F/\<;E 16 - PLAINDEAI-EK - W fcU.NfcSDA* , Sfc.fr' I'fcMBKK 12. 1973 May's "Stock-up" Liquor Prices! FALSTAFF BEER 12 Pk 12 Oz Cans $189 12 5% ALCOHOL - A FINE FRENCH COUNTRY WINE Corbieres Wine *1.39 fifth Bankers *-• Whiskey 80 PROOF - FOUR YEAR OLD STRAIGHT KENTUCKY BOURBON 10% ALCOHOL - AN IMPORTED GERMAN RHINE WINE Superior Liebfraumilch *1.39 fifth Walker's Imperial Whiskey 86 PROOF - MILD, BLENDED WHISKEY LIGHT BODY - 80 PROOF - IMPORTED FROM MEXICO Montezuma Tequilla $3.79 fifth Glenmote Glenmore Vodka . 80 PROOF - CHARCOAL FILTERED 80 PROOF - A TRULY FINE VODKA Bankers Vodka *3.39 quart House of Stuart Scotch 86 PROOF - IMPORTED SCOTCH WHiSKEY 80 PROOF - IMPORTED - LIGHT OR DARK Ron Rico Rum *3.89 fifth 8 Gilbey's Gin 90 PROOF - DISTILLED LONDON DRY $039 fifth 31 31 4400 West Rte 120 McHeniy We're ^Here To1 Serve You. Old-fashioned courtesy and modern efficiency ... you'll find that and more in our friendly sales personnel at May's. We pride ourselves in greeting you with a smile and serving you as best we can. We want to make your visit to May's a pleasant one. It you ever have any questions or problems while shopping, feel free to ask our personnel to help you. Prompt, courteous and efficient service is what you get at May's. Compare May's For Savings. w MICRIN $ PLUS «ao IWIWO*.J M A Y S R E G U L A R $ 1 3 8 1--_ Soft & Dri Anti-Perspiront 25% MORE FREE New Formula Micrin Plus Hawana Punch Viva Paper Towels MOUTHWASH RUIT JUICY RED EEPS ON WORKING EVEN WHEN WET DECORATED AND WHITE 46 oz aerosol May's Sells For Less Sinutab gEapmmmm rmnrn Wgm Sinutab May's The Answer To Your Prescription Problems. We at May's fee hat you have a right to quality prescription Droducts at low prices. 3ut us to the test on your next prescription needs. Compare May's ow, low prices with any other store you choose. We're sure you'll find that savings are at May s. Remember... compare before you buy. That's wise shopping that will pay off for you in savings. May's sells for less ... why shop anywhere else? Greater Savings On Quality Prescriptions. Everynight Long Hair Conditioner $123 FOR RELIEF common coid CONGESTION 159 • 30 tablets High Potency Vitamins With Minerals BY ULTRA-MED $2s Hot Steam Vaporizer BY NORTHERN GENERATES VAPOR FOR EIGHT TO TEN HOURS AUTOMATIC SHUT OFF HANDY MEDICANT WELL NEW LOCK TOP BREAK RESISTANT PLASTIC TRIPLE WALL CONSTRUCTION MODEL #1301 Stri-Dex Medicated Pads * ft** At: vr ¥ Pepsodent Toothpaste Coryban D Cold Capsules arnes and Hind Wetting Solution Vitalis Dry Control DECONGESTANT WITH VITAMIN C FOR HARD CONTACT LENSE Gillette Track II Razor Arthritis Strength Buffer in * Rival Crock Pot of 100 SLOW ELECTRIC COOKING IN REAL STONEWARE FOR OLD TIME FLAVOR FLAME OR AVOCADO MODEL 3100 each Shop Mays For Savings... Any Day! Cool Spray Humidifier BY NORTHERN SOOTHING COOLING VAPOR SPECIAL POLLEN FILTER ?4 HOURS OF OPERATION IN ONE FILLING USE TAP WATER MODEL 20 Tine Metal Regent Football Lawn Rake WITH KICKING TEE Jerry West Basketball MADE BY REGENT ? Gallons Heavy Duty 32 Gallon Plastic Trash Can Starlite Heating Pad by Northern WETPROOF 3 POSITIVE HEATS REMOVABLE FLANNEL COVER MODEL » 714 RBtjeftt „ B0«H B BBti Umazinq MfflfCTuiie--f LKilKB nnpmst |llljrlfll( km FrZkiiHH^M Seal-H \aM lairE^P^n •..s »«!*» Kingsize Heating Pad Large Size Foam Rose Cones Low Cut Canvas Shoe V «• "1*411 M STOPS LEAKS IN FOOTBALLS ANO BASKET BALLS BY NORTHERN 60°o LARGER NEW THERMA DIAL CONTROL 4 POSITIVE HEATS 100°o WATERPROOF PAD CONSTRUCTION WASHABLE COVER MODEL #766 YOUTHS - BOYS - MEN'S BLACK OR WHITE Opener CLICK N CLEAN MODEL 753R Mod-Plaid Bedspread ASSORTED COLORS BY ST MARY S '478 *4 Lenita Two Size Panty Hose YOUR CHOICE OF THREE SHADES SUNTAN CINNAMON OR TAUPE Door Mirror A BEAUTIFUL FULL LENGTH DESIGNER MIRROR TO ENHANCE ANY ROOM NATURAL WOOD FINISH THAT CAN BE PAINTED ANY COLOR TO FIT ANY DECOR 2 97 I Muf/H I. red WAU SHELF' 24" Wood Grain Wall Shelf COMPLETE WITH 2 BankAmericaro COMPLETE SELECTION OF EVERYOAY CARDS BY (wtffYt/i ~ JW /MW A D R U G J J We Rtitrvt The Rlflht To Limit Quantities. "Our Price Protection Policy guarantee® th«»* Prtc#* 10 b* •W«etlve from Wednesday. September 12th, through Tueadey, September 18, 1973, regardless ot cost increases." V Lap Tray FOLD DOWN LEGS OFFER REAL CONVENIENCE EASY TO CLEAN Ladies^^^H Penny Loafer WALKING COMFORT AT LOW PRICES BLACK BROWN % I49 (