PAGE7-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1973 '4 FEATURE ORIENTAL THEME - Carrying out the oriental theme and an award-winning design is this refreshment pagoda by Ron Wilson, left. It was on view and in use at the Country Art Fair last week. With him are the co-chairmen for this McHenry Hospital fund-raising event, Mrs. Sally Miller and Mrs. Bertha Stange. DON PEASLEY PHOTO Holiday Hills KAREN KOTTKE 385-6675 Community House Fund To Benefit From Garage Sale Last week space was alloted to mention an up coming garage sale sponsored by the committee to fun a community house. The garage sale will take place soon and the gals would like t<Pstart collecting useful items. Please call Carol Wilson at 385-3068 or Karen Maras at 385-6279 if you wish to donate anything. The car wash sponsored by the community house funding committee was fairly suc cessful considering that it was a rain out. There will be another car wash sponsored by the group shortly. If the weather agrees this time we hope it will be highly suc cessful. Needless to say, volunteers SFe "afrways welcome. ~atway WOMEN'S CLUB NEWS On Wednesday, June 13, ine Holiday Hills Women's Club met at the Mahon residence for their June .meeting. There was a brief business meeting. After the meeting the gals assembled at the bowling alley in Crystal Lake for an evening of bowling. Championship bowling was never like this! Marge Connell received her token award for the best bowler with a 157 average. Penny Appleyard won an award for the most enthusiastic bowler with her fancy footwork. Sharon Kottke's award is best not mentioned in this column or any other for that matter. It was cute though. The other girls in attendance were Mimi DeWitt, Dee Wegener, Lorene Farr, Bonnie Kellen, Val Tannert, Vickie Bartkus, Carolyn Stackhouse, and myself. Thanks to Val Tannert and Vickie Bartkus for providing the evening's goodies. HOBBY, CRAFT FLEA MARKET Here's a second request for participants in the Holiday Hills Women's Club Hobby and Craft Flea market. The flea market is scheduled for July 15. Please arrange for table space as soon as possible. The flea market will be on the triangular lot on the corners of River Road and Dowell Road. Call Pat Hughes at 385-4855 or Penny Appleyard at 385-4507 for further information on table space. CONDOLENCES We wish to express our sympathies to Bob Kellen at the loss of his 76 year old grand father, Peter J. Kellen of Skokie. The elder Mr. Kellen died on* June 16 after many months of illness. 4-H CLUB NEEDS NEW LEADERSHIP The McHenry area 4-H Club will be needing a new leader or co-leader before the September enrollment. The club enrollments include other areas than just Holiday Hills. Anyone in the McHenry area who might be interested in becoming a leader please call HEARING AIDS Rena Schaid 1407 N Green McHenry 385-0125 Sales - Service - Batt Karen Maras at 385-6279. Unless these positions are filled the 4-H Club will terminate in this area. CONGRATULATIONS ON AWARD Bob Kellen recently received his Certificate of Advance Study in School Business Management -1973. Bob previously received liis Bachelors of Science degree in 1966 and his Masters Degree in 1967 from Northern Illinois University in DeKalb. BIRTHDAY PARTY Father's Day was double celebration at the Larry and Sharon Kottke residence, as June 17 was also their daughter, Laura's eleventh birthday. Laura was given a party which included ap proximately thirty guests. Both sets of Laura's grandparents, lots of aunts and uncles, and many cousins attended the affair. Judging from Laura's happy face all day she received many nice gifts. BIRTHDAYS Happy birthday greetings to my little man, Richard Michael Kottke, who will be ten years old June 23. Birthday wishes go out to Jack Connell, June 23; Debbie Catanzaro, June 24; Abbie Emmerson, June 27; and David Hellmig, June 29. WARNING TO PARENTS Now that Summer is here there are many more children home with lots of time on their hands. There has been con siderable construction in the subdivision this year and it shall continue. Parents please keep an extra close watch on your little ones. Even at fifteen miles an hour, a car or con struction truck may not be able to avoid hitting a child who might run into their paths. Another short reminder; keep your pets either fenced or tied up. The owner of any animal at large is responsible for its activities. SYMPATHY NOTICE We wish to express our sympathies to Frank Heifer on the loss of his wife, Alma. GRADUATES Ray Mettelka, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mettelka, of Hickory Street, graduated from the University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, in late May. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in Early Childhood "Education. Ray will teach children with learning disabilities and developmental handicaps at Chileda Institute in Stevens Point. The Chileda Institute is a private school for the ex ceptional. While working, Ray, intends to cintinue studying for his masters degree in this field. Rita Ann Mettelka recently graduated from Southern Illinois University in Car- bondale. She received a degree as an Associate in Dental Technology. Rita and Gerald Warren Jones, of Skokie, plan an August 4 wedding. Gerald is also a graduc te of S.I.U. Dental Technology department. Rita plans to cont nue working in the dental technology field after her marriage. FLY-UP CEREMONY FOR BROWNIES On June 16, Brownie troop No. 409 held the "Fly-up" ceremony in Dee Wegener's back yard. Dee provided the yard, the girls' parents provided cake and kool-aid, and the Junior Girl Scouts served. Nine girls became Junior Girl Scouts that day. They are as follows: Suzie Bielsky, Debbie Bartkus, Cathy Grasser, Kim Hughes, Kim Hamilton, Jeanna Koeppen, .!ulie Ann Mahon, Karen Tnietje and Diana Gregg- Thanks to troop leaders Linda Thietje, Vickie Bartkus for the Brownies; and Tillie Williams, Cheri Hoglund, and Dee Wegener for the Girl Scouts it has been a very pleasant and productive year for the girls. COMMUNITY REMINDERS 1. Look for date for com munity rummage sale spon sored by Holiday Hills com munity house fund committee. Drop any donations off at Carol Wilson's house on Holiday Drive. V 2. Women's Club Flea Market - July 15 - Reserve space now, call Pat Hughes - 385-4855 or Penny Appleyard 3854507. BIRTHDAYS Birthday greetings go to Donna Stanchuk, July 2; Ricky Connell, July 3; Kurt Teuber and Diane Michaelis, July 4; (Happy firecrackers) Denise Kottke and Michael Janik, July 5; and Patty Emmerson on July 7. ANNIVERSARIES Happy anniversary to Bev and Roger Saunders on their special day June 30; to April and Tom Dougherty on their special day July 5. FINAL WORDS Have a happy and eventful Independence day, July 4, everyone! •ffltofflgjliifl [F®o" M Beef offers a variety of cuts for outdoor grill-top cookery.Ten- der steaks such as Porterhouse, T-bone, sirloin, club, rib and rib eye are ideal for broiling, but they're not the only choice. Mari nated blade steaks, top round and cubed steaks are also appropriate selections. Tender cubes of beef for kabobs as well as ground beef for plain and fancy beefburgers are* other good market choices for the grill. People eat better in America today than anywhere else in the world. One important reason is because farmers and ranchers boosted beef production a whop ping 2Vz times in the past 20 years -- despite often discourag ing prices. During this time U.S. beef consumption has increased from 56 to 115 pounds per person per year. Consumption is still go ing up and is expected to reach 130 pounds per person by 1980. Turn steaks with tongs of spat ula rather than piercing with a fork to avoid loss of those de licious juices. iVHEN ARE peer vfcAtfs OF A MAM'S UF£? "THE j ARE OLD| TO HELP car iblE ear t&o youN© To drive the car! PLUM NELLIE Solon Mills 7909 U.S. Rt. 12 6 Miles North of Fox Lake On Route 12 COUNTRY & WESTERN MUSIC This Weekend Watch for various types of music, rock & country-western. 815-675-9345 Lake Region "Y" Lists Bus Schedule For Camp On Monday, July 9, many excited boys and girls will attend the first day of the second period of the Lake Region Summer Day camp. Additional sessions of Day camp will begin Monday, July 23, and Aug. 6. . Boys and girls who will be 7 years old by Dec. 1 of this year are eligible to register for YMCA Day camp. Qualified counselors of college age, with an interest in children, will provide leadership and programs that will include swimming instructions, hiking, cookouts, story telling, recreational swimming, out door sports, campcrafts and singing. The camp day begins at 9:05 a.m. at the Thunderbird farm swimming pool and ends at 3:45 p.m. at the YMCA building site on Route 31. Chartered bus transportation will be provided to campers needing transportation. The bus pick-up schedule for the second period begins with a stop at Island Lake village hall at 7:40 a.m.; followed by McHenry Junior high school at 1,000 In State Could Benefit By Eye Transplant Nearly 1,000 Illinois citizens either blind or nearly blind could benefit from transplants, the Illinois Society for the Prevention of Blindness estimated. Unfortunately, many of these people will have a long wait, the Society notes, because the number of Illinoisans pledging the use of their eyes after death is far short of the need. In 1947 the Illinois society founded the Illinois Eye bank, which since then has collected thousands of eyes that have been successfully used in transplants to restore the eyesight of people with damaged or defective corneas. 7:50 a.m. and Thompson road and Route 120 at 8:05 a.m. The return schedule is at 4:45 p.m., Wonder Lake; 5 p.m., McHenry, and 5:10 p.m. Island Lake. Registrations continue to be accepted at the Lake Region YMCA for all periods of Day This summer, in cooperation with Lions clubs throughout the state, the Society is intensifying its drive to recruit eye donors. All adults who pledge their eyes for use after death can do so with the gratification of knowing that they are providing a priceless gift to their fellow man. Modern science has developed sophisticated and effective methods of transplanting eye tissue to save or restore eyesight. People willing to donate their eyes should communicate with the Illinois Society for the Prevention of Blindness at 220 South State street, Chicago, 111., 60604. Most families are composed of 2 parents, several children, assorted pets, and several in laws. N camp. The YMCA office is at 95 . Gton and will be open on week days from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ,nt street, Crystal Lake, 6% 53/4% ANNUAL YIELD ON 2 YEAR CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT MINIMUM DEPOSIT $1000°° EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1973 McHENRY STATE BANK PHONE 385-1040 3510 WEST ELM STREET McHENRY A FULL SERVICE BANK 3* m MCNS| womcnI CNIUrCM CANVAll SH0IS Sunday _ _ Jmt 30 For Your Shopping Convenience "NEWlxfENDED Store Hours Mon., Tues., Wed., Sat., 9:30 to 6:00, Thurs. & Fri. 9:30 to 9:00 Sun 9:00 to 4;00 GREEN STREET MALL LnDSTDNE fit en St. 385-0182 McHenry. III. 1219 N. Green WpSBSt