Advice to Woman Planning To Gilt Whiskered Santas Christmas is the time for a certain white-whiskered gentleman. It's also a time for men who would rather be clean-shaven to judge from the popularity of electric shavers as Christmas gifts. Some shoppers may hesi tate to buy shavers for men who habitually use ordinary safety razors, lather and wa ter in the belief that men used to wet shaving aren't comfortable with electric PAGE 26-SUPPLEMENT TO McHENRY PLAINDEALER-NOV. 24, 1972 A cord shaver may be the most ordinary least expensive to buy, but it, Of course, must be used where electrical power is available. Men on-the-go may find a cordless model more conven ient. The latest advance in shavers is the disposable blade. In this type, the cut ting blades can be popped out as soon as they get dull, after about six months to a year on the average, and new ones can be inserted in seconds. Prices for this type are about the same as units with ordinary blades and the readily available disposable blades actually cost less than shavers. For the vast major ity of men, this is just ndt true, according to shaver company research. Remington, for instance, finds that most blade useijs adapt easily to electric shav ers inside of a week. A few need two weeks. A pre-shave lotion or powder can make first shaves with a new elec tric shaver much more com fortable, according to Rem ington experts. blades on a cost-per-shave basis. AdditionaLJeatures to look for are an adjustment that allows the user to set the cut ters for different skin and beard conditions and built-in trimmers for side burns and mustaches. Whatever the combination of features, a shaver selected with care and thoughtfulness is the perfect way to let a man know he's appreciated Music Stores Have Scores pensive tastes, music can provide something for the whole family. A piano or or gan is a beautiful addition to any living room and is some thing every member of the family can enjoy. A new Instrument is a fine gift for a young music stu dent, and most music dealers will take the old Instrument in trade. Amplification equipment for electric guitar players is another suggestion. Portable k CLUB '73 the Start of Something And something very easy, too. You just moke regular weekly deposits -- any sum you choose -- and collect a nice check next November. Then. You can play Santa in a relaxed sort of way. Make sense? You just bet it does. FREE! GIFT WHEN YOU JOIN McHeniy Savings and loan association 1209 NORTH GREEN STREET McHENRY, ILL. 60050 815-385-3000 SAVERS HOURS: 9am-4:30 pm MON.TUES.THUR.SAT. 9am-8pm FRI. Christmas Club For 1973 Of Gift Ideas If you have musical people on your Christmas gift list, the American Music Confer ence has some "sound" Ideas. The field of musical instru ments and accessories offers a wide range of ideas. Whether the people on your list play instruments or sing, a trip by your musical store Is bound to turn up some things In every price range. Accessories offer a varied selection. A new case for the clarinet or guitar; special sound devices like mutes for trumpets or trombones; a music stand; a new bow for for the violin or cello; some drum sticks or cymbals;, a metronome (time-keeping device) for a pianist, organist as well as musicians playing other instruments. Sheet music or a book of selections can be a wonderful gift, according to the AMC. But buyers are cautioned to be sure of the style and level of the person for whom they're buying. For those with more ex- WELCOME UNDER ANY TREE is this portable Chromarolor 16-inch diagonal TV that Zenith designed for second-set loca tions such as the bedroom, den or kitchen. Smartly modern, with slide controls. TODAY'S SANTA Modern Santas are becom ing quite conscious about to day's fast changing fashion scene. This Interest opens up a vast area for gift sugges tions. Topping many lists are accessories. Belts, jewelry, and gloves are just a few gift ideas for today's pew man. Holiday HOME LIGHTING CONTEST Sponsored by The Mcllenry Chamber of Commerce Name Address Classifications (Please Check One) Colorful • Original • Amusing • Judging will be Held Sunday, December I7at4:00 p.m. Send this coupon to Jim Wegener, c/o McGee's Store for Men, 1245 N.Green St., Mcllenry, Illinois. Phone 385-0047. Entry must be received no later than 5 p.m., Friday, December 15. FRAIMKLIIM y A ' b You'll find everything you want to give right here under Our roof! Great selections, bargains, and a Happy Holida^tmosghere^ BENIFR /VIM KLIIM 1250 N. Green St Your Friendly Fashion Store Big enough to be complete McHenry Small enough to give you service GHEN SIRE; MAI! Open Thuis. Til 8:30 TTT