PAGE 3-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1973 Church Women United MR. AND MRS. RUSSELL ALLEN DAVIS MARRIED -- Mary Frances Harper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Harper of 4300 W. Prairie avenue, McHenry, became the bride of Russell Allen Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Davis of 4610 Ringwood road, Ringwood, Sunday, April 8. They repeated theri nuptial vows before Pastor Virgle Chappell at a 2 o'clock afternoon service. Following the ceremony, a reception was held for 125 friends and relatives. Both young people graduated from McHenry high school in 1972. She is employed as an engineering secretary at Brake Parts and her husband has a career in in telligence with the Army Security agency. University Women Will Meet May 7 The May meeting of the American Association of University Women will be held Monday night, May 7, at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Howard Fiedler, 760 Country club road, Crystal Lake. "China in Perspective" will Folk Singer Presents Program For Harrison PTA be the topic of the evening speaker, Ginnie Fiester. Her talk will include a capsule history of China, and will cover a discussion of the recent developments in Chinese- American relations. Ms. Fiester is the In t e r n a t i o n a l R e l a t i o n s representative on the state board of A.A.U.W. Her interest in China dates back to 1966 at which time she helped plan the study of China as an A.A.U.W. study topic. Her present job is that of tour director for the Lake Forest Travel Bureau. There will also be an exhibit May Fellowship day will be celebrated by Church Women United on Friday, May 4, at the First United Methodist church in Crystal Lake. Church women of all denominations are cor dially invited to attend a salad pot-luck luncheon beginning promptly at noon. A babysitter will be provided. Following a brief meeting, we will be en tertained by Carollee Kinsey, president of the Elgin District Women's Society of Christian Service in the Methodist church. Vivacious Carollee sings and plays the guitar and has some delightful new thoughts for us in conjunction with our theme for the day, "As Hand Touches Hand". On this year's May Fellowship day we will celebrate the spirit of Christian women as they reach out in volunteer service in their local communities. Since the first May Fellowship day service in 1933, it has been traditional for church women across the country to use the first Friday in May to emphasize the creative and healing relations that are possible among people in every community. Each year Church Women United has found new ways to express God's love for all people. This May Fellowship Day will be a salute to the volun teers from local units of C.W.U. who have initiated progress in health care, in education for children and adults, in service to the aging and the im prisoned. Volunteers from Lake Region Church Women United have been involved with a committee for a National Peace academy, Migrant Missions (including the Clothing Closet on Washington street in Woodstock), Meals on of fashion items and products of China. Chairwomen of the evening will be Mrs. John Buhrow and Mrs. John Cowlin. Ĉ -- ELLA JENKINS On Tuesday night, May 8, 1973 at 8 p.m., Harrison PTA in Wonder Lake will present its final program of this school year. Featured, will be Miss Ella Jenkins, a folk-singer, rhythm and song specialist. Miss Jenkins is well known to teachers and parents throughout the U.S. for her contributions to the teaching and enjoyment of folk music and rhythmic activities for children. For the past fif teen years, her "Rhythm Workshops" have delighted children in<wh.ools throughout the world. TKe workshops were created to provide children with varied listening ex periences and to encourage them to enjoy music in the easiest and most pleasurable way. Miss Jenkins uses her magnetic brand of folk singing to lure everyone into wholehearted audience par ticipation. Parents and their children are cordially invited to attend. %u\ m&z mmm Richmond Now Serving... BUSINESS MEN'S & SHOPPER'S ^ LUNCHEONS Friday Special: Fish Fry Open: 11:00 a.m. Phone 815-678-4200 Jack Schaefer, Prop. Wheels. Fellowship of I ho I^oast Coin, Project 25, Crop Kits, etc. C.W.U. members are working as monitors of legislation, as advocates for self-help programs and as educators in the area of con sumerism, ecology, peace, international trade and human rights. Volunteers have chan nelled more than 49,000 young women into the job corps and provided supportive services to 220,000 others. Protestant, Roman Catholics and Orthodox women from over 2,000 local units will come together in their local communities on this first Friday in May in their worship celebrations, and will dedicate themselves to working in partnership with their neigh bors. Won't you join them? Come to May Fellowship day, share your favorite salad, your ideas, your thoughts and your prayers with women who would like to receive them, and who would like to share theirs with you. ' If you would like to get more involved, you may bring a good used blanket, some layette items, some lightweight clothing for the missions or an item or two to put into a health, sewing or school kit (tooth paste, soap, comb, etc. - 2 yards fabric, thread, bias tape, etc. - pencils, ruler, paper, etc.)... A Cathedral to the Glory of Jesus Christ Our Lord is being built each moment as hand touches hand in very human ways, and as heart responds to heart enabled by His Spirit to long for, listen to, lift up and love one another so that all in each place may offer gifts which God Himself has given; Integrity, joy, peace and strength to do more for His church! Mary Jean Huff FLOWER SHOW Five garden clubs of Crystal Lake will present an exotic show, "Flowers International", with the addition of super and local horticulture and junior displays, Wednesday, May 9, from 2 to 10 p.m. and Thursday, Lizabeth Boyd, John Corso Wed Saturday Miss Lizbeth Boyd and Mr. John Corso repeated nuptial vows Saturday, April 28, in a beautiful wedding ceremony performed in St. Patrick's Catholic church, McHenry. Miss Boyd is the daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Boyd of 8412 Memory trail, Wonder Lake, and the late James Boyd. Mr. Corso's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Corso of 3911 W. Oak avenue, McHenry. The Rev. Father Cahill of ficiated at the 11 o'clock Mass, for which Dr. Stegmaier of Woodstock served as com mentator. Dan Stegmaier and St. Mary's church choir of Woodstock furnished guitar music. Bouquets of multi-colored spring flowers adorned the altar and other displays outlined the middle aisle of the church. Given in marriage by her uncle, Alex Boyd of Toronto, Canada, pretty Miss Boyd chose a French original gown of ivory peau de soie in empire design with leg-of-mutton sleeves. The bodice and skirt panels were hand sewn ap pliques of Bruges lace in terwoven with satin ribbon. A satin tiara headpiece was covered with seed pearls and Bruges lace appliques. Her veil and detachable train were outlined with the same type seed pearls and appliques. Her bouquet consisted of white roses and a sprig of heather sent by relatives in Scotland. Attending the bride were Mrs. Sharon Quane, Mrs. Peggy Palmquist and Mrs. Jill May 10, from noon to 8 p.m. The loca<jon will be the recreation building, 3300 Lake Shore drive, Crystal Lake. The public is invited and may receive fur ther information by calling 459- 3716. Northrup, all of Woodstock, as bridesmaids, and Sandy Boyd of Wonder I^ake as maid of honor. They were attired similarly in ivory chiffon gowns with empire waist and balloon sleeves. The bodice was em broidered in multi-colored pastel flowers outlined in ivory lace with stand-up lace collar. Lavender satin ribbon en circled the waist and tied into streamers in the back. Each carried a colonial bouquet of flowers that picked up the color in the bodice of the dress: William Testin of Milwaukee, Wis., served as best man and groomsmen were Robert Hass of Minneapolis. Minn., Kip Johnson of Columbus, Ohio, and John Wiechman of Wausau, Wis. All were fraternity brothers of the bridegroom. Ushers were Rex Hester of McHenry and Ken Stilling of Aurora. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Boyd selected a long, steel blue, two-piece ensemble with matching accessories. She wore a nosegay corsage of pink rosebuds and baby's breath. Mrs. Corso was attired in a long, yellow three-piece en semble with matching ac cessories. Her nosegay corsage consisted of yellow rosebuds and baby's breath. A reception for 200 guests was held at the McHenry Country club from 1 to 5 p.m., with a buffet dinner followed by dancing. Open house was held later at the Charles Corso residence. The newlyweds have left for Jamaica, where they will spend time in Ocho Rios. Upon their return they will make their home at 217 Blackburn, Ripon, Wis., until Aug. 1, when they will move into their own home in Ripon. The bride was educated at Woodstock high school and Southern Illinois university. She has been acting as dental Invite Guests To Meeting Of La Leche League The McHenry group of La Leche league will hold its monthly meeting Wednesday, May 9 at 8 p.m. The league's purpose is to help encourage "good mothering through breastfeeding". This is done through mother to mother contact and through a series of informal discussions. The topics of the meetings are: 1 Advantage of breast feeding to mother and baby, 2 The art of breastfeeding of overcoming difficulties, 3 Baby arrives; the family and the breastfed baby, 4 Nutrition and weaning. Any woman who is interested hygienist for the Woodstock Dental Group, and soon will be working for Dr. Richard Voss at Ripon. Mr. Corso graduated from Marion Central high school, Woodstock, and Ripon college. He is assistant dean of Admissions at Ripon college and assists with the Ripon football team. Following the rehearsal Friday evening, a dinner for forty persons was held at the Charles Detrick residence, Crystal Lake. in attending is welcome. For those who are pregnant, it is helpful to attend before the baby arrives. Mothers with nursing babies are encouraged to bring them to the meeting. Those interested in attending the meeting or have any questions about nursing who would like to talk about you may call Mrs. Robert (Roberta) Humphreys or Mrs. Richard (Marcia) McGowan. MARRIAGE LICENSES Raymond Lester Dascott,, 712 W. Area, McHenry, and Amber Elizabeth Sommers, 16 Ash, Cary. James R. Taylor, 3401 W. Pearl, McHenry, and Linda E. Grek, 1108 Hyacinth, Island Lake. William F. Hollenback, McHenry, and Barbara J. Smith. 2917 W. Lincoln, McHenry. Wayne A Cygan, 1612 N. Knoll, McHenry, and Barbara A Coari, 1312 W. River Terrace, McHenry. Larry R. Moore, 1220 Draper road, McHenry, and Joan A Varese, 3708 W. Anne, McHenry. David L Bauspies, 4320 Crestwood, McHenry, and Joanna Roy, 1901 Indian Ridge, McHenry. Charles E. Pitt, 416 N. Madison, Woodstock, and Cynthia A. Ficken, 4310 W. Crestwood, McHenry. CHICKEN trimmings Channel -PUBLIC INVITED- PISTAKEE COUNTRY CLUB 815 W. Bay Road Pistakee Bay 385-9854 Wjty /5k RESTAURANT & LOUNGE One of the area's newest & most exciting restaurants, with live entertainment Friday & Saturday Nights. CALL FOR RESERVATIONS - 526-5870 We are open Tues. thru Sat. 5 p.m.-Midnight Sundays Noon - 8 p.m. l Block South of Route 176 On Robert's Road - Island La're Enjoy a Wonderful Dinner at La Petite Cuisine French Restaurant 220 W. Rand Road - Lalemoor Phone 385-7495 Open Friday & Saturday 6:30 - 11:00 P.M. MR. AND MRS. DONALD PARENTI WED 25 YEARS -- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Parenti of 5019 W. Or chard, McCullom Lake* were honored at a surprise party given by their daughter and son-in-law, Dawn and Charles Miller, on the occasion of their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Relatives and friends gathered in the Miller home for the celebration. Lois Fries and Donald Parenti were married May 1, 1948, in St. Genevieve's Catholic church, Chicago. They moved to McCullom Lake in 1956, where they built their own home. The couple has four children, Dawn Miller, Donald, Jr., Daureen and Deiiise; also two grand sons, Shawn and Ryan Miller. In September, roe Parentis plan to take a trip to Hawaii with their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Allen McKim, who will also be celebrating their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. .mtlw "'"lEiiiL1 Ma** KIDS! SEE THE CLOWN . HERE THIS SUNDAY. (A DIFFERENT CARTOON FAVORITE HERE EACH SUNDAY) COME TO | SWANSON CHALET This Weekend 'l, MAY 4&5 v.v v»v & J Folk Good Time Singer J Roger Schiller 9:30 to 2:00 1 1211 N. River Road 385-2014 FARMER'S MARKET "FOR CASUAL DINING AND COCKTAILS I I SEE US AT THE McHENRY TRADE FAIR THIS SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 3702 ROUTE 31 (2 MILES NORTH OF McHENRY) PH. 815-385-8808 HOURS OPEN DAILY AT 4:00 P.M. OPEN SUNDAY AT 2:00 P.M. (CLOSED MONDAY)