Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Mar 1973, p. 9

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PAGE 9-PLAINDEAIER-FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1973 Lakeland Park DOROTHY LENSE 385-6517 Cub Scouts Plan Spaghetti Dinner Sunday The sauce is simmering in readiness for the spaghetti dinner sponsored by Cub Scout Pack 459. The dinner will be held in the American Legion Home, 2505 N. Ringwood Road. Serving will be from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday, March 18. If you don't already have your ticket you may get it at the door. So, come out and enjoy one of everybody's favorite foods and help support scouting at the same time. WOMEN'S CLUB SPRING LUNCHEON Spring is definitely in the air when the ladies of the Lakeland Park Women's Club begin talking about their annual spring luncheon and card party. Wednesday, April 11, is the date for the luncheon. It will be held in St. Patrick's church hall, 3500 W.Washington street. Serving begins at 11:30 a.m. The club is hoping for a good turnout. It is hoped that men as well as women will come and enjoy the delicious lunch and play cards. Special arrangements are being made to serve business people promptly. And it is suggested that they make reservations in advance, stating the time of arrival and how many will be in your party. The reserved places will be Legal Notice ELECTION NOTICE Whereas no more than one name is entitled to be printed on the ballot for any township office in the April 3rd, 1973 Township election, and whereas the Board of Auditors of Nunda Township has divided the township in five election districts for the purpose of this election only now therefore notice is hereby given that the Board of Town Auditors of Nunda Township has designated that the districts and polling places for the April 3rd, 1973 Township election shall be as follows: Precinct 1 shall be comprised of Precincts No. 4,6,7 & 12. The Polling Place for Precinct 1 shall be the Island Lake Village Hall, Route 176, Island Lake, 111. Precinct 2 shall be comprised of Precincts No. 1, 9, 14 & 16. The Polling Place for Precinct 2 shall be the Prairie Grove School, 3223 Route 176, Crystal Lake, 111. Precinct 3 shall be comprised of Precinct No. 8 and the Polling Place for Precinct 3 shall be Schroeder's Metalcraft, Inc.. 1519 S. Route 31, McHenry, 111. Precinct 4 shall be comprised of Precincts No. 2 3, 10 & 13. The Polling Place for Precinct 4 shall be the Nature Building, Veterans Acres Park, at the North End of Main St., Crystal Lake, 111. Precinct 5 shall be comprised of Precincts No. 5, 11 and 15, The Polling Place for Precinct 5 shall be Kresl's Green Acres Nursery £ Garden Store,7421 Hillside Rd., Crystal Lake, 111. Board of Auditors Nunda Township Dated Feb. 26, 1973 (Pub. March 2 & 16,1973) Legal Notice MMM OVERWEIGHT Look As Good As You ^ Know You Can DIET CLINIC FAMILY COUNSELING CLINIC, INC. j'The Center Of Lake County* Rt. 120, Just West of Rt. 45 Gray slake, III. j To Schedule a FREE < Orientation CALL (312) 223-8107 ready for your arrival, thus insuring fast service. So, come on out and enjoy good food and good games. There will be table prizes. Tickets are available from club members or the ticket chairman Lyda Radisch (385- 2754). Tickets will also be available at the door on the day of the luncheon. GENERAL MEETING AND ELECTION The annual general meeting of the Lakeland Park Property Owners Association will be held on Sunday, April 8, at 2 p.m. in the Lakeland Park Community House, 1717 N. Sunset Drive. This will be an important meeting. Four new board members will be elected. Those candidates for election to the board of directors are Anthony Serritella, Ernest Schooley, Dennis Storlie, Everett Fleming and Lloyd Wagner. If you are going to be out of town on April 8 and unable to attend the general meeting, you will be able to vote by absentee ballot. Absentee ballots may be obtained from clerk, Mrs. Helen Strandquist, 5110 W. Shore Dr. (385-1921) on Friday, April 6 or Saturday, April 7, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. All absentee ballots must be returned to Mrs. Strandquist in a sealed en­ velope, no later than 7 p.m. on Saturday, April 7. PINK BUNDLE Congratulations to Ann and Steve Moore, who welcomed their pink bundle of joy into the world last Saturday, March 10. Baby Suzanne made her debut at McHenry hospital. She tipped the scales at 8 lbs., 6 ozs. CANDLE OCCASIONS Jack Butler, Mike Hodges, T5he XVoVt Cli true Legal Notice NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the tentative Budget and Ap­ propriation Ordinance for the Cemetery Fund of the Town of Nunda, in the County of McHenry, State of Illinois, for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1973 and ending March 31, 1974, will be on file and con­ veniently available to public inspection at the Township Office, 95 Grant St., Crystal Lake, Illinois between the hours of 8:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., on the 26th day of February, 1973. Notice is further given hereby that a public hearing on said Budget and Appropriation Ordinance for the Cemetery Fund will be held at 7:30 P.M. on Wednesday, April 4th, 1973, at the Nunda Township Office, 95 Grant St Crystal Lake, Illinois. Final action by the Cemetery Trustees on the Cemetery Fund Ordinance will be taken at this hearing. Dated this 26th day of February. 1973. -s- Elias Midttomme, President -s- Leonard Hammerstone, Secretary Nunda townshiD (Pub. March 2, 16, 1973) Lois is engaged to a boy who seems to be playing a psychological game of hide- and-seek! For people often assume social masks, much like the false faces that kiddies wear on Halloween. Sometimes their hidden, subconscious "ogre" thus scares them, as well as their companions. So learn to look behind the ob­ vious! By - George W. Crane, Ph. D., M.D. CASE N-552: Lois R., aged 20, is engaged. "Dr. Crane," she began, "Jim is a wonderful boy and quite generous. Mary Humann and Patricia Shillace celebrate candle oc­ casions on March 16. Patricia will be eight years old. March 17 is a red letter day for Evelyn Kaminski and Tony Parisi. Mark Malin, Edward M. Druml III, and Shawn Marie Ketchum share March 18 as their special day. Edward will be five years old and Shawn will join the world of the terrible twos. Robert Mueller and Mrs. Lenora Abbott have a circle around March 19. Jo Ann Rizzo and Pat Linnane have birthday celebrations on March 20. Leah Rode and Henry Koehl will add candles on March 21. March 22 is a special day for Art Tiffany, Agnes Prazak, Mary Murphy and Marty Apel. ANNIVERSARY GREETINGS Happy anniversary greetings go to Marion and Jim Duffy. The Duffys will celebrate their eighteenth anniversary on March 19. Dorothy and Mel Morgenson's anniversary date is March 20. This will be their thirtieth anniversary. Legal Notice ANNUAL TOWN MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN To the legal voters, residents of the Town of McHenry in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, that the Annual Town Meeting of said Town will take place on Tuesday, April 10,1973 being the second Tuesday of said month at the hour of 8 o'clock P.M. at V.F.W. Hall, 3002 W. Rt. 120, McHenry, 111., for the transaction of the miscellaneous business of the said town; and after a Moderator having been elected, will proceed to near and con­ sider reports of officers, to appropriate money to defray the necessary expenses of the Town and decide on such measures as may, in pursuance of law, come before the meeting; and especially to consider and decide the following: A special annual tax for road purposes. Dated March 12, 1973. Albert A. Adams Town Clerk (Pub. March 16. 1973) "But he is too bossy! "He tries to order me around as if I were his slave. "And he irritates me in public by saying the proper way to handle a wife is to 'take her young, treat her rough and tell her nothing.' "Well, the first time he glibly said that, I thought he was just trying to make conversation and produce a laugh. "But he keeps repeating it in social gatherings till I wonder if he doesn't really believe that is the way to handle a wife. "Why would Jim keep reciting that silly remark?" SOCIAL CAMOUFLAGE "His bark is worse than his bite," is an old adage that described a man who adopts a bold, frightening exterior to hide the fact that he is really a softy at heart. Many a father may thus gripe about his son's request to have a dog. The father may even act rough and tough toward the dog. But then he may reveal his inner softness by seeing that the canine is fed properly and has a warm bed. Modernise is a; rugged and competitive' affair so many timid, softhearted boys soon learn to put up a tough external appearance. And some of the very shy youngsters even try to hide their inner sensitivity by using profanity or drinking whiskey. Others regard tenderness and sympathy as effeminate, so they act harsh with their mothers, yet in a crisis they are right there with money or medical attention. Smart women soon learn to "read between the lines," which is another way of saying, "His bark is worse than his bite." For human beings play some very fascinating games of psychological hide-and-seek, both with themselves as well as with their associates. One reason why I launched this clinical column in practical psychology and psychiatry, was to show you laymen how to delve below the obvious. For the surface elements may be merely an assumed mask, like the false faces kiddies wear at Halloween. Many patients are thus victims of complexes and phobias whose origin they have consciously forgotten. So they figuratively keep running around while pursued by an inner, subconscious "ogre." You may recall my citing the case of the 39-year-old woman who kept squandering thousands of dollars on beauty parlor treatments. She required a new facial and hairdo every day. But she was playing the game of hide-and-seek with a misunderstanding! IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF JOSEPH FRETT Deceased, FILE NO. 73-P^I3 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 194 of the Probate Act, of the death of the above named decedent and that letters TESTAMENTARY were issued on February 26, 1973, to Walter Frett. 2422 W. Aspen Drive, Johnsburg, Illinois, whose attorney of record is Hugh A. Deneen, Woodstock, Illinois. Claims may be filed within 7 months from the date of issuance of Letters of office and that any claim not filed within that period is barred as to die estate which is inventoried within that period. Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court, County Court House, Wood­ stock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney. MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of the Court (Pub. March 2,9,16,1973) Los Angeles. 65C by Long Distance. Not to mention Seattle, San Francisco, San Diego, Bangor, Reno and Butte. Each for 65 cents plus tax. For three minutes. When you dial the number yourself anytime Saturday and on Sunday until 5 p.m. So if you want to travel cheaply--go Long Distance. • It's cheaper than you think. Long Distance A little bit of money stil̂ goes a long way, (§) Itfinois Befl MAYBE Wfc'D BETTER TUftM BA.CK AND c«iU THEM. ""NTS' Dial-direct discounts do not tpply to calls to Alaska and Hawaii or to Operator-assisted calls such as coin, credit card collect person-to- person. hotel-guest calls, or calls charged to enother number In areas where direct-dialing facilities are not available the discounts do apply to Operator-essisted station-to-station calls that elsewhere could be dialed direct ~ "Distraction Traps" Warning Given Drivers Be wary of "distraction traps." When driving, you may be distracted by someone or something for a critical second or two. When your attention returns to the traffic scene, you may find the car that had been comfortably ahead has its brake lights on and you are roaring toward a collision or an unnerving near-miss. Minor distractions generally fall into one of three categories, says the Institute for Safer Living. First, there are those that could be avoided with a little planning or preparation. For instance, searching for a toll ticket. Or finding the right map. The second group of distractions are those that can be avoided by your actions before starting out on a trip. For example, adjusting your mirrors. Or adjusting your seat and buckling your safety belt. For she had officiated alone, at the age of 7, when her mother bore a baby, and then prepared her mother's breakfast later. The neighboring farm wives mentioned that, "She certainly has an old head on her shoulders, doesn't she?" But this little girl then visualized a prune-faced, wrinkled old visage! Tucked away in her sub­ conscious, this later drove her to daily visits to beauty parlors when she approached the menopausal decade of the 40's. Lois needs to analyze her boy friend by the 200-point "Tests for Sweethearts," so enclose a long stamped, return envelope, plus 20 cents for your copy. The third group consists of things that should be done only when you pull off the road and stop. Struggling into or out of a coat, sweater, or jacket. Checking your appearance in the rear view mirror. Eating or drinking. How can you avoid "distraction traps"? Before you start driving, place all items you might need in an easy-to-reach location. This procedure allows you to secure the items without requiring a visual search. While you're driving, use common sense. Is it sensible, for example, to grope for a coin or other object on the floor while you're maneuvering in heavy traffic? » Pull off the road and stop for any action that takes your hands off the steering wheel, ' your feet away from the pedals, or your eyes off the road long enough for you to lose control of the situation. The waiting time at stop signs or red lights might be used to save some off-the-road stops, suggests the Institute. Control distractions -- don't let them control you. Typewriters make it easy to write-but thinking still comes as hard as ever!! It will not be eaty to change our habitt, tome of which have gone unquestioned for genera­ tion* throwing thingt away in- Head of repairing or recycling them, dumping our wastet into the water and air, and watting ir*. replaceable re tourcet . I t i t up each of ut to develop a new pat' tern of environmental concern. We muil I earn to work with n0* lure and not againtt her. Going t o a . . . Wedding, Shower, Birthday Party, Housewarming, Anniversary? VISIT US FIRST! You Will Be Surprised At The Large Selection of Gifts We Have To Offer VYCITALS I GREEN STREET MALL Pro Hardware 1228 N. Green KE7 111 McHenry . No Charge For Gift Wrapping HERE'S YOUR CHANCE FOR A SERVICE SPECIALS AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION SERVICE 095 Includes: Drain transmission, replace oil, oil screen and pan gasket. (Plus parts & Oil) MOTOR TUNE-UP GM CARS WITH AIR Includes: Points plugs, condenser, PCV valve, fuel filter, air filter, and labor. (Cars with resister plugs, add $3.75) SPRING AIR CONDITIONER SERVICE Includes: Adjust compressor belts, inspect system for leaks, clean condenser, and add freon. ,Vr "" F<tr" SPECIAL THRU MARCH Rte. 131 & 120 Phone 385-6000 1909-64 Years-Same Owner CADILLAC-PONTIAC McHenry | Illinois

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