PAGE 20-PLAINDEALER- FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1973 CI XVowty, I inic • Eileen decided it was an im possibility to follow Christ's suggestion about loving our enemies. She said she had tried without any success. But when she used the "Compliment dub" strategy, see what happened! It really produces magical results! Bv - George W. Crane, Ph. D., M L ) . CASE H-563: Eileen B., aged 14, is a high schooler. "Dr. Crane," she asked in the forum period following my address to her Sunday School, "there is a girl in my high school class who is my enemy. "She seems to hate me and is always trying to do mean things. "Yet the Bible says I should love my enemies "But though I have tried, I simply cannot love her! "I've prayed and asked my mother for advice, but I just can't love her. "So how can we follow Christ's command about loving our enemies when they con stantly do irritating things to us7" r. UN HULY EMOTIONS It is not possible to turn on your emotions just by an act of will power. For example, though you promise me that tomorrow at this very moment you will be frothing at the mouth in rage or trembling in fear or shedding tears of grief, what will hap pen? Well, even though you are reminded tomorrow of your previous promise, you cannot experience those emotions just because of your vow to me. No, indeed! Emotions must be evoked or resurrected by the situation in which you find yourself on that later date. So Christ's advice to love our enemies requires psychological strategy. Start with this axiom, namely, that nobody can think ill of you if you have previously shown that you think well of that other person! WHO KNOWS? 1. Define ebullient. 2. Name the Attorney Gen eral. 3. For what was Clara Bar ton best known9 4. Name the capital of Fin land. 5. From whom did Maryland get i ts name9 6. What Russian leader made the statement that reli gion "is the opium of i ts people"9 7. When did Custer 's Last Stand occur9 8. How many gallons of wa ter are there in an inch of rain over an acre of surface9 9. Which months are most popular for weddings9 10.Is the earth closest to the moon in winter or summer9 Answers to Who Knows •JaiujM'OI •Japjo iBq? ui 'Jaqiua^das Put? 'isnFny 'aunf -g • suo|{B3 SH'LS ^pi 'BUJTXOJddv '8 "9L8I aunf •xjbim IJBH -9 •puBjSua jo 1 sajjBMo jo ajiM BMaiJuaH uaanfr uioJdi -g •i^UTSian •ssojo pay ubo -iJauiv aqj papunoj ai|s '£ •uospjBqoiy ->-j jotna 'Z ^UEjaqnxa "OTjs^isnq^ua *i So join my "Compliment Club," for you can praise an enemy in all sincerity if you pick out some objective trait or merit and then force your grudging compliment across clenched teeth! Maybe your first bit of praise will not change your enemy into a devoted friend. But it will start the thawing- out process, so keep it up. Soon your hated enemy will begin to think you have good judgment. Then the enemy may actually pay you a com pliment in return. And this starts the duet of "horn tooting," where each of you toots the other person's horn. All a marriage consists of is an original duet of horn tooters, each of whom tooted the other's horn consistently till a proposal occurred! And this "Compliment Club" strategy is the ONLY way by which you can produce the effect which Jesus urged when he told us to love our enemies. Eileen agreed to try and the next day, being Monday, she paid her enemy a compliment on her naturally curly hair. The girl was too surprised to speak. Next day Eileen praised her enemy's new frock. This time she got a "Thank you." The third day she used the deft indirect method and asked her enemy for some advice. By the end of two weeks, they were on a conversational basis and at the end of a month, Eileen's former "enemy" had invited her to her home for a birthday party. Eileen now had no difficulty in loving her enemy! It merely required deliberate conscious control of her vocal cords in the use of a few sincere com pliments. Send for the "Compliment Club" booklet, enclosing a long stamped, return envelope, plus 20 cents, and launch upon this most valuable experiment in Applied Psychology. ARRIVE ALIVE . . . Lend ing a hand to the driving safe ty council, Kathy Atkins, traf fic hostess at Florida's Silver Springs, cautions, "Slow down and Arrive Alive!" HEARING AIDS Sales & Service Mr. Stoll hearing aid specialist has been serving McHenry for 15 years with an office in this location. An appointment with Mr. Stoll can be arranged with in a couple of hours by calling Rena Schaid at 385- 0125, this office is open every day from 9am to 8pm Mallory, Duracell Batt. & Cords for all makes- Ear molds made to order. 1407 N. Green St, McHenry Yi Block North of McHenry State Bank. STOCK LIQUIDATION EVERTHING MUST GO ! 10% to 40% OFF On Entire Stock (EXCEPT FAIR TRADE) SMALL DELIVERY CHARGE Furniture For Every Room Living R)om • Dining Room • Den - Bedroom - Kitchen ISLAND LAKE FURNITURE MART Rt. 176 Island Lake, III. 2 miles west of Wauconda Rt. 12 312-526-2210 Mon-Thurs-Fri. to 9 p.m. Tues. & Sat. to 5:30 p.m. Wed, to Noon - Sunday 10 to 5 p.m. Todays Health New Published by the American Medical Association T V COMMENTARY Lessons in summer gardening . . . Whether your thing is a healthy lawn, bright petunias, or freshly painted patio furniture, watch for health hazards out doors. Chemical weed killers, spray paints, and fertilizers should all be handled with care, says the American Medical Association. Otherwise they could harm you even as they help the appearancs of your backyard. Here are some guidelines for summer safety. 1. Keep all chemicals, includ ing gasoline for power mowers, in their original containers. If you transfer them to pop bottles and mayonnaise jars, you're throwing away important instruc tions or warnings on the label and taking a chance on not being able to identify the item when you need it next week. If poisonous substances are swallowed, iiyluce vomiting. How ever, this should NOT be done if the victim is unconscious or semiconscious, in convulsions or pregnant, or has swallowed a strong acid, alkali, or petroleum substance. Instead, administer a cup of vegetable oil, followed by milk or water to help dilute the poison and protect the stomach. Seek medical help immediately. 2. Scrub with plenty of soap and wat°r after handling garden ing materials to prevent chemi cals from irritating the skin. 3. If a pesticide label warns against skin contact, wear pro- tective clothing such as gloves, long sleeved shirt, and long, cuff- less pants when using the mater ial. Cover up when painting, too, to reduce the need for washing with turpentine later. THE HANDS seen in the Mark Spitz commercial for Shick were not those of Spitz, but belonged to a pro fessional hand modeler. In the TV business handsome hands can find themselves holding many dollars. The going rate for lending a hand 4. When applying pesticides, or spray paints, make sure the breeze blows the spray away from the gardener and such water sources as stream, ponds, and wells. Also, keep pets and chil dren away from the area and don't smoke or eat while doing this job. WANT MOtC INFORMATION? Writ• Today'i Htalth Magaxin* CF, 535 North Dearborn Str--t Chicago, llllnolt 60610 is around $180 per commer cial. Some hand modelers have done over 1000 com mercials. IT HAS BEEN recently noted that a representative sampling of rating figures indicates that the audience for an average show drops only about 15 per cent when reruns begin. A REAL DANDY four-hour extravaganza will be tele cast on ABC this fall. Called "The Movies," it will include scenes from nearly 150 films--from"Mid- night Cowboy" to "The Great Dictator." BRITISH made "America" won an Emmy recently as "outstanding new series" of the past,season. However. NBC ran the award-winning programs in late evenings, after the school children Mad gone to bed. Now Xerox has managed to clear a line-up of over fifty stations to re peat the 13-week documen tary no later than 8-9 p.m., beginning mid-September. Who says computers don't have hearts? ON JUNE 29 CBS'S "60 Minutes" was moved to Fri day nights. It was replaced by "CBS News Retrospec tive," a series of the net work's best documentaries. Thought For Food Ease Traffic? Bicycle enthusiasts point out that 43 percent of all urban work trips by car in the United States are four miles or less. They say if these trips were made by bi cycle, it would ease traffic prob lems. Braised Celery Wedges Cut 2 Florida celery stalks crosswise about 6" from the bot tom. (Use the leaves for prepar ing soups, dressing, or as a gar nish.) Cut each stalk lengthwise into 4 wedges; arrange celery wedges in large skillet. Scatter mushrooms (1 4-ounce can sliced mushrooms, drained) and 2 table spoons dehydrated onion flakes over wedges. Dissolve 1 chicken bouillon cube in 1% cups water; add to skillet along with % tea spoon salt and '/4 teaspoon Tabas co. Bring just to boiTT^educe heat and simmer for 15 minutes, cov ered, or until celery is tender but still crisp. Makes 8 servings. 4400 WEST RT. 120 DAILY 9-9 SUNDAY 96 saturdoY"^ Sunday °°£ ScrturdoY Coleman* ololo Prices effective while quantit ies last. We reserve the right to l imit quantit ies. Coleman Sleeping Bag HORNSBVS family centers Reg. 18.97 and h Wa^ob!e 9 '•» pre-shrunk and ho, color fast dye,. Cotton quilt- through design. PaS6.d weotherseal, headflap, carrying case with webbing handle. 33" x 80" size. MP* BRW* MISS BRKGK & was •ATM MAM Miss Breck Hat Spray Vaseline Bath Beads Miss Breck Hair Sproy In regular, super hold, and unscented. 18-02 Vaseline Intensive Core Bath Beads. Twin Size Sheets 1.97 Full Size Sheets 2.37 Paired Pilow Cases 97• reg. 83c r®9- 98c Reg. 2.78 Reg. 3.57 2.37 Flower Power for your bed "oral prints in a spectacular array of colors. Men's Sports Coats Johnson & Johnson BABY POWDER £» W 87 ( Utility Travel Kit For travel, bock to school. Versatile and useful. 100 per cent nylon. reg. 1.67 lil^ lis all 35.94 and up All sty les and sizes. $10 off all me"s sports coats marked 35.94 and up. Entire stock. Mens Pants off o entire stock No l imit on Mens pants or polyester knits, rayons, denims, etc. $3 off entire stock with "The Guy" label. All first quality, current styles. 9 oz. Styro Cups GrJot\°' ' °*' S'>"° Cups, eat for picnics. Johnson & Johnson BABY OIL Reg.53c 10 0z. Reg. 1.28 [GUNl 18 oz. "Gunk" Cleaner Especially for garage tloors and power mowers. finest qualify cleaner. §§§§ 17 9al> Driveway Sealer reg. 1.76 Prevents crai! :ng, $eqjs against water damage. reg. 4.97 )