I At the regular meeting of the Lions club of Union last week, a check for $500 was presented to the president of the McHenry County Historical society as a contribution to the society's Grandma Sez • • • Thanksgivin' Day 'd be a glorious day, this year an' one t' be long remembered, if we c'd know there wuz peace in the world, at last. It may be too much t' hope fer, expectin' it t' be world-wide, but it has t' come, 'cause it has worn out all the glamour an' excitement it held fer young men, in generations past. History depicted it as manful, t' engage in combat, but the Good Book ne'er condoned it and' taught love fer fellow-man. It's jist about time that man puts aside his playin' wi' big toys, an' puts more effort inter the job o' peaceful co-existence wi' all men. Delay after delays put off the final conclusion t' useless warin' an' killin'. I don't mean that 'twas in vain, but seems a terrible waste, when ye con sider that man should have the intelligence, greater than the four-legged beasties, 'r has he, really? Knowledge seems t' hev been used wi'out wisdom, fer generations. Wise men don't fight, but use God-given in telligence t' solve problems like human bein's. All the sadness, suffered by the people, victims o' the strife an' unhappy conditions, ain't worth it. E'en wi' the peace, at hand, one c'n visualize the devastation, the homeless, the maimed, an' wish it hadn't happened, that it wuz jist an unhappy dream," nightmare. We may sit at our "Thanksgivin' Day feast," but the shadow o' all the world's unhappiness sits there wi' us, an' somehow, the good things doty't taste so good. But there's bound t' be a happier celebration^ wi' the prospects o' peace, that might be a reality in time fer our day o' thank fulness. 1 As I'm a sittin' here, thinkin' about it all, my heart goes out t' those who ha'anempty chair, at the table, due t' the state o' affairs in the world. The con solation 'd be that the lesson's been larned, an' that the future generations might be able f live, wi'out bein' afraid o' WAR, an' its dire effect on humanity. Love, an' good must prevail, an' o'er the years evil must be o'ercome, so's man may develop t' his highest potential, wi' out the handicap o' war. Hope you had a happy Thanksgivin' an' keep faith in a blessed future, fer us all. Grandma Radtke Educators New Members Delta Kappa Gamma Nine McHenry county women educators were initiated as members of Alpha Theta chapter of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, recently, during a luncheon meeting at the Crystal Lake Country club. The new members from Crystal Lake are Mrs. Twila Garrett, Mrs. Jean Handke, Mrs. Helen Kedo, Mrs. Virginia Shriver and Margaret Wadell. Other new members include Mrs. Catherine Evans, Mrs. Ethel Hornby, Mrs. Mildred Krauz and Dorothy Kuta, McHenry. Mr« Dolores Krueger and Marie Moritz presented, on flannelgraph, an interesting and informative explanation of the Delta Kappa Gamma kev. The guest speaker was Carolyn Wones of Rockford, past president of Lambda State. Her interesting talk covered the past history of Delta Kappa Gamma and its role in aiding women educators. Hostesses Mary Alice Williston, Mrs. Carol Lango, Ruth Beard, Mrs. Catherine Smith and Mrs. Doris Pohl, all of Crystal Lake. The next meeting will be Monday, Dec. 11, at 7 p.m. at Parkland school, McHenry. Plan Program For SC Club Fall Meeting The program for the Nov. 27 meeting of the McHenry Senior Citizens club will feature Jerry Tobler and his banjo and in clude selections of old timers, country music and sing-alongs. Tobler is a well-known and very talented entertainer. Dec. 4 is the absolute deadline for making reser- Bazaar-Bake Sale Dec. 9-10 At Wonder Lake A bazaar and bake sale sponsored by the Ladies Sodality of Christ the King church, Wonder Lake, will be held in the church hall Satur day, Dec. 9, from noon to 4 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. as well as Sunday, Dec. 10, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. All articles at the sale will be either handmade or home made items. Plans are also in the making for a pre-Christmas party scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 7. J & E ISLAND HOUSE Wayne Cochran & The C. C. Riders APPEARING ONE NIGHT ONLY THURS. NOV. 30th 2 SHOWS 9 & 11 P.M. Call 312-526-2575 For Res ORGAN MUSIC EVERY WEDNESDAY Fri. Nov. 24 Music By THE TRAVELERS Sat. Nov. 25 Music By DUSTY & KATHY MARLOWE OPEN EVERY FRIDAY & SATURDAY TILL 4:00 A.M. building fund. The presentation was made by President George C. Schmitt and accepted on behalf of the board of directors of the society by Dorothy W. McEachren. She then made a few remarks as to the progress of the renovation of the old Union school, into the society's museum. Mrs. McEachren said the money is coming in slowly and it does not look • as if the society will be able to opefn the entire space until sometime much later. Work is being done only as the money came in. Janitorial service was being done last week in the completed office space and large exhibit hall and kitchen ami it was hoped that office equipment and supplies could be moved in this week. Otis Cripe of Marengo, who is supervising the work, said that about $10,000 worth of work had been done, including the fire stop wall demanded by the state. This will seal off the first floor from the upper floor. New ceilings required by the state have been put in the kitchen and exhibit hall; the large 12x12 fire door is in the rear wall of the exhibit hall; glass block windows have been replaced in the kitchen and the damage done to the furnace controls as a result of the 14 inches of water in the basement during the recent floods has beeit repaired. The men in attendance showed a great deal of interest and asked many questions of the president and Mrs. Ruth Cripe, director from Marengo. Ed Musser, Boy Scout leader of Troop 154, of Union, had his boys in the building last week and they hauled out quite a load of debris. The Woodstock Library has borrowed a few items from the society for an exhibit which will be on display until after Thanksgiving. Among the items loaned are the pewter platter that came over on the Mayflower and used for Thanksgiving turkey for over nine generations; a pair of wooden skates from the 1890's; a gas mask, mess kit and helmet from World War I; Indian grinding stone and tomahawk; a folding tin lunch box for a school child from early 1900's and a marsh shoe such as worn by horses working in soft ground. If any other libraries in the county would like to borrow items from time NOVEMBER 25 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM - Meets For Cards - Home Of Mary Agnes Boetsch, Rt. 176 and Buhl Road - 7:30 p.m. NOVEMBER 27 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting - 7:30 p.m. - East Campus Cafeteria. McHenry Woman's Club- Board Meeting - City Hall - 9:30 a.m. NOVEMBER 29 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Bus Trip to Chicago Loop - • ( 2 buses) - both buses leave the McHenry State Bank Parking Lot at 8:45 a.m. NOVEMBER 29-30 Calvary Church Women's Missionary Council - Bazaar, Candy, Bake Sale -10 a.m. to 4 p.m. V.F.W. Hall, Rt. 120, McHenry. DECEMBER 2 & 3 Christmas Bazaar -- St. Peter's Hall - Saturday Hours, 9 to 4 Sunday Until Noon. McHenry Choral Club Christmas Program - 8:15 p.m. - West Campus High School Auditorium. St. Paul's Christmas Bazaar And Sandwich Luncheon - Mary Hall, Montini Middle School - Saturday Hours, 9 a.m. to .4 p.m. - Sunday, 9 a.m. to Noon. DECEMBER 3 Mass for Deceased Members - C.D. of A. Court Joyce Kilmer, No. 573 - St. John the Baptist Church, Johnsburg - 9 a.m. DECEMBER 4 McHenry Grams Charter 826 - Board Meeting - 10 a.m. - Home Of Elvera Dimler, 1205 Manchester Mall. McHenry Senior Citizens Club Executive Committee Meeting - 1 p.m. Landmark School. DECEMBER 5 Marcia Mary Ball Circle Christmas Luncheon, First to time, the society will be most willing to cooperate. In making out income tax reports, any contributions given* to the society for its building fund are tax deduc tible. Mail all contributions to Box 30, Woodstock, 111. 60098. vations for the annual Christmas dinner and party to be held Monday evening, Dec. 11, at 6:30 p.m. at East campus cafeteria. For those net at tending the dinner, the meeting and program will be at 7:30 p.m. Those bringing gift items for Dixon State hospital should do so either Nov. 27 or Dec. 11. Members wishing to donate money to this project can also make their contributions at the Dec. 11 meeting. The matinee theater party to Mill Run Playhouse was en joyed by all. George Binder rates the appreciation of the club for all the fine outings he has arranged for the members. PANHELLENIC MEETING A discussion on body language entitled, "How We Communicate", will be presented by Bev Aweve at the next Panhellenic meeting, to be held Monday evening at 8 p.m. in the home of Mrs. H.C. Reihansperger, 1507 N. Val court, McHenry. BAZAAR-BAKE SALE The Calvary church Women's Missionary council is spon soring a bazaar, candy and bake sale Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 29 and 30, at the V.F.W. hall, 3002 Rt. 120, McHenry. Coffee and cake will be served. UNDA BIGGS ENGAGED - Mr. and Mrs. George Biggs of 37M W. Freund, McHenry, annonace the engagement of their daughter, Linda, to Richard Calkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Calkins of Wonder Lake. The yonng people graduated from McHenry Community high school in June, 1972. Linda is employed in McHenry. Her fiance is attending Northwood institute. Midland, Mich. A winter wedding is being planned. United Methodist Church, 12:30 p.m. . DECEMBER 6 , McHenry Grams Charter 826 - Christmas Party - 12:30 p.m. -- Followed By Business Meeting - Meeting Room City Hall. DECEMBER 7 Lakeland Park Women's Club Annual Christmas Dinner Party, Bavaria Haus, John sburg - 6 p.m. Pre-Christmas Party - Ladies Sodality of Christ the King Church, Wonder Lake. DECEMBER 8 McHenry Woman's Club - Pot Luck Luncheon -- V.F.W. Hall - Social Hour, 12 to 1 p.m. • - Business Meeting 1 p.m. DECEMBER 9 Friendship Club Pot-Luck Christmas Dinner and Meeting - First United Methodist Church - 6 p.m. DECEMBER 9 & 10 Bazaar and Bake Sale - Christ the King Church Hall - Saturday Hours, 12 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. - Sunday, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. DECEMBER 11 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Annual Christmas Dinner and Party -East Campus Cafeteria - Dinner, 6:30 p.m. - Meeting and Program, 7:30 p.m. DECEMBER 20 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Bus Trip To Chicago Loop. Hold Christmas Dinner Party For Area Club The Lakeland Park Women's club will hold its annual Christmas dinner party Thursday evening, Dec. 7, at the Bavaria Haus, Johnsburg, at 6 p.m. Reservations must be made promptly. Contact Lyda Radisch at once. Club members will contribute to a fund to be sent to the Pioneer Center for the Exceptional instead of having the usual grab bag gift exchange. This annual Christmas dinner party for the members of the Lakeland Park Women's club is always a very gala event and one none of the members want to miss. It is the highlight of the holiday season. ^ERSONAUL Postmaster and Mrs. LeRoy Smith have returned from Kingman, Alberta, Canada, where they were called by the death of her mother, Mrs. Willbie Davis. Her sister, Mrs. Wanda Keefe, who was there for the funeral, accompanied her here for a few days visit before returning to her home in Seaford. N Y. Bank Parking Lot at 8:45 a.m. DECEMBER 21 C.D. of A. Court Joyce Kilmer No. 573 -- Annual Bus Leaves McHenry State Christmas Party. DOREEN MAY PATTERSON ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT - Announcement has been made of the engagement of Doreen May Patterson and Charles Holtz. Doreen is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Patterson of 1421 W. Lakeview, McHenry, and her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rudolph of 1406 N. Green street, McHenry. Plans are being made for a May wedding. Hearing Aid Service McHENRY'S OLDEST! Richard Stoll Has Been Servicing McHenry County For Over 15 Years From The Following Locations: HARVARD - PH 943 4334 WOODSTOCK - PH 338 0537 ELGIN - PH 312 /42 2853 ...and in McHenry Rpph Schaic t i l l ' / N Gi ten St Ph 385 0125 N f W & U S E D H E A R I N G A I D S . B A T T E R I E S CORDS AND SERVICE ON ALL MAKES Q7l0fenry C?lai nJealer $ Established 1875 3812 West Elm Street Phone 385-0170 McHenry, Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesday & Friday at McHenry, Illinois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry. Illinois By McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY ̂ Larry E. Lund « Publisher Adele Froehlich - Editor MEMBER J ̂ 1 Year {PER Association - Founded 18BS SUBSCRIPTION RATES ir $7.50 1 Year $9.00 In McHenry and Lake Outside McHenry and ̂ County Lake County ̂ * ' ' - -- I , . - ; SCHROEDER METALCRAFT GIFT SHOP •Fireplace Screens •Glass, Brass and Pewter •Tools and Adirons •Candle Sconces and Holders •Grates and Gas Logs •Clocks and Wall Plaques -GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS- 815-385-0950 1713 South Route 31, McHenry, Illinois Open Daily 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday 12 noon to 5:30 p.m. ' ' - ~l ~l l_l^ Community Calendar wiaqe. FEATURING HALF SIZES EXCLUSIVELY \2Vt-2VA e Dresses e Long Dresses e Sweaters e Blouses e Pantsuits • Lingerie Open Friday Evening Closed Wednesday Afternoons The Rose Carriage 21 E. Crystal Lake Ave. . , CrV«UJMJSWn°'5 40 & Loan 81S -45 j- fo i jU At Rear of Property PAGE 2-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1972 Historical Society Head Reports Progress Rap Session On Teen-Agers moderated by Bob Cane. The panel will consist of chapter teens. New and prospective members are welcome. At PWP Meeting Crystal Lake Chapter, No. 189, of Parents Without Part ners will hold its regular meeting at 8:30 p.m. at the Crystal Bowl, Rtes. 31 and 176, Crystal Lake, Friday, Nov. 24. An orientation for non- members interested in learning more about the chapter and PWP will be held at 8 p.m. On the agenda for the Friday evening meeting is a rap session on teen-agers, Coming chapter activities include a housewarming, newcomers, and ice skating. President Dick Gilpin was recently appointed vice- president of the Midwest Regional council and served as awards chairman for the convention held in Arlington Heights. Carol Murray, secretary of Chapter 189, was appointed Newsletter editor of the Link-In and publicity chairman at the convention. Virginia Joyce Newkirk was a pretty bride as she exchanged nuptial vows with Gregory E. Miron before the altar of St. Mary's Catholic church, Friday evening, Nov. 17. The Rev. Joseph Kulak officiated at the 6 o'clock evening Mass. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Newkirk of 4222 Crestwood drive, McHenry, and her lbrid<prooi?t is the son of Mrs. Adele Miron' of Union street, Crystal Lake. The altar of the church was decorated with bouquets of gladioli and mixed fall flowers. The pretty, dark-haired bride chose a colonial style gown of ivory silk organza fashioned with inserts of Venice lace beaded with ribbon. Her bouffant, illusion, fingertip veil was attached to a Juliet cap highlighted with seed pearls. She carried a colonial bouquet of white roses and baby's breath. For "something old", the bride wore an opal ring handed down from her maternal great-grandmother, Christine Neiss, an early McHenry resident. Judith Newkirk of Chicago attended her sister as maid of honor. She wore a purple velvet GAYLORD PHOTO dress and carried a colonial bouquet of pink roses and stock. Jay Hyland of Crystal Lake served as best man, while Chris Newkirk, brother of the bride, Paul Szokala of Chicago, cousin of the groom and Ken Drew of Crystal Lake, handled ushering duties. For her daugher's wedding, Mrs. Newkirk chose a floor length gown fashioned with an embroidered gold bodice and brown chiffon skirt. The groom's mother wore a cocktail suit of pink silk shantung. Immediately following the services, a reception for 150 guests was held at the the Whispering Oaks Community club. The bride attended McHenry County college for two years and Northern Illinois university for one year. She is now em ployed at First Federal Savings and Loan, Crystal Lake. Her bridegroom attended McHenry County college for two years and now works for the Chicago Northwestern railroad. On their return from a honeymoon trip to the South, the young people will make thier home at Garden Quarter apartments, Crystal Lake. MR. AND MRS. GREGORY E. MIRON 5