Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Aug 1973, p. 6

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I'AGK« PLAINDKALKR WKDNKSDAY. U Gl ST3 l"»7.i EARL WALSH' So I Hear SPORTS EDITORJ Ano'her summer has come and gone - 'he golf season drev. 'oa sa ' isfac 'orv frustrat ing or disappoint ing <-nd for the members of the Indies league that a t tends the luncheon on August 2^ The gals have real ly been working on their golf ski l ls dur ing the 27 hole Yvonne Nolan Memorial Low Net Tournament Birdies were recorded by Pat Barber on No 2 Kdi Nimsgern and Lu Funk on No T and Gladys Blair on No 15 Sylvia Swett chipped in 'o save par on No 3 and Lu Wallace rol led ir i f rom the bunker for a par on No 1 But even those gf>od shots did not give them the boost necessary to take over the top spot Vvinners names to be engraved ori the plaque ar* ' Class "A" W a r id a Gehrke io#, B Theresa I>ejka 99. "C" Pvl l is Af e ld 105 The Du-RoDuffers consisting of l^aura Schmit t . captain: l ,ur \ Prouty Mary Debrecht . Karin Schmit t . iJ iar ie Derby ar id Diane Mil ler captured the team trophies Our Hinger tournament really brought out the best of everyone with some very close scores, but the trophies went to Class "A I>aura Schmitt 81: "B Hazel Stahlrnari . "C" Agatha Drohan 1 lfi Another very valued trophy Kd Buss ' left) congratulates Art Jackson after Art finished the 18th hole Sunda\ . Jackson shot a 7:5 to gis e him a 72 hole total of 294 to capture the Club championship. (STAFF PHOTO \\ \Y\F GAYLORD) for the rTH>st improved golfer goes to a gal who dropped her handicap 14 s t rokes Deb Mack That real ly takes a lot of work Individual low net jor August 21 f iM-s to Class "A" Lu Wallace "B" Nana McAuliffe29. c Marie Thonn 29 EARLY BIRD SPECIAL GLO-FIRE GAS LOGS Save 50% STffiSTS No. PL14 Golden Oak Textured Logs w/steel Burner & Steel Grate No. 61 Driftwood Log Twisted Manzanita stump with sand pan volcanic ash No. 4524 Hearthside log A.G.A. certified 30,000 B.T.U. rated Many other styles & options to choose from while stock lasts All 50% Off! l i t t l e H a \ a n a " Si!i<<- 1 U:>') - i i i iu- Wl'iOOO Cuban1- !!• <i '<> ' t ic I'nit<• f 1 Slate- and about half ha\t -cited in and around Miami Cuba s exiles have made ;m indelib'e mark on Miami a ulu1- mark most pe ople feel The;, have boosted Miami's econo rrr and spiced it- culture The "Titanic" 1.012 icebergs were sighted in 1912. the year one ice mountain la thed a . 'MO foot wound in the Titariic" v. Inch sank, taking some 1 500 Ii\e^ The master of the Ti tani< tes t i f ied he f i rs t mistook for a 'Aindjammci under full sail the iceberg that riped his 46.000 ton vessel and sank her in three hour1- on tier maiden voyage Twas near tee time at McHenry Country CTubSunda% when we pulled up to find our dependable chauffeur, Mrs Warren Barb- Weber readv and waiting with her buggy to give us a ride around the course Gary Adams, one of the up and coming younger golfers had tied defending champ Art Jackson the week before and some of the crowd seased that a new champion was in the making The foursome teed off on the first hole in this order: Buss Hackee. Adams, and Jackson When the cards were marked for that par 4 first hole. Adams had a 3. with each of the other<- a 4 It evened up on the second hole then things started to open up At the end of 9 holes, Bass had a 40. Hackee 38, Adams 40 Jackson 34 Buss was one unhappy fellow when he took a 7 on the tenth but settled down to par golf most of the wav in Hackee stayed right in there with good golf and impressed us as one who will be heard from in the next few years. Gary flashed some fine golf in spots, but it wasn't his day When Gary drove near the green on the 18th and chipped it in for the only 2 on the card, he got a big hand He'll be back Art had the big edge after the first nine and didn't leave much doubt as to where he would be when they asked. "Will the real Club Champ please stand up?' Our friend 'everybody's friend). Big John Busscher w ill have the complete scores :n a separate story. Each year the coufse looks more beautiful Trees are growing. Grass is green 9ANELING LUS * 815 38 5 5 511 907 N Front St McHenry III (Rte 31/ HOURS 8 5 30 Mon thru Sat 8 9 Friday 10 ? Sunday Are You New In McHenry Area ; ¥ ¥ J Do You Know Someone New ? ¥ ¥ ********** WE WOULh LIKE" TO EXTEND A POVAL WE l.COMF TO EVERY NL WCOMEP TO OUR AREA ' CALL JOAN STIT.I . FRAN OLSFN DORIS ANDHKAS J 3K5-5418 385-5740 385-4518 Bill Kelly, McHenry will be racing for season championship points for the final t ime in l!»73 this Saturday night, September 1 at the Kenosha County Speedway in W'ilmot. Kelly has been showing rapid improv ement at Wilmot and on the IRA Circuit as he won two events there recently, l ie got his first win of 1973 on June 21 and since that t ime has added four more and could be the IRA'S choice lor most improved driver of the year when that award is an­ nounced at the annual Banquet on Saturday night October 27. This weekend Kelly will face a busy schedule as he races first at Wilmot on Saturday night ; at the Lake Geneva Raceway on Sunday night and at the Grimd\ County Speedway in .Morris, Il l inois on Monday afternoon. I .ahor Day. On Friday night, September 7, he races at the Hales Corners Speedway and then returns to Wilmol on Saturdav, September 8 for the first open competition racing of the \ ear. ^iii i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i idiii i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i immiiiii i i iB urn wncm ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ I S I • H I S * i***** #***********.**************** I K0ENEMANN e Country Made Sausages, | Hams and Bacon |GERMAN IMPORTS AND CHEESES I A Full Line Of 1 Delicatessen I N I W f Just east at Rt . 12 | VOLO | i i ir ' i i i i i i i i i i i i i i ifi i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i iH .IIIIIIIII HII I I M I | )= 1 815-385-6260 Speaking of trees. Barb .-.heeled us under shade / he never a stop w as in order The Weber girls. Toni and Kim. rode with us Toni was a trea' help to us as she kept -rore Kim was a big help to her ' other - telling her how to drive' What Kim liked best was v. hen "Mom"' zoomed dow n the fairways with a burst of speed I t was fun Kddie Buss wasn't the golfer . ' .e have been used to watching. aj ' it would be no show w ithout r i rn J '»e Etten. with one of those ha's. drove around with Dick H^-s'er in the passenger seat Emily Hester was one of the neroes of the day Along about 'he 5th green she came up to us with a li t t le box that our wife r .ad brought out to us. It w as too -niall for a lunch box The day was saved' We had forgotten our hearing aid and it was in the box. Fred Meyer (our dethroned chauffeur i made some remarks about Barb hitt ing bumps I^ater on we saw him riding around with Tinky at his nde Our fellow Senior Citizen. Schmaltz", showed up and we felt better A lot of kids out there, vou know . The Frank Rourkes were 'here And would you believe' ' Frank walked over to us to present a brown paper bag. Furiosity overtook us im­ mediately and we found some of those choice li t t le red tomatoes. They are great A real nice treat. Frank Barb had told us her sister is now a McHenrvite. After the match and in the Club House. Mrs Robert (Carol) Law and her 6-year-old son, Steve, came to call We enjoyed meeting and visiting Carol follows "S .I H." each week Seems she likes the small town atmosphere. And, Steve has graduated from kindergarten (where he liked his teachers) and will start first grade real soon. Thanks. Warren. Barb, Toni, and Kim You made our day pleasant and enjoyable. And. for another t ime we say Congratulations to Art Jackson He's a real champion all the way and wears his crown with modesty and dignity. M ON TIPTOE IN TULIP LAND . . . 240 ton crude oil distillation column is poised near its pedestal at refinery construction site in VLissin gen, Holland. Standing as high as an 18 story building, the prefabricated tower is a key unit in a new refinery designed and being constructed by the Belgian unit of a l.S. com pany. The tower was position ed in just two hours at the site of the 140,000 barrels per-day refinery. t -G SLOW PITCH: McHenry County Farm Bureau s Slow Pitch team wins first in the state Illinois Farm Sports Festival finals. From left, front: James Gray,Leon Schmitt, Jim Lay, Randy Ar- seneau, Wallv Winn and Vinnv Freund. Back: Howard A. Schoenholz, IAA director from Paw Paw; Gary Miller. Bill Rudolph. Charlie Brown. Kevin Bauer. Dennis Schmitt, Bill Huff and Bill Hirn. (Don Peaslev Photo) And Still The Champ! Art Jackson Retains Club Championship They travelled in Karls, they hoofed their way. some wore shoes, some went barefoot-all with the same interest They wanted to see who the 1973 champion at McHenry Country Club would be. As a hot Sunday afternoon folded away, it was the ever steady and ever popular Art Jackson who came home in front Each golfer had his moments of glory and cheers from the crowd And each had his moments when the gods did not smile down on him Com­ petition was tough. All were good golfers or they wouldn't have been in that select group Art shot a 73 in the final round to end up with a 72 hole total of 294 which gave him the championship by nine strokes over his closest rival, Gary Adams, w hoended the day w ith an 82. Jim Hackee had a respectable round of 76 giving him a total of 3(14. good for third place In fourth place at 311 was Fid Buss, followed by Joe Nischan. Chris Newkirk. Don Hojnacki and Ted Spengel In the handicap club championship Dick Turner, despite a triple bogey on the last hole, managed to outlast John Varese and win by one stroke to give him the championship in the handicap division In third place was Fred Ballstaedt. followed by Bob Schmaling and Dick Warfield Our congratulations to Art and Dick for their victorious effort Twenty-two teams will participate in the two day Labor Day event which will be held at the club on Sunday. Sept 2 and Monday. Sept 3 Should be an interesting week­ end Warriors Preparing For Season Opener By Dick Ra'obitt Coach Bill Day's McHenry High "Warriors ' ' are busy preparing for the season football opener on September 7th During the past week they have been working out twice daily and will continue with these workouts until school starts on Sept 4th. Although Coach Day has a squad of only 40 boys, he is quite pleased with their per­ formance during the first week Every boy is being given a "good look"' by the coaching staff in order to determine a starting lineup According to Coach Day. all positions are wide open at the present t ime. Competition is keen for the various positions The competition for quar terback seems to be the keenest. Senior Bob Staley has the slight edge, but is being pressed by juniors Randy McCafferty, Kenne Ludwig, and Steve Kasprzyk. It is a rare occasion indeed when a high school football squad has 4 quarterback potentials. The center position also has 4 probable starters. Bob Dob bertin the senior letterman leads the pack, but is being pressed by Neal Barry, Scott Nimsgren, and Kerry Jernigan. The interior l inemen con­ sisting of guard and tackles is wide open Hopefuls are: Kerry Decker. Dan Voight, Mike Roberts, John Meyer, Bob Fppel, Tom Wright, Scott Frantz, Tom Sabienly, Ken Street, Roger Gerstad and Ben Jacobs. Candidates for the end positions are: Jim Grabowski. Roger Mroz, Tom Stine, Steve O'Halleran, Tom Long, John Dix, Ray Williams, Fred Bixby, and Joe Brodecick. The running back position has the following candidates: Steve Hurckes, George Hansen, Andy Hansen, Ev Klapperich, Mike Thornton, Jerry Biederer. Rick Freund, Steve Whitehead, and Dave Dolberg. GOLD Flash, shown here with Steven Hart, was proclaimed Illinois halter champion, aged gelding, at the recent Illinois State Fair. Steven, 14, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hart of McHenry, rode the horse to a third place in the Youth Showmanship class at the fair in Springfield. TURN ONS FOR YOUR ADDED CONVENIENCE ... OUR DRIVE-IN WINDOW IS OPEN WEDNESDAY . „ 9 A.M. - 2 P.M. McHENRY 1 S A V I N G S I 111! AIIICIATlM SERVING ALL OF GREATER McHENRY COUNTY McHenry Savings ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION I 209 Nanh S"«ei McHenry hiiioii 60050 815 385 3000 ' j f P' < IS NS x o •.b T f j • JJ- Hl IH f UDfMl S4 4 AGS * : •.j PANG,! CORPORATION W S££ 7W/S AD P-RGE aeLLacrmMs? VEAH 3(JT LOOK At THE &P0N<5OR-•n*B NAvy ORNAMENTAL IRON Railings-Columns- Custom Fabricating Welding & Structural Frozen Pipe Thawing STEEL SALES ADAMS BROS. (Next to Gem Cleaners) 3006 W. Rte. 120 'Phone: McHenry 385-0783 i

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