w. N. Athletes E. & Western Illinois' athletic director Gil Peterson has. an nounced the names of SO varsity Leathernecks who have been recommended for monograms during the winter term in gymnastics, swimming, wrestling and basketball. In the list of swimmers, we find McHenry's Rick Swanson. IASEBAU • * • By Pete Fritchle WASHINGTON, D. C.- Baseball writers, who should know, have picked the Pitts burgh Pirates to repeat in the National League East, and to go on and win the World Series - against the Athletics. The races are^to come out like this, if a Sporting N e w s p o l l o f b a s e b a l l writers turns into reality. National League East: Pitts burgh, Chicago, New York, St. Louis, Montreal and Phil adelphia. National League West: Cincinnati, Houston. Los Angeles, Atlanta, San Francisco and San Diego. American League East: Baltimore, Boston, New York, Detroit, Cleveland and Milwaukee. American League West: Oakland. Chi cago, California. Minnesota, Kansas City and Texas. If one wished to get a good bet, the following teams seem to offer much hope as division winners: National League East-Chicago Cubs. N a t i o n a l L e a g u e W e s t - Houston Astros. American League East-Detroit Ti gers. American League West --Chicago White Sox. The Cubs feel overdue, and are. The Astros looked very strong in Florida. The Tigers have better pitching by far than last year. And the White Sox feel their time has come. LAZY MAN'S JOB SAN FRANCISCO-Four healthy young men are be ing paid $100 a week to lie flat on their backs in bed for nine months. It's a study by tbe National Aeronautics and Space Administration to 4etermine bone growth balance in prolonged space flight--a two-year-mission to Mars. From The Farm CUT CALF LOSSES Calf scours can wipe out a calf crop. But the USDA has recently licensed a new vaccine that can reduce newborn calf death losses caused by reo- viral diarrhea. Time is the crucial factor in reo-viral diarrhea control. The vaccine must be administered to calves as soon as possible after they are born. Delaying vaccination after the first day of life increases the chances of death. The reo-viral calf diarrhea vaccine is available to McHenry County beef producers and dairymen through their veterinarian. And, the vaccine is fairly simple to use. You just mix it with a diluting agent in a sy^inge. Then, remove the needle from the syringe and spray the vaccine into the back of the calfs mouth. Cattlemen should consult their veterinarians before embarking on an extensive reo- viral vaccination program. The new vaccine is not a cure-all for all types of diarrhea in young calves. He says the vaccine offers protection only against viral calf scours and not against bacterial infections such as E. coli, the major cause of calf losses due to diarrhea. A TWICE-OVER Give your lawnmower a thorough check now, before you roll into the mowing season. Reread the operator's manual and make any needed repairs. You may want to have the blades sharpened, too. When making your lawnmower check, be safety conscious and disconnect the sparkplug wire when working on or under the mower. One last caution - keep all safety shields in place. BARROW SHOW The 1974 Illinois Spring Barrow show will be held on Feb. 2 in Springfield. The awards banquet will be held on Feb. 8 in Blooming ton. The 1974 show will again offer the Pork Premiere and Test Station Premiere classes. Both classes were featured at tractions of the 1973 show. Premiere pigs may be purebred or crossbred and must be farrowed on or after August IS, 1973. Purebred exhibitors may enter crossbred in the premiere classes class. Pigs nominated for this class will be fed out at the Western Illinois Test Station. There are two rules changes in the 1974. The truckload class will have no restriction on the number of gilts a load. And, because the show ttill be earlier than the 1973 show, the farrowing date for pigs in the regular on-foot, carcass and truckload classes has been changed to July 15, 1973. Other highlights of the 1974 show include a Pork Producers' clinic and a junior judging contest. REBUILD GRASS WATERWAYS Grass waterways took a beating in many Illinois fields this past winter and a wet s p r i n g h a s n ' t h e l p e d a n y . Erosion, wheel tracks, livestock damage and careless herbicide usuage have all contributed to the damage. To prevent further deterioration, plan to reshape and seed damaged areas of your grass Up to 100 pigs can be entered in the Test Station Premiere ou/l PiKe Your Gift Preference Twky From Our Larg Selection Of ir Housewares • Dinnerware • Gifts 3729 West Elm Street • McHenry, Illinois 60050 waterways this spring or in late summer. You can also maintain waterways by proper plowing and mowing. Lift the plow at the edge of the waterway and avoid opening furrows alongside waterways. If you don't mow the waterway, it can fill with silt and tall grass until runoff water flows on each side, causing deep erosion troughs. INSECTICIDES FLAMMABLE Many household insecticides are flammable. Never spray insecticides near an open flame, lighted cigarette, or other possible source of ignition. Before you start spraying, turn off pilot lights an disconnect any electrical equipment that might cause sparks. Also keep the in secticide container closed and away from heat. SAFETY CONSCIOUS Operating a tractor can be easy and safe. Yet thousands of persons are killed or injured each year in tractor accidents. Too many. operators don't know, or they ignore, a few simple rules of . safety. This spring be safety conscious while working in the field and watch out for hazards that could result in an accident. Your time is valuable in the field, but your life is even more valuable. GOOD MILKING PRACTICES A dairy cow is a "creature of habit". Dairymen should take advantage of this fact by following the same milking routine every day. Following a set routine can save time, produce more milk and boost your profits by triggering a strong milk let down response so cows milk out rapidly and completely. Milk letdown occurs when cows hear, see or feel something they regularly associate with milking. Washing and massaging the teats and udder can start a strong letdown response causing the hormone, oxytochin, to be secreted into the bloodstream by the pituitary gland. This hormone stimulates the muscle fibers in the udder to contract and milk is squeezed down to the teat and gland cistern where it can be removed quickly by the milking machine. An important point to remember is that the hormone effect lasts only seven to eight minutes. That's why the milking machine should be attached about one minute after the cow's udder has been washed and massaged. Here are the following im portant steps in a good milking routine: - Use a clean towel dipped in an appropriate sanitizing solution to wash and massage the teats and udder of each cow about one minute before at taching the milking machine. - To further stimulate milk letdown and to check for ab- three streams of milk from each quarter into a Strip cup or other suitable container. - Remove the milking machine as soon as milk flow stops. Don't try to operate more milker units than you can keep up with. - Dip teat ends in an ap propriate solution formulated specifically for this purpose. - Operate your milking machine in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer. MILK PRODUCTION Milking time deserves your full attention - even during this busy farming season. Your pay check comes from milk if you're a dairy farmer. And it'll pay to maintain your regular milking routine and not try to take short-cuts. DON'T STOP THE GRAIN You should continue to feed grain to your dairy cows after PAGE 7-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1973 by normal milk, squeeze two or turning them on- pasture ttato - spring. A grain mixtgre high fa». corn is an ideal supplement lor pasture because corn is all excellent source of energy. Add enough protein supplement to ground corn to make a mixture containing about 10 to IS par- cent total protein. Be frtire to include minerals in the mixti/o or give cows access to salt and a suitable mineral mixture in A weather-protected box. DELAY GRAZING You may be tempted to turn dairy cows out on pasture a* soon as it gets green - especially if you are short of hay and silage. However, ex perience and experiments hove often demonstrate! that it it best to delay grazing grass- legume until it is six inchss high. You can expect greater production all summer when you follow this practice in the spring. POET'S CORNER THE LITTLE THINGS It's the little things that count In making life worthwhile; A handclasp and a greeting Accompanied with a friendly smile. It's the little things that help Make our happiness complete; A word when we're discouraged And life seems to have us beat. It's the little things that cheer When sorrow hovers near; A prayer, a note to say God cares And knows our distress and fear. It's the little things that please Our Master every day; Trying to follow His teachings As we travel along life's way. Ethel L. Hintz THE HANDIWORK OF GOD A glowing sunset A frosted pane A budding tree A grassy plain A nodding flower A drenching rain Is the handiwork of God. A brilliant star A moonlit sky A flaming sunrise A stream nearby A fleecy cloud A mountain high Is the handiwork of God. A murmuring forest Mile on mile A mother's love A baby's smile In all the earth Everything worthwhile Is the handiwork of God. Ethel L. Hintz GOOOfvCAR aawragwag; • Tjyjrmwnwa Power Belt BELTED TIRES Blackwall Tube less plus $1.81 to $2.31 F.E.T. plus old tire ONE LOW PRICE ANY SIZE LISTED Size A78x 13...plus$1.81 Fed.Ex.Tax Si20 7.00x13...plua$2.08Fed.Ex.Tax Size C78x 14...plus$2.11 Fod.ExTox Size E78x14... plus $2.31 Fod. Ex.Tax o Clean Sidewall Design o Great Tire in its price class o The tire buy of the year o Whitewall Tubeless o Same type tread design as our Power Cushion Polyglas tire o Sale ends Saturday night SAVE NOW ON GOODYEAR $«|feqc BEUED RETREADS IZi WE'RE LOADED WITH HUNDREDS OF GREAT VALUESl FOR EVERYONE Power Mower '89" Low-cost quality Hand propelled. 19" cutting blade. Built-in bagging sys: tem. Visual gas gauge. Han dle folds for easy storage. '128' 19-inch diagonal picture. "Perma-Set" VHP fine tun ing. 4" round speaker. |GE 4000BTU J AIR CONDITIONER 10-Speed Race Bike! Maes Bendf Handlebars! AGTE304FB Side pull caliper brakes. Chrome plated rims. Chrome disc chainguard. Dual lever controls with stem shifters. Super lightweight--weighs only 43 lbs. 110-position panel control. Fiberglass case will not rust. |Spaldin0| Golf Balls Liquid Center IttGo-FliteH Limit one set to a customer at this price. Consistent long dis^nce & accuracy. Lasting tough cover finish. D2004W ZENITH SUPER-SCREEN PORTABLE TV W) ED255M WESTINGHOUSE DEHUMIDIFIER Removes 25 pints of water per day. Signal light tells when bucket is full. FU182P WESTINGHOUSE UPRIGHT FREEZER 18.0 cu. ft. capacity -- stores 630 lbs. Slim-wall insulation. Whisper-quiet. 3 WAYS TO PAY AT GOODYEAR QUR OWN EASY PAY PLAN 3 WAYS TO CHARGE OvpamtT&fiitfbq •-- MARKET PLACK I McHENRY 4400 W. Rte. 120 815-385-7300 Open Daily 8:30a.m.-6:00p.m. Friday 'til 9:00p.m. Saturday 8:304:00 75 YEARS OF LEAOERSHR