Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Jun 1973, p. 2

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PAGE 2-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1973 Hobby-Antique Show To Be Staged By Senior Citizens The McHenry Senior Citizens club meeting June 25 is designated as an Hobby and Antique show. Members are urged to bring as many in­ teresting exhibits a^possible. Maybe some items will spur other members to find new interests when they see what is done with spare time lor recreation. Everyone is asked to bring his own lunch on the bus trip to Cantigny Gardens - the Mc- Cormick Estate Gardens and Museums at Winfield, 111., June 27. A very nice place is available for this purpose, and there is no place to purchase lunch there. By popular request, all loop bus trips will leave the loop for hnrnp at 2 45 p m sharp. Plans for the annual picnic for club members are well in hand. There will be games and entertainment for all. Each must bring his lunch, Coffee and cold drinks will be fur­ nished by the club. The date is Saturday ..July 14 and the place is Vetefans Acres, where previous picnics have been held. This is a fun day for the members, who really seem to enjoy participating in the games and winning thp prizes. The July bus trips will in­ clude the one to the Loop July 11 and the one to Mendota, 111. July 25. Reservations should be made promptly with Mrs. Frank Giel. The summer bowling sessions are in full swing Frank Giel. bowling chairman, states there is room for more bowlers Tuesday mornings, Tuesday afternoons and Friday af­ ternoons. For further in­ formation contact Mr. Giel. The Kitchen band has been quite busy and is receiving many requests for programs. All requests for programs should be made to the band secretary, Lyda Radisch, at 1712 North Knoll avenue. Recent programs included the faculty wives of School District 155, Cary-Grove high school; Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church of McHenry for the Mother and daughter banquet and the Lutheran Home and Service For The Aged at Arlington Heights. The band's schedule is now being made up and dates confirmed. ANNUAL SUMMER SOCIAL - Chairmen and committee members met with their pastor, the Rev. John Kilduff, to make plans for the annual summer social to be held in St. Peter's parish hall, Spring Grove, Sunday June 24. Chicken dinner with all the trimmings will be served from noon to 3 p.m. There will be games and prizes and a refreshment bar. Pictured, from left to right, standing, Jack Schmitt, Father Kilduff, Ed Lilla; seated, Bev Schmitt, Dori Schaitz, Dolores May and Eva Freund. PHOTO BY BOB POPELKA William Wines Claims Bride Introduce Voter League Officers At Annual Meet A delicious prime rib lun­ cheon was served to the Woodstock-McHenry League of Women Voters at Pal's restaurant Thursday, May 31. This was followed by the annual meeting. Mrs. Allan (Lee) Lockhart, chairman for the Membership finance drive, happily told members they had exceded their goal with their con­ tributions. Mrs. Lyle (Gen) Johnson introduced the new officers and directors who are as follows: Mrs. Allan (Lee) Lockhart, vice-president, 2-year term; Mrs. Timothy (Marjone) Swanson, treasurer, 2-year term; Mrs. Cameron (Christine) Clark, director, 1 - year term; Mrs. James (Kay) Hutchings, Mrs. Craig (Donna) Boss and Mrs. Wm. (Nan) Feller, directors, 2-year terms. Mrs. Moira Davis, Gwen Johnson, Nan Feller and Lee Lockhart gave reports on their activities at the state con­ vention, to which they were delegates. Mrs. Daryl (Gerri) Braun read the by-laws of the Woodstock-McHenry League of Women Voters and gave a report on the proposed local study items. The local study program consists of Health Program, County Zoning, Housing in the Cities of Woodstock, McHenry and Harvard, and County Government, which is a new local item. This is a study of the structure and functioning of McHenry county government. This would be aimed at the eventual publication of "Know Your County." This will be a 3812 West Elm Street Establ ished 1875 Phone 385 0170 McHenry, I l l inois 60050 Publ ished Every Wednesday & Fr iday at McHenry, I l l inois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, I l l inois By McHEMRY PUBLISHING COMPANY Larry E. Lund Publ isher Adele Froehl ich Edi tor MEMBER * 1973 NEWSPAPER NATIONAL NEWSPAPER FliMd A S S O C I A T I O N NNA SUSTAINING MEMBfR - 1973 frtt P e r u * Ktf SUBSCRIPTION Year S7.50 In McHenry and Lake County RATES 1 Year S9.00 Outside McHenry and Lake County SUMMER*DAY«CAMP FOR CHILDREN OF WORKING MOTHERS OR JUST FOR FUN Hiking - Crafts - Field Trips - Recreation - First Thru Fifth Graders BEGINNING JUNE Uth In Co-operation With The • / BAPTIST NURSERY SCHOOL 509 N. Front St. McHenry, III. 385-0083 joint study with the Crystal Lake-Cary League of Women Voters. These items were proposed and voted on by the League members. After the general business meeting, members heard a timely and informative talk by Ginny Fiester, who is In­ ternational Relations chairman from the Illinois League of Women Voters. Other guests were Mary Updegrove, vice-president of the Crystal-Lake-Cary league, and Iris Bryan from the Woodstock Sentinel. To obtain more information on the Woodstock-McHenry League of Women voters, which is non-partisan, call Mrs. Allan (Lee) Lockhart. When we hear the top ten tunes, we wonder-what are the bottom ones like?? A wedding of interest was solemnized in Christ the Teacher church, Newman chapel, at Northern Illinois university, DeKalb, Saturday, June 9, when Mary Ann Spalding exchanged nuptial vows with William John Wines. The Rev. Robert Hoffman officiated at the 4:30 nuptial Mass in a church decorated with pink and white floral arrangements. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Spalding of 303 E. Montrose, Wood Dale, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo John Wines of 7812 Oakwood, Wonder Lake. Special musical presen­ tations were performed by--xi Thomas soloist Judy Raffit, a cousin of McHenry the groom, and guitarist, Sister Evelyn Derezinski. The pretty bride wore a full length, off-white, moire gown featuring a pink lace bib bodice highlighted with seed pearls, long bishop sleeves with lace cuffs trimmed with seed pearls and an A-line skirt. Her long cathedral length veil was at­ tached to a Juliet cap of mat­ ching seed pearl lace. She carried a crescent shaped, cascading bouquet of white carnations and pale pink roses enhanced with touches of ivy. Mrs. Carol Kuhn of Wood Dale attended her sister as matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Ms. Earlyne Spalding of Chicago, the bride's sister, Ms. Lynn and Marv Wines of Wonder Lake, sisters of the groom, Ms. Georgianne Jirousek of Melrose Park, the bride's cousin, and Ms. Andrea Richie of Campus, 111. Little Michelle Ann Kuhn of Wood Dale, the bride's niece, was flower girl. The bridesmaids wore full length, shantung gowns featuring double bouffant white sleeves, white eyelet-lace bibs, A-line skirts and free flowing panels at the back and front. The gowns were in shades of pink, aqua-blue, lilac, yellow, green and apricot. Bands of fresh baby's breath adorned their hair and each carried a nosegay of white carnations and carnations dyed to match their gowns. The flower girl wore a white dress similar to the bridesmaids. She carried a basket of pink mum petals. Przetacznik of was best man. Groomsmen Were Edward Spalding of Chicago, th^ bride's brother, Michael Wings of Wonder Lake, the groom's brother, Robert Nocek of Buffalo Grove, cousin of the groom, Joseph Kiciak of Woodstock and Randall Vicek of Chicago. The bride's nephew, Ralph Kuhn, Jr., of Wood Dale, was ring bearer. The bride's mother chose a light beige, hand embroidered, imported silk gown featuring an embroidered panel at the back and front, matching ac­ cessories and a pink sweetheart rose corsage. The groom's mother wore a full length silk chiffon gown in a pink floral print with pink accessories and carried a nosegay of pink sweetheart roses. Following the ceremony, a dinner-dance reception for 200 guests was held at the Coachlight Inn. Upon their return from a wedding trip to Montego Bay, Jamaica, the newly weds will make their home at High Meadows apartments, DeKalb. The bride is a 1970 graduate of Driscoll high school, * Ad­ dison, and now attends Nor­ thern Illinois university School of Nursing. She will graduate in May, 1974, with a B.S. in Nursing degree and a school nurse certificate. The bridegroom is a 1968 graduate of Marian Central high school, Woodstock, and received a Bachelor of Science /degree in 1972 from the School of Business Administration at N:I.U. He is employed as a certified public accountant with Spaulding Fiber company, DeKalb. Among honored guests at the wedding were the groom s great grandmother, Mrs. Mary Olszak of Neshkoro, Wis., also Mrs. Mary Wines of Franklin Park, paternal grandmother, and Mr. and Mrs. John Dyck of Wonder Lake, maternal grandparents of the groom. St. Agatha Court Meets Next Tues< MR. AND MRS. JOHN BOPPART WED 40 YEARS - The children of John and Clare (May) Boppart of 408 Becking, Woodstock, invite friends and relatives to an open house in honor of their parents' fortieth wedding anniversary. It will be held at St. Mary's church cafeteria, Woodstock, Sunday, June 24, from 2 to 4 p.m. An anniversary Mass will be read at 4 o'clock that day in St. Mary's church, Woodstock. No invitations are being sent and the couple requests no gifts. Mrs. Boppart is well known in this area, having been raised in the Spring Grove community. The couple's children are Loren of. Harvard, Irvin of North Chicago, Eugene of Hartland, Phyllis Sylvester of Buffalo Grove, Betty Boppart of Guam and Sister Marilyn Boppart, CSC, Holy Cross, Notre Dame, Ind. Enjoy a Wonderful Dinner at LA PETITE CUISINE French Restaurant 220 W. Rand Rd.-Lakemoor Phone: 385-7495 Open Friday & Saturday 6:30 - 11:00 p.m. St. Agatha Coui\t National Catholic So Foresters at Johnsbu jiieet in the CormHumty hall Tuesdavgyemng, June 19, at 8 o'clock^A white elephant game is/ on the agenda following /the regular business meeting/ All members at­ tending are to bring a wrapped white elephant. Mr^J/arl Neiss is chairman of the refreshment committee. Assisting her will be Mrs. Arthur Kattner, Mrs. Robert Hopp, Mrs. Gerald Schmitt, Mrs. Donald Weber, Mrs. Ed. Schultz and Mrs. LeRoy Miller. Easter Seal Ladies Plan For Busy Year The Woman's auxiliary for the Easter Seal center for McHenry county held a meeting June 11 on the patio of Jane Conerty's home on Hill street, Woodstock. The auxiliary has pledged financial aid for thg planned expansion at the Easter Seal center on Washington street, which will require considerable efforts. The new officers, installed at the annual luncheon were Kay Button, president; Dolores Koch, vice-president; Mary Ann Fergin, secretary; Doris Neuchiller, treasurer; and Evie Williams, corresponding secretary. One of the fund-raising projects will be a "Golf or Cards" outing to be held July 27. Miriam Eggum is in charge of this day of fun. Marge Emery is organizing (MVtooUMCitup (Mi PALGIFT PSIW) Place Your Gift Preference Today From Our Lar# Selection Of • Housewares • Dinnerware • Gifts OOC1E1 BBS! 3729 West Elm Street • McHenry. I l l inois 60050 E PAMELA MAY WATSON ENGAGED - Mr. and Mrs. Norwin Watson of Genoa City, Wis., announce the engagement of their daughter, Pamela May, to James Robert Michmershuizen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mich- mershuizen, Richmond. A 1971 graduate of Badger high school, Lake Geneva, Wis., Pamela attended Gateway Technical institute, Kenosha, Wis., and is employed in Hebron. Her fiance is a 1966 graduate of McHenry Community high school. An October wed­ ding is being planned. AWAITS SURGERY Mrs. Kenneth Espey is confined to Rockford Memorial hospital, awaiting surgery. volunteers for work at the center. They need volunteers for personal work with the patients and office workers. A questionnaire has been sent to all auxiliary members. Anyone interested in this work may leave a message for Mrs. Emery at the center. 36 Members In Attendance At Club Pot- Luck There were thirty-six members and guests in at­ tendance atlhe June 9 pot-luck- dinner and meeting of the Friendship club at the First United Methodist church. The program was very in­ teresting, films and slides of Norway very ably narrated by Erik Braenne. The pictures were so exciting that members forgot all about the heat. Esther Sims used as part of her devotions, poems from Ideals magazine which were very lovely and centered mostly on gardens and flowers. Get well cards were signed by the members for Walter Sims, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lane, all of whom are hospitalized at this time. The Friendship club will go into recess until Saturday, Sept. 8, and the secretary promised to have the new menu charts, schedules and rosters in the mail in August. Court Joyce Kilmer Plans Pot-Luck Supper Court Joyce Kilmer, No. 573, Catholic Daughters of America, will have a pot-luck- supper Thursday, June 21, at 6 p.m. in the K.C. hall, 1304 N. Park street. Chairlady for the evening is Mrs. Ben (Elvina) Summers. The ladies of the committee are Mrs. George (Mary Agnes) Hartmann, Sr., Mrs. Carmel Maynard, Mrs. Earl (Susanne) Marshall, Mrs. Ben (Julia) Justen, Mrs. Stella Graham, and Mrs. Thomas (Wilma) Aylward. Following the pot-luck, there will be a reception of new members and the installation of the officers for 1973-75. M~s. William (Irene) Fisher, district deputy from Elgin, will of­ ficiate at the installation ceremony. She will be assisted by Miss Gwenn Summy, also of Elgin. There are a few seats left on the bus reserved for the trip to the Benedictine convent Wednesday, June 27, for a Day of Recollection. Anyone in­ terested should notify the committee at 385-5165 or 385- 6417 before June 18. Band Plays At Lutheran Home For Aged Last week, members of the McHenry Senior Citizens club Kitchen band went to Arlington Heights, where they presented a program for the Lutheran Home and Service For the Aged. There was a large audience and they truly enjoyed the performance of the band, the solos, and the dancing couple. As an encore, and by special request, "How Great Thou Art" was sung by solosit Betty Sonnenberg, with the band joining in the chorus, a favorite number in the repertoire. At the conclusion of the program, the band members were escorted on a tour of the new wing of the building, which has been added since the lest time the band played there. Band members say it is always a delight to bring a program to the Lutheran home as the residents are so appreciative and so thoroughly enjoy the entertainment ITEM: If you fancy using a ruf­ fled valance or cafe curtains with your window shade, you can co­ ordinate them into a full-fledged window treatment by adding a narrow, shirred-fabric border to the shade with special, snap-on tape. The ruffle can be removed for washing -- and the vinyl- coated shade will need only a wipe-over with a damp cloth. ITEM: New in the home gadget line is a salad maker with a can opener attachment. The unit comes equipped with three cut­ ting cones to grate, slice or shred. It features ivory trim on either avocado or harvest. MR. AND MRS. RONALD W. KUMPULA MARRIED - Katherine A. Freund, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer M. Freund of 501 N. Kent road, McHenry, became the bride of Ronald W. Kumpula of Waukegan Saturday, May 12, in St. Mary s Catholic church. They repeated their nuptial vows before the Rev. Joseph Kulak at a l^'clock service. Mr. Kumpula is the son of Mrs. Beatrice Kumpula of 3521 Winhaven, Waukegan, and the late William Kumpula. The young people are now making their home in McHenry". Notice the office of Dr. John T. Gray, Optometrist 1260 N. Green St. McHenry, III. will be closed from 4:00 p.m. on Sat., June 16th to 9:30 a.m. on Thurs. July 19th Phone 385-0186 for appointments.

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