May's Has Your Favorite Liquors! Bankers Gin V 80 PROOF - A GREAT FLAVOR Bankers Whiskey 80 PROOF - 4 YEAR OLD STRAIGHT BOURBON 79 ft f | quart Walker's Ten High 86 PROOF - 4 YEAR OLD STRAIGHT BOURBON *3" | fifth 100 PROOF - THE SMOOTH LIQUEUR XE" s419 Comfort •f,th 80 PROOF - LIGHT OR DARK Pier I $999 fifth 21% - DRY OR SWEET Vermouth quart 90 PROOF - AMERICAS FINEST $999 fifth Canada Dry Gin 12% - A ROSE' IMPORTED FRQM PORTUGAL $179 | quart 12% - A GREAT DRINK ANYTIME $149 I fifth 86.8 PROOF - BOTTLED IN SCOTLAND IMDI $999 (J fifth " " V D R U G 4400 W. Rte. 120 McHeniy, III. I Rit Easter Egg Dye J . ' ' • J % •• • 4 PAGE^5-PLAINDEALER-WEDNE$pAY, APRIL 11# 197^ ft. i 0M l&L - I •ay D R U G J?We Want You \ $ % %. To Know About Prescription Prices % *? A May's feels that you havej slthe right to know and com-*^ ?• ~ n,iAAf. VA7A ou to compare your next prescrip-jjj^ •^pare prescription prices. Wejiv ^•invite you to compare theV y cost of your next prescrip-tf ^tion needs at any other|W pharmacy of your choosing^ ^ May's V A Pleasant V | Shopping f Atmosphere \ May's Sells For Less D R U G ^and then come into May's/? jjeand let our friendly phar-1^ •j,macists quote you ourvj' /'••prices on the same items V V We're sure that you'll findo^ ^considerable savings atl- ^May's. Each prescription^ >jJabel carries the name,|r Jfstrength, and quantity of ^ •^the drug. Every prescript" ^"tion is guaranteed to be of* V only the finest quality andja «£strenath. ShoD Mav's andlr j®yours on your prescription^ needs. \ You Can't Afford ^ ^ To Be Confused. h. & 1mm •» Plastic ^ Easter J Basket ^ Special A CAQTPR TV* CANDIES PACKED t IN AN ATTRACTIVE *1 PLASTIC BASKED - ASSORTED COLORS #6306 « 9T§ J Marshmallow f? Brach's • Crate Eggs * ® Je||y Bird Eggs & CHOCOLATE COVERED |* ASSORTED COLORS AND FLAVORS ; & $ (A Zachary Twin ^ Honey Bunny .! i n' eJ I ^ Zachary | Chocolate Musical Foursome & Easter Basket f UKULELE BANJO ft XYLOPHONE "J AND AN ASSORTMENT OF HORNS ©V Vj-OZ box 6-1/3-oz each & Fresh Pak*^ Bunny \ Basket & y<r&sr. High Pile Rabbit \ Assortment Easter Bunny V > Assortment^ | I # < Assortment* FILLED WITH ^ TREATS - ^ ASSORTED SIZES AND COLORS FOAM - ASSORTED STYLES SIZES AND COLORS EASTEFI CANDY FOAM - ASSORTED SIZES AND COLORS 20 HIGH - #6320 • _ 45 Bushes ' 2 YEARS OLD FIELD GROWN MAY'S REGULAR S1.M ft CX 126 Kodak g * Color Film * 93* $ ft Kodak Instamatic #20 Camera Outfit MAY'S REGULAR S4.14 Polaroid 108 Color Pak Film MAY'S REGULAR 29c Lady Scott Bathroom Or Soft Prints Tissue LIMIT 3 o MAY'S REGULAR 9Sc Sominex MAY'S REGULAR S2 M Phisoderm AID TO GENTLE SLEEP EMOLLIENT - SUDSING SKIN CLEANER MAY'S REGULAR 54c Dr. Scholl's Foot Powder MAY S REGULAR S1 31 Scope Mouthwash MAY'S REGULAR 37c Hi-C Orange Drink MAY'S REGULAR 58c Heini Keg-0- Ketchup "»»»' rti MAY S REGULAR 64c Crest Toothpaste % Men's Sport Shoe € WHITE WITH BLACK STRIPES PADDED TONGUF AND COLLAR RIPPLE SOLE LIMIT 3 24-02 LIMIT 2 » SIZES M? •• I* tuDe 46-oz car Charge Your Purchases At May's With Bank Americard and Master Charge BankAmericaro r* MAY'S REGULAR 77c ( / ¥>//'//// // ?/ Amplon Panty Hose A MAYS REGULAR S1 0« [ Rexall Breck Basic COMPLETE SELECTION Or rVERYDAY CHKUS MAY'S REGULAR S2.3S Bufferin Tablets 'JjSfe NUDE ^ ML OR REGULAR Shampoo • D R U G We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities Our Price Protection Policy guarantees these prices to be ^ effective from Wednesday. April 11th through Monday. April 16, 1973, regardless of cost increases."