Linda Hadickj left, Donald Sea ton, Roland Herrmann and Mayor Donald Doherty tabulate in dividual scores to determine winning "Voice of Democracy" essays. In background are June Sch- munk, past president of VFW Post 4600 Ladies auxiliary and Marion Long, 5th district auxiliary co- chairman for the "Voice of Democracy" program. Local Entry Ranks High In Essay Contest Out of a group of twelve "Voice of Democracy" essays, Andrea Broman, student at McHenry W^st campus high school, tied for second place. Miss Broman competed with students who had won their local contests sponsored by VFW posts and their Ladies auxiliaries. Other contestants were from Elmhurst, Joliet, Mazon, Ben&nville, Plainfield, So. Wilmington, Wilmington and Lombard. On Sunday, Jan. 14, Andrea will compete with five other young people. The winner of that competition will represent the Fifth district of the VFW and their Ladies auxiliary in the Department of Illinois competition! Sponsors for the local contesKiQ ^hich Andrea was the winner is VFW Post 4600 and its auxiliary unit. The text of the winning essay follows: "My Responsibility to Freedom" Q "Freedom is a privilege that we Americans are fortunate enough to have. We fought for that privilege back in the 1700's, and we should keep on fighting for it. "Freedom is not something one can touch, although one can feel it. It can't be seen with the eyes, yet it can with the mind. Freedom can't be heard, but the sounds of freedom can. In other words, freedom is not tangible. One just doesn't reach out and grab ,a piece of freedom. Freedort|is found in a state of mind. ^but because freedom is difficult to find, it makes it more of a gift to those people who work hard to find freedom, and then work to keep it alive. "The responsibility of freedom can't rest on one person's shoulders. It's the responsibility of everyone, no matter what his age, to con tribute something. I, too, because I am a citizen of the United States, am responsible for the future of our society. If I don't help in the preservation of freedom, eventually we may have to learn to live in a dif ferent kind of society. "In order for freedom to work, everyone must work together. "As a student, I feel that the contribution I make towards freedom does not amount to much by itself, but if all students would add some small Hold Hot Line Training Next Monday, Jan. 15 The Hot Line committee of Bridge Over Troubled Waters, Inc., will hold a training session at 9 a.m. Jan. 15 in Bethany Lutheran church, Crystal Lake. The Hot Line, one portion of. the general program, is designed to* give a phone number for persons to call in need of help. Training, which is open to volunteers willing to accept calls, will be given by Michael L. Hurt, psychiatrist who is working as a consultant for the program. Other facets of the prgram include Crisis Intervention, Education, Alternatives, and Publicity and Fund Raising. Further information is available by calling Becky SijDpfede, 459-7831. LOSE UGLY FAT OR PAY NOTHING Start losing weight today OR MONEY BACK. MONADEX is a tiny tablet that will help curb your de sire for excess food. Eat less-weigh less. Contains no dangerous drugs and will not make you nervous. No strenuous exercise. Change your life start today. MONADEX costs $3.00 for a 20 day supply and $5.00 for twice the amount. Lose ugly fat or your monfcy will bt refunded with no questions asked by: BOLGER*S DRUG STORE i 1259 N. Green St. contribution, there is little chance that freedom would fail. One of the main responsibilities that I, and everyone else have, is to be as good a citizen as possible. One must obey and respect the laws because they were the laws that were set up by the menthat gave us the freedom in the first place. It is up to us to fulfill the dreams of our forefathers. "Another responsibility is to take best advantage of our "educational system. The schools have become so far advanced, that courses offered in colleges years ago, are now taught in high schools. When people take advantage of the schools, they cantbetter un derstand the actions of our government. n "Finally, the third and most important responsibility of any American, especially myself, is to use privileges as they are meant to be used, they shouldn't be abused. Freedom is one of those special privileges that should be cherished by all Americans. I for one feel that freedom is necessary. I doubt that I would be able to live in any other way than I presently am. I must always remember that in America 'United we stand, divided we fall'. I am going to do my best to make sure that our governmental system never fails." Hospital Auxiliary To Hold Election( Meeting Tuesday The auxiliary to McHenry hospital will hold its annual election meeting Tuesday, Jan. 16, starting with a luncheon at 12:30 at th^McJ^enry Country club. Guest speaker Xvill be Cal J. Wynveen, A.C.SIP., from the McHenry Medical Group laboratory, wlp will speak about the new Illinois blood laws. Members are invited to bring guests or prospective mem bers. ________ SMILE PLEASE! Montini Middle school parent-helpers, including playground supervisors, cafeteria helpers, study hall supervisors, librarians and all parent assistants, arefesked to report >to^the Middle school building Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 17, at 1:30. At that time, pictures will be taken for the first annual yearbook project being undertaken by the students. JANUARY 14" NAIM Diocesan Council -- Installation Dinner --- Cloven Hoof, Marengo - 2 p.m. -- For Information Call Latimer, 385-2835. Elvina / ' *. • •' -. Call of the Wild--Camper's Rice Number PAGE 5-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, JANUARY 12. 197^ a Series -- Community Calendar \ * JANUARY 12 MfcHenry Woman's Club V.E.W. Hall -- Social Hour 12 to 1 p.m. - Business Meeting - 1 / p.m. JANUARY 13 Friendship Club Pot Luck Dinner and Meeting - 6 p.m. - First United Methodist Church Dining Room. When the great outdoors beckons, be prepared with great food to go withjt. Camper's Rice is a delightful surprise--rice flavored with Grapefruit Flavor Tang Instant Breakfast Drink. All the ingre dients can be packed 'in a foil pouch. You just add water at campsite or backyard. Serve it with barbecue hot dogs wrapped in bacon and take along easy to pack instant breakfast drink for a tasty refreshment. 'V Camper's Rice 1 Va cups packaged enriched pre-cooked rice 2 tablespoons grapefruit-flavored instant breakfast drink V2 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon butter 1 V2 cups water Measure two 18-inch square sheets of heavy duty aluminum foil. Place on top of medium bowl; press down to form pouch. Combine rice, instant breakfast drink, salt, and butter in pouch. Fold foil to seal tightly and remove pouch from bowl. When ready to cook, water and close pouch tightly. Bring to a boil on grill over hot coals. Move to side of grill and let stand at least 5 minutes. Open foil and fluff rice with fork before serving. Makes about 2% cups or 4 servings. [ For And About Teenagers XCAKi'T e*BA< OP WITH Him because r fefl SORRY FDR. Him ... EXrr r UOVE THE OTHER eov JANUARY 18 Catholic Daughters of America - Business Meeting - K. of C. Hall -- 8 p.m. JANUARY 19 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM - Regular Meeting - Oak Room ~ St. Mary's, 7:30 p.m. JANUARY 22 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting - 7/730 p.m. - East Campus Cafeteria - In stallation of Officers ~ Card Games with Table Prizes. JANUARY 25 McHenry Garden Club -- McHenry City Hall, Green Street - 1 p.m. --^oRefreshments and Program. FEBRUARY7 St. Patrick's Ladies Guild Card Party And Luncheon ~ St. Patrick's Church Hall - Ser ving at 11:30 a.m., THIS WEEK'S LETTER: I just both know what you must do. You read your article for the first time have got to tell this boy you are and I'm sure you can help me. I too young to consider marriage am 16 years old and I'm going out and that you need time to meet with this boy, who I've been going other people before you decide to with for the past year^his is the settle down. Try not to be too problem: Now he wants to get abrupt, but try easing your way married, but I don't love him. I out of this affair over the next love someone else. But I can't couple of months. He'll catch on break up with him because I feel>»so?iner or later, so for the sake of sorry for him. About a month ago his mental health don't just drop his parents were killed in a car him suddenly. accident. I really love the other „ you hov. „ probl.m you WOBl boy. Could you please help me? OUR REPLY: Wow, you are in a tough situation but you and I to discuit or on obxrvolion to mailt, ad dress your Ittlw to FOR AND ABOUT TEEN AGERS, COMMUNITY AND SUBURBAN PRESS SERVICE. FRANKFORT. KY. 40601. > v MARRIAGE LICENSES Harold Wildhagen, 2515 Orchard Beach, McHenry, and Daisy Jones, 800 Center, McHenry. Gordon Smart, Jr., 815 Southgate, McHenry, and L. Gail Pilkington, McHenry. Danny C. Harbecke, 1909 W. Ringwood road, McHenry, and Linda G. Kommer, .4412 *W. Ponca, McHenry. Thomas Pennington, 3002 Bright, Franklin Park, and Judy A. Benedict, 3321 Idyl Dell, McHenry. Prosperity is nice, because it provides enough credit to live beyond your means. Nothing To Do ? Learn to knit or crochet classes begin Jan. 29th 10 Week Course $10.00 REGISTRATION I January llth thru 28 9 a.m. - 5 pm. Phone 385-8283 or 385-1631 Evenings 385-2746 The Yarn Barn i 1804 N. RIVERSIDE DR. MCHENRY, ILL SUPER SAVINGS I GREEN STREET MAli 73 OFF SPECIAL DRESSES HANES SHEER-MADNESS SALE JANUARY 13-26 PANTYHOSE Sheer Toe to Waist Pantyhose Cantrece II Pantyhose SUPPORT Alive Sheer Support Pantyhose, nude heel Alive All Sheer Support Pantyhose ^ Reg. Price per pr. 300 300 5'5 5* SALE PRICE i-RL 250 £50 4* 495 i_E£ 750 750 14«5 14" V2 OFF. 1216 Ns Green St, McHenry Colors: South Pacific Barely Black Topaz Barely There Town Taupe HOURS: 9:00 Thru 5:30 Monday Thru Saturday Closed Friday Nights I TIO in Will Prepare Myself..." By Mike Rothenb*rg*r Staff Raprasantativ* Dal* Carnagia & Assoc., Inc., Naw York. Copyright 1965, Dala Carnagia A Assoc., Inc. A beautiful Indian princess s a t o n e d a y , i n h e r t e p e e , combing and braiding her long black hair. Suddenly she heard a noise. She looked up at the entrance flap of the tepee and there stood an Indian brave. He quickly told her that her father, the Chief, wanted to see her. Hurriedly she finished grooming her hair, put on her best of clothing and hastened to her father. As she ap proached the circle where the old Chief was sitting, she no ticed a strange silence. The In dian princess stood before her father and anxiously waited the sound of his voice. And then the Chief looked into the dark eyes of the girl and said, "My lovt'y daughter, my beautiful Indian princess, today you have be come a woman, you are no longer a child." He handed her a large basket and said, "1 want you to take this basket, go to my best field of corn, select a row with the tallest stalks, walk down the row and pick enough of the finest corn in the row to fill your basket. It is all for yourself my daugh ter, but there is one condition, once you have passed an ear of corn (ybu cannot turn back." ( The princass hjok the basket. She went to her father's best field of corn. She picked the row with the tallest stalks. She started down the row. She felt an ear of corn but it was too soft. Then she examined an other, but it was crooked. The next was too hard, and the next was irregular. On and on, down the row she went, finding some thing wrong with each ear of corn and then, to her amaze ment, she reached the end of the row and her basket was empty. What a parallel with the mul titudes of people today. We are so often prone to look away off out into the distant future and hope, and dream, and wait for something good and wonderful to happen. But herein is a great fallacy because tomorrow can lifetime. Therefore, t h e r e Is virtually no limit to what we can accomplish if we prepare ourselves, by developing our potential ability. What we do in our lives to day, what we do to discover and develop our latent talents and abilities, now when we do not have to, this will determine what and where we will be when the day shall come that we can no longer help it. Herein lies the secret of Hi* accomplishment of a rich and rewarding life. When but a very young man, the great Lincoln said, and he meant it: "I will prepare myself and some day my time will come." 4-H NEWS CHERRY VALLEY CLUB A committee for Share-the- Fun was chosen at the Dec. 15 meeting of the Cherry Valley 4- H club, held at the Kuhn home. The committee includes Robin Shmuhl, Dale Timmerman, Elaine Limbaugh, Sue Keskis, Suzy Schiller, Neil Wright and Don Limbaugh, chairman. Two suggestions were made at the meeting, one to take a trip to the Museum of Science never come. We will never see v an^ Industry and another to anything but today. This is life: this very day, this very hour, this very moment. Whey then, should we not resolve to take advantage of the present. To live each day to the fullest and stop futilely waiting for the to morrow that cannot come? Wa can acquire a greater appreciation for the beauty of life. We can learn how to bring our dreams into present reality if we will spend a portion of our time each day cultivating and developing the latent tal ents that nature has given us. We know that we have far more potential ability than we shall ever be able to use in one make a new club telephone directory. Following the meeting, a Christmas party was held. The next meeting will be held Jan. 19 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Schoeben. Julie Hoag, Scribe Good Reason The defendant acknow ledged that hp hadn't spoken to his wife in five years and the judge put in a question. "What reason have you?" he asked severely. Replied the husband, "L didn't want to interrupt her." i Coming Soon * To McHenry The Famous DALE CARNEGIE COURSE Some of the many ways the Dale Carnegie Course Helps Men and Wpmen: • Develop more self confidence . Develop your human relations and leadership ability • Develop your ability to speak more effectively to groups • Be more convincing in selling your ideas to others • Develop executive abilities • Sell yoursel| more effectively to other's • Develop more enthusiasm in yourself and "others • Improve your memory • Break the worry habit • Increase your income potential For Further Information, Write or Phone: THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 W. Elm St. • McHenry, III. 60050 Phone: 815-385-0170 Sponsored in McHenry By: THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER M.esented by Claude Bowen and Associates, Inc. \