PAGE 18-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1973 District 156 Summer School Opens June 18 A six-week summer school program is being offered again this year at West campus. Classes start Monday, June 18, and close Monday, July 30. Classes are in session daily, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. The first semester runs June 18 through July 9 and the second, July 10 through July 30. Registrations are now bein{ accepted and will continue through June 18 at both cam puses. Classes are open to incoming freshmen, ancT all students enrolled will be able to participate free of charge in open swimming from 1 to 3 o'clock daily. Sixty classroom hours (three weeks) taken and successfully passed give one-half unit of high school credit. A total of 120 classroom hours will give one full unit. Courses offered are Algebra, Architectural Drafting, Band, Bookkeeping, Chemistry, Clerical Practice; Consumer Economics, Drafting, Elec tricity, Engineering Drawing, English, Environmental Science-Ecology, General Science, Geometry, In strumental Music, Latin • A m e r i c a n H i s t o r y , Mathematics, Metals, Physcial Education, Power Mechanics, Psychology, Recordkeeping, Sociology, Typing I and II and U.S. and World History. Those interested in the cooperative work program should contact faculty mem- DWI Charge Lodged Against McHenry Driver While on routine patrol early Sunday morning on Route 173, near Reese road, Harvard, deputies observed an auto being driven in an erratic manner. It came into the squad car's lane of traffic and forced it off the road. While pursuing the auto deputies saw the vehicle leave the roadway several times. The car was stopped and the driver, Robert A. Banach of 1015 Windsor drive, McHenry, was arrested for driving while intoxicated, open liquor in a ber, Charles Cuda, at West % campus. Registration for Driver Education has been completed at both campuses. motor vehicle and improper lane usage. Bond was set at $500 with court appearance scheduled for June 18. A passenger in the auto, Daniel C. Skorupa of Prairie View, was arrested for pur chase or acceptance of alcoholic liquor by a person of non-age. Bond was set at $1,000. Court date was set for June 14. KART PARK BURGLARY * A burglary last week at the McHenry Kart Park, 2004 N. Lincoln road, McHenry, resulted in an estimated loss of over $500 in missing equipment. The building was entered and taken from the premises were a yellow McKulich go-cart equipped with a green, 4 hor sepower engine, a red Dart go- cart equipped with a 3 hor sepower engine and about ten go-cart wheels and tires. In vestigation is Continuing. Father Killed Near Location Of Son's Death Jack W. Stevens, 50, of Route l, Cary, was killed in a motorcycle-car accident Monday evening about 10 o'clock on East Main street, Cary. Driver of the auto, Milton A. Bengtson of 100 Lakewood, Crystal Lake, was charged with driving while intoxicated by county deputies. No details of the accident are available as investigation is still taking place. SteVens' son, Michael J. Stevens, 21, was killed last July in a vehicle accident just one- half mile from where this latest fatality occurred. Michael was a passenger in an auto which struck a tree. - The latest fatality is the nineteenth recorded on county highways this year compared to fifteen at this time last year. Former McHenry Man Is Honored By Notre Dame When the Very Rev. John R, Cortelyou, C.M., confers degrees on 1,197 graduates of the University of Notre Dame Sunday, June 10, a former McHenry man will be singled out for special honors. Howard V. Phalin, a native of McHenry, retired board chairman of Field Enterprises Educational Corp., and former chairman of DePaul's board of trustees, will receive an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree. He is one of three to be so recognized. The ceremonies will be held in Arie Crown theatre of Mc- Cormick Place at 2 o'clock. * * * * The politicians have con vinced us that some of them have to be liars. wo w. RTE. 120 McHENRY DAILY 9 • 9 SUNDAY 9 - 6 KEY 73 CANVASS-Mrs. Bernetce Spruth, left, representing Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church, is one of the many "Key 73" canvassers from all the McHenry denominations making a door to door vi^it on every member of the community. The purpose of the canvass is to leave a booklet entitled "'Touched by the Fire", covering Luke and Acts, and asking each family to fill out a short form indicating their church preference. A large area of McHenry has been covered thus far, but the canvass will continue for several weeks until all families are reached. The community is asked to welcome and cooperate with these hard working volunteers. SAT. & D l O I O .SSI 10 HORNSBYS family centers Men's Knit Tank Top Men; all knit cotton and polyester tank IfceV" a"°r,ed SO,lds ond s,rtP«- All Ladies' Knit Tank Tops Save Brach's Pick-a-Mix Assortment reg. 47c Pick-a-mix assortment from Brach's Delicious candy. Style Hair Spray 13 oz. choice of regular, super hold, and ultra hold ot one low price. r»g. 62c **& i *»iiL Ŝavings; Ladies cotton knit wide shoulder rapped tank tops. A variety of solids sizes* #,rlP°s- ,n regular & extra "The Duster" Dune Buggy Quaker State Motor Oil Limit 6 per family Choice of 20 and 30 wts. Pick up a filter at our low, low everyday prices. reg. 53c Sea & Ski Suntan Lotion 4 oz. bottle of suntan lotion •hat gives you a deep, dark, longlasting tan and prevents sunburn. r*9. L46 reg. 12.76 8 c9?y Wl,h adiust°b'e easy pedal S pia,t " "**ri"9 Wh*<'1 Pkg. of 3 Blank Cassette Tapes Economy 60 minute • I7 c a s s e t t e s r e a l l y d o U £ ( 1 7 explosive |ob on capturing I important sounds 9 • reg. 1.58 Kiddies Softee Sun Glasses Sun protection as well as safety for your child. ••eg. 23c Pickup Camper 76* reg. 1.13 Weekender, pick-up camper that has removable cab. Loaded .with chrome accessories, ' > y' *'X * Save 19' 1 Super Bondex [Denim Patches Iron-on patches fo. permanent press items in denim. Asst. colors. reg. 39' Photo Book Wire bound leather or floral IO'/j" x 11%" photo book. Contents 10 sheets with 20 sides. Legal Notice aeaied bids will be received I bv the City Council of the City of McHenry at the office of city clerk, 1111 N. Green St., until 8 [o'clock P.M. June 18, 1973 for new 4-door sedan for use in the p o l i c e d e p a r t m e n t . Specifications may be obtained 1 in the office of the city clerk. I The Mayor and City Council reserve the right to reject any and all bids or to waive any informality in any bid and to accept any considered ad vantage to the City. , CITY OF MCHENRY By: Earl R. Walsh, City Clerk (Pub. June 8, 13, 1973) BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING The McHenry County Heart association is sponsoring a free blood pressure screening program at the McHenry State bank, 3510 W. Elm street, Saturday, June 9, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. The program is just one of the free services offered by your McHenry County Heart association. , WINS MILKING CONTEST Mayor Joseph B. Stanek distinguished himself as a politician with "pull" last Saturday when he won the Mayors' cow milking contest at Harvard's Milk day. f THINK ABOUT IT! By BOB JUSTFV At Cooper Union, New York, Lincoln said, "Let us have faith that right makes might..." It can not be proved but it certainly is likely his thought originated from the Bible. For example - The Old Testament cites many cases of cruelties, stonings, scourges, slaying by the sword - and all for nought. And in the New Testament consider the cases of the twelve disciples. Only John died of old Bge. Peter was crucified, head downward. Andrew and Silicon were crucified too. James, the young brother of theSavior was beaten to death with a club. Bartholomew was flayed alive. James, the elder son of Zebedee was beheaded. Thomas the doubter, was killed with a lance. Philip was hanged. Matthew was slain by sword. Thaddeus was shot to death with arrows. In martyrdom they suffered pitiful deaths. Through the ages, such deaths have proved that the God of right is ever more powerful than naked might, atomic bombs, armies or weapons... The preservation and development of the church through the ages proves that devilish forces can not conquer the God of right * and justice .... GEORGE R. JUSTEN FUNERAL HOME, 3519 W. Elm Street, McHenry, III. Phone:385-2400 reg. 2.64 can help with OIR REB4IRS... Call us. Today. Our budget planning experience can help f ind a way for whatever you need or want. Car repairs? Start f ixing! Home fix-up? Medical bi l ls? Unexpected emergency? Count on us! Want to clear up old bi l ls and instal lment debts? That's good money management the real key to the art of l iving. So -- start l iving! Call us today or drop in anytime. We want to help -- with CASH! EIGHTEENTH LIBERTY LOAN CORPORATION 900 FRONT STREET -- PHONE: 385-7360 McHenry, Illinois 60050 Open Friday 'til 8 PM