Tickets for the 20th McHenry County I)airy Promotion council's annual dairy banquet are being handled this year j>y Richard Beers, left, and Francis Foley, co-chairmen. However, many other Dairy Promotion council members are assisting. Tickets will also be available at the McHenry County Farm Bureau building for this June 20 banquet to be held at the Harvard Moose lodge, starting at 7 p.m. (DON PEASLEY PHOTO) McHenry Area Girls In Dairy Princess Contest Several activities are planned to mark June Dairy month in McHenry county, sponsored for the twentieth year by the McHenry Dairy Promotion council. John Pfingsten, Ridgefield farmer who is chairman, said a record crowd is anticipated for the annual dairy banquet scheduled Wednesday, June 20, at the Harvard Moose lodge. One highlight will be crowning of the new McHenry County Dairy Princess to succeed Barbara Rich, reigning Dairy Princess. At least three candidates will be from the McHenry area. Before the banquet, the Dairy Princess candidates will be participating in in-store taste treat projects around the county and will make public appearances extolling the convenience and high-quality food value of milk and other dairy products. The Dairy Princess can didates plan to visit the McHenry County board again this year at its June meeting to give them a milk break during their morning intermission. Tickets for the dairy banquet are available from Dairy Promotion council members, including Francis Foley and Richard Beers, co-chairmen; Richard Arseneau, Charles Weingart, John Pfingsten, Gordon Smith, Clarence Adams, Stanley Raupp and Dale Boihart. Mrs. Virginia Peacock also has tickets available at the McHenry County Farm Bureau building. Pfingsten advises the banquet ticket purchases to assure a place at this milestone dairy promotion council banquet. So far a total of six dairy princess candidates have filed entries. Candidates have sponsors in the contest. Mrs. Van Sells will handle the judging phase of the contest and Mrs. Mary Anne Szurek, Woodstock, has offered to assist the candidates beforehand with various grooming, beauty and public appearance tips. The can didates to date are: Sarah Aavang, 18, daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. Rodney Aavang, Woodcock, sponsored by the Woodstock Progressives. Nancy Blake, 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Blake, McHenry, sponsored by Lake- McHenry District AMPI. Pamela Gerloff, 18, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gerloff, Woodstock, sponsored by the Holstein Club. Barbara Larson, 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Larson, Wonder Lake. Lynn Tomlinson 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tomlinson, McHenry, spon sored by Lake-McHenry District AMPI. Norma Spitzbart, 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Spitzbart, Woodstock. SPONSOR SUPPER The Devilaires drill team will sponsor its fourth annual spaghetti dinner Monday, May 28, from 1 to 6 p.m. at the V.F.W. clubhouse, east of McHenry. Wine and dessert will be available. The can dlelight meal will be served with music in the background. Don Porters Head Square Dance Club Congratulations are in order to a fine group of officers elected at the Checkerboard Squares annual dinner dance held Saturday, May 19. Don and Ruth Porter will preside as president couple for the '73-74 season. Dave and Patti Miller were again elected to serve as vice-president couple. One of their duties will be to oversee the beginners' dance class in September. Terry and Carol Thompson will assume the secretarial duties of the club, while Chuck and Barb Weston will handle the financial duties of the treasurer's office. Ken and Jan Kohl and Andy and Wanda Bos will act as club representatives. Appreciation was extended to the outgoing board who contributed so much to another successful year. Bob and Sue Low were the winners of plane transportation to the National Square Dance convention in Salt Lake City, Utah. To qualify, dancers had to attend at least eight home and six outside dances since Jan. 1. Andy and Wanda Bos won as alternates. Having consumed a hearty and delicious dinner, an evening of music and dancing began. A special attraction of the evening was a tastefully, graceful exhibition of belly dancing by the beautifully Special Program For Patents Of Kindergartners i A special program for all parents of next year's kin dergarten children will be held in Harrison school's Learning Resource center at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 29. Mrs. Mavis Bagby, kin dergarten teacher, and Robert Bright, Sr., school superin tendent, will discuss the kin dergarten curriculum as provided by the school. Special parts of the meeting will be devoted to helping parents ready their children for this first year of school, provide for a question and answer period for all parents and a film-slide presentation. All parents are invited to attend even though they have not registered their child for next year. HEARING AIDS Rena Schaid 1407 N Green McHenry 385-0125 Sales - Service - Batt SAVE * O THIS THURSDAY, FRIDAY A SATURDAY PER GALLON ON PAINT QRStC vimyi Acmic LATEX KXTIRIOR HOUSE PAINT SAVE '2°° ON WIRY GALLON I SAVI {200 ON THI EVERY ••• L SAVE 12 00 ON THI EVERT M I K DAY LOW PRICE OF 7.16 , m m i WHITf AND *TOCK COiORS VlHYt AC" YllC •mraaaoa *** Interior FLAT SAVE *2°° \j •44 SAVI $3 00 ON THI (VUY DAT IOW QL 6.14 $ SEMI-GLOSS jgh ENAMEL *, SAVE *2°° JFflK ON (VIRY OAUOMI 9 .-55 SAVI $? OO ON THI IVCRY OAV IOW PtlCI Of 7.16 w catoi A NO awiille mi VI stock teMuw rut coco** f*fr» Imnm OHH >/ "NIGHTY RIM" tg kit iNciuoit savi; jo t" Run ftvty Mk fm H<® J? f Navvy laty Oiftfufi BNNr eg toR* ftJi t" khui lifdi Mat C«vw $l.2t g M" Stwtj fiNaafca data > H Jg Ml MUM VALUE 1~42 mm*) $1.29! V'tt.lWCtftM t« -> ELLIOTT PAINT & VARNISH CO., CHICAGO, ILL. 60624 < Vycital's (^Hardware SSNSTEffMAli 1228 N. Green Ph. 385 - 0098 Fine Cast Rehearsal For "Harvey" Townsquare Players, Inc., is in full swing, rehearsing for its comedy, "Harvey", which will be presented at the Woodstock Opera House June 8,9,16 and 17. Karen Wells of Woodstock has been cast as Veta Louise Simmons the confused sister costumed Patti Miller. Though quite a departure from square dancing, Patti's performance was enthusiastically received and enjoyed by the Checker board Squares. Each of the ladies received a lovely corsage, fashioned by Carol Thompson. Bob and Sue Low received the special prize. The club's next adventure will be square dancing on roller skates in McHenry June 19. An invitation is extended for beginners to join the group in September. of Elwood P. Dowel, played by Robert Carr. Elwood P. Dowd is a sociable bachelor whose greatest mission in life is to introduce his constant but invisible companion, "Har vey", to all of society's matrons, such as Mrs. Ethel Cha^venet, played by Gloria Carr. Elwood's behavior prompts Myre Mae Simmons, (Sharon Pedigo) to utter such statements as "Uncle Elwood P.Dowd" the biggest screwball in town". To Chujnley's Rest sanitarium comes this group of confused people. Other people who become involved with this rather unusual group are the over- zealous orderly, Duane Wilson, who is Steve Gaub, and K.T. Lofgren, the long-suffering taxi driver, Laurie Curry. Then there is Dr. William R. Chumley, protrayed by Ron Kruis, who finds "Harvey" very interesting company and the doctor's scattered brain wife, Betty, played by Marina Handelan of Huntley. On the scfene comes head nurse, Ruth Kelly, June Livinghouse of McHenry, who is pursuing more than a medical career and 'the young handsome Dr. Lyman Sanderson and Bud Lytle of McHenry, whose blunder adds to the confusion. Meanwhile, the aging Judge Omar Gafney, John Hoffman, possesses the question "which name goes on the commiphnent papers.Harvey?" Curtain time Friday and^ Saturday are 8:30 p.m. and Sunday 6:30 p.m. Seating is PAGE 3-PLAINDEALER' Marian Sophomore Is Recognized By Bride's Magazine Mary Wedoff, sophomore student at Marian Central Catholic high school, was recently awarded an honorable mention prize by the editorial staff of Bride's magazine for her design and presentation of limited. Come early or phone 815-675-2066 for reservations. •FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1973 creative table settings. Mary, under the guidance of Marian Home Economics Advisor Kaye Walters, entered the contest in April. Her presentation was the design of a centerpiece and the coor dination of china and silver* ware to two different table settings. The Home Ec club at Marian is in its third year of operation under the sponsorship of Mrs. Walters, Marian's cafeteria manager. Mary is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wedoff of Woodstock. CARYN DANETTE DARMODY ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED -- Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Darmody of McHenry announce the engagement of their daughter, Caryn Danette, to Frank Gillespie of McHenry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Allmann. The young couple plan to be married Aug. 25 and reside in McHenry. MOTHERS! ENROLL NOW Have Peace of Mind this Summer While You ^re Working. DAY CAMP For Girls Age 6--1/2 Thru 11 Swimmine - Crafts - Indoor and Outdoor Play June .11 Thru July 27 7:30 A.M. to 5 P.M. $18.00 Per Week FANTASY FARM i 8#^ I O L P O L % 1 E&UH3H3 liMFED 1220 N-GEfEN ST Mc H E N P„Y, i IkScSO . 6ANttMERICARDftMASTOHAI?6E WELCOME aSSSfc'w ••"I*. Going Out Over The Memorial Day Weekend? Make It Farmer's Market. . FARMER'S MARKET "FOR CASUAL DINING AND COCKTAILS I I 3702 ROUTE 31 (2 MILES NORTH OF McHENRY) PH. 815-385-8808 / -- HOURS OPEN DAILY AT 4:00 P.M. OPEN SUNDAY AT 2:00 P.M. (CLOSED MONDAY) * Remember. . . BRING THE KIDS EACH SUNDAY TO MEET ANOTHER OF THEIR FAVORITE CARTOON CHARACTERS. "SNOOPY" WILL BE HERE FOR MEMORIAL DAY