PAGE 2-PLAlNDEALER-FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1973 ADA DINNER - McHenry county turns out in force for the American Dairy Association of Illinois' annual meeting at Rockton last week. Charles VVeingart, center of photo in background, McHenry, District I director, is at table with two other county farmers, Norman Heinrich, Crystal Lake, and Richard Beers, Harvard. (DON PEASLEY PHOTO) Auditions For Theatre Set March 21 Covent Garden Productions will hold its second in a series of auditions for its Traveling Theatre company for all actors and actresses in the Chicagoland area. Anyone from the age of 18 up who are not members of the union's Actors Equity, AFTRA, AGMA, or AGVA are eligible to audition. The traveling company will offer to organizations and in stitutions a series of plays which will include comedies, musicals and dramas. Ex penses for traveling, meals and acting will be provided to the members of the company. This next audition will be held Wednesday, March 21, from 7 to 10 p.m. in the faculty lounge of the Student union at the College of Lake County in Grayslake. The following is required of a person auditioning: A presentation of a prepared scene no longer than two minutes in length showing the versatility of the actor or ac tress; present to the casting committee a resume of theatre background, credits and vital statistics; present a 5 x 7 or larger photo of person auditioning; and finally to be prepared to sing a song in a cappella which is eight bars in length which will show the range of the singing voice. YOGA CLASSES in McHenry BEGINNERS & CONTINUING Evening Classes Only Certified Instructor Phone 381-5431 Anyone living near the area of the audition site who cannot be available on the twenty-first for an audition, may send a resume and photo to Covent Garden Productions. P.O. Box 75. Ingleside. 60041, indicating dates of availability for an audition. Any organization or institution interested in in formation concerning the Traveling Theatre company may also write to the above address. Gerald W. Pettera and Talutha M. Tesmer are the co- directors for the Traveling company. Committee For Marian Pky Named Marian Central Catholic high school will present Frank Loessner's musical fable of Broadway, "Guys and Dolls" on April 6, 7 and 8 at the school in Woodstock. The various work crews and committees have been formed: Lighting, Brian Duffy, Tom Zimmerman, and Stan Walczynski; set construction, Marty Palmer, Maureen Cristy, John Zim merman and John McAn- drews; costumes, Carol Rickert, LeeAnn Cristy, Marge Boarini, Christine Olson and Mary Pierce; make-up, Celeste Doherty and Marg Overton: programs and publicity, Linda Catanzaro; properties, John McAndrews, Jan Dwyer, Mary Walczynski and Mary Wedoff; ushers, members of Drama club; Painting, Kathy Simon and Rose May; set design, Marcia Biasiello and Kathy Simon. Many other Marian students are also involved in the show. Some of the hits from the musical are "Bushel and a Peck," "Guys and Dolls," "Sit Down, You're Rockin' the Boat," and "If I Were a Bell." The dance numbers, "Take Back Your Mink" and Cuban CONFUSED ? END THE CAREER SEARCH Family Counseling's Career Counseling Clinic "MAKE IT YOUR DECISION" CAREER COUNSELING IS FOR EVERYONE PERSONS whose present working situation brings dissatisfaction WOMEN planning to return to school or work. HIGH SCHOOL JUNIORS and SENIORS deciding future career goals. MILITARY PERSONNEL about to be discharged and re-entering civilian life. YOUNG PEOPLE out of high school with no defined career goals. PERSONS considering a second career. COLLEGE STUDENTS seeking a major. ANYONE wanting to make intelligent, informed and insightful personnel decisions. / TO SCHEDULE A FREE ORIENTATION CALL (312) 223-8107 FAMILY COUNSELING CLINIC, INC. Route 120, Just WEST, West of Route 45 The Center Of Lake County GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS 60030 "Prince And Pauper" Opera House Offering In its continuing effort to provide quality entertainment for the children of McHenry county, the Woodstock Fine Arts association is sponsoring the Robin Hood Players in their adaptation of Mark Twain's "The Prince and the Pauper". The performance is scheduled for Saturday, March 17, at 1:30 p.m. on the stage of the Woodstock Opera House. "The Prince and the Pauper", by that great master story teller of all time, Mark Twain, relates the lively tale of a little beggar boy who changes places with l the rightful heir to the throne andbecomesabogus king. This humorous but poignant story has been especially adapted for the Robin Hood Players, the country's largest professional children's theatre company. Now in their ninth season. The Players present over 3,000 performances each year throughout the nation and maintain six road companies that tour in different geographic locations. The box office will be open at 12:30 p.m. the day of the per formance for late sales. dances will be planned and danced by student choreographers, Lee Ann Cristy, Marg Overton and Marge Boarini.' The setting for the play will be a unit set of Broadway with various scenes and sets as part of the New York landscape. The musical director for the show is Robert Prazak and the dir ector is Gerald Fabis. A dinner-theatre party will be held Saturday, April 7, with the late curtain at 8:20 on that night. Reservations may be made by calling Marian Central. Curtain on Friday and Sunday will be at 8 p.m. Tickets are available at the door. ^ ^ ̂ ̂ ^ ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ Community Calendar V *1* si* 1% ^ MARCH If . S t Margare t Chapte r o l NAIM -- Mee t ing - Oak Room. S t Mar \ s 7 50 p tn MARCH 17 S t Pau l ' s Episcopa l Church . Bake Sa le - McHenry Sav ings & Loan - 8 a in to 12 p m MARCH 18 S t Pa t r i ck ' s Lad ies Gui ld - Hani Dinner Served Fami ly i S ty le - - Church Hal l 1 p m to 5 p m MARCH 19 Bus iness & Profess iona l Woman ' s Ctub Month ly Meet ing -V4 ( ' rvs ta l Ba l l Res tauran t . Chape l Hi l l Road & Rt 120 MARCH 21 McHenry Sen ior Ci t i zens Club Bus Tr ip to Shr ine Ci rcus - - Bus Leaves McHenry S ta te Bank Park ing Lot a t 5 p .m. Lotus Count ry Women ' s Club Meet ing *- Home of S te l l a Condon . Richmond -- Lun cheon . 1 p .m MARCH 22 McHenry Garden Club Meet ing - Home Of Mrs E lmer S tange . 504 N Minera l Spr ings Road St. Clara Court No. 659, National Catholic Society of Foresters -- Monthly Meeting - Oak Room, Montini School - 8 p.m. Final Card Tournament - Eelction Of Officers. MARCH 23-24 Rummage Sale - Ringwood Church -- Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Saturday 9 a.m. to 12 noon. MARCH 26 McHenry Sen ior Ci t i zens Club Meet ing 7 :30 p .m. - Fas t Campus Cafe te r ia McHenry Woman's Club - Board Meeting -- City Hall, 9:30 a.m. McHenry " i i rden < i u t> Tr ip td Chicago F lower Show -- l.ea\e Roller Kink at 9 in a 111 MARCH 29 \V S .C S Cafe te r ia S ty le Dinner - - Hebron Methodi> i church - Serving at ."> p 111 APRIL 2 McHenry Sen ior Ci t i / ens Club Execut ive Commit tee Meet ing - - 1 p 111 - - Landmark School Marc ia Meet ing - APRIL 3 Mary Hal 12:3(1 p 111 C i rc le F i r s t Uni ted Methodis t Churc APRIL 8 Lake land Park Proper ty Owners Assoc ia t ion Annua l Meet ing - - 2 p 111 - - Lake land Park Communi ty House -- 1717 .Nor th Sunse t Dr ive APRIL 9 McHenry Sen ior Ci t i zens Club Spr ing Smorgasbord Dinner - 6:30 p .m Fas t Campus Cafe te r ia Meet ing - 7 :30 p m APRIL 10 AFS Sponsored Second Annua l Fash ion Show 1 Homemade Garments ' -Seu What's New Campus - 8:30 p m West APRIL 11 Lake land Park Women ' s Club Annua l Spr ing Luncheon and Card Par ty - 11:30 a .m. - - S t . Pa t r i ck ' s Par i sh Hal l McHenry Sen ior Ci t i zens Club Bus Tr ip to Chicago Loop - - Bus l eaves McHenry S ta te Bank Park ing lo t a t 8 45 a m APRIL 14 The Fr iendsh ip Club Pot - Luck Dinner and Meet ing - 6 p .m. - Fi rs t Uni ted Methodis t Church APRIL 23 McHenry Sen ior Ci t i zens Club Meet ing - 7:30 p m - Fas t Campus Cafe te r ia APRIL 25 McHenry Sen ior Ci t i zens Club - - Bus-Luncheon-Mat inee Tr ip to Bloomingda le - Bus l eaves McHenry S ta te Bank Parking Lot at 11 a m POET'S CORNER WHEN When spring is in the air and you can hear music, everywhere. When birds begin to fly... and newborn babies, start to cry... this is Life, all around us. When sunshine warms the ground and flowers start to bloom. When little girls wear pretty dresses and little boys, look twice before they pass... this is joy and happiness. When mother and father smile at each other and he brings flowers home... for his wife... this is Love. When all the people here on earth reach out - to each other - no matter what background, color or creed. When we see in our neighbor, our brother and live together as one big family... this is Peace... Present Slate Of Officers At St. Agatha Meet St. Agatha Court 777, of the National Catholic Society of Foresters at Johnsburg, will meet Tuesday evening, March 20, at the Community club hall at 8 o'clock. The Nominating committee will present a slate of officers for election. Com mittee members are Mrs. Tom Huemann, Mrs. Leo Smith and Mrs. Francis Schmitt. Further plans for the annual conference of the Rockford Diocese association will also be on the agenda. St. Agatha Court is host court for the conference being held at Johnsburg April 29. Committee members for the meeting are Mrs. William Pierce, Jr., Miss Betty Lou Hiller, Mrs. Roger Moehling, Mrs. Elaine Townsend, Mrs. Richard Michels, Mrs. Clarence Freund and Miss Carol Sompel. SCHROEDER METALCRAFT GIFT SHOP *Fireplace Screens *Glass, Brass and Pewter * Tools and Adirons *Candle Sconces and Holders •Grates and Gas Logs *Clocks and Wall Plaques -GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS- 815-385-0950 1713 South Route 31, McHenry, Illinois Open Daily 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sund&y 12 noon to 5:30 p.m. PATRICK DAY at the. CABBAGE 00 Entertainment 385-0176 DIVORCE Marlene Klepacz from Kenneth M. Klepacz, Wonder Lake. LOSE UGLY FAT Start losing weight today or money back. MONADEX is a tiny tablet and easy to take. MONADEX will help curb your desire for excess food. Eat less--weigh less. Contains no dangerous drugs and will not make you nervous. No strenuous exercise. Change your life . . start today. MONADEX costs $3.00 for a 20 day supply. Large economy size is $5.00. Lose ugly fat or your money will be refunded with no questions asked. MONADEX is sold with this guarantee by: Bolger's Drug Store 1259 N. Green St. Friends Honor Adams Brothers On Birthdays Two brothers were guests of honor at a dinner party given by Mr. and Mrs. Jim Salvaggio last Sunday, Alex Adams and Vince Adams were feted on their seventieth and sixty-first birthdays, respectively. Besides the honorees and their wives others present included Mr. and Mrs. Joe Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Adams. Mr and Mrs. Nick Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Adams. Jr., and son, Vincie. Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Adams. Dawn Marie and Jeffrey. Steven and Donald Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Jablonski. all of McHenry; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Adams. Kenosha. Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jablonski of Chicago. Tryouts For College Play Tryouts for thg^ McHenry County college production of "Death of a Salesman" by Arthur Miller will be conducted this week at the college. There are parts for five females and eight males. "Participation is not limited to MCC students. Area citizens who are interested in trying out are encouraged to do so," said James Kenna, instructor of theatre at MCC. Performances are scheduled for May 11, 12 and 13. For further information about scheduling a try-out, contact Kenna at the college. How Can I? CXXZXZXZXZXZXZXZXXXiZX By Anne Ashley Q. How can I remove chocolate or cocoa stains from fabrics? A. By sprinkling powdered borax over the area, soaking the fabric in cold water for about a half-hour, then pouring boiling water through the stains. Q. How can I remove rust stains from the corners of cake tins that have been in use a long time? A. By dipping a raw potato in cleaning powder, and scouring the tin with this. Q. What can I do about the black deposits that have built up in the grout joints of my bathroom wall tile? A. Dampen a cloth with or dinary kerosene, and scrub these joints until the soil and grease have dissolved. And the coating left on has a way of discouraging the accumulation of more grease and soil. Q. Is there any way I can deal with some shallow scratches on a mirror? A. Try rubbing with a piece of hard felt that has been moistened in water and dipped either in red or black rouge. Q. How can I mix a good copper polish at home? A. Mix equal parts of salt and flour with enough vinegar to make a paste. Rub this on the freshly-washed copper article, let set for a minute, then rinse and dry. Q. How can I add a com pensating flavor to my food when I am on a salt-free diet? A. Try using lemon juice, instead of salt, in vegetables, tomato juice, steak, fish, and the like. Q. How can I perform a faster and neater job of applying the putty around a new pane of window glass I am installing? A. By first rolling the putty into long strips, about as big around as a pencil, then pressing each strip into position against the glass with the fingers. Then smooth with your putty knife. Q. How can I remove marks on a painted wall caused by scratching matches? A By rubbing over the area with a piece of cut lemon. Many other such easy-to-do tips are contained in my household manual. Q. How can I prevent a ham stored in my refrigerator from becoming moldy? A. By brushing the ham lightly witn vinegar. Q. How can I produce a glass- smooth job when patching plastered walls? A-l Hearing Aid Repair Service 24 HR. SERVICE - FREE I0ANERS COMPLETE SERVICE ON ALL MAKES Zenith - Sonotone - Beltone - Telex - Otarion Fidelity - Acousticon - Qualitone - Vicon - Dahlberg Audiotone - Radioear - Maico - Siemens - Oticon ROBERT 0. STENSLAND & ASSOCIATES 3937 W. MAIN, McHENRY, ILL. WEDNESDAY ONLY 1 - 5 P.M. CALL 815-385-7661 Batteries - Cords - Earmolds OTHER LOCATIONS Mt. Prospect - Oak Park - Aurora - Hinsdale -- New Hearing Aid Rental Plan-- KAREN WATERMANN BETROTHAL TOLD - Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Watermann of 441 Washington street, Woodstock, announce the engagement of their daughter, Karen, to Timothy Freund, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Freund, 3017 W. Crescent, McHenry. A late summer wedding is planned. Miss Watermann is a nurse at the local hospital. Her fiance is attending Loyola Dental school, Chicago. MARRIAGE LICENSES Raymond E. Schubbe, 919 Highland, Island Lake, and Rita Robison, 7607 Hancock, Wonder Lake. Michael D. Coss, 4406 Lathrop. Woodstock, and Sherry Lee Finney, 4214 Prairie, McHenry. Carl Kosierowski, 1304 W. River Terrace, McHenry, and Christine Lee Anne Weingart, 1517 W. May, McHenry. Elmer H. Appleby, 3116 Thompson, Wonder Lake, and Maxine R. Adler, Wonder Lake. Raymond A. Bathmann, Jr., Route 2, Antioch, and Linda M. Copas, 3012 Cherry drive, Wonder Lake. SITW WHAT? T H I S W E E K ' S P A T T E R N S B * A U D R E Y L A N E RUMMAGE SALE The Ringwood United Methodist church will be the setting for the semi-annual spring rummage sale Friday and Saturday, March 23 and 24. Hours will be 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday and 9 a.m. to noon Saturday. Coffee "and" will be served Friday afternoon. A. Allow the patch to set until the plaster begins to stiffen, then dip a putty knife or trowel into water, and drag the wet tool over the surface of the partially hardened plaster. This will leave it with a smooth, glazed surface which will need little or no sanding. Q. How can I prevent brass from tarnishing in damp weather? A. After polishing the brass, rub over it with a cloth moistened in olive oil. 3308 10 18 Swanky 1,00k Here's a swanky way to use two fabrics, and that 's the way the fash ions go No 3308 comes in sizes 10 to 18 In size 12 (bust 34) bodice takes 1 ty» yards of 44 inch fabric; t ie and front pleat skir t , 3V* yards of 44 inch Send 50| for each dress pattern, 30i for each needlework pattern (add 154 for each dress pattern, lOf for each needlework pattern for mai l ing and handl ing) to AUDREY LANE BU REAU, Morr is Plains, New Jersey 07950 Trousers con t inue to be spo t l igh ted for in spr ing showings . They ' re topped wi th co lor fu l b lazers in s t r ipes , checks and p la ids ; cuf fed t rousers fea ture sof t coo l shades . * PRINTERS PUBLISHERS EST 1875 \Qn0f«,r, CPtainJeaL L jPiaigijx 5 \ NEWSPAPFR 7 fi SUBSCRIPTION RATES ^ 1 Year $7.50 1 Year $9 00 In McHenry and Lake Outside McHenry and J County Lafcg County Established 1875 3812 West Elm Street Phone 385-0170 McHenry, Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesday 81 Friday at McHenry, Illinois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois By McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY Adele Froehlich -- Editor NATIONAL NEWSPAPER MSOCUTIOH Iwritl im 4 St.*"1 SI m SUSTAINING ' S MEMBER -- 1973 er | 1 Fish Fry Friday 5 until 9 P.M. Public Always Welcome Chicken and Steak Also Serving Whole Channel Cat Fish, Shrimp, Scallops Lunch 11 AM to 2PM Dinner 5PM to 9PM Pistakee Country Club k f D o w i n i \ * 815 W. Bay Road (Rte. 134) Phone 385-9854