Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 May 1973, p. 11

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PAGE 11-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1973 HELP WANTED I • TURR PR R&4JIH ODUCTION E OPERATORS MACHINISTS Excellent Opportunities and Insurance Plan T. R. JONES MACH. CO. 1 357 E. Judd Woodstock 338-2711 5-2/5-4 MEN AHD WOMEN Wanted for light assembly work in progressive coil and transformer plant in Johnsburg. Pleasant working conditions, paid holidays, vacations and hospitalization. PREM ENTERPRISES, INC. 3519 N Chapel Hill .Road I I J - APPLY IN PERSO SPOT WELI 52", HOUR WEl Company Benefits Include: Company Paid Major Medical Insurance Hospitalization Sick Leave $4,000.00 Life Insurance 9 Paid Holidays Vacations STARTING PAY OF $3.20 PER HOUR. PROGRESSIVE RAISES TO $3.50 PER HOUR. Apply Daily 7:30 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. THE GRIEVE CORPORATION Industrial and Laboratory Ovens and Furnaces 500 HART ROAD ROUND LAKE, ILL. 60073 ' 312-546 8225 5/2-5/4 5/2-5/4 | FULL TIME POSITION Now available in our Pro­ duction Department, for typing and paste up work. Typing experience a must! We will teach you the rest. Hours: 8:00 am. to5:00pm. Monday thru Friday. Apply in person only-No phone calls. McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 WEST ELM STREET McHENRY ILL. SUMMER JOBS BRAKE PARTS, CO., is currently accepting applications for summer employment. If you are a college stu­ dent or a High School Student, 18 years of age interest­ ed in summer employment. See what we have to of­ fer you! ___ 1ST SHIFT •ASSEMBLERS 'MACHINE OPERATORS •STOCKMAN •M0LDER 2ND SHIFT •ASSEMBLERS •MACHINE OPERATORS •STOCKMAN •M0LDER 3RD SHIFT •MACHINE OPERATORS •M0LDER 2ND SHIFT---Night Shift premium 35c per hour. 3RD SHIFT---Night Shift premium 40c per hour. Many of the above listed jobs also have incentive earning possibilities. OUR PERSONNEL OFFICE IS OPEN DAILY FROM , 8:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. BRAKE PARTS COMPANY 1600 N. Industrial Drive McHenry, III. Phone 815-385-7000 HELP WANTED FULL or PART TIME I HELP WANTED j All shifts. Apply in person McNeils | Market Place Shopping Center. McHENRY, ILL. "rISv'ng""! AND MARKING i Full time position. Experience desired. APPLY IN PERSON GIADST0NE, INC. I 1219 N. Green St. McHenry, Illinois 5/2-5/4 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Men and Women 1ST & 2ND SHIFTS Good starting wages plusl automatic raises Company! paid benefits including hos- f pital Insurance. ICS Illinois Coil Spring Co. | 1415 No. Industrial Drivel McHenry, Illinois (On Rte. 120 2 blocks | west of Rte. 31) 815-385-6760 an equal opportunity employer. [5/2-5/4 IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR A HOME TRY THE CLASSIFIEDS.... FEMALE HELP WANTED MATURE WOMAN for housekeeping, once or twice a week, In McHenry, Call Helen. 312-696-4343. 5-4 5-9 CONCESSION Attendant and Box office cashier. Apply Skyline Drive In Theatre, McHenry. 5/4-5/11 > DEPENDABLE woman for full time general office work. Al­ ternating weekends. Good starting salary. Please call 385-2806. Closed Mondays. 4/27-5/11 HELP WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS! FULL TIME 8:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. MUST BE ABLE'TO WORK WEEK-ENDS. Apply Personnel Dept. McHenry Hospital 3516 W. Waukegan Rd. McHenry, III. 385-2200 Extension 645 5/4 WAITRESSES FULL TIME DAY & NIGHT Over 21 years of age. Will train. PISTAKEE COUNTRY CLUB 815 W. BAY ROAD McHENR Y, ILL. 385-9854 5/4TF12I PART TIME or FULL TIME BARTENDERS MEN or WOMEN Experienced or will train BUS BOYS BUS GIRLS Daytime or Evenings LADY To Work In Kitchen DISHWASHER Experienced WAITRESS APPLY IN PERSON Call for appointment 815338-3500 THE TIMBERS Rt. 47 By Pass 14 WOODSTOCK, ILL. [5-4 FEMALE HELP WANTED WAITRESS | FOR SUMMER 1 LEAGUES | 2 nights a week. | McHENRY RECREATION 385-25205_2/5_J| --| f--------| f-- | SECRETARY - LEGAL Excellent opportunity for proficient Secretary in busy law office. Legal experience in shorthand desired. Salary com­ mensurate with ability. Phone: 815-385-1313 for interview appointment. 5/4-5/9 ^ < FEMALE HELP WANTED yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooBoooaoaaj EXPORT SECRETARY We have an immediate opening for a gal who will assist our Director of Exports Doing his dictation (dic­ taphone), typing orders, answering inquiries, etc. GOod typing skills a must. Ability to read, write and speak German will be a definite asset. This is a very good opportunity for a woman who can assume respons­ ibility. Excellent starting salary for the right person. Many Company benefits. PLEASE APPLY ON PERSON OR PHONE FOR AN APPOINTMENT Crown Industrial Products Co. State Line Road Hebron, 111. 60034 815-648-2424 An Equal Opportunity Employer. 5/2-5/4 WE NEED A reliable and conscientious woman for an interesting and challenging position in our time study department. Will train, good typing skills required. APPLY IN PERSON 7D0 A.M. • 4:00 PJVI. Monday through Friday 8:30 A.M. - Noon Saturday GARAGE SALE RUMMAGE AND BAKE SALE Saturday May 5th, 9 am to 3 pm ** Bayview Beach Community House, Bayview Beach Sub­ division River permitting. 5-2 5-4 Misc. items collected from several homes, includes, clothing, furniture, horse equipment, antiques, many other items. 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., May 4th -- 5th, 505 S. Fisher Road, Volo, 111. High­ way 120 west of Hwy 12 and Volo. 1st black top south is Fisher Road. 1st Farm on right. Watch for signs. 815-385-3840 and 385-1911. 5-2 5-4 GARAGE SALE May 5, 9 to 4- Outboard motor $15; Arm­ strong flute, exc. cond. $100; girls clothing; appliances; misc. Oakwood Shores, 7412 E. Northwood Dr. Wonder Lake. 5-5-73 Infant, boys clothing, puzzles, doll quilts, misc Saturday May 5, 10:00 A.M. - 6: P.M. 3004 Scott, Off North Riverside Drive. Cash Only. 5-4 MOVING SALE- Light oak dining room table & six chairs; boys & girls clothing & womens larger sizes; furniture, toys; some antiques & much more. 1215 N. Eastwood Ln., East­ wood Manor, Saturday & Sunday 9 am to 5 pm. 5-4-73 GARAGE SALE AA MODINE MANUFACTURING COMPANY 4 miles north of McHenry on Ryigwood R<i R I N G W O O D , I L L I N O I S An fcqual Opportunity Employer" GARAGE SALE SATURDAY & SUNDAY MAY 5th & 6th 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Many Items. Band-saw; leather formi­ ca; electric appliances; clothes^ misc. 1817 N. SUNSET AVE. LAKELAND PARK 5-2/5-4 NOTICE A good buy...give it a try. Blue Lustre America's favorite carpet shampoo Ace Hard- ward. 5-4 I won't be responsible for debts other than my own as of April 27th. v Betty Goldsmith 5-2 5-4 RUMMAGE SALE MAY 9 & 10 9 A.M. - 9 P.M. THURSDAY, MAY 10 all items sold half-price from 5-9 P.M. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 461 Pierson Street Crystal Lake, Illinois ------•=5/4 = BICYCLE AUCTION May 19, 1973 2:00 P.M. AT CITY GARAGE NORTH GREEN STREET Lost or stolen bikes accumulated by the McHenry Police Department 5/4TF2 HORSES SITUATION WANTED MATURE WOMAN would like part time work or will baby sit. References. 385-8089. 5-4 IRONING done in my home. Fast, neat, reasonable. 385- 7194. 5/4 Two mature women to do babysitting. You name the hours. Call 385-6064 after 4:00 p.m. • 5-2-73 2 Shetland Ponies for sale. Call 385-0342. 5-2 5-4 'jLf Registered AQHA 6 year old Gelding. Beautifully marked sorrel with 4 white socks and white strip on face. Owned by former 4 H member and shown AQHA. Call 815-385-6255 evenings after 7: P.M. 5/2TF12 REGISTERED Quarter horses with AQHA and LLQHA points in halter ;and performance. Also one 5 year old black gelding 15....3 hand jumper. Please contact Rick Kogut 815-385-7957 or 678-4242. 4/4TF12 PETS FOR SALE MALE AFGHAN hound, Must sell. Best offer. Phone 385-0202. 5-2 5-4 nx-'jp SUNDAY. MAY •» " e iM £ ' %/ •; l 3) V itu fuuT Mm R e n t call4 A 305-0526 ^ Slave fc * • • ' 10 LUCKY HOMEOWNERS Will have aluminum trim supplied FREE, with pur­ chase of insulating alu­ minum siding during our Winter Sale. Any size house •Labor & Material $488. completely installed. Call now 455-0577 FOX RIVER SIDING CO. Crystal Lake, III *700 FT. 5/2TF12 FEMALE HELP WANTED® MALE HELP WANTED | MALE HELP WANTED |OOOOOCOOOOOOOODOOOOq WOMAN CASHIER FOR DAY SHIFT Experience Preferred. Apply In Person McHENRY LIQUOR MART 2314 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, Illinois i Sooooooooooooooc 5/4 oi igMANAGEMENT TRAINEE: OPENING : with major division of Con-: £: solidated Food Corporation- |v Fine opportunity for am-: i£bitious person who enjoys: working with people. Ex-i cellent starting salary with-: >:j: increase after training. In- •: S surance and stock options.:! :j: Car needed. Contact. 8: MR. MacMILLAN $ 312-634-9499 5-2/5-4 ** COIL WINDERS DAY & NIGHT- SHIFT Open Saturday APPLY IN PERSON BOBBIN COIL SPECIALISTS 2116 Ringwood Road McHenry, Illinois 60050 5/4 MEN for general assembly work on industrial ovens and washers. Good starting rate, fringe benefits. Precision Quincy Corp., 220 N. Madi­ son Street, Woodstock, Illinois 5-4/5-9 Man for tire service depart­ ment. Some experience helpful but not necessary. Call 815-459- 5114. 5-2 5-4 MANAGEMENT TRAINEE OPENING with major division of Con­ solidated Food Corporation Fine opportunity for am­ bitious person who enjoys working with people. Ex­ cellent starting salary with increase after training. In­ surance and stock options. Car needed. Contact MR. MacMILLAN 312-634-9499 5-2/5-4 • EXPERIENCED MECHANIC Full Time, Must know Gen­ eral Motors automatic transmission and internal engine work. Liberal Benefits. Apply in Person to GARY BASELY or Call 385-3700 OVERTON CADILLAC, P0NTIAC CO. 1109 N. Front Street McHenry, Illinois 4/25-5/4 WELDER- FABRICATOR EXPERIENCED I I Profit Sharing, Paid Holi- I days and other fringe ben- I efits. Call for appoint- I ment. Utco Inc. 312-428-3641 ..5/4-5/9J HELP WANTED MALE GENERAL FACTORY WORK Cleaning, Packing, Forming PARAM0NT PLASTICS 64 Sayton Rd. Fox Lake, III. 5-4 EXPERIENCED WAITRESS 6:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. D0RKIES BEEF & EGGER 4213 W. RT. 120 McHenry, Illinois 385-6981 5/4-5/9 SEWING MACHINE ; OPERATORS ] For Commercial Machines | Experience preferred but | will train. j DAYS | I APPLY IN PERSON STRAND DRESS MFG. CO. 3011 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, Illinois | 5/2-5/4 MALE HELP WANTED MALE TRAINEE FOR MAKING PUMPS & ACTUATORS Mechanical aptitude helpful. This is a permanent job with a small company. Excellent company benefits including profit sharing and hospitalization insurance. BROCK EQUIPMENT CO. Crystal Lake, II. 60014 815-459-4210 Just South of Crystal Lake Airport on Pyott Rd 5/2-5/41 BOATS & MOTORS 15' BOAT & trailer $200.00 -1700 Riverside Dr. 385-9698. 5-2 5-4 16' Thompson, 85 H.P. Merc., good condition, recently overhauled, with trailer. $850.00 Call after 7: P.M. 653- 9317. 5-2 5-4 FOR RENT 2 Bedroom home, newly remodeled, sewer, water Round Lake Area $150 monthly plus utilities. 497-3401 5-2 5-4 1 Bedroom apartment to sublease for 2 months starting May 16th. 385-7562 5-2 5-4 NEW 2 Bedroom apt. for couple, 1 year lease $235 mo. ll/2 bath All electric kitchen. Security deposit. 385-0169. 5-2 5-11 1 bedroom furnished house in Wonder Lake. References required, security , down payment, absolutely no pets. 385-3863. 5-2 5-4 Modern 1 br. home, gas heat, bsmt., garage, adults only. June 1st occupancy. Call Wolfes Farm, Richmond, 111. 815-678-6821 4-27 5-4 2 br. Northfox condominium, all appliances, air conditioned, carpeting, drapes, swimming pool. Short term lease con­ sidered. 815-459-6606. 5/2-5-4 Choice Antique Shop and office space available in the Colombia Hotel, 10331 Main St., Rich­ mond, 111. Located in the heart of the fastest growing antique center in Northern Illinois. Call 815-678-4200. 5/2-5/4 FOR RENT Building in in­ dustrial area approximately 1,040 sq. ft. in lower level & 1,040 sq. ft. in upper. 3 phase 220 amph. service; gas heat. Suitable for machine shop, sheet metal, or print shop etc. at 4140 Idyll Dell Rd. Phone 385-4708 after 6 pm. 5-4 5-9 One bedroom efficiency apt. furn. or unfurn. utilities in­ cluded, Wonder Lake, reasonable rent. Call after 5 pm or Saturday & Sunday 653- 9317. , 5-4 5-9 OFFICE in McHenry, air conditioning and all utilities furnished $65. Call 385-1327. 5-4 TF-2 Large modern 5 room home, attached garage, carpeted living room, appliances, in­ cluded. Hot, water heat, security deposit required also references. $195.00 per month. Call 815-385-0715 for ap­ pointment. 5-4 THE proven carpet cleaner Blue Lustre is easy on the budget. Restores forgotten colors. Rent electric sham- pooer $1.00 Nye Drugs. 5-4 ATTRACTIVE 1st Fl. apt. Woodstock, Crystal Lake, Rural area $165. 312-236-3337 4-25 TFl-2 4 Room house for rent in Lilymoor. Call from 5 to 6 pm and 9 to 10 pm. 312-539-4741. 5-4 5-9 SPACIOUS 2 Bedroom & 1 Bedroom Apartments with private patio, elec­ tric heat, refrigerator, stove, garbage disposal. Rentals starting at $160.00 per month. SEE OR CALL May Development Co. 9716 N. Rte. 12 Richmond, III. 815-678-2861 GARDEN QUARTER i APARTMENTS I of McHenry i at CRYSTAL LAKE RD. ] | and HANLEY Luxurious 1&2 bedroom, ^apartments fcrom $185 perl month, includes deep pile | shag carpeting, antique sa-1 'tin draperies, hotpoint | dishwasher and disposal I r compartmentalized baths,' ^master TV antenna and pri-j r vate patio or balcony. Vi-' k sit our model today or Call t [ 385-2181 5/2TF12

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