PAGI: V-PLAII JLffcALER-FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1973 Twice Told Tales Forty Years Ago i Taken from the files of May 11. 1<W8> The Chicago and Nor thwestern Railway hps agreed to provide a morning train reaching Chicago at 7:45 DST and leaving McHcnry about 6:30 DST, if the McHenry Civic club committee can get at least 25 people, to definitely agree to purchase monthly individual commutation tickets between McHenry and Chicago during the summer months. Mrs. John J. Vycital is the recipient of an invitation to attend a Mother's Day dinner, May 14, at the Triangle fraternity house, Champaign, of which organization her son, Harold, was recently made a member. The Triangle is a national fraternity of Engineers. At the Pit, McHenry, May 13, free entertainment by Vera Brown's Alabama Cotton Pickers, colored orchestra and entertainers. Members of an afternoon card club and their husbands surprised Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson Sunday evening in honor of their twelfth wedding anniversary. Joseph Lawrence of Lily Lake school and Chester Kirk- patrick of Solon Mills school are spelling champions of McHenry rural school areas as announced by county superintendent as winners of district elimination contests they are eligible to compete with five other champions for county title at the finals at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. B. Todd and family have moved from the B. Jeos flat to the John Bolger home on Broad street. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of May 13, 1948) A new radio station now in construction in McHenry county is news which is being greeted enthusiastically by residents in this area. A truck belonging to the Jacob Justen Sons undertaking establishment was stolen last Saturday evening from in front of the funeral home and later was wrecked when it crashed into a tree in Lake Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey and Miss Mary McAuley at tended a special program at St. Thomas school in Crystal Lake at which time Miss Patty Purvey, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Jack Purvey, was crowned Queen of May. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph \Yegwer are moving from Ihe Nimsgom home on Waukogan street to the upper apartment in the Basset t place on Main stiwt. The many friends of John McCarthy who regretted his decision to leave the local police force to enter private enterprise will be happy to learn that he is now proprietor of McCarthy's Service Station east of the bridge on Route 120. The Plaindealer is this week observing its seventy-third birthday anniversary, having been founded almost three quarters of a century ago, in 1875. Lieut, and Mrs. H. Smith of Corpus Christie, Tex., and the former's grandmother, Mrs. George Smith, of Elgin were recent visitors in the Robert Thompson and George Johnson homes. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of May 16, 1963) More than seventy members of the McHenry Rotary club, their wives and guests celebrated the occasion of the eighth anniversary of the club with a dinner at the Wing 'n Fin clubhouse. Arthur "Torchy" Krause was cited by the club as "Rotarian of the year", the award being made especially for his work done in making life brighter for residents of the Children's home at Woodstock. He served most ably the past year as chairman of this committee. Two McHenry businesses mark anniversaries this week, Carey Appliance, Inc., and Gladstone Department store. The former has been in operation for forty years, while the department store is ob serving its twenty-fifth year. Mrs. Freda Reiland of Lily Lake road died May 14 of a heart attack at her home at the age of 58. One of the Drum Corps travelling the greatest distance to participate in Drum Corps Magic on McCracken Field July 21 will be the Hutchinson Sky Ryders of Hutchinson, Kan. A small barn on Wilmot road was destroyed by fire. Com panies I and II answered the call and remained on the scene to keep a nearby corn crib from. further damage than a part of the roof. The land was being rented by Leo and Clarence Diedrich and was being used to store machinery and farm oroducts. Several From Area Cited For Academic Honors Slightly more than 23 percent of the Southern Illinois university - Carbondale un dergraduate population has been cited for superior academic achievement during the winter quarter. The university's winter term Dean's list includes 3,986 students who achieved 4.25 grade averages on a 5.0 scale We've got something cooking ... we want you to see sps?. IP to 4 metier COWERED KETTLE* Permanent or portable, Weber gas covered Kettles provide everything in outdoor cook ing. Convenience, beauty, durability and most important . . . flavor with a flair. See the Weber covered kettle in use, taste | the sealed-in flavor of foods prepared in a Weber Kettle. All types of foods: ribs, roasts, fish, fowl, vegetables and entire meals. Only Weber kettles provide such cooking convenience with outdoor fun and flavor. Seeing is believing . . . and you're invited. 815-459-6200 I owerweed Route 14 at 176 Crystal Lake, Illinois DAILY 8-5:30 • SAT. 8-5 • SUN. 9-5 Lakeland Park OOKOIHY 41 Nsr 385-6517 Name Officers, LPPOA Board As everyone is no doubt aware by now, four new members to the board of directors were elected at the annual general meeting of the LPPOA. At a special board meeting in April, the officers were chosen. They are . as follows. Lester Eckhart was elected president, Ernest Schooley is vice-president, Lloyd Wagner is secretary and Mrs. Lyda Radisch was re elected treasurer. Other board members are Everett Fleming, Mrs. Patricia Lasko and Dennis Storlie. The Beach committee con sists of Kverett Kloming (enst I tench)., Dennis Storlie (west bench), I-ester Kckhart (bout landing) and Ernest Schooley (community house area). DRAINAGE DITCH DEBRIS Although the work has been temporarily halted on the drainage ditch project, it will be resumed and completed in the near future. It seems that not everyone understands the importance of the drainage ditch to the homeowners in Lakeland Park. Anyone who was in this area four years ago when many of us were subjected to severe flooding, knows that the drainage situation has been improved with the dredging of IIm> rni>k ||'h util IijihI to lliiii^lne wluil iilolieliMfi we could In* luivinf. Willi Ihe |ireneiil iiluiiNlmice of mill. However, II Ih impossible for the driiiiuige ditch lo work |H*o|ierly when it is filled with debris of all kinds. This is a very costly project for the State and for us. It must not be un done by throwing garbage into it. Please see to it that your children are not the ones responsible for this type of damage. It is conceivable that residents of Lakeland Park could be assessed for the cost of continuously cleaning up after the destruction done by the kids in our subdivision. It is to the betterment of us all, that this situation be corrected. CAKES AND CANDLES The birthday week begins with Dorothy Humphreys celebrating on May 4. Jean Grandfather Attends College In Wheelchair Donald liruns is a grand father. He is also a freshman student at McHenry County college. He is also rather well- known on the state and feders levels as an advocate of eqiu employment and opportunity for handicapped people. Bruns does not let the fAct that he is in a wheelchair stop him - he is husband, fat/her, Hahndorf and Suzarme^Faunt have a circle around May 5. Suzanne will be nine years old. May 6 is that special day/for Cheryl Koehl and Gary Rraun. Mark May 7 ^or \Paul Brushaber. May 9 is a red letter day for Louis Mazzoni, Frank Sweeney and Mary Dobbins. May 10 is a special day for Susan Ludwig. grandfather, stuc^nt and a Governor's /Committee on Employment of the Handicapped. The ap pointment came from former 'Gov. Ogilvie. In addition to these commitments, Bruns is a member of the American W h e e l c h a i r B o w l i n g association which seeks members from among those who are confined to wheelchairs. He tries, at every opportunity, to enlist new members for the organization. He has also been asked to attend a meeting of the President's Committee on Employment of the Han dicapped on May 3 and 4. The meeting includes discussion on problems of all handicapped people -- deaf, blind, or- while taking at least 12 hours of course work. Those honored from this area were Harold C. Aeverman, Daniel Bellich, Mark Steven Cooper, Herbert F. Harrison, Edmund L. Lechowicz, Rita A. Mettelka, Laura Phannenstill, John A. Reinke, Roxanne G. Thomas and Mark E. Tomm, all of McHenrv: Mary Mar shall of Johnsburg; Jane L. Blackmon of Richmond and Lynn Marie Wines of Wonder Lake. thepedically and mentally handicapped. "Although the 'Architectural Barriers law' which was passed recently tries to insure that public buildings have access for wheelchairs, many times builders have to be reminded. For example, the new McHenry county courthouse originally had no place j where wheelchairs could entet -- until they were reminded. A ramp was finally installed ta provide access % for those in wheelchairs," according to Bruns. V Both the committees of which Bruns is a member also promote emplo^flfent of the handicapped. BriAs' own goal is a career in law. He is a veteran of the^United States Navy. A gjtTduate of Crystal Lake Community high school, he now lives in Crystal Lake with his wife, Evelyn. Good music often achieves surprising results. DAILY 9 - 9 SUNDAY 9 - 6 Saturday and Sunday Only Saturday and Sunday May 5 and 6 P r i c e s E f f e c t i v e W h i l e Q u a n t i t i e s L a s t . W e r e s e r v e t h e r i g h t t o l i m i t q u a n t i t i e s . HORNSBYS 5s* family centers -- A Special Value! Ladies Sheer Panty Hose Cool Buy! Reg. 99c Tumbled nylon in the newest shades for Spring. One size stretch fits all. A Terrific Buy! Ladles Sleepwear 93' We have a wide selection of baby dolls, waltz or long gowns. Regular and extra sizes in new Spring colors. " Fantastic Buys! Bikini Right Guard Anti-Perspirant 87e 8 ounce of super dry deodorant in the silver can. Mfgrs. 1.75 12 oz. Scope Mouthwash 15c off label. Once in the morning does itl Mfgrs. 1.29 size ISftl Polaroid Color Film Styrofoam Picnic Cups 8 Shots for land pack Special cameras. Limit 2. Buy! 25 cups per pack. Keeps o„ drinks hot or cold. 29c Panty 53< Pair All ladies and girls bikini panty marked at 76c ft 87c at one hot price. All sizes, colors, and styles. Fashion Accents! Handycan Lubricant The aersosol trouble- shooter. Lubricates better than oil. R«g. 1.67 Frisbee Horseshoes Set contains 4 frisbees, 2 wood goal stakes, 2 bulls eye loops ft 2 cords. Reg. 3.97 Spring Jewelry VALUABLE COUPON SAVE... REGULAR OR MINT TOOTHPASTE * All ladies jewelry marked 93c or 96c. Choose from a wide assort ment of earrings, pins, necklaces, etc., etc. 5 oz. size WI1H THIS COUPON Good Only At Hornsby's Offer Expires May 6, 1973 Limit I Coupon Per Purchase 1.97 Tool Assortment Mg otiortmant of pilars, wr«n- ch«», hommtri, tcr«wdrlv«rs. tow blodat, mte., mte, : A400 WEST ROUTE 120 DAILY 9-9 SUNDAY 10 til 6