Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Feb 1973, p. 5

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PAGE Si-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1973 Wonder Lake : . -- Mary Jean Huff Plan Annual Woman 's Retreat At Rockford The annual retreat for the ladies of Christ the King c hurch has been scheduled for the weekend of March 30. 31 and April 1. The beautiful Bishop Lane retreat house in-Rockford is the place where the women will gather for spiritual renewal, good food, private rooms, peace and quiet and a chance to l i s ten to what God ' s probably been trying to tell them all year. Reservations are graciously being - taken by retreat coordinator. Dolores Wines, who will gladly see that any interested ladies have transportation. Please contact Mrs. Wines at 653-3931. FORMER RESIDENT DIKS The f i rs t tavern in Wonder Lake was opened up a good many years ago by Mae and Jer ry Kubovy. Many o ld t imers at the lake wi l l be in te res ted ' to know that a f r i end of the Kubovys to ld us th i s woek^of the sad news tha t Je r ry has d ied . His widow , Mae. i s now l iv ing in Michigan. Anyone who would l ike to send her a l ine may wr i te to her a t th is address : \ t t s . Mae Kubovy, 1WM Sherman Avenue. Kmgsford , Mich . , 49801. NEW DISH It seems a lmos t imposs ib le tha t meat pr ices cou ld go an \ higher - but every week they ' do . When a handfu l of beef roas ' carr ies a t ag tha t says ' .- t ime to cons ider a new wa\ -of eat ing . Our Aunt Ka th \ \ \ i i e i .m f rom Milwaukee ga \e a rec ipe tha t i s ve ry popula r up brewry town We l ike to ra i l i t "Mock Lobs te r" . Con .p i . t e ly thaw a package of f ro /en cod f i sh . Poach i t fo r th ree m. - 'o ic on each s ide in sa l t and j>ep- oered boi l ing water . Serv t wi th melted but te r <>• tmi rgar inc We found i t to l i e v .n i ; • !» • . inexpensive ami a main dish fo r suppe i Kl . 'N FA IK The Fun Fai r a t l i a r r^nn School has come and gone Chairman. . Jo Evans and her crew did a terrific job. \V» ,e enjoyed the games the penny candy at the country fair, the luscious pastries from the bake sale, those delicious Mrs. Topp 's Sloppv Joes lo r iu u h . Clown Judy Anderson ' s cur ious pocketbooks , the crazy ear : and even endured the !enu . long Loncf Bonk Wil l Award olarships Lakemoor-Lilymoor 385-5689 Alma Hueckstaedt l ine a t th< cons ider i t weekend 1 Monday f<> and the k i r o f the t im would fo i wa te r p i s t WORLD Nat iv i ty , hos t ing Prayer o Coffee wi i and the I ' f rom 9 s i t t e r wi l l HAl 'P "i Happy b 23 to a kit ' <>M.M : Spon.^ •( nairm; Febru [.C\\ Hin t Wo Land Rank of St. in award two $500 through the Agriculture, Ill inois, Urbana. 4 school year, uncement of the rogram. Glenn E. ent. the Federal st. Louis, pointed ligible recipients g men or women backgrounds reshmen next fall of Agriculture in iral curriculum, dine Economics, wishing to obtain for a career in an agriculturally ipation will be i ' th< scholarship is of- scholastic ncial need and m agricultural It ; i> I I '"A and 4- i r s i i ip committee i(y oi Illinois will winners o f^ the <i Bank scholar- "1 during.the 1973- •. regarding the i:nn may be ob- •m vocafional instructors, Ex- < rs ot agriculture o! local Federal Residents Must Be Registered To Vote In Election Are you a registered voter? If you are of voting age you still have time to register. You may do so by going into Earl Walsh's office in McHenry. When you go in it is important you know your precinct number. Lakemoor residents living north of Rte. 120 your precinct number is McHenry 25. Those living south of 120 your precinct number is Nunda 6. In order for Lakemoor residents to vote at the April election you must register by March 15. CORRECTION On Feb. 7 I reported that there was abuse and violence going on at some bus stops in the mornings. I have learned since that issue those activities take place when the children get off the bus in the afternoon. There are two young children who are constantly abused by a group of older children. Ask your children if they know about it, if they do, then see what you can do to put a stop to it. IMPORTANT NOTICE Can your house numbers be Stored Loans On ?ed Grains Mature i,ana < scl.o'a. spfnesu 0," t S v S'ui; i - t o red 1972- , oats, grain .• will not be nd current . t he ' U .S . Agriculture , ' d . I s said this a) order to • additional help meet lemand. The m repayment dates, lor r designated ee and trail- i ns . will also eeted bv this t a rm -stored )s affected by •n t amounted |il;s ot corn, 34 of barley, 28 ot oats. 5 eight of grain nllion bushels With this announcement, all crop-year loans, farm and warehouse-stored, of corn, barley, oats, grain sorghum, rye, and wheat will not be extended beyond current maturity dates. Previously USD A announced that reseal would not be available on warehouse-stored loans and farm-stored loans not covered in this announcement. The long time provisions of the loan contract give Com­ modity Credit corporation the option to call loans at any time, USDA officials said. This provision continues in effect. Maturity dates for 1972-crop loans are as follows: Corn, July 31; barley and oats, April 30 in southern States and May 31 in Northern States; grain- sorghum, April 30 in Southern Texas, June 30 in Oklahoma and Northern Texas and July 31 in all other states; and rye, April 30. __ QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC Spr ing b r i ngs ; ; • a r e f r om rep i r " O the rs may use p ressu re you 1. Protect yours, you sure! 2. li you ailoK • NOT TO THi don't wriiif . in esses hvn •• payment b -• a payment • a ovy payment oi a f. 3. McHenry is o: uiablc fir. as pricos. Shop \ t o t he area. Some a ducts or services, o your home to into your home until Ut through thoroughly yable to the company/ eck until you are sure! call the p o l i c e . . . n it. Many area bus- h, only to find out that iroubie ensued. A stop the responsibility for iters. There are rep- r vices at competitive j Y l c i ? : j J i > t Elm r: 3510 W WOO Bank SERVICE , ucturt \"BANK r.v Since 1906" Phone 385-1040 •aoocuaooopooooooooooopoooooooooo read from the road? If they can't then you should correct it. It is very important, especially if it should be necessary for an ambulance driver of the rescue squad to reach you when minutes count. It will save precious time if they don't have to guess where you live. Please make that your next project to be taken care of as soon as possible. BIRTHDAY GUEST Mr^and Mrs. Ed Doscher of Chicago came out to help Roy Tobey celebrate his birthday on Feb. 10. It has been several years since the Doschers and Tobeys have been together. BIRTHDAY WISHES Go out to the following on their special days. To David Eggert on Feb. 20; to Nancy Hueckstaedt, Sophie Patterson, and Wynne Hegner, who share the same date on Feb. 22; to Pat Morrison on Feb. 24; to Jean Marie Freeman on Feb. 25; to Alyce Kowal, Jennie Ferrara, Nancy Eggert and Gary Yerkes, who share Feb. 27 as their natal day. Jerry May has a birthdate every four years, so which ever date he uses when February only has 28 days, here's hoping it is a happy one for him. To all the above mentioned, Have a good day. ANNIVERSARIES Best wishes go out to Harold and Marsella Foss who will be celebrating on Feb. 22, and to Norman and Pat Morrison who will be celebrating theirs on Feb. 23. Congratulations and many happy returns of the day to both couples. RECUPERATING I am very happy to report that Curt Freeman is on the road to recovery following his recent surgery. Also Roy Tobey is recovering from the spill on the ice he took a while back. SPECIAL VALENTINE That big old bird hovered over 809 Southside Avenue in Lilymoor on Feb. 14, and delivered a bundle of pink, by way of McHenry hospital, at 11:35 a.m. The wee one wighed in at 7 lbs. 3M> ozs. Her name is Rebecca Jeanne. The proud parents are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Huffman. Becky's maternal grandparents are Mr. $1,000 Claim Possible For Each Exemption Illinois taxpayers who fail to claim proper exemptions could be overpaying their state taxes, the Illinois Department of Revenue advises. Generally, for every exemp­ tion claimed on the federal return, taxpayers may claim $1,000 for their Illinois return. The standard exemption for Illinois residents is $1,000. For each additional exemption, $1,000 is allowed. Two exemptions are allowed for Illinois taxpayers who are blind or over 65. Taxpayers who are both blind and over 65 may claim three exemptions, plus one exemption for a spouse if filing a joint return and one for each dependent claimed. The Illinois Department of Revenue operates walk-in tax assistance offices at several locations throughout the state. Taxpayers who need help with their returns should watch local newspapers for location, days and time of this service. Illinois taxpayers may also call 800-972-1630 toll-free for tax assistance. Cook county tax­ payers may call 641-2150 or come to the lobby office of the Illinois Department of Revenue at 160 N. LaSalle St., in Chicago. The Chicago office offers tax assistance Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. McCullom Lake Mildred Watson 385-3585 ON DEAN'S LIST The Huron college Dean's list for the first term of the 1972-73 academic year has been an­ nounced by Dr. Phillipp H. Mergler, vice-president for Academic Affairs. Among the sixty-nine students listed was James Heard, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Heard of McHenry. Heard who is a senior at the college earned a "B" plus average. and Mrs. Ervin Hammer, Jr., of Elgin. Her paternal grand­ parents are Mr. and Mrs. William L. Huffman of Lake Zurich. Anxiously awaiting at home is her big brother, Robbie. IN CLOSING If any of you readers have any news or items you think other readers would enjoy reading or should know, please call me before Thursday noon. Luto Faces Opposition For Village President In an almost last minute filing for candidates for the village election, Kurt Weisenberger, will oppose George Luto for the office of president. Mr. Weisenberger will run on an Independent Ticket, George Luto will be on the ballot of The People's Party. The election will be held April 17. GOLDEN PLUS Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Otto Pyritz on their fifty- fifth wedding anniversary, to be celebrated on Feb. 20. Emma and Otto were married in Chicago in the home of Emma's parentsvMr. and Mrs. Pyritz have made their home in the village since 1938. I am sure that everyone in the village wishes the couple many more years to share with greater happiness in the years to come. VILLAGE NEWS A number of complaints have come to my attention, and I have been asked to air a few of them to the readers. Some of the school children, on their way to the bus stop, have been ripping the flags from the mail­ boxes. Parents, this is not a simple prank it is a Federal offense. Please be sure to ex­ plain this to your children. Now we come to the taking of gar­ bage can lids. Doesn't sound like too much does it? But pray tell, where can anyone pur­ chase just a garbage can lid? A village ordinance clearly states that all garbage cans be covered. Then of course there are many complaints about dogs running loose. Please keep your dog in your own yard. The most complaints concern a dog that is let loose in the early morning hours, in this case it's sometime after one o'clock. Dog owners please show consideration for your neigh­ bors. VILLAGE CLERK March 31 is the deadline to purchase vehicle stickers and dog licenses. The clerk has office hours on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from ' O * 11 a.m. til 7 p.m. Saturday , hours are from 9 a.m. til noon, n BIRTHDAYS HaDDV birthday to Connie ,' Meyer, who will celebrate her , birthday on Feb. 24. VILLAGE BOARD The Village Board of Trustees meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month. Time of the meetings is 8 p.m. and they are held at the beach-house. Some interesting things are on the agenda, so why not attend the next meeting, might prove very interesting. LADIES OF THE LAKE The Ladies of the Lake meet on the second Thursday of every month, at 8 p.m., in the beach-house of course. Mrs. Irene Groh is president of this fine club, come to the next meeting and meet her and the rest of the members, you'll enjoy the evening and meet many fine neighbors too. BEACH-GALS The latest venture of the Beach-Gals held on Feb. 7 was a huge success, thanks to the women of the village. Everyone had lots of fun and all are looking forward to the next fun night. The next meeting will be on March 14. Man seems to have conquered everything except the common cold and human nature. SOFT WATER SOFT WATER SOFT W ATER SOFT WATER SOFT WATER Tom Huemann Water Conditioning Service on all Makes Sales-Rental 385-3093 SALT DELIVERY SOFT WATER SOFT WATER SOFT WATER ill 1 Discount On Custom Draperies Feb. 19 • IfMarch 3 Your Choice Of Any Fabric In Our Store-Our Personal Attention From measuring To Installation / McHenry Drapery and Carpet --1~- 1253 N Green St. McHenry 815-385-7531 l

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