Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Aug 1973, p. 18

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PAGE 18 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 1973 Birch Society Reveals Opinion Poll Results During the McHenry County Fair, the John Birch society booth conducted an opinion poll dealing with important questions of interest to local citizens. There were eight questions, five of which dealt with local control and support of police, and the question of gun ownership and registration The other three dealt with Metro Government, Communism as a threat, and support of the United Nations. Approximately 150 replies were counted, and the replies showed an interest in government, and an awareness by citizens of the dangers confronting the public. The results of the poll are as follows: 1 Do you believe you have the right to keep a gun in your possession without having to register it with a government agency? Yes 85 - No 65. 2. Do you believe local police departments should be kept under local control? Yes 129 - No 19. 3. If yes, would you be willing to support them through local taxes to keep them in-* dependent? Yes 116- No 17. 4. Do you think our police departments should accept LEAA (Law Enforcement Assistance administration) funds, thereby assuring federal control? Yes 41 - No 89. 5. Do you believe we need more restrictions in regard to gun ownership? Yes 85 - No 63 6. Do you understand that Metro Government will mean we will lose control over our PATZKE HEATING AIR CONDITIONING FURNACES GUTTERS PHONE 385-5534 McHENRY EARL R. WALSH & JACK WALSH INS. F i r e , A u t o , F a r m , L i f e R e p r e s e n t i n g R E L I A B L E C O M P A N I E S 3 4 2 9 W E I m S t , M c H e n r y 3 8 5 3300 DENNIS CONWAY A U T O L I F E F I R E State Farm Ins. Co. 3 3 1 5 W . E I m S t M c H e n r y , I I I 3 6 5 5 2 8 5 o r 3 8 5 7 1 1 1 McHENRY LETTER SERVICE M i m e o g r a p h i n g T y p i n g A d d r e s s i n g M a i l i n g L i s t s 3 5 0 9 W P e a r l S t , M c H e n r y P h 3 8 5 0 2 5 8 , 3 8 5 8 0 2 0 M o n d a y t h r u S a t u r d a y DR. LEONARD B0TTARI 3 0 3 N R i c h m o n d R d , M c H e n r y E y e s e x a m i n e d C o n t a c t L e n s e s G l a s s e s f i t t e d M o n , T u e s , T h u r s , F r i , 4 6 p m T u e s , T h u r s , F r i 7 9 p m S a t , 9 : 3 0 t o 3 0 0 P h 3 8 5 4 1 5 1 o r 3 8 5 2 2 6 2 DR. ROBERT J. PETERSON Optometrist General Practice Contact Lenses By Appointment Only Closed Thursday 4719 W Route 120, McHenry 385 7930 McHENRY COUNTY OFFICE MACHINES SALES SERVICE & RENTALS Mon Sat9 5:30 Friday til 9 00 93 Grant St., Crystal Lake Ph. 459 1226 Farm Equipment George P. Freund,Inc. Case - New Holland 4102 VV. Crystal Lake Rd. McHENRY Bus. 38WM20 Res. 385-0227 RIVERSIDE OFFICE SUPPLY Furniture - Supplies 1 3 2 3 N R i v e r s i d e D r i v e M c H e n r y , I l l i n o i s 6 0 0 5 0 ADVERTISE IN THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE U-HAUL Trailers & Trucks COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE & TRUCK REPAIRING ARC & GAS WELDING Guettler Service, Inc. 818 N. Front Street 385- 9831 1 1 R E L L I RADIAL TIRES FOR ALL CARS Europa Motors Inc 2318 Rte. 120 8 1 5 - 3 8 5 - 0 7 0 0 McHENRY HOBBY SHOP FOR ALL YOUR MODELING NEEDS 3318 W. Elm (NEAR RIVERSIDE DR. McHENRY) 385-7122 ED;i A. McHENRY HOBBY SHOP FOR ALL YOUR MODELING NEEDS 3318 W. Elm (NEAR RIVERSIDE DR. McHENRY) 385-7122 STANDARD STANDARD service ^iniipr McHENRY HOBBY SHOP FOR ALL YOUR MODELING NEEDS 3318 W. Elm (NEAR RIVERSIDE DR. McHENRY) 385-7122 EXPERT TUNE-UP ATLAS Tires, Batteries. Accessories QUALITY American Oil Products PH. 385-0720 3817 W. ELM STREET • RADIATORS • Coo l i ng Sys tem Spec ia l i s t s •k AIR CONDITIONING * Tra i l e r H i t ches Fab r i ca t i on • STEEL SALES r x 1 • WeiCin, • F-,; Ornamen ta l Pipe Tha/.i WORN OUARAMTIID ' OTr 3006 W. Rte. 120 McHenrv ADAMS BROS. (Next to Gem C leaners) Phone 385-0783 ROOFING--REPAIRS Richard Sogers 385-5839 Call Saturday, Sunday or After 5:00 on Weekdays ne«L own villages, cities and counties? Yes 70 - No 66 7. Do you think Communism is a threat to the freedom of the whole world? Yes 99 - No 51. 8. Should our taxes be used to support the United Nations? Yes 60 - No 87. The difference in total an­ swers to question six, dealing with Metro Government, resulted from ignorance of some people of what Metro government is, according to the Birch society. Overwhelmingly, the Society said the poll showed that people do not want federal control over • local police departments, and are willing, despite cries for lower taxes, to support their local police with their own money. This should encourage those departments which are undecided, to refuse the LEAA money now being offered to them. poll also showed that, people are concerned indiscriminate use of they are opposed to registration. Most persons expressing opposition to gun registration stated that registration was the next step toward confiscation. Almost two-to-one, those polled believe that Communism is a threat to the whole world. The Society said it found this most interesting in the light of recent diplomatic recognition of Red China, and favored nation trade agreements with Soviet Russia. The while about guns, Traverse City, Michigan, is classed as "The Cherry Capital of the World" -- the area surrounding it produces about one-third of the world's annual crop. The winters may or may not have been colder when Grandpa was a boy -- but, after having seen their houses and fireplaces, we'd bet the people were. MEANWHILE BACK AT THE COURTHOUSE COMPLAINTS Officer Robert Winters charges that on July 17, Robert' W. Mueller of 4500 Parkway, McHenry, committed the of­ fense of burglary in that he did enter the property of James LaFontaine at 4410 Parkway, McHenry, with intent to commit a theft therein. Bond set at $5,000. Officer Robert Zujewski charges that on July 30, Robert W. Mueller of 4500 Parkway, McHenry, committed the of­ fense of theft under $150 in that he did obtain unauthorized control over two outside truck mirrors valued at $50, the property of Sutthyside Dodge. Bond set at $1,000. Officer Robert Zujewski charges that on Aug. 13, Robert W. Mueller of 4500 Parkway, McHenry, committed the of­ fense of burglary in that he did enter the property of Boyd Knaack, Jr., at 4502 W. Route 120, McHenry, the property being a 1969 Chevrolet step van. Bond set at $5,000. Officer Robert Winters charges that on Aug. 15, Robert W. Mueller of 4500 Parkway, McHenry, committed the of­ fense of theft under $150 in that he did obtain unauthorized control over numerous articles from a dune buggy and a mini- bike, the property of Robert Wickenkamp. Bond set at $1,000. William J. Nye, doing business as Nye Drug, charges that on Aug. 7, Norman W. Toepper of 1884 Sycamore, DesPlaines. committed the offense of theft under $150 in that he took a paint brush from the store valued at $3.09. Bond set at $1,000. Officer James Crawford charges that on Aug. 8, Roger A. Rairie of 2406 N. McArthur, McHenry, committed the of­ fense of battery in that he caused bodily harm to said officer Bond set at $1,000. Officer John Langdon charges that on Aug. 8, Roger A Rairie of 2406 N. McArthur, McHenry, committed the of­ fense of battery in that he did cause bodily harm to said of­ ficer Bond set at $1,000. Officer James Crawford charges that on Aug. 8, Roger A hairie of 2406 N. McArthur, McHenry, committed the of­ fense of criminal damage to property in that he willfully damaged the left front fender of a McHenry police car while it was parked in the lot at the Baron of Beef. Bond set at $1,000. William J. Nye, doing business as Nye Drug, charges that on July 16, Theresa A. Dzeszuk of 239 Bridgewood, Antioch, committed the offense of theft under $150 in that she took a soldering gun valued at $9.95 from the store. Bond set at $1,000. Officer John Langdon charges that on Aug. 13, Marie A Karstens of 4314 Prairie, McHenry, committed the of­ fense of dog running at large. Notice to appear in court Sept. 5. . Sgt. Gregory Bliznick charges that on Aug. 20, Ed­ ward R. Erb of 4514 Garden Quarter, McHenry, committed the offense of disorderly con­ duct. Bond set at $25, court date Sept. 12. Sgt. Gregory Bliznick charges that on Aug. 20, James R. Huse of 3303 W. Lake Shore drive, Wonder Lake, com­ mitted the offense of disorderly conduct. Bond set at $25, court date Sept. 12. Sgt Gregory Bliznick charges that on Aug. 20, James H. Hansen of 4517 W. Parkway, McHenry, committed the of­ fense of disorderly conduct. Bond set at $25, court date Sept. 12. Issue Tickets The following tickets were issued by the McHenry Police department this past week: Thomas F. Lynch, 2900 Ridgeway, Chicago, speeding 60 in a 35 zone, disobeying a red light, driving while intoxicated and fictitious plates. Carol A. Ivan, 4401 Poplarleaf, McHenry, speeding 44 in a 30 zone. David J. Miller, 4908 Barnard Mill, Ringwood, speeding 45 in a 30 zone. John A. DeCicco, 415 N. Santa Barbara, McHenry, speeding 35 in a 25 zone. Leroy H. Schmitt, 5513 N. Beacon Hill, McHenry, speeding 42 in a 30 zone. Gregory A. Smith, 1503 W. Hickory, McHenry, speeding 42 in a 30 zone. " Mark G. Schuster, 4607 E. Lake Shore, Wonder Lake, speeding 43 in a 30 zone. Patricia M. Wagner, 307 E. Park, Harvard, speeding 44 in a 30 zone. James V. Cole, 402 N. Country Club drive, McHenry, speeding 56 in a 25 zone. Frank Jaremek, 1807 N. Keeler, Chicago, speeding 44 in a 30 zone. Leroy Mateja, 3215 W. Hunter Path, McHenry, speeding 35 in a 25 zone. John A. Henderlong, 3216 Vista Terrace, McHenry, Speeding 40 in a 25 zone. Melvin E. Sampson, Lebanon, Ind., speeding 45 in a 25 zone. Barbara J. Brown, 1362 Ivy, Crystal Lake, speeding 53 in a 35 zone. Robert F. Blau, 1613 Walnut, Des Plaines, speeding 41 in a 25 zone. Brian E. Miller, 2718 Old Oak, McHenry, speeding 40 in a 25 zone. Albert J Prochaska, 906 Hayden, McHenry, speeding 41 in a 26 zone. Charles R. Knowles, Route 1, Piscasaw River Area In Conservation Plan In creating the Piscasaw River Conservation area, the trustees of the McHenry County Conservation district are further defining a larger corridor in the northwest corner of the county which was made a part of the approved Land Acquisition plan and policy. Piscasaw creek extends into Boone county and empties into the Rock river. The Piscasaw Conservation area which is a part of the district's broad land acquisition plan, roughly outlines the creek watershed within the boun­ daries of McHenry county. This area will include possible sites they will attempt to acquire. District trustees will be looking fai^Uhd with access to streams recreational use, for unique geological features, for native vegetation worth p r e s e r v i n g , i n c l u d i n g ecologically valuable swamps and bogs. They will be in­ terested in flood plain land, not usable during high water periods, but suitable for recreation during the remainder of the year. There is always the possibility that a desirable parcel within an area is already in an alternative use or that the owner does not wish to sell. The trustees presently have no policy for taking land over the objections of the owner. They prefer to work openly and freely with the owners of the parcels they hope to acquire. The McHenry County Con­ servation District Land Acquisition plan has. for its broad outlines "Conservation Corridors" which cover most of the county watersheds. These large areas are refined by study and on-site inspection to "Conservation Areas." Land inside these conservation areas will be designated for possible acquisition by the trustees. What is actually acquired will depend on the willingness of owners to sell or lease the land, or to grant an easement to the district. Laws of the State of Illinois limit the price the district can pay for land. It cannot pay more than fair market value and that must be determined by appraisals. The trustees are also bur­ dened with the responsibility of acquiring land today the full value of which, as open space, will only be fully appreciated sometime in the future. Plymouth, disobeyed a red light. Dale F. Zacher, 43 E. Sunset, Cary, no valid registration (expired plates). John McAndrews,,7212 W. Bull Valley, McHenry, speeding 65 in a 45 zone. Israel D. Martinez, 503 E. Wood drive, Woodstock, no valid driver's license (expired more than six months). Some people like living in luxury: others enjoy the luxury of living. Proper Grinder Use When using a food grinder, put a piece of sandpaper, rough side down, on the counter and fasten the grinder over the paper to pre­ vent slippage. Two Recipe Files For well organized menu plan­ ning, keep two recipe file boxes -- one for new recipes and one for tested and approved ones. Plus For Fruit Salads Add flavor and nutrition to fruit salads with sherbet, yogurt or cottage cheese. r i NOW 73/4% FOR THOSE WHO WANT AN EXCELLENT RETURN FOR THEIR MONEY 7% % $25,000 PER ANNUM DEPOSIT 7C1 $1,000 4 /C DEPOSIT $10,000 DEPOSIT $15,000 DEPOSIT THE AMERICAN SPIRIT TO GET AHEAD Since days long past the people of this great country have striven for a better l ife. Opportuni­ ties are all around us if we just look for them. Opportunities like putting your money to work for you here with one of our higher-interest accounts. 4 7V* % 7V2 % YEAR INVESTORS ACCOUNTS fh Vy fh Vy >| Save By Mail Postage Free! WHILE AVAILABLE Stop in, ask about our money savings plans and start your own adventure into a better life for your family. Open your Account Soon FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION OF CRYSTAL LAKE 1 E A S T C R Y S T A L L A K E A V E N U E T E L E P H O N E 4 5 9 1 4 0 0 SAVE WHERE SAVING PAYS' Establ ished 1952 as Crystal Lake Savings and Loan Associat ion j

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