Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Oct 1973, p. 3

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KICK-OFF DINNER - Officers attending the Kick-Off dinner at the V.F.W. post home last Saturday night included Jack McCraith, senior vice-commander and membership chairman of Fifth District V.F.W., Ardith Paris, junior vice-president and mem­ bership co-chairman of the Fifth District Ladies auxiliary. V.F.W., Renee Jende, Henry Heller and Marge Moreth. Renee is mem­ bership chairman and Marge, her co-chairman for the ladies auxiliary to V.F.W. Post 4640, Henry is membership chairman for V.F.W. Post 4600, Auxiliary Notes From V.F.W. The V.F.W. Post 4600 $nd the ladies auxiliary membership dinner which was held at the post home was well attended by members of both organizations and their guests. Membership co-chairman reported that the ladies auxiliary had reached 60 percent in paid up membership few the 1973-74 year. Membership Chairman and Mistress of Ceremonies for the evening, Renee Jende, in­ troduced Ardith Paris of St. Charles who represented the fifth district ladies auxiliary president who was unable to attend due to a prior com­ mitment. Ardith Parish who is fifth district membership co- chairman expressed pleasure on hearing the membership report, and urged members to have their dues paid early. Gerry Kuck spoke briefly on the benefits the ladies auxiliary membership receives in the form of the cancer insurance. Many members in the past have received grants from the cancer aid and research fund, also members families have received cash on the death of a ladies auxiliary member, all of this money is a result of the auxiliary having the insurance included in as part of the yearly dues. Jack McCraith, senior vice- commander of the fifth district, attended representing the fifth district commander who was unable to attend due to a prior commitment. Jack being membership chairman spoke briefly on membership and expressed his appreciation at being able to represent the commander at this post func­ tion. A roast beef dinner prepared by the committee and other members of the ladies auxiliary followed a cocktail hour with hors-d'oeuvres. Membership Chairman Renee Jende was assisted by her co- chairman Marge Moreth and Ila Hogan. W.F.A.A. Opens Tenth Creative Living Series Caroline Thomas Harn- s b e r g e r , n a t i o n a l l y - acknowledged authority on Mark Twain,willdiscuss "Mark Twain and the Sense of Humor" to launch the tenth Creative Living Series, sponsored by the Woodstock Fine Arts Association (WFAA), at 10 a.m., Thursday, Oct. 18, at the Woodstock Opera House. Other programs scheduled for the series include the En­ counter with the Theatre In- School Troupe; Robert Mc- Cluggage, Chairman of Loyola University's History Depart­ ment; Pamela Kimmel, classical guitarist; Geraldine Wayne, artist and writer, and the Samuel Dent Memorial Dixieland Jazz Band. Detailed information on the programs is being mailed this week, along with tickets for the series, to WFAA members, according to Mrs. Murray Johnson, ticket chairman, who may be contacted at 2085 Broadway, Crystal Lake. Mrs. Johnson suggests that people consider buying a series ticket even though they can not attend all presentations themselves, inviting a guest to share the extra tickets. The series ticket is designed to be used in this flexible manner. The box office will open at 9 a.m. prior to each program to sell both single and series tickets. WFAA board members will hostess a coffee hour for each of the five morning programs scheduled on the third Thursday of the month. The April program is an evening one, and no program is planned for December. RUMMAGE SALE The Ladies Aid of Zion Lutheran church is sponsoring a rummage sale on Thursday and Friday, Oct. 11 and 12, at the church on Rt. 120 west. Hours on Thursday are from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on Friday, 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. Rotary Club Holds Annual Ham Dinner The Rotary Club of McHenry will hold its annual ham dinner Sunday, Oct. 14, at the V.F.W. clubhouse east of McHenry on Route 120. Plans are now being completed to serve over 1,000 dinners from noon until 2:30 p.m. / The dinner has proved to be a very popular annual event for the past 12 years. All food is served by Rotarians and helpers and is "all you can eat" family style. Arrangements have been made to keep waiting to a minimum ac­ cording to Rotary President Walter Harbecke. Proceeds from the dinner are used by the local Rotary club for the many civic and com­ munity functions carried on by the club. Among the latest projects are the picnic shelter in the city park built by the Rotarians at a cost of nearly $5,000, the washroom and storage facilities at McCracken Field as well as many other projects. Despite drastically in­ creasing food prices, the club has decided to hold the price at the same level as last year. ' Tickets may be purchased from any of the forty-five member Rotarians McHenry business locations. The members of the com­ mittee this year are Fred Meyer, Bob Adams and Dennis Conway. LaLeche League Offers Advice To Nursing Mothers "Good mothering through breastfeeding" is the aim of the organization. The meeting offers interested mothers an opportunity to gain in­ formation, and further the knowledge of others in the arts of mothering. The McHenry Chapter is having the second in a series of four talks. This month's meeting deals with the technique of breastfeeding and problems that arise. Other meetings cover such topics as advantages of breastfeeding, the nursing couple and the family, nutrition, and weaning. The discussions maybe helpful to mothers with children and to any pregnant women interested in nursing. Anyone interested is welcome to attend the meeting. Ex­ perienced nursing mothers are more then happy to encourage other women through any difficulties. Members of LaLeche League believe that breastfeeding is a beginning to a different at­ titude toward raising a family. roRKiES0D"nrll RESTAURANT 4213 W. Rte. 120-McHenry 385-6981 Home of the i "Belly Buster" Breakfast i Daily Luncheon Specials Dinners Served i Nightly Till 8:00 PM L.I.F.E. Sponsors Luncheon During Lay Institute AMERICAN LEGION CLUB No. 491 RINGWOOD ROAD LIVE ENTERTAINMENT SATURDAY NITE t* • "BOB & THE BLUE TONES" • • • OCTOBER 13 & 27 • • • 'TRAVELERS" • • • • OCTOBER 6 & 20 • • 9 PM to ? ? ? OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Enjoy a Wonderful Dinner at LA PETITE CUISINE French Restaurant 220 W. Rand Rd.-Lakemoor Phone: 385-7495 Open Friday & Saturday 6:30 - 11:00 p.m. CAROL JACKSON >| Women of the McHenry area are invited to a luncheon to be held at the McHenry Country Club, Oct. 10 at 12 o'clock noon. The purpose of the luncheon is to acquaint you with exciting opportunities available to the women of this area during the McHenry Lay Institute for Evangelism. Mrs. Alice Dominick, committee chairman, stated, "I am sure that you are aware, as I am, of the problems existing locally, nationally, and around the world. Concerned women are seeking ways to be involved in reversing the moral, ethical, and spiritual trend of the day. Our homes can be centers erf influence for making a better community and a better world. I encourage you to attend this special event to see how you can be a part of the solution for a society in crisis." Speakers will be Mrs. Carol Jackson of McHenry and Mrs. Meetings are usually the second Wednesday evening of each month. Anyone who would like further information or would be interested in at­ tending a meeting may call Mrs. Robert (Julie) Jessup or Mrs. Richard (Marcia) McGowan. Ruth Roberts, Campus Crusade for Christ, Barringtan. Reservations can be made by calling either 385-0083 or 385-. 7728 by Oct. 7. Baby-sitting care will be available at the First Baptist church, McHenry. Kitchen Band Well Received At Woodstock Although the weather was unpleasant, it did not dampen the festivities as the McHenry Senior Citizens Club "Kitchen Band" presented the program for the meeting of the Wood­ stock Senior Citizens at the Moose Hall in Woodstock. The audience was amazed when they saw the instruments the Kitchen Band uses, and more surprised when they heard the music they make with these homemade con­ coctions. The band numbers were lively and well received - also the solo numbers - and the "dancing couple". Many compliments were given on the "Uniform" dresses worn by the gals. The enthusiastic standing ovation at the completion of the program was very gratifying to the members of the kitchen band. The band members enjoyed the refreshments and the social time visiting with the Wood­ stock Senior Citizens. r/Uifc 3 - FLAIlMJfcALfcK-KKIDAY, UCTUMbtt MARRIAGE LICENSES Roger Wayne Claxton, 1914 Monaville, Lake Villa, and Janet M. Ziszik, 3705 James Terrace, McHenry. Alphonse S. Godina, 8917 Hickory, Ringwood, and Georgiana S. Godina, Ringwood. Terry L. Phillips, 710 W. Broadway, McHenry, and Marie A. Peterson, 316 Waverly, Spring Grove. Randall R. Rodiek, 7508 Seminole, Wonder Lake, and Melody J. Ruth, 1121 W. River Terrace, McHenry. Richard N. Wright, Jr., 7314 Mohawk, Wonder Lake, and Donna R. Raasch, 805 N. Lillian, McHenry. INDEFINITE SPECIAL 1 TUESDAYS and WEDNESDAY "f <&r PLUS . . .Our Delicious Pizza (Regular or Deep Pan Style) Served In or Delivered 5:00 PM - 12:00 PM Thursday thru Sunday Free Parking In Rear * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * F Reg. '20 *15 'ERMANEN r REG. '15 '12™ SHAMPOO & SET Reg. *4.00 T * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * w SAVERS HOURS: 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 9:00 a.m. lo 8:00 p.m. Friday Drive-in Window open Wednesdays 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. „ 3929 W. Main Street 385-4777 jL T BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND and just in time for the planting season! Our new Pride of McHenry " P^wny-Free when you deposit $50̂ 5 or more. Limit one free peony per account. MoHENRY S A V I N G S t 1IAI IIHCIIIIH. SERVING ALL OF GREATER McHENRY COUNTY McHenry Savings AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 1 209 North Green Street McHenry, Il l inois 60050 81 5-385-3000 - • "• Jl LAST 4 DAYS y-7 "Wa£gA£&tt U HURRY - SALE INDS Oct. 7th • • 98* Saccharin 1000 W gr. Tabs,effervescent. 79* Walgreen Aspirin Gtd. Quality. 5 gr. 100's 65* Rubbing Alcohol WALGREENS. 16 oz 89* Mineral Oil WALGREENS. Extra Heavy.Pt.. 53* Gly. Suppositories Infants or adults. Bottle of 12 • 39* Children Aspirin Cherry or Orange flavor. 11.49 Antacid Liquid WALGREEN. Soothing relief.l2oz. 89* White Petroleum Jelly Walgreens. Plastic Jar. 16 oz $1.89 Antacid G Tablets WALGREENS, 100's 2/85* 2/89* 2/98* 2/79* 2/53* 2/39* 2/1.4S . 2/89* 2/1.89 $1.59 Babykof Syrup KQ Effective & gentle. 4-oz lava $2.25 Sinus Tablets __ Triple action. A1 clear. Z/Z«25 ^ S1.59 Pain Relief Tablets EXTRA STRENGTH. lOO's.. 2/L59 $1.43 Rest €asy Cold Medicine Night-Time dosage. 6 oz............ 2/m4v $1.15 Eye Lotion with Cup For tired eyes. Alclear. 6 oz 2/ 1*19 $1.25 Anefrin Nasal Spray 4.. 4C Temporary relief. l/i oz... 2/ liZ9 98* Vaporizing Liquid __ ANEFRIN. Extra strength. 4-oz.... 2/98* $1.29 ea. Value Lard Brlargate Spray Deodorant Anti-perspirant action. Spice or lime scents. 7 oz. SPECIAL PRICE Shaving iMt • • After Shave, Walgreens «/MC Menthol or Lavender. 5-oz »'WV 98* Stainiess Steei Shave Cream 9/Q<|* Regular or lime. 11 oz * / " 0 V $1.29 Men's Deodorant Spray Lord Briarpate. Spice or lime. 7 oz, 2/1,29 98* Speed Shave Cream _ Reg. or Menthol 11 oz. nt. 2/98* Ttihtrhs • $1.29 Vitamin E Deodorant Spray Stops odor naturally. 7 oz 2/L29 | I $1.09 Perfection Hand Cream __ For soft, lovely hands. 8.25 oz..... 2/ltU9 • W-M Milk Bath w/Cold Cream. Chambly. 32-oz 2/L69 I I $1.49 Tender Loving Care Hand Lotion •--* Soothes, softens dry, oz> j/i nq chapped skin. " *"1 $ 1.57 Dandruff Shampoo FORMULA 20, 4-oz. net 2 L 5 $1.29 Protein Shampoo ^ Formula 20. 434-oz. tube • $1.29 Vit B-12 50 meg. 100's.... 2/3.29 ] $9.98 Viti Ei 400 mg. IOO'S ...... 2/9*98 • $2.55 Vit. & Iron Tabs, IOO'8...2/2.55 • $5.67 Super Geriatric ioo's 2/5.67 100's • $1.29 Wheat Germ Oil Caps, 2/1.29 CHIMV FlAVOft 89* ea. Value Potroloooi Jolly White bland dressing. 16 oz. size. SPECIAL PRICE ASPIRIN c h i l d r e n 39* ea. Value Children's Flavorod ASPIRIN Orange or cherry flavors. 1 VA gr. U.S.P. 36 tablets. SPECIAL PRICE $5.67 ea. Value Sopor Geriatric Tablets For the "over 40" needs. 100's. SPECIAL PRICE 2 K 6 7 FOR V 2 39c FOR w 2 24̂ 5 0»2 24 [1 «0 °7«*£ ' ) tj -- Vf^ I $1.29 ea. Value Anefrin 2-24 Time Capsoles 12 hr. relief from colds, hay fever symptoms. Pk. 10. SPECIAL PRICE 2 129 FOR :A $T«t STAI $1.59 ea. Value Extra Strength Pain Relief Tablets-100's For headache, arthritis, cold pain. SPECIAL PRICE 2 169 FOR • U"6LTCEP/ somsnoi 53* Value 12's Adult or Infant GLYCERIN Snppositories SPECIAL PRICE 89* ea. Value Milk of Magnesia Mint or plain flavor. Walgreen. 16 oz. SPECIAL PRICE Pk Of 50 - TRASH CAN LINERS - 20 Gal. Size W/Ties SI 69 '2.98 VALUE + 79* Pk. of 20 20 Gal. Size W/Ties •1.49 VALUE DEPOSITS INSURE0 UP TO $20,000 BY THE FEDERAL SAVINGS 4 LOAN INSURANCE CORPORATION J A TRU-VALUE 1 \J PHARMACY 1327 N. RIVERSIDE DR. McHENRY

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