I'AtiK 16 - PLAINDEALER -FRIDAY, AUGUST31, 1973 REAL ESTATE WISCONSIN PRICE COUNTY 2-HOME, "Condominium". One brand new,2-bdrm. car peted, home, w/large foyer leading to another lovely home with fireplace, 3 bdrm. Each has garage. 1 acre of land on Butternut Lake. Get both homes for just $69,000 See it to believe it! Tavern with dng. rm. (or use as dance hall). 3 top- notch rental units (2 of them are new mobile homes). 190' Butternut Lake frontage. This is a real going business in the heart of fishing & snowmobiling country. Entire property in A-l Condition. $63,000 HILGART REALTY SHADY KNOLL ROUTE PARK FALLS, WISCONSIN 54552 Phone (715) 762-4765 8-24 TF 2 INSTRUCTIONS Dog Obedience Classes | TRAINING EOR HOME AND SHOW. Beginning thru Utility. Start SEPT. 10th For Information Call: JEANETTE EVERETTE 815-653-9016 8-31/9-' PHONE 385-0170 To Place Your Ad. CARD OF THANKS We would lffce to express our heartfelt thanks to relatives, neighbors and friends for their many acts of kindness shown during the illness of Roy Mil ler and in our recent bereave ment. A special thank you to the Rev. Fathers Baumhofer, Kulak and Hettermann, Virginia Williams R.N., Drs. Eckstein and Miller and the staff at McHenry Hospital. Helen Miller Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Bengston Mr. & Mrs. Richard Williams Mr. & Mrs. Hank Miller 8-31 I WOULD LIKE to thank everyone for all the prayers that were said for me, all the wonderful cards and flowers and everyones thoughfulness when I was sick in McHenry's and Sherman Hospitals. KATHRYN KLING 8-31 The Family of CLARA WIEDRICH wish to thank friends, relatives, the girl scouts and the nurses at Pistakee Bay home for the nice birthday party for Mother's 100th birthday. 8-31-73 PET CENTER NOTICE BEGINNING OBEDIENCE C LASSES Northern Illinois Dog Club 10 WEEK COURSE FOR $20.00 Register at Crystal Lake Nature Center, 7 P.M. Sept. 4th. No dogs first night, dogs must be 6 mo. old. Any questions call: 459-0564 between 5:00-7:00 pm „ *8-24/8-31***- 607A FOR *°°' RIDING LESSONS-Now scheduling, English, Western, Jumping and Dressage and stable management. Indoor Arena "Our Farm" Bull Valley Road, McHenry. 815-344-0951. 8-24/9-14 TO BE GIVEN AWAY LOOKING FOR GOOD HOME for small black and white part Spaniel. Good with kids, about 9 months old. Call 653-4276 after 6:00 p.m. or weekends. 8/31TF 11 month male labrador, house trained and has all shots. 815-728-0373. 8-31 BLACK MALE LABRADOR, 312-587-5003. 8-31 FOR RENT Large 2 bedroom apt within walking distance, shopping and train, carpeting, air cond., balcony. Adults. Available immediately. 385-3493. 8-15/8-31 1 Bedroom efficiency apt. on Pistakee Bay, all new ap pliances. all utilities furnished 385-0176. ; 8-29 8-31 •Cozv 3'j room, modern fur nished apartment. Very reasonable. 385-3564 8-31 2 BR. UNFURNISHED APT. in McHenry. Air conditioned, complete kitchen. Sec. deposit. $175 month, 385-1980. 8-31TF12 Ideal for teachers - Lovely, spacious 2 bedroom furnished apt with fireplace. Available September, to June 653-3056. 8-29 8-31 GARAGE SALE August 31 - September 1 Electric stove $20.00 numerous household items. 5106 Hilltop Drive, Lookout Point, No. 2, Wonder Lake. 8-29 8-31 YARD SALE, Sun, Sept. 2, Mon. Sept. 3, 10:A.M. - 3: P.M. Furniture, etc. 53 McHenry Ave., Crystal Lake, 111. 8-31 MOVING SALE - Electric stove, dryer, refrigerator, washer, misc. items. Friday, 3314 Pearl, McHenry, 385-7416. 8-31-73 GARAGE SALE YARD SALE, 7311 Mohawk, Wonder Lake. Lots of Bric-a- brac, ice cream chairs and much misc. Aug. 30, 31 & Sept. 1. 8/31 FOR KENT, furnished house and garage in Johnsburg area $150.oo Phone 312-344-0717. 8-29 9-7 2 Br. farm cottage. Available Sept. 15th. References and se curity deposit required. Write McHenry Plaindealer, Box 498 McHenry, 111. 60050. 8-31/9-5 <} I LARGE GARAGE SALE 4 FAMILIES 5210 Nimitz Drive Wonder Lake STARTING SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 UNTIL SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 9 >••»»»••» 8-31/9-7 GARAGE SALE Children's, ladies, boys, men's clothes, all kinds, all sizes. Volkswagon mu ffler, mail carrier uni forms, household items. Many miscellaneous some antiques. 3201 Greenleaf, Wonder Lake. Saturday & Sunday 9:00 • 5:00 8/31 FOR RENT: IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY 3 Bedroom Ranch, with full basement and 2 car garage. Oven/range, refrigerator, heat, electric, and water furnished. Security deposit required $285.00 per month NO PETS, BUT WE DO LIKE CHILDREN 815-385-4880 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY - used hard top tent camper that sleeps 8 653-9760. 8.3! GIGANTIC 4 FAMILY SALE Furniture, clothing (all sizes, all seasons) appliances, toys, antiques, and many other items. AUGUST 30, 31 & SEPT. 1 9:00A.M.-5:00P.M. 5301 W. SHORE DRIVE LAKELAND PARK 8/29-8/31 boooooocooooooooooooi ,8/30 FOR RENT Room for rent, gentleman pre ferred, private bath. Call 385- 8291. 8-29/8-31 Hall for Rent. Capacity 125, Kitchen Facilities, table and chairs. $125.00 including dram shop provision. Call 497-3626 foe appointment. 8-1 TFl-2 PETS FOR SALE WHITE MALE german shepherd, 5 mos. old, good with children $50. 385-3689 8-31-73 Male Miniature Poodle, 8 months old, has papers to good home $75.00 385-4987 8-31-9-14 BASSETT HOUNDS, 7 weeks, h e a l t h y , d e l i g h t f u l A . K . C . , shots, show quality, pet priced 815-338-1603 Woodstock after 1 P m 8-29 8-31 NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE -- RUBBISH Will be picked up one day late because of the Labor Day Weekend September 4th thru September 8th Any questions Please call office 385-2221 338-5552 HAVE A NICE HOLIDAY ~ McHenry and Woodstock Disposal Co. 8-31 This is what the efficient, dependable help you want is doing today... reading and marking the "Help Wanted" ads.. • „ toSyiabor r,r?WUYf 4?; Nf 2 AVE Win MO*! {mm. WTO uwm ^ v<\ ^ '» vtt -- •• .vam-rv Ww»T » , m*m M" zmpt Vt7¥< r 'A ^ ' Is your job offer there? It should be. It s the quickest, surest, easiest way to get in touch with the right person to fill the position you have open. Very often this man or woman is already work ing . . . but still reading the "Help Wanted columns every day, watching for a better opportunity. t> Don't miss out on this valuable employee. Start your inexpensive, far-reaching Classified today by dialing 385-0170 Your hamburgers will get .cIUGYihi and, your taxes will get larger... If you don't write now Write to your Congressmen and Senators. Write to let them know that you are against the uncontrolled government spending that causes the runaway inflation, tax increases and things like the mini-hamburger you've been getting lately. Write because Representatives and Senators alike acknowledge that their mail is always full of letters demanding more Federal spending for pet programs. They seldom hear from the people who have to pay the bill. Thafs you. The taxpayer. Write to the Congressman or Senator who has the courage to vote against excessive and unnecessary government spending. Let him know that you support him. We know that it's difficult to find time to write a letter. But isn't it worth it with these issues at stake? Write it now. A simple statement of your support of control of Federal spending is enough. Just make your support heard and felt. Make sure that the men who represent you know the real story: that a majority of citizens demand that Federal spending be brought under control. If you need the names of your Congressmen, their addresses and more suggestions about how to make yourself heard on this issue, contact us: *•*' <i Citizens for Control of Federal Spending 1629 K Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006 Suite 700. We'll also send you a booklet on exactly what else you can do about excessive government spending. Avoid a tax increase. Do something about your shrinking dollar (and your shrinking hamburger). Write to your Congressmen. Now. Citizens lor Control of Federal Spending