Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Oct 1973, p. 18

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PAGE 18 - PLAINDEALER-W^NESDAV OCTOBER 17, 1973 Legal Notice The Boards of Education of Districts 15 and 156 will receive sealed bids on gasoline for school busses and District owned vehicles for the period from December 1, 1973 to December 1, 1974, until 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, October 31, 1973. The Boards of Education reserve the right to reject any and-or all bids, waive any bid technicalities and award the bid in the best interest of the School Districts. Anna Mae Cuda, Secy. Dist. 15 Edward J. Neumann, JR., Secv. Dist. 156 (Pub. Oct. 17, 1973) Deaths •aH-i-i WILLIAM J. NELLIS The Rev. Roger Schneider of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church officiated at last rites held Tuesday morning at the George R. Justen & Son chapel for William J. Nellis. Mr. Nellis, 64, was declared dead on arrival at McHenry hospital Saturday, Oct. 13. Burial was private. The deceased was born Feb. 6, 1909, in Neponset, 111. A resident of 2305 N. Woodlawn Park, he formerly operated a drapery business on Green street. Mr. Nellis was a member of McHenry Moose Lodge 691. MOTORISTS . HURT IN TWO ACCIDENTS (Continued from page 1) about the accident. Wellman was unable to make any statement due to his injuries. However, his wife stated they were north-bound when the Page van swerved into their lane and a collision occurred. Page was ticketed for illegal transportation of alcoholic liquor in a motor vehicle, unlawful use of license or Survivors include his wife, Florence (Curtis), to whom he was married June 1, 1940. He also leaves two daughters, Mrs. Worth (Ann Lou) Myers of Vista, Calif., and Mrs. Bud (Wilma) Smith of Maine; a son, Stephen, and four grand­ children. ANNA HIBNER Funeral services were held last Friday at the Schilling's Wonder Lake funeral home for Mrs. Anna Hibner, 74, 4418 East drive,. Wonder Lake. Burial was in Hartland. Mrs. Hibner died Oct. 10 in Memorial hospital, Woodstock. She was preceded in death by her husband, Nicholas. Survivors include nephews and nieces. HERMINE GATHMAN Hermaine Gathman, 87, of 2612 W. Fair Oak lane, McHenry, died Sunday, Oct. 14, in McHenry hospital. PATZKE HEATING AIR CONDITIONING FURNACES GUTTERS . PHONE 385-5534 McHENRY DR. LEONARD B0TTARI 1 3 0 3 N R i c h m o n d R d . , M c H e n r y E y e s e x a m i n e d C o n t a c t L e n s e s G l a s s e s f i t t e d M o n , T u e s , T h u r s , F r i , 4 6 p m T u e s , T h u r s , F r i 7 9 p m S a t , 9 : 3 0 t o 3 : 0 0 P h 3 8 5 4 1 5 1 o r 3 8 5 2 2 6 2 EARL R. WALSH & JACK WALSH INS. F i r e , A u t o , F a r m , L i f e R e p r e s e n t i n g R E L I A B L E C O M P A N I E S 3 4 2 9 W E I m S t . , M c H e n r y 38 5 3300 DENNIS CONWAY A U T O L I F E F I R E State Farm Ins. Co. 3 3 1 5 W E I m S t M c H e n r y , I I I . 3 8 5 5 2 8 5 o r 3 8 5 7 1 1 1 McHENRY LETTER SERVICE M i m e o g r a p h i n g T y p i n g A d d r e s s i n g M a i l i n g L i s t s 3 5 0 9 W . P e a r l S t , M c H e n r y P h . 3 8 5 0 2 5 8 , 3 8 5 8 0 2 0 M o n d a y t h r u S a t u r d a y Farm Equipment George P. Freundjno. Case - New Holland 4102 VV. Crystal Lake Rd. McHENRY Bus. 3854420 Res. 385-0227 AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE U-HAUL Trailers & Trucks COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE & TRUCK REPAIRING ARC & GAS WELDING Guettler Service, Inc. 818 N. Front Street 385- 9831 McHENRY HOBBY SHOP FOR ALL YOUR MODELING NEEDS 3318 W. Elm (NEAR RIVERSIDE DR. McHENRY) 385-7122 DR. ROBERT J. PETERSON Optometrist General Practice Contact Lenses By Appointment Only Closed Thursday 4719 W Route 120, McHenry 385 7930 McHENRY COUNTY OFFICE MACHINES SALES SERVICE & RENTALS Mon Sat 9 5 :30 Friday til 9:00 93 Grant St., Crystal Lake Ph 459 1226 RIVERSIDE OFFICE SUPPLY Furniture - Supplies 1 3 2 3 N R i v e r s i d e D r i v e M c H e n r y , I l l i n o i s 6 0 0 5 0 ADVERTISE IM THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Ii r e l l T RADIAL TIRES FOR ALL CARS Europa Motors Inc 2318 Rte. 120 8 1 5 - 3 8 5 - 0 7 0 0 ED'S STANDARD SERVICE EXPERT TVJNE-UP ATLAS Tires, Batteries, Accessories QUALITY American Oil Products PH. 385 0720 3817 W. ELM STREET • RADIATORS • Cool ing System Specia l is ts * AIR CONDITIONING • Trdi ler H i tches Fabr icat ion if STEEL SALES • Welding & Ornamenta l I ron • Frozen" P ipe Thawing permit and improper lane usage. Tenold M. Kusch of 4401 E. Wonder Lake drive, Wonder Lake, was ticketed for driving while intoxicated after the auto he was driving hit a utility pole. His passenger, Ramon Rivera of 7801 W. Route 120, Wood­ stock, was slightly injured in the mishap which occurred Saturday morning about 1:45 at 7317 Keystone road, north of Wonder Lake. Kusch didn't remember what happened but evidence at the scene indicated the auto left the east side of the road, traveled 120 feet and knocked-down a utility pole. William J. Leone of 5l8 S. Pine court, Mount Prospect, was cited for failure to yield right-of-way emerging from a private driveway after he hit a car driven by Gary D. Johnson of 2807 N. Magellan drive, McHenry. The accident oc­ curred Sunday morning at 812 Regner road, Pistakee Bay. Johnson was east-bound on River road when the Leone auto pulled from a driveway and im­ pact took place. Leone said he didn't see the other auto until 'he collision. A car-pickup truck accident Sunday afternoon on Country Club road, just east of Route 47, resulted in a ticket for David M. Bomke of 1316 N. Meadow lane, McHenry. He was charged with failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident. Gregory C. Hendee of 7203 W. Mason Hill, McHenry, was slowing to make a turn into the fair grounds when his pickup truck was struck from behind. Bomke said he reached for his hat on the floor of the car and impact occurred. According to a report in the sheriff's office Sunday af­ ternoon, a north-bound vehicle coming around a curve at 4213 Barreville road crossed the center line and forced a motorcycle driven by William H. Hattory of 3305 Riverdale drive, McHenry, off the road. The motorcycle went out of control and traveled through a shallow ditch into a field, where scene verified Hattory's statement. Hattory was taken to McHenry hospital by the Crystal Lake ambulance service, where he was treated and released. Frank A. Medera of 6818 Barnard Mill road, Ringwood, and his passenger, Gregory J. Gaszak of 467 W. Judd,- Woodstock, were injured Saturday about midnight in a one-car accident at 1014 Rose Farm road, west of Woodstock. The auto was south-bound on the roadway when Medera reached for a cigarette just as the auto came into a curve. He lost control of the car and ran off the road. The 1973 vehicle was totaled in the accident. Gary C. Simons of Route 1, Barrington, was cited for failure to report an accident immediately after he hit a car driven by Mattreen P. Cristy of 3137 E. Lake Shore drive, Wonder Lake. The accident took place Thursday evening about 7:30 at the intersection of Routes 31 and 176. Miss Cristy stated she had just turned from Route 31 to 176 when her auto was struck by Simon, who then left the scene of the accident. Two witnesses verified her statement. Two persons were slightly injured when the brakes on their car failed to operate and hit a utility pole at the corner of Johnsburg road and Riverside drive Friday evening. Paula M. and Raymond H. Strossner of 804 Oak Grove, McHenry were shaken up when the auto slid out of control on the wet pavement, traveled into a ditch and broke a utility pole. Seven- year-old Bonita Strossner was not hurt in the mishap. Both drivers were ticketed in an accident last week_ at Pingree road and Valerie" drive, Crystal Lake. Sigfrid W. Soderberg of 101 Elm, Crystal Lake, was cited for improper turn with oncoming traffic and Bryce L. Smith of 8617 W. Sunset, Wonder Lake, was charged with unsafe brakes. Soderberg was south-bound on Pingree when he put his left turn signal into operation and made a left turn. In doing soT his car was hit on the right rear side. Smith reported that the car turned directly into his path. When he applied his brakes in order to avoid a collision, they failed to operate. William P. Nichols of 1412 River road, McHenry, was ticketed for failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident after he hit the rear of a car driven by Cynthia M. Fike of 302 Front street, McHenry. The mishap occurred last week. at the intersection of Route 120 and Highview, McHenry. The Fike auto was stopped at the intersection with its left turn signals on, waiting for traffic to clear when impact occurred. Nicholas stated he was unable to stop in time to avoid a collision. McHENRY STUDENTS HEAD MCCHS PLANS (Continued from Dapw 1) half-time of the varsity game. Co-captains Mike Pierce, McHenry, and Bob Nihan, Woodstock, will be leading the Hurricanes of Coach Tom Parker in search of the all- important homecoming vic­ tory. The Hurricanes are in physical sound shape and their RECYCLING DAY IN McHENRY SATURDAY (Continued from page 1) The collection date has been permanently changed to the third Saturday of the month to correspond with the drives in neighboring towns. Newspapers must be bundled separately, with no magazines or shiny insfcrts and no plastic delivery bags. Magazines, non - corrugated cardboard, and other clean scrap papers may be bundled together. The groups working on the drives request that everything be cross-tied in bundles 8 to 10 inches high and that they not be put in bags or boxes. There have been numerable instances of foreign material, such as clothing and metal, turning up at the bottom of boxes and bags. This' could ruin the shredding machine used in the recycling process. Rope will again be on hand for preparing next month's bundles. Clean bottles, with metal lids and rims removed, and cans, washed and well flattened, will be accepted from 9 until 12. By early afternoon the bottle and can truck will be removed to the next collection spot. Paint cans should not be brought unless clean and flattened Pop cans will be accepted only if they are flattened. opponent, Driscoll, will provide a match for the hard-nosed Marian defense that currently leads the Western division of the Suburban Catholic con­ ference in least number of points scored. All alumni are invited to attend the fourteenth annual homecoming. Tickets for the dance will be on sale at the door. This month's workers for the paper drive are members of McHenry high school's East campus Student Council. The workers for the bottle and can coUection have not yet been definitely determined. The McHenry County Defen­ ders are looking for a group to adopt tt|e bottle and can recycling as a project and provide workers each month. AWARD WINNER--Dona­ telle, (Donna Mascari) of McHenry recently won the coveted "Mr. Thespis" award at an awards banquet ir. Twin Lakes, Wis. The thespis award is presented every year by Joseph and Valery Hunley, former members of the Goodman theatre, for out­ standing achievement in ac­ ting. Donatelle won it for her outstanding achievement in acting. Donatelle won it for her outstanding performance as Karen in the first act of Neil Simon's "Plaza Suite." Donatelle will star in the opening play at the McHenry Dinner Theatre Nov. 2, 4, 9, 10, 16 and 17. HOSPITAL NOTES MCHENRY HOSPITAL Patients admitted to McHenry hospital included Marion Moser, Evelyn Wabel, Neon Carlson^ Gisele Dominique, John Schwek, William Addison, James Un­ derwood, Patricia Ridgeway, Randi Sue Tollefson, Dorothy Mekillop, Judith Garde, Terrence Reilly, Brian Miller, Joseph Konrath, Kathleen Borta, Mildred P. Stilling, Gregory Erie, Traci L. Het- termann, Roland Hughes, Linda Eckeret, Stanley K. Brown, Charles McGrath, John Leway, David Carlson, Hulda Marie Rathke, Robert S. Sarbaugh, McHenry; Anna Lloyd, Haig J. Ohan, Spring Grove; William Addison, Corrine Abbott, Island Lake; Robin Houseth, John Lipar, John W. Vanek, Wonder Lake. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Admittances to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, included Master Charles Gies, Beverly Mitchel, Rev. William A. Bauman, Kate Bauman, Janice Wahl, Mervin Schoenholz, Clarence Toepper, McHenry; Rosemary Kozial, Mary Ehredt, Kathleen Clark, Roy Ingram, Edna Wicklund, William Comesky, Wonder Lake. HARVARD HOSPITAL Brian Withrow, Joseph Whalen and Paul Toerne, McHenry, were patients in Harvard hospital. • • • • Intelligence is the art of being able to judge a speech by what is said, not by how loud it's said. .'tmifi w. l ite. 120 McHenrv ADAMS BROS. (Xovi to Gem Cleaners) Phone 385-0783 GO NO FARTHER THAN FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS OF CRYSTAL LAKE TO GET 4 Year Certificate A FIRST FEDERAL INVESTMENT CERTIFICATE GUARANTEES TO PAY 9% ANNUAL RATE OF INTEREST UNTIL DECEMBER 31, 1973, ON DEPOSITS OF $2500 OR MORE. THERE WILL ONLY BE A LIMITED NUMBER OF THESE BIG INTEREST CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE, SO ACT NOW. BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1974, AND FOR EACH CALENDAR QUARTER THEREAFTER, AND UNTIL MATURITY, THERE WILL BE A NEW ANNUAL RATE COMPUTED. THIS RATE WILL BE EQUAL TO THE AVERAGE 3 MONTH U.S. TREASURY BILL YIELD DURING THE PREVIOUS THREE MONTHS - ADJUSTED TO THE NEAREST % OF 1%. IF TREASURY BIL'L YIELDS CONTINUE TO RISE, YOUR RATE WILL GO UP, BUT IF TREASURY BILL YIELDS GO DOWN YOU ARE STILL GUARANTEED THAT YOUR ACCOUNT WILL NEVER EARN LESS THAN OUR THEN CURRENT ANNUAL RATE ON REGULAR PASSBOOK SAVINGS. INTEREST MAY BE PAID QUARTERLY BY CHECK, OR IF YOU WISH, YOU MAY LEAVE IT TO COMPOUND UNTIL MATURITY. CERTIFICATES WITHDRAWN BEFORE MATURITY WILL STILL EARN AT THE REGULAR PASSBOOK RATE FROM DATE OF ISSUE, LESS 90 DAYS INTEREST. WE CAN TRANSFER YOUR FUNDS FROM ANY BANK OR OTHER SAVtNGS INSTITUTION. COME IN TODAY AND TALK WITH ONE OF OUR SAVINGS ADVISORS. SAVINGS & LOAN ^ *890Cl ATlON OF CRYSTAL LAKE Established 1952 as Crystal Lake Savings & Loan Association 1 EAST CRYSTAL LAKE AVENUE TELEPHONE 459 1400

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