Champions Sold At Auction McHenry FS, represented by Stanley Steagall, general manager, for the third straight year paid the top price for the rate-of-gain champion at the McHenry County Fair livestock auction. McHenry FS paid 85 cents a pound for Mark Hrodey's 1,085-pound steer. The steer gained 3.19 pounds a day to win the annual 4-H rate-of-gain contest. Jim Marinangel of the McHenry Savings and Loan association buys the 4-11 champion reserve market hog shown by Jeff Riley, Harvard. He paid 83 cents a pound for the 192-pound barrow. With him are Linda Rich, 4-H Queen; Marinangel, and Jeff Riley. Chuck Miller, McHenry Sand and Gravel, pays $1 a pound for Randy Scott's 4-H and junior cham pion Hereford steer at the McHenry County Fair livestock auction. reasurer THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER 104 ISSUES AT j- - , A NEWSSTAND PRICE I 5.60 Keep Up With The Times. INGRAHAM ALARM CLOCK SUGG. RETAIL $6.95 SEW WHAT? I THIS WEEK'S PATTIBN'8 BY AUOWtY LANE ^ The Illinois Department of Transportation has announced the award of a contract for the improvement of Illinois-Route You're Never Too Old To Hear Better Chicago, Ill.-Afree offer of special interest to those who hear but do not under stand words has been an nounced by Beltone. A non- operating model of the s ma Uest Beltone aidevermade will be given absolutely free to anyone requesting it. Thousands have already been mailed, so write for yours today. Try this non-operating model in the privacy of your own home to see how tiny hearing help can be. It's yours to keep, free. It weighs less than a third of an ounce, and it's all at ear level, in one unit. No wires lead from body to head. These mo;bls are free, so write for yours now. Write Dept. 5133, Beltone Electronics, 4*20i N, Vic toria, Chicago, III. 60646. lWCiK IS PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8,1973 THANKS TO YOU 1973 Livestock Auction Buyers at the McHenry County Fair from the McHENRY AREA. Owners of the animals appre ciate the support of these buyers as well as the many bid ders. this year: CHAMPIONS BEEF McHenry Sand and Gravel, Champion 4-H & Junior (*>en Hereford Steer . ^ McHenry FS, Inc., Rate of Gain Champion Lakeland Construction, Champion Junior Open Crossbreed McHenry Readi Mix, Grand Champion 4-H Pair of Market McHenry Savings and Loan, Reserve Champion 4-H Pair of Market Hogs . McHenry Readi Mix, Reserve Champion Junior Open Pair of Market Hogs OTHER STEER BUYERS William Tonyan & Sons Coast-to-Coast-Shear Pharmacy Rudy's Drive-In McHenry State Bank International Decorators Mitchell Buick Olds D. K. Adams, Wonder Lake Harry Kinnne, attorney Jerry Herkes, Pepsi Cola McHenry Fence Company Miller Formless McHenry County Farm Bureau SHEEP BUYERS Lakeland Construction RiversideHair sty ling Harry Kinne, attorney HlUer & 501,8 OTHER SWINE BUYERS McHenry State Bank Roland Herrmann, attorney And thanks also to the McHenry State Bank, clerk and Auctioneers Bill Russel and Gordon Stade for donating their services. LIVESTOCK AUCTION COMMITTEE and McHENRY COUNTY FAIR ASSOCIATION NO PHONF CALLS PLEASE. Award Contract For Rt. 173 Improvement 173 from Illinois-Route 47 in Hebron, Illinois east to theJ McHenry-Lake county line. " The contract was awarded to Lakeland Construction com pany, Inc., of McHenry, for $1,709,151.47, the low bid. Construction begins this week and must be completed in 115 working days. The improvement consists of widening and resurfacing of the existing twenty-foot pavement, rehabilitating the Nippersink creek structure just west of Richmond, and adjusting the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad, and the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad company's tracks. The rehabilitation of the Nippersink creek structure will be done under one-lane traffic. Temporary traffic signals will be erected at the structure to control the traffic flow. During the Northwestern railroad track adjustment at Richmond, it will be necessary to detour Route-173 for about five days. When the detour has been determined, it will be announced. The rest of the improvement will be con structed under traffic. Drivers are cautioned to be alert to barricades, warning signs and lights, and to the contractors equipment and traffic. THIS IS AN EXCELLENT GIFT IDEA FOR THE STUDENT GOING TO COLLEGE THIS FALL. HE CAN KEEP PACE WITH HIS NEW SCHEDULE AND REMAIN IN CONTACT WITH HIS HOME TOWN. CHUD'S JACKET Snap front slip on sweater jacket with the region sleeve -- so easy »o put on and folte off for the young mist in sizes 2 to 8 Easily crocheted AsIc for No. 295. S e n d 50« for each dress pattern, 30i lor each needlework pattern (add 15 < for each dress pattern, 10i for each needlework pattern for mailing and handling) to AUDKEY LANE BU AU, Mor r i s P la in t , New Jersey 07950 GET BOTH "TIME KEEPERS" NOW FOR ONLY $750 McHENRY & LAKE COUNTIES 9.00 ELSEWHERE PLEASE HURRY-- 3111 IUI » 35-45 12VI-22W3 Accent Buffont accent asymmetrical detail ing on this little skimmer. No 31 It comes in half sizes 12'/, to 22'/» Ibust 35 fo 45) Size I4i/,(bust 37'/i> folces 2 yards of 44-inch fabric. --OFFER LIMITED TO FIRST 26 SUBSCRIBERS, SO KEEP THE TIME OF DAY WITH THIS ALARM CLOCK ABSOLUTELY FREE WHEN YOU SUB SCRIBE TO THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER, THE NEWSPAPER THAT KEEPS UP WITH THE TIMES IN AN EVER--CHANGING McHENRY AREA. wh/y. is LOVe LlkfE PHOTOGRAPHY? &£CAUSE IT NE£PS A PARK room to DEVELOP. from HISTORY'S SCRAPBOOK DATES AND EVENTS FROM YESTERYEARS The French monarchy was overthrown on August 10, 1792. The Weimar Constitution was accepted on August 11, 1919, making Germany a republic. The Spanish American War ended with the signing of a peace treaty on August 12, 1898. On August 13, 1961, East Germany sealed off the border between East and West Berlin. Japan accepted the terms of unconditional surrender on August 14, 1945. Kim Kantlehner, McHenry, receives the top price of $2.50 a pound for her 100-pound |.|| champion market lamb at the McHenry County Fair auction. Ted Hill, Northern Illinois Realty, Crystal Lake, paid the top price. From left: Hill, Karen Borhart, Miss McHenry County; and Kantlehner. DON PEASLEY STAFF PHOTOS)