TIME TO BUY! DOUBLE BELTED TIRES CUSTOM POLYSTEEL TIRES • Strong, penetration-resistant steel cord belts '• Smooth riding polyester cord body • Wide "wet weather" tread pattern • For most popular makes of American cars Narrow White Tubeless Size H78-15(B4) J78-15(B2) narrow white tubeless size A78-13, plus $2.01 Fed. Ex. Tax and old tire 9 15-15 9.15-15 3 WAYS TO CHARGE • Our Own Cu«tom«r Credit Plan Matter Charg« • BankAmaricard SERVICE OFFERS BELOW AVAILABLE ONLY AT USTED GOODYEAR SERVICE STORES PROFESSIONAL lAP 6 cyI U S auto - IMK add U >or • cyl WW Add }2 | for air-cond. cars. Includes all labor and these parts: • New spark plugs, condens er, points. I !• Includes following parts i labor: New brake linings all 4 wheels • New Front Crease Seals • New Return Springs • Turn Drums • Arc linings for total-contact • Add new fluid • Remove ft clean' front wheel bearings • Inspect, repack bearings • Adjust all 4 brakes • 4400 W. Rte. 120 815-385-7300 Open Daily 8:00a.m.-6:00p.m. Friday 'til 9:0Qp.m. Saturday 8:00-4:00 75 YEARS OF LEADERSHIP ANELING Melodrama "Deadwood Dick o'r The Game of Gold," by Tom Taggart, has been selected as McHenry Junior high school's first annual all school play. The rootin' tootin' melodrama of the 1890's has its share of villians, Blackman Redburn and Chet Posey, as well as Ned Harris, Wild Bill Hickok and Sheriff Homer Loveless, the "Good Guys in white hats". Calamity Jane is the proprietor of the "Man Trap Saloon" and the heroines are sisters Rose and Lily Blossom. The play will be presented Friday and Saturday, April 13 and 14, at 7:30 p;m. in the McHenry Junior high school gymnasium at 3711 West Kane avenue, across from Mc- Cracken Field. Synthetic Suede has advantages New synthetic fabrics that have the feel of suede, the look of suede, but none of the care prob lems of suede, are hitting the market. One of the new fabrics, Ultrasuede, looks like the real McCoy, but it's an imitation. According to the manufacturer, Ultrasuede has some advantages over the real suede. It's machine- washable, tumble-dryable, and easy-to-care-for. It won't shrink, stretch, fray, crock, wrinkle, pill, water-spot or stiffen, and it's col- orfast. This pseudo-suede fabric is made of 60 percent polyester and 40 percent non-fibrous polyure- thane. Another fabric, Skai, im ported from West Germany, is coated on both sides with ure- thane for greater leather authen ticity. It comes in six basic leath er colors. Since Skai is light weight, it can be used in coats, skirts, shirts and dresses. ORNAMENTAL IRON Ratlings-Columns- Custom Fabricating Welding & Structural Frozen Pipe Thawing STEEL SALES ADAMS BROS. INext to Gem Cleaners; 3006 W. Rte. 120 Phone: McHenry 385-0783 HOURS 8-5:30 Mon. thru Sat 8-9 Friday 10-2 Sunday 815 385-5511 907 N. Front St. McHenry, III. (Rte. 31) /-KLAIINUtALtK-WtDNtbDAY, APRIL 11, 1973 How Can I i»!«JLdd»UJU!«JLdUAJL>TXrXIS This column of questions and answers on federal tax matters is provided by the local office of the U. S. Internal Revenue Service and is published as a public service to taxpayers. The column answers questions most frequently asked by taxpayers. blank on the back of your tax forms package to obtain a free copy. Q. I took a new job out of state and had to move. What moving expenses can I deduct? T ? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I prevent the metal finish on my purses from tarnishing? A. By applying some clear nailpolish to these trimmings. Q. How can I, after setting my hair at home, make the set last longer? A. After setting, your hair, wrap yards and yards of toilet tissue around your head, and cover with a coarse net. It will last much longer. Q. How can I treat grease stains on suede articles? A. Try sponging them with vinegar. Then, when dry, restore the nap by brushing with a stiff-bristled brush. Q. What is a good way to clean the inside of a grand father clock? A. Place a small piece of cotton cloth saturated with kerosene on the floor of the clock, and leave it there with the door closed for several days. The fumes of the kerosene will loosen the dirt and cause it to drop. Q. How can I clean dirt marks off new wood that is to receive a clear, natural finish? A. Scrub the wood down with some fine steel wool and denatured alcohol. This is not only a fine solvent for most dirt marks, but it also acts as a very mild bleach on the raw wood. Q. How can I deal with waterproof wallpaper that is difficult to remove from the Student Director Mary Gattone aids "Barmaids" (Janet Owen), left, and (Kim Weber), right, as Judge Nix (Jerry Wilson) studies law. (STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD) Ping Ping (Mike Rabbitt) shrinks from the whip of Blackman Redburn (Craig Meiritz) as Calamity Jane (Denise Urbanski) attempts to help and Rose Blossom (Jody Duenser) cringes. wrought iron railings CHECK OUR LOW PRICES Railing Section (4 Ft.) Railing Section (5 Ft.) Railing Section (6 Ft.) Newel Post Floor Flange No-Drill Fitting AS LOW AS $7.00 $9.00 $10.60 »S LOW AS $2.28 $1.50 $1.54 We also have a complete selection of matching support columns(flat or corner) and decorative accessories. Now you can add safety and beauty to your home ... for less. Robert Moyer, Ray Miller and David Peterson, three cowpokes helping the sheriff's wife, Pat Dorsey. wall, because its heavy plastic coating does not permit w^ter to penetrate it, so that the backing can be softened? A. Try scratching the surface of the paper thoroughly with a sheet of very coarse sandpaper before trying to steam or soak it off. Q. How can I remove carbon paper stains from clothes? A. Washables can be laun dered in heavy suds. In the case of unwashables, sponge with denatured alcohol diluted with two parts of water, then rinse by sponging with clear water. Q. How can I deal with some rust spots on my painted wrought-iron furniture? A. An oily furniture polish, such as lemon oil, usually does the trick, and moreover it usually eliminates the possibility of future rust. Q. Is there any way I can make sure that the cork in a vacuum bottle full of hot coffee will stay in during a trip? A. Try rolling the cork in sugar before inserting it into the bottle. Surprising, but it works! Q. What is a good way to Q. Because my husband and I both work, we have a maid come in to clean up and to be there when our child Monies home from school. Cab we de duct the maid's salary as a child care expense? A. You can deduct expenses for ordinary and usual house hold services if they are em ployment related and if you meet the other requirements .for this deduction. For more information' on these requirements, see IRS Publication 503, "Child Care 4 and Disabled Dependent Care." It 's availably free by writing your Internal Revenue District office. Q. I pay my sister $10 a week to take care of my child while I go out to work. Are these payments deductible as child care expenses? A. No. Payments made to rela tives or dependent household members may not be included in computing the child care deduction. Such persons in clude: children, stepchildren, brothers or sisters, stepbroth ers or stepsisters, parents, stepparents, nephews or nieces, aunts or uncles and in laws. Q. What. kinds of medical ex penses are deaf persons likely to deduct? A. Some medical expenses deaf persons are likely to de duct include: payments for hearing aids and component parts; guide dog expenses; the tost of sending a deaf person to school to learn to lip-read (including meals and lodging); and the cost of special tele phone equipment which en ables a deaf person to com municate effectively over a regular telephone via con verted teletype signals. Among the other items that may be deducted as medical expenses are unreimbursed medical insurance premiums (one-half, up to $150, directly, the balance subject to the gen eral limitations on medical ex penses) and bus and taxi fares or the cost of driving to and from the doctor. Remember medical expenses are deductible only if you itemize and, except for the special rule for medical insur ance premiums, may be de ducted only to the extent they exceed three percent of your income. For more information, see IRS Publication 502, "De duction for Medical and Dental Expenses." Just use the order wash clear plastic water glasses? A. Wash them in hot water in which some cream of tartar has been dissolved, then rinse and dry. Q. How can I "bring out'- the finish on furniture? A. Eaual Darts of boiled .Unseed oil, turpentine and white vinegar, applied with a woolen cloth and polished with a silk cloth, will renew the finish and also help conceal minor blemishes. Q. How can I sharpen my pinking shears? A. If you'll cut through a double strip of aluminum foil several times, it will do a nice renewing job on the blades of your shears. Q. How can I clean out a bottle that has contained sour milk? A. By shaking a mixture of baking soda and water vigorously in the bottle, then rinsing with cold water. Q. How can I remove mascara stains from bathroom towels? A. Since mascara is water- soluble, these stains will usually yield to ordinary washing. Q. How can I soften a new rope and make it more pliable? A. If you qualify, you can de duct as moving expenses: 1) travel expenses (including meals and lodging) from your old residence to your new one; 2) the cost of moving house hold goods; 3) the cost of premove househunting trips; 4) the cost of temporary quar ters at the new location dur ing any period of 30 consecu tive days after obtaining work; and 5) the cost of sell ing your residence. For details on the limita tions and requirements for the moving expense deduction, see IRS Publication 521, "Tax In formation on Moving Ex penses." For a free copy, fill out and mail the order blank on the back of your tax forms package. Q. Where can I get a copy of your official income tax guide? A. IRS Publication 17, "Your Federal Income Tax," is avail able for 75 cents at Internal Revenue offices, Government Printing Office bookstores and many post offices. For business taxpayers, IRS Publication 334, "Tax Guide for Small Business," may also be help ful. It may also be purchased for 75 cents at the same loca tions. A. By soaking it in soapy water before using. Q. How can I clean mineral deposits out of my steam iron? A. Combine three tablespoons of vinegar with a half-cup of water, put this mixture into your iron and let it steam until empty. Q. How can I clean a stainless steel sink? A. A few drops of baby oil or olive oil on a small cloth wiped over the surface of the steel will remove all streaks and restore its shiny newness. American people carry about 13 million pounds of keys daily. <