Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Aug 1973, p. 17

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|» \(iK 17 - PLAINDEALEH - WEDNESDAY, Al'GLST 29.1973 Twice Told Tales FORTY YEARS AGO I Taken from the files of Sept. 7, 19%) Several hundred local people enjoyed an entertainment put on by the W.L.S. radio stars at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright at Oakhurst, Aug. 31, this being a celebration in honor of the marriage of one of their number, Mr. Karl Davis and Miss Jean Harris, which also took place at the Wright home. Peter Doherty, mayor of McHenry was present and welcomed the visitors and Hal O'Halleran acted as master of ceremonies. Dr. Neil Doherty opened an office on Sept. 1 in Crystal Lake. He is a graduate of Loyola university having completed his intern work at St. Anthony's hospital, Chicago. Stephen H. Freund and his men are building a new barn 34x112 feet on the Carey farm. Labor Day boat races were field on the Fox river under the auspices of the newly organized Fox River Valley Gun, Rod and Boat club with many McHenry and Chicago sportsmen as members. Among the winners were Ray Rothermel with a first and second, Ray Preganzer of Fox Lake and Railton of McHenry in the free for all with his Maybelle. A well known former McHenry man Carl W. Stenger and his family have left Waukegan to take up residence at Indianapolis, Ind. Stenger is former president of the closed Waukegan State Bank. He has been in the insurance business since the bank closed and recently was appointed manager of the Mutual Life Insurance company of the State of Indiana. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Sept. 9, 1948) One of McHenry's veteran retired businessmen, William Spencer, 71, died Sept. 3, following a lingering illness. Fox river at McHenry will be the scene of fast boat racing again next Sunday, Sept. 12. Many eyes will be on the Switzer boys, Dave and Bob, since their racing has drawn much comment in the press throughout this part of the country during the entire racing season. McHenry friends of Lowell Walkup, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walkup of Woodstock, will be interested to learn that he has received his degree of master of education from the University of Pittsburg. He will teach for the second year in the high school at West View Park, Pa . a suburb of Pittsburg. Walter H. Hopkins of Or­ chard Beach, McHenry, and advertising and merchandising executive in the baking field for the past thirteen years, has been appointed program director of the nation wide baking industry promotional program it was announced by the president of the American Bakers association. The Wonder Lake area Kiwanis club, which is planning V.A. NEWS EDITOR'S NOTE: Veterans and their families are asking thousands of questions con­ cerning the benefits their Government provides for them through the Veterans Ad­ ministration. Below are some representative queries Ad­ ditional information may be obtained at any VA office. Q. How do veterans stack up as credit risks under the G.I. Bill home loan program? A. - America's veterans have been, and are continuing to be, good credit risks. Almost one- half (3.9 million) of the eight million VA guaranteed home loans have been repaid in full, and the number of defaults and claims in 1972 continued at the same (3.2 percent) levels as 1971 and 1970 which were the lowest experienced by VA since the late 1950's. Q - I read where the Veterans administration operates 168 hospitals. Just how many veterans do they treat? A - A record high of about one million veterans will receive VA hospital care in Fiscal Year 1973, the greatest number in history, and 150,000 more than the record number treated in Fiscal 1972. Out­ patient medical care will go up from 91 -i million visits to nearly 11 million, compared to about 7 million visits in 1969. Q -- Seems to me even the small-town VA hospitals have young medical trainees around, these days, and they sure brighten up the place. Are all the VA hospitals helping train health workers? A - Yes. All of the 168 hospitals are now affiliated with colleges and universities for training purposes. About 62,000 medical and allied health trainees will receive clinical experience in VA hospitals this year. to sponsor the first annual dinner for the lettermen on this % year s M.C.H.S. football squad The banquet will be held at the Villa Hotel Resort at Pistakee Bay, the big night being scheduled for Nov. 8. Top honors were awarded to Dan and Billy Weber at the Elkhorn, Wisconsin Fair. Their junior yearling boar won first place in its class among Poland China entries and then went on to be proclaimed champion of all boars in the Poland China division. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Sept 12, 1963) Joy Marie is the name selected by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cope, Jr., of Wonder Lake, for their new daughter born Sept. 3. Proud Grand­ parents are Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Miller and the senior Richard Copes. A new camera club designed to teach the techniques of photography, including dark room work, lighting and the proper use of the camera and light meter, is in the process of being organized. Two of the interested members getting in some advance work are Girard Justen and Don Jones. The first meeting of the new club will be held at the Kotalik center. Alfons "Duke" Adams suf­ fered four fractured toes while at work for Tonyan con­ struction company on the library at Lake Forest. A three month trip by boat to the land of his birth has ended for 78 year old Jeppe Jepsen of Spring Grove road, Johnsburg. He left McHenry last May for his first visit to his native land since coming to the United States in 1902. The ten lettermen returning on the McHenry Warrior football team this fall are John Oppenheim, Don Meyer, Steve Schweikert, Bill Funk, Lee Ambrose, Fred Kusch, Richard Jelenick, Don Klapperich, Ron Gelvin and Ron Kreutzer and their coach is Dean Hargis. Legal Notice Notice to Contractors: Sealed proposals will be received in the office of the highway commission, 3703 N. Richmond Road until Sept. 12, for a metal clad pole type building, to consists of materials and erection ap­ proximately 4000 sq. ft. more or less, to be used for storage. Specifications may be secured from Highway Com­ mission at 3703 N. Richmond Road McHenry, 111. Bias will be opened at township office at 1257 N. Green St., McHenry, on Sept. 13, 1973, 8 P.M. town board meeting. Since Revenue Sharing money is being used to pur­ chase metal building, the town board will consider any proposal advantageous to the road district. The town board reserves the right to reject any or all proposals ana waive technicalities. (Pub. Aug. 29,1973) West Shore Beach Connie Schmidt 385-7841 Property Tax Relief Deadline Is Extended Property Owners Plan Election, Picnic Sept. 8 Last week Sept. 6 was misprinted as the election and picnic date. Please note that it is Saturday, Sept. 8, and in case of rain it will be held the following Sunday, Sept. 9. You are asked to bring a small gift donation which will be used as game prizes for the afternoon. Everyone is urged to attend this important meeting. These elected individuals will direct the progress of our community for the next year. Also come to meet other subdivision residents. A personal invitation is extended to each and every one of you. Take this op­ portunity to get to know a little something about where you live. Remember it's at l o'clock at our beach, Sept. 8. Please be there! WOMEN'S AUXILIARY Sept. 6 at 7:30 p.m. the ladies of our subdivision will hdlfl a meeting at the home of Dolores Jaburek. It will be a special planning night for the election and picnic day. Your at­ tendance would be greatly appreciated. Please feel free to bring a neighbor. Remember your glass and tin will no longer be picked up in our own subdivision. You may continue saving, but you will have to take it yourselves to the McHenry Market Place the last Saturday of the month. We are very sorry to have to discon­ tinue this fine service, but lack of help was the main drawback. Hopefully you will still be concerned with our en­ vironment and help the McHenry County Defenders. GOOD DEEDS The Woodstock Children's Home surely appreciated our clothing contributions and sent a little note of thanks to the subdivision. They asked if donations of toys, coloring books, story books or the like could be obtained from willing individuals in our subdivision. If you feel you would like to help a lonely child be a little happier send your articles to the Woodstock Children's Home, Sunset Manor, Box 508, Woodstock. There are many boys and girls who would remember someone really cared. Also, it is a good sign when neighbors care about the condition of the roads in front of their house. A passerby saw people from the DiMauro and Sawerski homes working carefully to fill minor holes that have again appeared on the road. If everyone would be the good Samaritan and do their good deed for the day, our roads would be in excellent condition. As the saying goes: try it, you'll like it! DAKOTA TRIP Dolores, Dawn, and Darin can help with BACK-TO-SCHOOL BILLS.. Cal l us. Today. Our budget planning exper ience can help f ind a way for whatever you need or want. Back-to-School b i l ls9 Start smi l ing1 New Clothes7 Medical b i l ls9 Unexpected emergency9 Count on us1 Want to c lear up old bi l ls and instal lment debts? That 's good money management . . . the real key to the art of l iv ing. So -- start l iv ing! Cal l us today or drop in anyt ime We want to help -- with CASH1 EIGHTEENTH LIBERTY LOAN CORPORATION 900 FRONT STREET -- PHONE: 385-7360 McHenry, Illinois 60050 Open Friday 'til 8 PM Jaburek had an exciting vacation out west visiting the Dakota Badlands. It was a thrill to see Mt. Rushmore, Wind Cave and the scenic Black Hills. They also stopped at Wounded Knee and numerous Indian Reservations. Traveling leisurely through the states they enjoyed the relaxing drive over the western countryside before making a tour of Ft. Dodge on their way home. DOING FINE Mrs. Radlein is home from the hospital and resting comfortably. She wishes eveyone to know it's so nice to have wonderful friends. PERSONALS A happy hello to Joe Finiello who recently underwent surgery at McHenry hospital. Get well soon, Joe, as we miss you around here. Lynette White, grand­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Homo was baptized at the Woodstock Methodist church last week. Her Aunt Janet was the Godmother and the proud Godfather was Richard Stackhouse. The rest of the Homo family gathered for the joyous occasion and were glad to share a part of the baby's memorable day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schmidt enjoyed the Saturday evening company of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Para and the Rich Kotiw family. Hi to Rich Basile who has gone back to Germany. Our subdivision will try to keep him informed with our weekly news. Rich enjoys reading the paper, so please call me with any little thing. SCHOOL ORIENTATION There will be a sixth grade orientation at Parkland, school, 1802 N. Ringwood road, Thursday evening, Aug. 30, from 7 to 8:30. All sixth grade students entering Parkland in September and their parents are welcome to attend. Legal Notice NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on 19 July, A.D. 1973, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as A & S Supply, located at 800 Southgate, McHenry, III 60050. Dated this 19 day of July, A.D. 1973. Vernon W. Kays County Clerk (Pub. Aug. 15-22-29, 1973 ) Thousands of Illinois senior citizens and disabled persons will have more time to file for property tax relief, Robert H. Allphin, director of the Illinois Department of Revenue, has announced. "In an effort to reach every qualified citizen in Illinois, I have decided to extend the filing deadline from Sept. 15 to Nov. 15," Allphin declared. "Gov. Walker is deeply concerned about the elderly and disabled, especially in these times of inflation. The governor has asked me to make sure all qualified senior citizens and disabled persons have an equal opportunity to obtain property tax relief benefits," Allphin said. The revenue director noted that many Illinois counties are late mailing property tax bills. Under the Senior Citizens and Disabled Persons Property Tax Relief act, eligible persons who pay rent or property tax on homes may qualify for annual cash grants from the state. He said that the department has processed over -96,000 applications for cash grants since the law became effective Jan. 1,1973. Over 60,000 of these applicants have received cash grants averaging $160. Over one-third of those who applied did not qualify because their property tax or equivalent rent did not exceed the percentage required by law. Applications for senior citizens and disabled persons property tax relief form, IL- 1363, may be obtained at any Illinois Department of Revenue office: by writing the depart­ ment at P.O. Box 3124, Springfield, 62708. First Aid In The Garden You know what to do if you suffer a minor cut on your hand: apply a bit of antiseptic, cover the wound and let it heal. Cuts and wounds on trees and plant materials need the same care. According to the American Association of Nurserymen, openings that occur in plant tissues provide access for in­ sects and disease organisma, and require treatment. Small wounds will heal by them­ selves, but any cut larger than one inch in diameter should be covered with specifically prepared tree paints containing an antiseptic and available at any nursery garden center. Don't substitute a house paint because some contain toxic materials that will injure plants. After the initial "first aid" treatment, inspect the injury now and then to make sure the dressing is still intact. If cracks or peeling show up. an ad­ ditional coat of the'ree wound dressing is prescribed. ISSUE CHARTER A charter has been issued to Weyland Construction Co., Inc. 1124 S. Blackhawk, McHenry. Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF Dennis I. Wegener Deceased, FILE NO. 73-P-214 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 194 of the Probate Act, of the death of the above named decedent and that letters of Administration were issued on August 13, 1973, to Kriward M Wegener, 1204 N. Kiver Rd.. McHenry, Illinois, whose attorney of record is .loslyn & Green, llfi N. Benton Street. Woodstock Illinois. The Happy People In Town Are Those Who Read the McHENRY PLAINDEALER.. Legal Notice LN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF Carl A Rydelius Deceased. FILE NO. 73-P-211 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 194 of the Probate Act, of the death <»t the above named decedent and that l e t t e r s T e s t a m e n t a r y were issued on August 13, 1973, to The First National Bank of Chicago, One First National Plaza, Chicago, Illinois, whose attornev of record is Edmund M. Tobin, One First National Plaza, Chicago, Illinois. Claims may be filed within 6 months from the date of issuance of Letters and that any claim not filed within that period is barred as to the estate which is inventoried within that period. Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court, County Court House, Wood­ stock. Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney. MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of the Court (Pub. Aug. 22, 29 & Sept. 5, 1973) Matter of Opinion One Woman--Her husband was a judge, wasn' t he? Another-Everyone thought so unti l he married her. HORNSBYS ^ f a m i l y centers -- "SHOE SPECIALS" Women's LATIG0 OXFORDS Reg. $6.99 The smart new look. Lat- igo printed flowers on grained leather-like uppers Foam soles, moderate heels. Sizes 5-10 4«1 WOMEN'S CLOGS Reg. $6.99 Suedine uppers with moc- style toes. Moderate corky heels for walking comfort. Adjustable sling back strap. Sizes 5--10 -- Boy's TRI-T0NE OXFORDS Reg. $4.99 Rugged looking in stand out shades of brown. Dis­ tinctive side patches.... double stitched for dura­ bility. Tough molded soles and heels. Sizes 8!^-3. 3" Men's & Boy's BASKETBALL SHOES Reg. $2.99 Quality made sports oxfords built to take rough wear. Cushion­ ed insoles. Arch sup­ port and sure grip tread. Sizes 11-2,2^-6, 6K-12. 100 4400 W. Rte. 120 DAILY 9-9 SUNDAY 9-6 Claims may be filed within 6 * months from the date of issuance of Letters and that any claim not filed within that period is barred as to the estate which is inventoried within that period. Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court, County Court House, Wood­ stock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney. MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of the Court (Pub. Aug. 22, 29, Sept. 5,1973) Legal Notice NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on August 13th, A.D. 1973, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenrv County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as RB'S DETAIL SHOP, located at 4320 Crestwood, McHenry, Illinois 60050. Dated this 13th day of August, A.D. 1973. Vernon W. Kays County Clerk (Pub. Aug. 15, 22,29, 1973) How to cut cost of homeowners insurance Nearly every qualif ied Il l inois resident can save up to 20% with Country Mutual home­ owners insurance. Look at these low annual premiums for our Broad Form protection (on a 1-family brick or brick veneer home): In McHeniy: $ 51 for $20,000 $112 for $40,000 Yoiir Country Companies \ *»/m Agent COUNTRY LIFE • COUNTRY MUTUAL • COUNTRY CASUALTY 'm MID-AMERICA FIRE ANO MARINE • INSURANCE COMPANIES Loren Miller Richmond, III Ph. 678-6691 Lee B. Kortemeier Res. 338-0975 Off. 338-2000 ROOM! AIR CONDITIONERS n m "CARRY COtt" Model AGTE304FB 115 VOLT, 7 AMP 4,000 BTU MODEL AGCE811AA FASHIONAIRE Model AGFL512AA 11,500 BTU • 115 Volt 12 Amp Operation SUPERTHRUST • Easy-Mount Side Panels • Automatic Thermostat • Air Exchanger • Extra Quiet "Slumber Speed" Reg. (OOQ95 259.95 ^££3 • LEXAN- Outside Case Won t Rust, Peel or Chip • Fits Windows 24" to 40" Wide • Automatic Thermostat • Beautiful Simulated Rosewood Panels • 3 Speeds Including "Slumber Speed" • Fresh Air Exchanger 10,500 BTU 115 Volt, 12 Amp Reg. 249.95 '21995 . . . PLUS THESE POPULAR SIZ S & PRICE 5,000 BTU G.E. 115 VOLT 7.5 AMP Model AGKE505 FD Reg. 159.95 •139 95 6,000 BTU G.E. 115 VOLT 7.5 AMP Model AGAE606FA Reg. 189.95 '169 95 11,500 BTU G.E. Model AGFE812AB Reg. 289.95 115 VOLT 12 AMP 18,000 BTU G.E. Model AGDS818DB J28995 230 VOLT 14 AMP Reg. 329.95 8,000 BTU G.E. 115 VOLT 12 AMP Model AGKE508AA Reg. 199.95 '179* 15,000 BTU G.E. Model AGFS815DB J269* 230 VOLT 11.5AMP Reg. 299.95 24,000 BTU G.E. Model AGDS824DB J359* 230 VOLT 18 AMP Reg. 399.95 OTHER MODELS AVAILABLE AT CLEARANCE SALE PRICES CAREY Appliance SALES & SERVICE Dai ly 8 00-5 30 Wed 8 00 Noon Fr iday 8 00 9 00 1241 N. Green St. 385 5500 McHenry m I

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