Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Feb 1973, p. 14

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V PAGE 14-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1973 Florida Flat Country Described By Pastor (The Rev. William O. Hanner of McHenry, vacationing in the South, directs the eleventh in his current series of articles to farmers of this area). "You should have been with me today. We did some of the big farms around Homestead, Fla., 40 miles south of Miami. We were in south Dade county about twenty miles above the beginning of the Keys. The country is flat-flat in a way that makes central Illinois seem almost hilly. It is, of course, old sea bottom. You can see the marl - when it is plowed up looks like a lot of broken concrete. It is just below the surface wherever a ditch has been dug. I watched a group of seventy-five migrant workers cultivating tomatoes today. You could hear distinctly the constant ring of their hoes on the rocks. How can anything possibly grow? Grow it does, however, and truck farming for the Eastern Seaboard, indeed the eastern third of the United States - leads to wealth down here. "The crops are of all kinds, table corn, papayas, avocado, orange, lemon, lime and grapefruit groves abound. There are fields of tomatoes, cucumbers, turnips, beans and potatoes. The mango trees, a delicious fruit, are in bloom. Anyone who has eaten a good ripe mango can hardly bear to think of them. They make your mouth water so your friends think you are drooling. They should be eaten cold. Cut them in half, remove the single big seed with a curved saw edge grapefruit knife and eat with a spoon like you might eat a cantaloupe, being careful not to drown ita the juice. Mango ice cream !/lt is to hot Floridans in sumnrier what the cooling breezes of our early fall are to the Illinoisans. "Over these farms float huge cumulus clouds, fleecy, wooly pillows of the sky sailing off to a cloudy port somewhere out yonder. When you get away from town a bit the houses remind you of the ranch houses out in Kansas. The farms are large and are irrigated. The irrigation is vital when there is a drought. Canals run everywhere and in some places 'v ^J^j)S»rlng.Tune.S»ecial I||g||g ̂ INCLUDES: Replacement of *Points ""Plugs *Condensor *Air Filter *Fuel Filter SERVICE OF: * Battery *Battery Cables *Belt Tension ""Point Dwell *Ign. Timing ""Plug Gap ""Compression Test INCLUDES: SERVICING: ""All Fluids ""Check Complete Cooling System *Lubing All Door Stops ""Lubing All Hood Hindges ""Lubing All Locks Plus Free Oil Change 38.95 Value *19 PLUS PARTS UNNYSIDE DODGE OPEN Daily 9-9 Saturday 9-6 Sunday 10-5 4810 W. ROUTE 120 815/385-7220 McHENRY \wTththiscoupon\ wells are sunk for water 3 to 5 feet below the surface. A dozen or so huge sprayers, run by gas engines, throw spray from 300 to 400 feet. * "I saw a field of young beans being irrigated. Nearby was a patch of beans about a half mile square planted so there would be continuity of harvest. "There are roadside stands all about for folks from town to buy fresh produce. Mrs. Hanner bought some red cone- shaped strawberries - sweet and tempting, enormous -- no sugar needed ~ completely ripe. Just wash and eat, no trimmings needed except a moist cloth afterward. We bought a new seedless papaya, I dote on them. The grapefruit- Oh the grapefruit, thin skins, large, sweet, easy to spoon, each one fit for a gourmet. "Beside the road golden rod is abloom, thistles are purple, swallows dip and skim. There was a possum dead beside the road, the local type of vulture circling overhead 'til we got past. Robins are everywhere-- by the millions. At the western edge of the farthest farm we looked out over the Everglades, 105 miles of glades and nothing else until you come to Ochopee over near Marco Island. Margery Stoneman Douglass calls it a Sea of Grass. (I saw Mrs. Douglass at the concert of the Miami Philharmonic and visited with her about her famous writings of the glades which she popularized some years back). "I do not see why so many folks come to Florida and see so little. They are content with the "touristy" places and miss the real Florida which we grew to love during our eight years here-some time back. "The many, many stickers on cars amuse and attract us-I spoke of some in a previous article-since then I have found these- " 'Read your Bible. It will scare hell out of you!' " 'Save the South. Teach a Yankee how to drive.' " 'Eat mo possum!' " 'Con Dios, todo. Sin Dios nada.' which tran­ slates - 'With God, all. Without God, nought.' " 'Middle class are those who work so their children may have a better life.' Quote frandeanne Bills on the editorial staff of the Miami Herald. "Noticed in a church parking lot, 'He who parketh in the rector's spot-preacheth next Sunday's sermon.' I mentioned to the rector that I felt this was poor preparation for a homily. "Stop pollution, ride a hor­ se". "Out at Grossman Hammock State park we saw the spring that pours 3,000,000 gallons a day into a pool long and deep where they warn you not to feed or annoy the alligators. There they were, two of them, wild, floating like two logs a hundred feet off shore. Here you can camp for $3.65 a day, many conveniences-but not as finished as the park at Wiggins, Miss., that I described a month ago. "The park ranger told me there were about thirty-five varieties of snakes in the park- four of them poisonous. They are farther out in the woods - we did not go there. "Nice to visit with you". When baby is learning to eat or drink in his high chair, place an old shower curtain or plastic table cloth under the chair. Beware of the after-Christ­ mas bargains. Ask yourself, do I really need it, is it a bargain, and if seasonal will it hold up until next year? If cold winds make your skin especially dry, heat the oil or cream before applying to hands, face and legs. !-v* <•< AFTER-INVENTORY S>Vli Area's largest selection. . .choose from 100'sof colors, patterns& styles SHOP AT HOME SERVICE Give us a call! It's as simple as that to take advantage of our 23 years of offering shop- at-home service. Choose from our finest carpets f rom the fo l lowing nationally-known carpet mills: • K A R A S T A N • B E R V E N • L E E S • M O H A W K • A L E X A N D E R S M I T H • B I G E L O W • C O R O N E T • M A N D • M O N T I C E L L 0 • M A S L A N D • E V A N S & B L A C K • M O N A R C H • T R E N D • J 0 R G E S • R 0 Y A L W E V E • A R M S T R O N G • L A U R E L C R E S T • V I K I N G • O Z I I L • W O R L D • B U R L I N G T O N I N D U S T R I E S PHONE (815) 338-1000 DON'T BE MISLED Ask for positive 'identification from shop - at - home services using Tidy's name - we do not solicit via telephone. CASH'N CARRY DEPARTMENT Choose from over 25 rolls of foam back shags, indoor/outdoor and candy stripes. sq.vd. cash 'n carr MASLAND SCULPTURED SHAG The snappiest idea in carpet five magnificent decorator colors fit in any decor. $ Reg. $10.95 sq. vd. sq.vd. FAMOUS MILL SHAG You'll love this short nylon shag! Available at Tidy in 13 of today's most - wanted colors. Thirty-three rolls of beautiful tweeds and solids in Tidy's p f;/1 n<: warehouse stock. Reg-$1095 sq.yd. SCULPTURED NYLON >99 This sculptured iS 20 oz. nylon is *r per fec t for nearly every area of your home ... ideal for m J sq.yd. dining and living areas, lending an aure of sophisticated elegance -- but stays within the family budget. Reg. $5.95 sq. yd. SCULPTURED POLYESTER Subtle tone-o n - t o n e $C95 sq.yd. tweeds compete with the rainbow for exciting beauty ... and durable polyester fiber assures years of care - free wear. What's more, there are 16 rolls in Tidy's Reg- $9'95 tremendous stock. OVER 100 OTHER ROLLS OF SCULPTURES, INDOOR/OUTDOOR, SHAGS, POLYESTERS WILL BE SOLD AT 1972 WAREHOUSE PRICES. HOURS: M0N., THURS.. FRI. 'TIL 9 P.M. TUES., WED., SAT. 'TIL 5 P.M. SUNDAY 12 to 5 P.M TIIIV CARPETS IIUI &RUGS HELPING PAWS by Carol Wilyat By Carol Wilyat Helping Paws' office hours are Monday through Friday, 10- 12 and 1-3 p.m. Our office will be closed Monday, Feb. 26, as we are moving from one office to another. We do not publicize the address of our office as that is all it is - an office - not a shelter; and we do not and cannot have animals there. If you have lost or found an animal or wish to adopt an animal not listed here, you may call 815-459-2641 and we will be happy to help you in any way we can. If you wish to become a member of Helping Paws, please call our office at the above number and we will be happy to send you an ap­ plication form. To be a member does not mean you have to take animals into your home, it merely tells us that you believe in our cause and wish to help. The pets up for adoption this week (for a donation) are: "Heidi", a playful nine week old female Shepherd-Collie mix that is completely paper trained is at 312-658-7666. A gentle 1M> year old male Shepherd mix, buff with a darker face and ears and housebroken is at 312-658-7504. A darling three month old male buff colored puppy that will be small when fully grown is at 312-658-8174. A nice five month old male German Shepherd mix pup, brown with a black muzzle, good with kidfr-afid 90 percent housebroken is at 312-526-3012. A gentle purebred adult Whippet is at 312-546-4702. He is housebroken and very good with children. Two beautifully marked Springer Spaniel-Standard Poodle mix males, 8-9 weeks old with black and white curly , coats are at 815-459-9426. A very friendly six month old black and white female Labrador-Setter, housebroken, good with kids and puppy shots is at 815-385-8609. Two nine week old female German Shepherd mix puppies, tan with black markings and so good with kids are at 312-658- 8330. A shaggy gray and fawn colored male Terrier mix pup, housebroken and very good with kids - a perfect little housedog is at 312 639-3295. A very loving IV2 year old male miniature Schnauzer, housebroken and good with children that needs to be the only dog in the family is at 312- 658-4325. An eight year old AKC registered male German Shepherd, silver and black, is available in Evanston at 312- 273-5757. A black curly-haired male Poodle between toy and miniatrue size, housebroken and good with kids is available at 815-459-8844. An adult male Malemute mix with a decked tail is at ̂ 15-338- 0132. An all black four month old male Persian kitten is at 815- 459-8844. A one year old female Sealpoint Siamese that needs special care is at 815-385-1458. A one year old orange and white neutered male and decfowed cat is at 312-438-2923. The Wauconda Animal hospital asked us to find a home for him as they though him so special A four month old female black with rusty patches kitten is at 815-385-1458. Also at this number is a four month old fe­ male calico kitten. Both have had their distemper shots. A six month old female calico kitten is at 815-385-6987. An adult male black and brown tiger cat is at 815-338- 2696. A fourteen month old spayed female tortoiseshell cat is available at 312-639-3739. Four female kittens, one all black, two calico and one tortoiseshell are at 312-639-3739. Four 3 month old kittens, one all gray, one gray and white, and two gold and white are at 015-459-6837. A one year old black and white declawed female cat is at 815-385-5903. There are two 7 week old kittens, one fuzzy black and white and one tabby at 815-943- 4393 in Harvard. FOUND DOG Found in Cary and staying at 312-438-2923 is a 6 to 8 month old blond and white male Pekingese. LOST DOGS Lost in Coventry, Crystal Lake, at 815-459-1818 is a nine month old male Irish Setter. Lost in Woodstock, a four year old white male Toy Poodle. Call 815-338-0789. Lost in Pistakee at 312-497- 4189 is a two year old sable and white female purebred Collie. NO FOUND CATS THIS WEEK LOST CATS Lost in Fox River Grove at 312-639-7614, a solid black male cat, under one year old was wearing a red collar with rhinestones and I.D. tags. Lost from Mt. Meriah sub­ division in Cary at 312-639-3797 in the evening, a 10 month old female Himalayan Sealpoint kitten. A reward is offered. Lost at Rtes. 31 and 176 at 815- 459-2206, a 3 to 4 year old male, very large, black with brown and a little white, thick rabbit like fur cat. UP FOR ADOPTION Pekingese, mix puppy, 6 months old, blonde and white, about 5 lbs. 815-459-0511. "DAVY CROCKETT?" - Bradley Adams, a second grader at Edgebrook school, had the fortunate experience of traveling to Florida for a 2^-week vacation. He saw and did many interesting things along the way. Lookout Mountain, Cape Kennedy, Disney World, St. Aygusti^e (the oldest city in the United States), and deep sea fishing are among his happy memories. "Going to Disney World and getting my Davy Crockett outfit were the things I liked best", said Bradley. This was quite evident when he wore his frontier outfit to:school as pictured above. "This was the best vacation I ever had!" RECOUNT AVAILABLE Robert Vorisek, chairman of the Algonquin Township Republican Central committee, issued a statement this week to clarify the position of the Republican party concerning the possibility of a recount of the Republican Feb. 6 caucus. The Algonquin Township Republican Central committee, in its meeting of Feb. 12, went on record to recommend that anybody wishing a recount of the Feb. 6 caucus should proceed as the law provides for a legal recount through the courts. After discussing the count with the election judges and poll watchers, Vorisek said, "We are convinced that the count was both honest and accurate. We feel that, if anyone has reason to believe otherwise, he has a moral obligation to seek a recount through the courts". JW come on over../. | we're having an ERECTED. CLOSED IN AND READY TO FINISH (/ Saturday-February 24,1973 Sunday-February 25, 1973 1-5 p.m. The Jack Michelsen Home & The McArthur Realtors "The Windmills" Gilberts, 111. 200 WASHINGTON (JUNC RTS 120 & BUS.14) WOODSTOCK, tLUNOfS (815) 33S10C0 BE OUR GUESTI ppHorr n Division OF (£i) evmns PRODUCTS company HOW TO GET TO THE OPEN HOUSE: Go West one mile from Gilberts on Rte. 72 Go to the large Wind­ mills at the entrance. Watch for Capp Homes Open House signs. YOUR CAPP HOMES MAN IS: „ ED ANDERSON . Box 303 Ohio, Illinois 6134VJ Phone: 815/376-4461 REFRESHMENTS DOOR PRIZE Let us show you how to save 20% to 40% by building the Capp Homes Way! We do all the heavy erection right on your lot and furnish all finishing materials inside and out at a firm price. We'll show you how you save by doing the easy finishing touches yourself, or by sub-contracting. See the fine quality labor and materials, plus 100's of new floor plan ideas. MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY TO: CAPP HOMES Dept. 60040 589 North York Road Elmhurst, Illinois 60126 Please send me details on Capp Homos. Name Address Town or RFD State ; -Z'P. .Phone. 0 I own a lot Q I don't own a lot but couM get one

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