I» \(.i ; IL' IM.AINDi:AI.I K \\ KDNKSI)AV. \l<;i si HELP WANTED WANT A GOOD PAYING PART-TIME POSITION HELPING CHILDREN? Drive a school bus for the McHenry School Districts! Training is now taking place for those who want to begin in September. Secure and file applications in the Transportation Department of the ADMINISTRATION CENTER at 3926 W. Main St., McHenry 7-27TF12 FOUND HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT 16 years or older For kitchen help Part t ime af ter school and weekends. Call: 385-0461 A/29-8/31 2 k'droom apt within walking distance, shopping and train, carpeting, air cond . balcony. Adults. Available immediately. 385-349:5. 8-15/8-31 1 Bedroom efficiency apt. on Pistakee Hay, all new ap pliances. all utilities furnished 385-0176. 8-29 8-31 mju.rn.ii CENTRAL SERVICE AID FI LL TIMi-: 12 Noon to 8:00 P.M. No pr ior experience necessary. Wil l Train. Must be able to work a l ternate weekends. Apply personnel Department . McHenry Hospital 3516 W. Waukegan Road McHenry. I l l inois 385-2200 Extension 645 8/29-8/31 3 room guest cottage on riverfront property in McHenry Suitable for single or couple. Available Sept. Lease & Security deposit required $175 including utilities. 385-9439. or 385-6365. 8-29 Room for rent, gentleman pre ferred, private bath. Call 385- 8291. 8-29/8-31 Ideal for teachers - Lovely, spacious 2 bedroom furnished apt with fireplace. Available September to June 653-3056. 8-29 8-31 WANTED RENT Couple with l child w ish to rent 2 br house in Wonder Lake or McHenry area Needed by Oct. 5th Call 385-8428 alter ti p.m. 8-29-73 NOTICE NOTICE Hall for Rent. Capafcity 125, Kitchen Facilities, table and chairs. $125.00 including dr&n shop provision. Call 497-3626 fos appointment. 8-1 TFl-2 $50 REWARD for information as to small duck row boat, olive drab color, Wisconsin ID sticker, taken from public boat landing West Shore Drive. Lakeland Park, Aug. 22. 385- 5519. 8-2973 B EG IN NIN (, ()B F. DI EN C E • CLASSES 5 Northern I l l inois Dog Club 5 10 WEEK COURSE FOR $20.00 Regis ter a t Crystal Lake Nature Center . 7 P.M. Sept . 4th. No dogs f i rs t night , dogs must be 6 mo. j old. Any quest ions cal l 459-0564 between 5:00-7:00 pm : 8-24/8-31 s BOATS & MOTORS 17 Ft. SeaKing Canoe 3 mo. old. used twice, including 2 paddles and 2 cushions. $200.00 385-4081 al ter 4:00 p.m. 8-24 8-29 16' Thompson 60 Horse .John son. wood $600 or best otter. 385- 1695 af ter 5:30 p.m. 8-29 8-31 PETS FOR SALE BASSETT HOI NDS. 7 weeks, healthy, del ightful A K.C , shots, show qual i ty , pet pr iced 815-338-1603 Woodstock af ter 1 Tyn. 8-29 8-31 HIRE JUST THE RIGHT PERSON FOR THE JOB Phone 385-0170 to place your ad REGISTRATION FOR DANCE CLASSES AUGUST 29-30-31 CLASSES START SEPT. 10 STUDIO OPEN DAILY 11 am to 6 pm, Sat.-ll am to 4 pm Please call or visit our studio to reserve your place in class. Tap, Acrobatic, Ballet, Toe, Modern Jazz, Special pre school classes for tiny tots, Tap, and Tumbling for boys. Advanced acrobatic and aerial training Adult classes- Ballets-Exercise & Jazz MAR-RAY DANCE STUDIO 3919 -3923 W. Main St. McHenry, III. 60050 385-6077-385-5543 h'(tCM) - Man's ring, (iive complete description and estimated value. Write to McHenry Plaindealcr. Box 497. 3812 W Kim St.. McHenry. Ill 60050. 8-29-73 AUCTIONS GARAGE SALES AUTOS FOR SALE PETS s. REAL ESTATE BUSINESS SERVICES PHONE 385-0170 To Place Your Ad. GARAGE SALE YARD SALK. 7311 Mohawk. Wonder Lake. Lots of Bric-a- brac. ice cream chairs and much misc. 8-29 August 31 - September l Klectric stove $20.00 numerous household items. 5106 Hilltop Drive. Lookout Point. No. 2, W onder Lake 8-29 8-31 CAHACK SALK Aug. 30. 31 & Sept. 1. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., 4504 Mayfair. Sunnyside Kstates. Bikes. 64 Chevy. 3 yr. crib, bed, clothes, air conditioner misc. tent camper 8-29-73 PET CENTER got A per Fqr yflO aOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOj GIGANTIC 4 FAMILY SALE Furniture, clothing (all sizes, all seasons) appliances, toys, antiques, and many other items. AUGUST 30, 31 & SEPT. 1 9:00A.M. -5:00P.M. 5301 W. SHORE DRIVE LAKELAND PARK 8/29-8/31 Q>oooooooooooooooooooJ FOR RKNT. furnished house and garage in Johnsburg area $150.oo Phone 312-344-0717. 8-29 9-7 IN MEM0RIAM In Loving Memory of Florence G Svoboda who left us so suddenly on August 30, 1969. You are always in our thoughts. Fred J. Svoboda and Family 8-29-73 PETS THAT NEED A HOME OR ARE LOOKING FOR THEIR MASTER f y ' / " HIDING LESSONS-Now scheduling, English, Western, Jumping and Dressage and stable management. Indoor \rena "Our Farm" Bull Valley Road, McHenry. 815-344-0951. 8-24/9-14 TO BE GIVEN AWAY 2 kittens, grey & black tiger stripped. 385-3221. 8-29 LOOKING FOR GOOD HOME for small black and white part Spaniel. Good with kids, about 9 months old. Call 653-4276 after 6:00 p.m. or weekends. 8-29 FOUND FEMALE Malamute, River Road and Rte. 176. Call 344-0591. 8-29 FOUND, male black & brown, 3 month old hunting puppy. 653-9057. 8-29 LOST Chihuahua and terrier, mixed, male, vicinity of Lakeland Park. 385-3221. SHOULDN'T YOU BE LOOKING AT THE CLASSIFIED ADS TODAY? YOU SHOULD IF YOU WANT A BETTER JOB, A BETTER CAR, A NICER HOW, RELIABLE FIRM T <>H ST; , YOU NEF.7 AND EA ' J !.I r VALUES ON A WIDE .ARIETY OF ITEMS YOU MAY HAVE BEEN THINKING OF BUYING. READING THE CLASSIFIED ADS IS A MONEY- SAVING HABIT MORE SMART PEOPLE ARE DISCOVERING EVERY DAY. JOIN THEM NOW! 120 Jewel Stores Open Until J Midnight 6 Days A PRICES EFFECTIVE. UNLESS OTHER W I S T I N D I C A T E D , T H R U S A U G 30 THRU SUN , SEPT 2 AT ALL JEWEL STORES IN COOK, LAKE, DUPAGE AND MC HENRY COUN TIES (EXCLUDING RIVER OAKS) Your Midnight Jewel's A Great Place To Shop! 2 Million Pounds Of Booff Coming To lowol This Weolt! Far your holiday aating pltaiurt, Jewel hat juit purchased over 2 million pounds of beef It's being custom slaughtered in the West and rushed to Jewel. Although you moy not find every cut of beef on display in your Jewel, please keep checking Jewel is doing everything possible to provide you with fine U S .D.A. Choice beef. And, to insure a good supply for everyone, we ask that you limit your purchases only to your immediate needs! U.S.D.A. GRADE "A" or Tom Turkeys 69 U.S.D.A. GRADE "A" - CHEF CUT* ^NCRV.UI - OCLF DMONNW OR ARMOUR ROTISSERIE - 6 TO 9 LB MR Hen or Tom Turkeys# 7 Small Turkeys " 85 49 GOVT. INSPECTED PORK LOIN Center Cut Chops Come To The Land 01 The Fresh Aurf * The Home Of The Crisp! JUICY RIPE Northwest Bartlett Pears CA^G 45 LB- U.S.D.A. GRADE "A" CHEF CUT - SELF BASTING RED RIPE Watermelon LB JUMBO - 27 SIZE Cantaloupes PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS AUGUST 30 THRU SAT SEPT I 2 LB NT. WT Complete The Meal With One Off The Chef's Salads! BAKED _ American f | It Slicing Ham V,LB DELICIOUS Confetti ^ f fcs? Cream Dessert55 AMERICAN Potato S*ft49 e . . 5 LB * W** REG Salad CTN X >2 RQNEIESS JEWEL (kwett (J PASTI Serve Special Treats Prom The Burny Pastry Shopl BUTTER RING Coffee 151/2 oz. C C Cake PKG & 6Burny6Bros. 8"LUSCIOUS German p8KGz Chocolate Cak 10 TO 22 LB. SIZE LB NEW STORE HOURS: Mon„ thru Fri. 8 a . m . t i l l 1 1 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. t i l l 9 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. t i l l 7 p.m. 3718 West Elm Street McHenry, ill. Meat& Produce Prices EffectiveThurs.,-Fri.-Sat, GOVT. INSPECTED PORK LOIN Rolled Roast ; GOVT. INSPECTED PORK LOIN Country Ribs JEWEL HARDWOOD SMOKED Hot Dogs Sliced Bologna CLAUSSEN Dill Pickles BOOTH OR GORTON'S Fish Sticks JEWEL HARDWOOD SMOKED [J0* 2 LB DOgS PKG ONLY SMOKED MEATS, LUNCH- MEATS, POULTRY AND FROZEN FISH AND SEAFOOD ARE AVAIL ABLE AFTER SIX P M WEEK DAYS AND ALL DAY SUNDAY AND HOLI DAYS JEWEL INDIVIDUALLY QUICK FROZEN F L A V O R S Yummy CANS STOKELY < VAN CAMP'S Pork And Beans JEWEL WHITE lEggyjP Paper Plates REG. 18 LB. LB. 1 LB. PKG. 1 LB. PKG. QUART JAR 24 OZ. PKG. n $|69 $129 15 19 $1 $1 79 $1 19 SWIFT - BONELESS 3 TO 5 LB. SIZE if 3 IU 5 LB. 5IZE $«2f S° .5 . . $119 Rolled Turkey JL Pacific Sole LB I ROAST L' »|19 IK LOIN GLENDALE $169 jjem' Boneless$| 49 GOV'T. INSP. - PORK LOIN GLENDALE Back Ribs PICNIC MUST! Thermos Cups i i