PAGE 10-NAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, 1973 Lakemoor-Lilymoor Alma Hueckstaedt 385-5689 West Shore Beach CONNIE SCHMIDT 385-7841 Village Officials Attend Municipal Association Meet McHenry County Municipal Association met last night at the American Legion. Many issues were* discussed. Among them were mass transportation and sewage; Village officials attending were President Hyatt, Trustees Harry Brady, Alyce Kowal, Margaret Hatch, and your scribe as their guests. 1 found the meeting following the dinner to be very in formative and interesting. YOUTH OF TODAY During Scout-O-Rama week at the Woodstock Fairgrounds the Explorer Troop Post 966 were in conjunction with the McHenry County Civil Defense in handling securities, safety and information. One of our local boys had a part in it. He is Kevin Epperson, 16 years old, and he is in civil defense corps. He participated from Friday evening till Sunday. PAPER BOY OF MONTH Shawn Hager of Lilymoor Wwas nominated paper boy of the month. He serves nineteen customers around the Lily Lake area. Shawn is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hager at 106 Lily Lake road and is 11 years old. } REPORT The-results of the Lilymoor auxiliary auction and bake sale was a success due to the efforts of the donors work crew and customers. The donors of the haked goodies were Beverly Anderson, Laura Barnett, Jo Bartelt, Mary Behrendt, Elsie Bleich, Vera Butkus, Jennie Ferrara, Ruth Freeman, Lu Gravenstruck, Connie Johnson, Grace and Marion Leske, Ida Legge, Florence Martinsen, Wanda Minton, Helen Rodde, Marilyn R?an, Lynn Soefker, Irene Thornton, Eunice Tobey, Cheryl Weber, and Alma ' Hueckstaedt and Marian Vornkahl. Many of the above also donated items for the auction. On behalf of all those who took part in this project, I would like t'o say that their efforts are well appreciated by all the auxiliary. The proceeds almost covered the cost of the clean-up of Lilymoor. LILY LAKERS The Lily Lakers have set the date for their rummage sale. It will be on June 22 and 23 and will be held at the Lakemoor Municipal building .(the old firehouse) on Rt. 120 in Lakemoor. More will appear in the following issues. If you have „ anything you wish to donate to the young people for their sale please call Brenda or Sherry Minton at 385-8557 or Rusty Hueckstaedt at 385-5689. I am sure the group will appreciate any items donated. They use the proceeds of their projects for their outings. BIRTHDAYS Best wishes go out to the following on their day. To Chuck Zabroski on June 1, Toni Yerkes on the fourth, Herb Zabroski on the fifth, Sam Sances on the seventh, Michele Lynn Thornton and Paul Johnson on the tenth, Rose Zalenka on the eleventh, Myra Zabroski and Pamela Skelton on the fifteenth, and to Ron Providas on the sixteenth. Here's hoping all the above have a very happy birthday. ANNIVERSARIES On June 4, two of our local couples share the same day as their wedding date. They are Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mar- tensen who celebrated 40 years together and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Leske 27 years. I hope both couples will share many more years with their mates. On June 9. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Wilson, Sr., will share that date with special memories of their wedding day. HOSPITALIZED Andreas Kowal has un dergone surgery again and he has thoroughly enjoyed many cards and phone calls at the hospital, all of them from his many friends and neighbors. See you next week. * * * * A grown-up is someone able to keep from talking. Glass, Tin Can Recycle Improves Each Collection Many ladies of the com munity gladly brought their - glass and tin to me before the Saturday, drive on May 26. It was indeed greatly appreciated by everyone involved. With the help of Mr. and Mrs. Olivarri we were able to truck the materials from the McHenry Market Place to Crystal Lake. Their sincere efforts in helping with the collection made our day a successful one. Others who worked were: Beverly Johnson, Charlynda Johnson, Jim Johnson, Carl Ritter, Fred Schmidt, Dolores Jaburek, and Martha Dignan. , It's a great pleasure to know that you're helping* the McHenry residents in addition to our community and en vironment with the recycling of wastes. Our main goal is to obtain money for the com munity in order to contribute to the road and repair fund. However, without more help our efforts will have to be abandoned. Anyone or any organization that is interested in continuing what we have begun please call me for any information. It's a great ser vice that has an even greater future. But manpower has been lacking from our subdivision. If interested our group will help you get started. WOMEN'S AUXILIARY MEETING Tomorrow evening, June 7, at 7:30 p.m. there will be a ladies club meeting at the home of Marie Wegner. If you haven't come before now is the chance to spend an enjoyable time with some new or old neighbors. Please join in the fun. It's a great way to find a friend. PROPERTY OWNERS MEET Remember June 9 as the meeting date and 4:30 p.m. as the time. Weather permitting the place of meeting will be the beach, otherwise at 5412 W. Orchardway. Walter Dean will be present to discuss the water problems of our subdivision. A good attendance by all property owners is expected. If you have any thoughts at all about the water conditions or roads June 9 will be the time to express yourselves. Please be there! INFORMATION PEASE With the summer season upon us many people will have children graduating Cor, en joying some small travels to beaches and picnic areas. Also there are usually many more birthdays and weddings during the summer months. I need news to continue being a ser vice to you. Please tell your neighbors to call as they may not read the newspaper each week. Any help would be greatly appreciated by me and those who enjoy a subdivision DALE CARNEGIE GRADUATES - The Dale Carnegie course graduated thirty-two members Tuesday evening at Andre's Steak House in Richmond following a 14-week course in Public Speaking and Human Relations. Bottom row, from left, are Lorraine Young, Mary Hilty, Kathryn Gibbons, Linda O'Leary, Carol Olszewski, Bernice Longly, Terry Finken, Caroline Siegert and Jeanne Lechner; middle row, Jack Perhach, class manager; Dave Mc- Cloud, Steve Hunter, Clay Hieb, Vaughn Hilty, Fred Lechner, Catherine Kelly, Althea Walkington, Bonnie Freeman, guidance assistant; Gundolf Boerner, Kevin Hoening, guidance assistant; and Dave Freeman, class manager; top row, Horst Abt, Ernest Schooley, Tom Miller, LeoSharfe, Ray Longly, Harold Young, Ron Porras, Pete Milone and Ron Ewald, Instructor. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD column. There are many people who I don't know and would like to meet you if just on the phone. PERSONALS Barb Mohlman, the daughter of Bill and Helen Mohlman will be graduating from high school this year. Millie Basile who is a member of the Sweet Adelines would appreciate any calls at 385-3337 for interested women to join the group. Jeffrey Schmidt celebrated his first birthday on June 1. Those who attended the party included: Sister Stacey; Grandma and Grandpa Ritter; Aunt Nancy and Uncle Tom; cousins Greg, Philip and Renee; Aunt Sharon and Uncle ^rank: cousins Bradlev and Heather; Uncle'Mike and his fiance, Linda; and Mr. and Mrs. Horst Pick. Remember dear dad on Father's Day! People who read careless ly talk carelessly. I does more than youd expect Your Midnight Jewel's Here To Serve! GIANT COOLING POWER! Model AGGS632DA ELECTRIC 32,000 BTU AIR CONDITIONER DUAL Blowers, Fan Motors, Condensers, Air Discharge, 3 Fan Speeds! • Ideal for Thru-The-Wall or Transom Installation • Fits Windows 29" to 41" Wide • Large Area Cooling • Outstanding Performance and Appearance W ;X:j i**; r.\V *529 95 CUSTOMER ICARE...H (SERVICER EVERYWHERE 1241 N. Green St. Wed. 8:00-Noon McHenry, III.V Friday 8.009:00 CAREY Appliance SBEENSTKEFT K _ TTT Daily 8:00-5:30 I . FRESH, CRISP - 24 SIZE Head Lettuce HEAD (NET. WT. 12 0Z.) JUICY SWEET - 36 SIZE Cantaloupe 3 $100 FOR PRICES °™« lUNt 7 THROUGH THU« J"™', ,0 AT M.I sSlBClu0 (MG OA**' (NET. WT. 1 LB. 8 0Z GREAT FOR SANDWICHES Corned Beef 69REG V2 LB. •1.89 '/2 LB. AMERICAN Potato Salad AVAILABLE ONLY IN JEWEL STORES WITH CHEF'S KITCHEN ? • *V *, i (J PASTI Burnyc*Bros ."US- "7. 0KS"' UNO ~ USuA CHOICE USDA CHOICE U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF ROUND Round Steak V«Vi NEW STORE HOURS: Monday Thru Friday 8 A.M. till 11 PM. Saturday 8 AM. till 9 P.M. Sunday 9 A.M. till 7 P.M. STOKELY Tomato Sauce DANISH CHERRY Coffee Cake "°z AOc PKG. M DELICIOUS Dutchy PK°Z OOC Krust Bread 07lE; THUR.-FRI.-SAT. FRESH MEAT flVftlLABLE TIL 9 EVERY NITE 3718 W. ELM ST. MCHENRY ILL. CEILING PRICE U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF ROUND Rump or Rotisserie Roast U.S.D.A. GRADE "A" POPULAR BRANDS 18 TO 22 LB. SIZE Tom a Turkeys EXCLUDING SELF BASTING TURKEYS Budget Stretchers CORN KING Sliced Bacon 98 1 LB $109 PKG. ARMOUR STAR Sliced Bacon ARMOUR STAR **0% All Meat Hot Dogs 98c USDA ( U.S.D.A. CHOICE) CHOICE BEEF TIP A- "JBBF OR / ROUND _ Cubed Steaks U.S.D.A CHOICE BEEF v: LB. CEILING PRICE *1" 3 LB. CAN 5 LB. CAN DUBUQUE Canned Ham $433 CEILING PRICE $4 98 CEILING PRICE $7 98 CASH-SAVING COUPON GOODTHRUSUN JUNE 10, 1973 | SAVE 15< ON A 1 -LB PKG. OF SWIFT PREMIUM OR OSCAR MAYER Sliced Bacon WITH THIS COUPON CASH-SAVING COUPON CASH-SAVING COUPON IIU TOMATO S* CREAMETTES Macaroni GOODTHRUSUN ,JUNE 10, 1973 s SAVE 10c ON ANY 8 OZ PKG OF ECKRICH OR . . i OSCAR MAYER liced Lunchmeat WITH THIS COUPON m twmmmmmmm >fltf**i ASSORTED VARIETIES Sargento Shredded Cheeses 4 OZ. PKG. ON ANY U.S.D A. GRADE "A 0 WHOLE OR CUT UP 'Frying Chicken WITH THIS COUPON CASH SAVING COUPON GOOD THRU SUN JUNE 10 1973 A SAVE 50' *#%' ON A 2 IB PKG OF '" BreadedShrimp '4 " j WITH THIS COUPON wmmT JOHN'S FROZEN REG RETAIL 8 OZ. 7 OZ. PKG. SFTREDDED 'Cheese Cheese & Sausage Pizza REG. 10c REG. 15s Stat* *nr»V„ Cheddar 16 OZ. ' PKG. REG. 49< REG. 89 c l K:xi I 1 g I S3 1 fey i II 1$ m m m I iv.;. II V