PAOT 3-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1972 Return Scout Goodwill Bag* To Organtxatlon Following a Boy Scout Good v Turn Day, many inquiries are 4$ceived by Scoutera and Goodwill representatives as to tbe disposal of the Scout bags, it was announced today by A1 Soldwish, Community Relations Director for Goodwill Industries. First of all, the empty bagi should be returned to the Scouts or Goodwill. It is unlawful to use them for anything but materials to be used and worked on by the handicapped clients of Goodwill Industries. The bags do involve a great cash outlay and if misused, it is robbing the disabled. The Boy Scouts of America have been working with Goodwill Industries for the past forty-five years and the in tention of the Scouts and Scouters is to provide rehabilitation. Goodwill In dustries is the only agency serving the disabled, who want to help themselves, in a program of refurbishment, not a glorified rummage sale. If anyone has a filled Scout bag, they should call their Local Goodwill representative and make arrangements for a pickup service. In this area, call Mrs. Nick Adams. Legal Notice Engineers' Job No. 68006 . HDD Project No. WS-ILL-233 HUD-4238-A ADVERTISEMENT FORBIDS Sealed bids for the con struction of the Lakeland Park Area Sanitary Sewer System for the City of McHenry. McHenry County, Illinois will ived by the City of December 18, 1972. and at that time will be publicly opened and read. The Information for Bidders, Form of Bid, Form of Contract. Plans, Specifications, and Forms of Bid Bond, Per formance and Payment Bond and other contract documents may be examined at the City Hall, llll North Green Street, McHenry, Illinois, 60060, and at the office of Baxter and Woodman, Inc., Civil and Sanitary Engineers, 8678 Ridgefield Roaa, Crystal Lake, Illinois, 60014. Copies may be obtained at the office of Baxter and Woodman. Inc., located at 8678 Ridgefield Road, Crystal Lake, Illinois, 60014. The owner reserves the right to waive any informalities or to reject any or all bids. Each Didder must deposit with uis bid security in the amount form and subject to the conditions provided in the Information tor Bidders. BENEFIT SALE The annual Christmas boutique and bake sale will be held at the Grove School for Retarded Children, 40 E. Oak Mill road, Lake Forest, Saturday, Dec. 9, from noon to 5 p.m. in the school library. There will be prizes and free refreshments. Thecandlefish is so fatty that a wick can be inserted in its mouth, lit, and will thus bum for hours with a steady flame. Attention of bidders is par ticularly called to the requirements as to conditions of emmplayment to be ob served ana minimum wage rates to be paid under the contract. Approximately 75 percent of the work will be paid for with special assessment vouchers siid bonds bearing six (6) percent interest per annum. The balance will be paid for out of HUD grant funds. No bidder may withdraw his bid within 30 days after the actual date of the opening thereof. November 27, 1972 (Signed) Donald P. Doherty Mayor (Signed) Earl R. Walsh City Clerk (Pub. Nov. 29.1972) How Can I? HSCnBBnBBPEnBBhfljS By Anne Ashley Q. How can I make a better job of mixing my own cement? A. By mixing the dry ingredients first - portland cement, sand, gravel, - in the correct proportions. Then, when thoroughly mixed, add your water. Q. How can I clean gold or silver borders on dinner plates? A. Try scrubbing these with a dry toothbrush dipped in baking soda. Or, dip a moist toothbrush into powdered alum and scrub with this. Let the alum stay on for a couple of hours before washing the plates. Q. How can I "antique" an old gilt wood frame? A. Buy a small tube of burnt umber at any artist's supply store. Daub a small amount on a piece of clean cloth and rub into the gilt frame until you get the mellow shade you are looking for. Q. How can I sharpen a pair of scissors? A. One easy method is by cutting up and down on the rim of an ordinary glass. Even if you have a nick in your scissors from cutting into pins, this will usually smooth out the rough edges. It also works for pinking shears. Q. How can I clean a discolored wooden bread board? A. Dip a slice of lemon into a dash of salt, and rub the board well with the cut side of the lemon. Then rinse with clear water and let dry in the air. It will whiten itself as it dries. Q. How can I bind the cut edges of carpets and prevent their fraying? A. With rubber cement. First trim the nap from about one- eighth inch of the edge of the carpet, then coat the trimmed edge and the underside for one- half inch or so with ordinary rubber cement - at least two applications. Q. How can I clean the holes in the bottom of my steam iron? A. By using a pipe cleaner dipped in a solution of detergent and water. Q. What is a good method for frosting a window? A. Soften some putty with a few drops of linseed oil, and dab this over the outside of the windowpane. This -will dry into a nice frosting in a day or so, whereupon another coat may be applied. This frosting is more or less permanent and weatherproof, and can safely be washed. However, you can "defrost" it at any time you wish with some concentrated ammonia. Q. What is an easy method of removing animal hairs from dark clothing? A. You can easily remove these hairs from dark suits, coats and dresses by wrapping a length of masking tape around your hands and brushing over the entire gar ment. The animal hair and lint will stick to the tape. This method is also good for cleaning the upholstery in your car after your pet has had a ride. Q. How can I camouflage or hide nicks and nailholes in light-colored wallpaper? A. With a little dry corn starch. Just press a bit of this \ into the holes, then rub over it lightly with your fingertips to smooth it out. Q. How can I mend a broken lipstick? A. Just heat the broken ends over a match, gas, or cigarette lighter flame until they melt enough to adhere when you press them together. Q. How can I treat heatmarks on furniture? A. These can usually be obscured with camphorated oil. The best method is to stroke the affected area lightly with a cloth moistened with the oil, then rub immediately with a clean, dry cloth. Do not use a linty cloth, as fuzz might stick to the wood. The final step is to re-wax. Q. What is an easy way to fill in nailholes in a plastered wall? A By mixing up a little talcum powder or cornstarch with a few drops of water, forcing this into the holes, then smoothing off with your fingertips. Q. How can I renovate a worn or misshapen paintbrush? A. You can often work wonders just by trimming it back into shape. By holding a razor blade against a small pocket comb, and gently pushing the comb through the bristles of the brush, you can remove stray hairs and per form a very neat job of trim ming and reshaping. Q. How can I remove shine from woolen clothes? A. Sponge the garments with a solution of one teaspoon of ammonia to a quart of water. Press on the wrong side. Q. Have you any suggestions for a substitute shoe polish for either black or brown shoes? A. Try simply sprinkling lemon juice over the shoes, then polishing vigorously. Works real well. Q. How can I mend broken chinaware and glassware? A. By dipping the broken edges into soft, melted, powdered alum, then holding the pieces together with adhesive tape until the cement has hardened. Q. How can I render fat? A. Cut it into small pieces, or run through your food chopper. Then melt it in the upper part of your double boiler, and follow by straining < through cheesecloth laid in a wire strainer. Q. How can I remove spilled fingernail polish from rugs or clothing? A. Use amyl acetate (banana oil), available in drugstores. Q. How can I keep boiled potatoes from breaking? A. When potatoes are boiled too rapidly, they become soft and broken on the outside, while their centers remain hard and uncooked. Q. How can I make a good job of cleaninjg my piano keys? A. With a soft cloth dipped in alcohol, or with a paste made by combining fine whiting with lemon juice. Wipe the keys clean with a damp cloth after each application. Q. What can 1 do about grease spots that have been allowed to become well set in washable fabrics? A. You can try "fighting fire with fire." Rub some fresh grease into the spots, then wash immediately. Q. How can I remove crayon marks from a parchment-type lampshade? A. By rubbing a ball of soft bread over the crayon marks. bout com* ? I NEVER MIND %NOW COME', WHATS YbuR NAME ? " STRETCH 3Your Xmas y Dollars USE OUR Breakfast Is Essential Even During Holidays Corn flakes or whole wheat flakes and leftover turkey are the primary Ingredients for a holiday breakfast that will make a hit with all family members. Breakfast is Just as important during the busy hol iday season as it is any other time of the year. But with the many extra activities, some people may ipglect this meal. One way to entice the non- breakfast eaters to the table in the morning is to plan break fast as carefully as any other meal. Breakfast does not have to be elaborate or take a long time to fix. The wide variety of breakfast cereals available offer convenience as well as nutrition. Keep various kinds of juices and fruits on hand to add interest to breakfast. For a unique breakfast treat combine corn flakes or whole wheat flakes with leftover tur key to make Turkey Cereal Cakes. This is an excellent combination of foods. Many cereals are fortified with eight essential vitamins and also supply carbohydrates for en ergy. The turkey provides pro tein. Prepare the turkey mixture the night before, cover and store overnight in the refrlger ator. TURKEY CEREAL CAKES WITH CRANBERRY ORANGE SAUCE 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 3 tablespoons flour i/2 teaspoon salt >/i teaspoon pepper 1 cup milk 1 chicken bouillon cube 2 cups finely chopped cooked turkey 2 tablespoons sliced green onion with tops 2/2 cups corn or whole wheat flakes, crushed to make 1J4 cups coarse crumbs 1 egg, beaten 2 tablespoons cooking oil FRANKLIN h GIFT CERTIFICATE | I This certificate is worth $2.00 when applied to the purchase of $20.00 of mer chandise. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY SUNDAY NOV. 30, DEC. 1, DEC. 2, DEC. ifrMust Be Presented At Time Of Purchase tANKLIIM® GIFT CERTIFICATE This certificate is worth $1.00 when applied to the purchase of $10.00 of merchandise. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY- • NOV. 30 DEC. 1 DEC. 2 DEC. 3 iMust Be Presented At Time Of Purchase -RAN KLIN* GIFT CERTIFICATE This certificate is worth $1.00 when applied to the purchase of $10.00 of mer chandise THURSDAY,FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY NOV. 30 DEC. 1, DEC. 2, DEC. 3, Must Be Presented At Time Of Purchase Melt butter or margarine. Stir in flour, salt and pepper. Add milk and bouillon cube; cook stirring constantly until smooth and thickened. Stir in turkey, onion and % cup cereal crumbs. Chill until mixture is easy to handle. Shape mixture into 6 cakes, 2V4 to 3-inch diameter. Dip each cake into beaten egg, then coat with remaining cereal crumbs. Brown patties in oil over moder ate heat, about 10 minutes, turning patties once. Serve with Cranberry Orange Sauce (recipe below). Yield: 6 cakes. CRANBERRY ORANGE SAUCE 1 cup drained fresh orange sections 1 teaspoon grated orange rind % cup water % cup sugar 2 cups fresh cranberries Bring water and sugar to a boil. Add cranberries; bring to a boil. Simmer uncovered until all berries pop, about 5 minutes. Stir in orange sections and orange rind. Cool. Serve with Tur key Cereal Cakes. Yield: About 3 cups sauce. -FRANKLIN' GIFT CERTIFICATE This certificate is worth J Q $3.00 when applied to ^ the purchase of $30.00 of merchandise. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SAT URDAY, SUNDAY NOV. 30, DEC.1, * Dec. 2, DEC. 3 Must Be Presented At * ' . T i m e O f P u r c h a s e <«»* sf"r ttl-0?. *» % „ Z 4 At iV̂ U£ Super Sheer hose Wretch en START IN© 1A 4 MQNfi-FKIa 9AM-9PM Srnmb 9AM-6EM. SIJNM56 11AM-4PM XMAS EVE 9AM-5BM.I B&UH3H3 LIMITED 1220 N.G15EN ST McHENR.Y,it.6°c50 FRANKLIN® GIFT CERTIFICATE This certificate is worth t $4.00 when applied to * the purchase of $40.00 of merchandise. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SAT URDAY, SUNDAY NOV. 30, DEC. 1, tc 9 DEC. 3 Must Be Presented At * Z' DtU * Time Of Purchase BOX OF 50 CHRISTMAS CARDS Our Regular Mount Price $1 oo * DAYS -- ONLY/ Box Certificates Do Not Apply To Cigarettes 1250 N. Orttn St McHenry FRANKLIN bttbNSTBEET MALL YTT Your Friendly Fashion Store Big enough to be complete Small enough to give you service CHRISTMAS HOURS? EVERY EVENING TIL 8:30 EXCEPT SAT. & SUN. STARTING DEC. 4 SUNDAY 10 to 4