>jip. t OC AC Air Conditioned £3*13 1970 P0NTIAC BONNEVILLE Convertible Full E q u i p m e n t % 1995 1969 BUICK LeSABRE 4 Door Full Equip. Air Conditioned $ 1795 SEE MITCHELL | FOR OPELS AND GMC TRUCKS. Mitchell KWffisEgHiiiM Buick - Olds - Opel OUR COMPANY IS KNOWN BY THE PROMISES WE KEEP! beaming over the arrival of their new little granddaughter. Their daughter, Cheryl, who resides in Rock Island, presented them with little Michelle Kathaleen on Oct. 19. The baby was born at Lutheran hospital in Moline, and weighed in at 8 lbs., 6 ozs. New mama and baby are fine and are now home getting acquainted with the proud new daddy, Arthur Dillon, and little Michael, three years old. Both new parents and grandparents are thrilled with their new little pink bundle from heaven and congrat ulations are sent to all of them on the arrival of the new addition to their family. CHEERY GET-WELLS Several of our young residents from down by the river have not been feeling too well this past week and we all hope they get better real quick. Cassie Drew has been ill, little Lee Powell has been battling a sore throat, and Keith Gregg had several stitches in his leg due to an accident while out playing. One of our athletes, Steve Kasprzyk, suffered a sprained wrist during a basketball game last week. Steve is a member of the Sophomore McHenry high school team. Special get-well wishes are also sent to our good friend, Bud Williams of Griswold Lake Hills. Bud was unexpectantly rushed to Great Lakes Naval hospital for an emergency appendectomy last weekend. He is recuperating now and we all hope he'll be home and up and around real soon. GIRL SCOUT HALLOWEEN PARTY The date was Oct. 31 and the Connell basement on Oak Street was filled with ghosts, goblins, witches and fifteen Girl Scouts from Troop 478 here in Holiday Hills as they held their annual Halloween party. There were hobos, gypsies, witches, clowns, Indians, you name it, they were there and all had a great time. The girls bobbed for apples, pinned the nose on the witch, played many games, sang songs and all enjoyed the delicious treats furnished by their mothers. They had cup cakes, ice cream, cookies, pop, candy, and a beautiful "black cat" cake made by Mrs. Hamaker. Leader Cheri Hoglund was present as were mothers Mimi DeWitt, Carolyn Stackhouse, Helen Boettcher, Tillie Williams and" Marge Connell and they enjoyed the party as much as the girls did. BIRTHDAYS Happy birthday to Kristine Walters on Nov. 19, Angela Catanzaro, Jeff Kasprzyk, and Casey Bartkus on Nov. 20, Gigi Smith, Randy Connell, and Sally Foreman on Nov. 21, and Scott Postal and Patricia Goebel on Nov. 23. HAPPY THANKSGIVING As Nov. 23 rapidly ap proaches, we all think about that delicious turkey dinner with all the trimmings that we will sit down to enjoy with our family and friends. But let us all just take a few minutes to realize how fortunate we are and really give thanks on this day for the many things we VILLAGE OF McCULLOM LAKE, ILLINOIS TREASURER'S REPORT For the Fiscal Year ended March 31,1972 Legal Notice Lead/ Notice IN THE MATTER OF THE W w w • • w w APPLICATION OF JOHN CONSIDINE & ELEANOR CONSIDINE FOR A TAX DEED CASE NO. 702731 Certificate No. 511A NOTICE TO: DOLORES CHRISTENSEN, LEO H. CHRISTENSEN, VERNON W. KAYS, COUNTY CLERK, UNKNOWN OWNERS OR PARTIES INTERESTED, GENERALLY YOU AND EACH OF YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the following described properjtjf^ was sold for delinquent taxes, and that JOHN CONSIDINE AND ELEANOR CONSIDINE have purchased the following described real estate at the Tax Sale held November 12, 1970, under the Illinois Statute in such case made and provided, for general taxes for the years 1960 to 1969 inclusive, ana that Certificate No. 511A has been issued to said purchasers for the following described real estate to-wit: Lot 15 in Block 19 in Won- derview Unit No. l, a subdivision of the North 66 feet of Lot 2 of the SW'4 of Section 19 and Lot 2 of the NW«4 of Section 19, Township 45 North, Range 8, East of the 3rd P.M. and the E'* of the NEV4 of Section 24 (except the south 885 feet) in Township 45 North Range 7, East of the 3rd P.M. according to the plat thereof recorded 3-11-52 as Doc. 251543 in Book 11 of Plats, page 44 and as amended by Doc. No. 254535 and No.268736 in McHenry County, Illinois being vacant land, having permanent property index No. 15-13657, last assessed to Dolores Christensen. YOU AND EACH OF YOU ARE HEREBY FURTHER NOTIFIED that the time to redeem from above mentioned tax sale as to above described property was extended at the election of the purchasers pursuant to notice filed with the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, until March 12. 1973, at which time the period for redemption from said sale will expire. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that pursuant to Illinois Statute in such case made and provided, a Petition for the issuance of a tax deed will be filed with the Circuit Court of the 19th Judicial Circuit, McHenry County Illinois, Case No. 70-2731 and that application for an order for tax deed thereon will be made on March 13, 1973 if said real estate shall not have been redeemed. YOU ARE URGED TO REDEEM IMMEDIATELY to prevent loss of your property. Redemption may be made at any time on or before March 13, 1973 by applying to the County Clerk of McHenry County, at the County Courthouse, Woodstock, Illinois. MARGARET O'NEIL, Clerk of the Circuit Court, McHenry County Leroy J. Welter Attorney for tax purchasers 1303 N. Richmond Road McHenry, Illinois Phone: 815-385-1333 (Pub. Nov. have been blessed with. Some may be more fortunate than others, but all of us have much to be thankful for. So enjoy your day, and a very happy Thanksgiving is wished to all of you from both of us! Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. For help with all your insurance needs see DENNIS CONWAY 3315 W. Elm St. McHenry 111. 385-7111 State Farm Life Insurance Company Home Office: Btomington. Uinois I N I U I A N C I TOTAL CASH AT APRIL 1,1971 GENERAL CORPORATE FUND Cash on Hand April 1,1971 Receipts: Building Permits. Dog Licenses Police Fines Tavern Licenses County Treasurer - Tax Distribution Retailers Occupation Tax Illinois Income Tax Miscellaneous 794.43 264,00 1,540.00 1,500.00 8,461.35 405.14 6,636.46 7.50 Expenditures: Salaries: President - George Luto Treasurer • John Boyle Village Attorney - Samuel Diamond Clerk - Karen Parks Carol Perschke Trustees - Monty Yates Roy Lory Eugene Huff f- Eugene Frost Allan McKim Sinclair Morris D<* Pound Expense - McHenry Animal Hospital Dues - McHenry County Municipal Assoc Illinois Municipal League Insurance - Frank Low Earl Walsh Police: Salaries Earl Murray Earl Keller Donald Milbratz Isaac Baker Walter Conrad John Schlofner Robert Simmons Gas & Oil- Hester Oil Co. Dues - Illinois Police Assn. Police - Chief's Expense Repairs - Buss Ford Sales McHenry County Communications, Inc. Radiocom Miscellaneous Supplies Police: Telephone and Communications Equipment - McHenry Co. Com munications RCA Commercial Electronic Systems Miscellaneous Rent: Clerics Offices - Karen Paries Card Perschke Treasurer Office-John T. Boyle Office and Board Expense - Postage and Supplies Telephone - Illinois Bell Audit • Eberhard S. Blanck & Co. Publication of Notices • McHenry Plaindealer Woodstock Publishing Meeting Expense Legal Services - Samuel Diamond Joslyn & Green Street Maintenance McHenry Sand & Gravel Ben Gates Ace Hardware McHenry Lumber Miscellaneous Snow Removal - McHenry sand & Gravel Klapperich Building Inspection - Frank Kurth Miscellaneous • R.G. Howe Voting Judges Northern Illinois Gas Co. Woodstock Glass and Mirror McHenry County Well and Pump 7 G's Printers McHenry County Dept. of Health Electricity P.F. Pettibone Real Estate Taxes Minor expenditures Cash on Hand March 31, 1972 STREET AND ALLEY FUND Cash on Hand April 1, 1971 Expenditures: Street Repairs - H.J. Curran Contracting Co. John Ficken, Jr. McHenry Disposal Co. Raycraft Construction Farm & Fleet Ben Gates McHenry Sand & Gravel 240.00 120.00 360.00 50.00 100.00 80.00 110.00 85.00 115.00 100.00 110.00 30.00 29.76 44.00 1,376.00 42.14 825.00 576.00 1,107.00 375.00 43.50 150.00 575.50 507.53 15.00 196.89 121.15 152.50 54.10 37.12 69.52 102.43 49.00 848.75 9.30 100.00 200.00 150.00 135.27 67.81 325.00 139.30 123.60. 191.50 199.88 15,00 150.70 504.50 58.70 53.55 210.79 2,383.48 130.00 309.50 76.00 75.00 83.38 491.00 290.71 54.00 10.00 67.37 5&54 ^57.36 19.52 31.52 18.90 225.00 88.00 108.50 226.50 12.58 Cash (Mi Hand March 31, 1972 VEHICLE TAX FUND Cash on Hand April 1, 1971 Receipts: Vehicle Tags Expenditures: Purchase Vehicle Tags Vernon & Sons Street Lighting - Commonwealth Edison Street Repair - John Ficken, Jr. Ben Gates Cash on Hand March 31, 1972 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND Cash on Hand April 1, 1971 150.58 413.09 116.80 92.50 Receipts: County Collector Tax Distribution Expenditures: Street Repair • Curran Contracting Co. Sargent & Stowell, Inc. Ben Gates Althoffs Inc. McHenry Plaindealer Ace Hardware Raycraft Construction Cash on Hand March 31, 1972 TOTAL CASH AT MARCH 31, 1972 I, John T. Boyle, Village Treasurer, Village of McCullom Lake, Illinois, do solemnly swear the foregoing statement is true to the best of my belief. John T. Boyle Notary Seal Subscribed and Sworn to before me this Oct. U day of, 1972 Karen Parks 4616 Park View McHenry, 111. (Pub. Nov. 17,1972) 1,350.66 571.57 250.00 124.69 9.60 11.86 60.00 7,681.44 5,794.12 19,606.88 25,403.00 15,538.65 9,864.35 (111.58) 711.00 (822.58) 2,027.32 2,537.75 4,565.07 772.97 3,792.10 (28.42) 2.485.48 2,457.06 2.378.38 78.68 12,912.55