PAGE 2-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1973 Grandma Sez • • • HEAD COMEDY CAST - -That pocketbook is really driving me cnu>." exhorts Barney Cashman. In me memory, rings th' words. "Familiarity breeds contempt." when I read, an' hear o' th' disrespect o' th' young, toward? their seniors, parents, teachers, employers, ar." ever'thin' that should require a certain attitude o" regard Some years ago. me ears wuz shocked at bein' addressed by me giver, name, by a salesman, on th' teliphone. Th' familiarity, that's a way o' life, these days, wuz jist a bein' practiced, an" little by little, th' respect o' person fer t'other's fast disappeared, in many instances I wuz brought up t' use th' title due a person, outside o' me own age bracket. As long as I wuz employed. I wuz honored by me title o" "Miss." an' "Mrs." We ne'er thought \o callin' our teachers by any | than their surname, along wk the proper title, no matter hem young they were When a young woman reached the age o' fs. she wuz "Miss."' A young man earned th' title o' "Mr." on reachin' th' age o' 21. Up t' that time he wuz addressed by his surname r given name. No youngun deserves th' title o' an adult until they're considered o' age In me own thinkm' there ain't a youngster I c'n recall t' mind, that conducts himself, 'r herself in an adult manner, that 's under th' age o' 18 re 21. girl, r boy. respectively. T consider a person an adult, jist cause th' privilege o' votin' wuz lowered, seems ridiculous. An adult s able t' pervide fer himself, an" young folk, graduatin' from high school, ha been pervided for. all their lives, an suddenly they get that cbpioma. an' they're supposed t be a full-blown rose, bud th' bud s jist beginnin" t' show what kind o' flower 11 be th' bloom. * Now. comes th' time fer the youngun t' expect fer his adult hood There wuz a lot o' good, in th' old practice o' mediocrity in th practice o' familiarity. Society attempted t' hold high standards, an'the use o' the proper title, at th' proper time, when he r she came o' age, gave the youngster a feelin' o' proud accomplishment. A new dignity wuz bom. an' a young man went inter th' world, a feelin' like a man. Young women were ad dressed by would-be suitors, in a manner t' uphold a dignity in their bearin'. an' it may be laughed at his day. but there wuz a reason fer it all. Familiarity breeds all kind o' undesirable conditions. Grandma Radtke Involving I presented on Fridavs, Saturdays and Sunday, March 30. 31. April 1, S and 7 at the McHenry Country dab. Dinner will be serv ed from 6 to 7:15 p.m. with the curtain at 8 p.m. On Sunday, the dinner and curtain will be one hour earlier. For a reserv ation call 38S-1072. With Vacation Ideas CINDY BERGSTRAND ENGAGED-Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bergstrand of 4414 Sherwood drive. Costal Lake, and formerly of Woodstock, announce the engagement of their daughter, Cindy , to Ron Sample, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sample of 166 Ridge avenue. Crystal Lake. Miss Bergstrand is a graduate of Bradley university and is presently employed by a real estate firm in St. Louis, Mo., while working on her Master's degree in Business Ad ministration at Washington university. Her fiance, a graduate of Southern Illinois university at Edwardsviile. is presently attending law school at Washington university. The June wedding will take place at the First Congregational church in Crystal Lake. Spring showings are filled with feminine looking dress es. Soft jersey, organza and other fabrics are featured in full, long skirts. Ruffles are quite popular-- Health Program Planned For Teen-Agers A half million teen-agers -- That's how many teen-agers in the United States contract YD each year Therefore the Cooperative Extension Service of McHenry county. 4-H Federation, and McHenry County Youth council are sponsoring an educational program on veneral disease and health. This program will be held Tuesday. March 27 at the Farm Bureau auditorium in Woodstock. The time is 7:30 p.m. The program will feature Dr. Lawrence O'Reilly, health specialist from the University of Illinois. Dr. O'Reilly will discuss and provide accurate information on YD with films Local Couple Celebrates Anniversary William and Hazel Stahlman celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary last weekend by enjoying dinner out with family and friends Enjoying the celebration with the couple and extending congratulations were Cheryl and Dick Johnson. Steve Bill and Casey Stahlman. Mary Formby. Len. Aunt Liil. Toots. Betty. Tim and Corrine Snopeck. Mr and Mrs George Schultz. Mr and Mrs Jack Galleger. Hazel Mendel and Mr. and Mrs Rudv Taieckv around the neckline, sleeves or hemline. For :he youngster, fuli short sleeves are seen or. party dresses. are a part of many garments and flowers, as a decoration. and medical information. In recent years the incidence of YD. especially gonorrhea has reached epidemic proportion. Statistically. every two minutes a teen-ager in the United Sates contracts YD - the nation's second most communicable disease after the common cold The program is geared to the seventh graders and older All youth, parents, teachers and counselors are invited to this program. For further in formation contact the Cooperative Extension Serv ice. Box 431. Woodstock or 338-3737. One Hundred and seventy- seven members were in at tendance at the McHenry Senior Citizens club meeting last week Monday. The program for the evening in cluded pictures and in formation regarding vacation trips - particularly Hawaii and Caribbean cruises. Suggested itineraries were given - along with approximate costs Further information can be secured on request. Among the committee reports. Social Chairlady Helene Strandquist announced that the deadline for making reservations for the Spring smorgasbord dinner Monday. MCHENRY DINNER THEATER IPRESENTSI T H E L A S T O F T H E RED HOT LOVBIS CURTAIN TIME: 8:00 PM SUNDAY CURTAIN: 7:00 PM DINNER l&l THEATER Per Person Tax & Tip Included SERYTNG TIME 6:00 - 7:15 PM SUNDAY SERYING 5:00-6:15 PM •ForJ reservations 3851072 MODELS FOR REYUE - Club members who will model at the Town & Country Newcomers club fashion show April 3 at the Y.F.W. clubhouse will be. from left, Kathy Anger and Patti Truckenbrod. The handsome young man with them, also a model, is Jarrod Rees. Proceeds of the revue will benefit the McHenry and Johnsburg Rescue squads. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Highland Nursing Home Genoa City, Wisconsin on State Line. Round The Clock Nursing Care- Special Diets Have Several Rooms Available Starting As Low As $11.00 Per Day, FOR INFORMATION CALL: 414*279-3345 April 9. will positively* be Monday. April 2. Seating capacity is limited and all tickets are sold on first-come - first-sen.-ed basis. Alf Heggeland invited members to attend the art classes on Tuesdays from 2 to 4 at Landmark school, also the square dancing Thursday evenings from 7 to 9 at Land mark. Frank Giel says he has openings for additional bowlers at the Tuesday morning. Tuesday afternoon and Friday afternoon sessions. Contact him for further details Alice Wilke reported delivering forty-seven lap robes to Sunset Manor, with more being made by the sewing groups. Group 1 will meet Thursdav. April 5 at 9:30 at the home of Mrs. Alice Chermak. Goup 2 will meet Friday. April 6. at 9 30 at the home of Dora Usedom "Friends In Deed" is the group being formed to make visits to hospitalized members, house-bound and bereaved members. It is a big project to get organized and all members will be asked to cooperate to make it a success. Mrs. Alice Wilke should be notified regarding members who are ill. hospitalized or bereaved. The program for the meeting Monday. March 26. will consist of selections by the McHenry Choral Club. AFS Student Speaks Before Friendship Club The March pot-luck dinner and meeting of the Friendship club was well attended. In cluded among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Alvin BenOy and Miss Christine Guillermou. Christine Guillermou ir the A.F.S. student from Nor mandy. France. After the dinner she gave a most in teresting talk on the AFS program, and shared with club members many very in teresting stories about her country and its customs. The pretty teen-ager speaks English very fluently and was found to be a very charming person. The next meeting of the Friendship club will be Saturday. April 14, at 6 p.m.. in the dining room of the First United Methodist church. Vivian and Lisle Bassett. Ethel and Clyde Bailey and Ruth and John Godtfredsen will be the hosts and hostesses. Elsie Reiker and Frances Vycital have arranged for the program, which will be given by Yvonne and Bill Wilson, they will be showing some of their very fine trip pictures. Set Theme For Current Series Of La Leche League The third meeting in the current series of La Leche League will be held March 27, dealing with weaning and the importance of nutrition, not only to the pregnant or lac- tating woman, but to her entire family. Meetings are held at 8 p.m. on the last Tuesday of each month. The league is presently saving food coupons to pur chase needed equipment. Donations will be appreciated. The organization was founded for the purpose of giving information and en c o u r a g e m e n t p r i m a r i l y through personal help, to women who want to nurse their babies. The league feels that the nursing mother, especially in the early weeks, needs all the support she can get. Her husband, the league believes, is the most important support she has. It is with this in mind that La Leche league of Crystal Lake has devoted this series of four monthly meetings to both husbands and wives. Pregnant women and nursing mothers, along with their husbands, are welcome to attend. Mrs. Robert 'Roberta) Humphreys should be called for further information Checkerboard Squares Host Special Dance Green was the color, and gay w as the spirit of the evening as more than ten squares (80 dancers > tripped the light fantastic in the gym at Edgebrook school Saturday, March 17. as the Checkerboard Squares celebrated St. Patrick's day. Among the visiting clubs were the Elk Reel Squares, M i l k C e n t e r S q u a r e s . H i p Huggers. Dudes and Dolls, Saints and Swingers and Ribbons and Beaus. Among prizes awarded was the Blarney stone won by Dave and Patti Miller. Hostesses for the evening, all with a dash of St. Patrick's spirit, were the O'Crosbys, O'Hansons and the O'Conners, the latter who came from Ireland. Kathleen O'Conner serv ed a delicious Irish bread. On April 9 the Checkerboard Squares will travel to Downey hospital to share an evening of recreation with residents. Mrs. Stackhouse Will Head Beta Sigma Phi Group Officers for Pi Alpha chapter of Beta Sigma Phi were selected at the March 19 meeting. Leading activities during the year ahead will be Mrs. Craig Stackhouse. president; Mrs. Leonard Siatta. vice-president; Mrs. Harry Powers, recording secretary; Mrs. Frank Maz- zone. secretary; Mrs. Frank Colomer. treasurer and Mrs. Patrick Johnson, extension officer. Members attending the meeting were Mrs. John Ernst. Mrs. Garry DeYries, Mrs. William Haddock. Miss Adele Sabel. Mrs. Craig Stackhouse. Mrs. Patrick Johnson, Mrs. Harry Powers, Mrs. Charles Lindwall. Mrs. Frank Colomer. Mrs. Dick Hellmig and Mrs. Dan Russell. DIVORCES " Lila Lurine Derocher from Paul Albert Derocher. Lake moor. Leonard A. Harrison from Evelyn V. Harrison. McHenry Christine L. Gruzalski from Charles R. Gruzalski, McHenry. Dorothy Tomao from Louis Tomao, McHenry. YOGA CLASSES in McHenry BEGINNERS & CONTINUING Evening Classes Only Certified Instructor Phone 381-5431 Roman Cocktails Rooms ML Or the No^th Shore O^ Long La*e ' R J L U N S SOAP P O Ing leS 'de I l l ino i s DIERDRE JILL LEVESQUE PLAN MAY WEDDING - Mr. and Mrs. J R. "Jake" Levesque. McCullom Lake, announce the engagement of their daughter, Dierdre Jill, to Dr. Charles Edward Nelson, PhD., S.I.U., Ed wardsviile, Dl. His parents reside in Seattle, Wash. Miss Levesque is a graduate of McHenry high school, class of '71, attended one year at S.I.U., Edwardsviile, and presently is preparing for a degree in nursing at Lewis and Clark college, Barclay, 111. Her fiance is a professor of instructional technology and graduate advisor at Southern Illinois university. The two will exchange vows at Nativity Lutheran church. Wonder Lake, Saturday, May 26, at 11 a.m. ri yd ws&'hrjo m• LAYNE JERGENS ENGAGED - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huffmaster of 1201 W. Rocky Beach road, McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Layne Jergens, 4413 N. Poplar Leaf drive, McHenry, to Richard DeHaan. Her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter DeHaan of Grayslake. A June 17 wedding is planned in the Huff- master borne. P R I N T E R S PUBLISHERS EST 1875 , ^PldJeoler Established 1875 3812 West Elm Street Phone 385-0170 * McHenry, Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesday & Friday at McHenry. Illinois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois By McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY Larry E Lund Publisher Adele Froehhch Editor MEMBER 1973 NEWSPAPER NATIONAL NEWSPAPER >$S0CI*TI0N F--jjfi fttt h»n I III 51 NNA SUSTAINING 5 MEMBER-1973 SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Year S7 50 1 Year S9.00 In McHenry and Lake Outside McHenry and County Lake County Fish Fry Friday 5 until 9 P.M. Public Always Welcome Chicken and Steak Also Serving Whole Channel Cat Fish, Shrimp. Scallops Lunch 11 AM to 2 PM Dinner 5PM to 9PM Pistakee Country Club 815 V*. Bay Road (Rte. 134) Phone 385-9854