FOR RENT FOR RENT \ \ PAGE U - PLA1NPEALER WEDNESDAY. FOR RENT \ Waterfront deluxe, 1 bedroom apartment, carpeting, stove, re frigerator, immediate occu pancy, adults, no pets. 385- 3493. 10-12TF12 COMMERCIAL BLDG. 2,000 sq. ft. Zoned B-4, In McHenry $300 per month plus utilities. 385-5534. 10-12TF12 1 bedroom apartment, inclu all appliances, full carpeti air conditioned, very clean. C 459-7700 ext. 277 from 8:0C 5:00 , 385-9459 after 5:00 p.i 10-19/10-24 Phone 385-0170 to place ad. PERSONALS Reduce safe & fast with GoBese Tablets & E-Vap "water pills" Bolger Drugs. 10-10-tf-l Enjoy yourself.. 30 is later than you think. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BETTY 10-249 2 BR. unfurnished apt. in Mc- Henry, air .conditioned, com plete kitchen. Sec., deposit $175.00 month. 385-1980. 10-12TF12 5 room house, gas heat, adults only. McHenry; store space on 120. 312-741-3447. 10-19 10-31 Available til June, completely furnished one bedroom house in Country Club Subdivision. 385- 1328. 10-17 tf 1-2 PETS FOR SALE GERMAN WIREHAIR {hippies. 7 weeks old, excellent hunters. A.K.C. reg. 459-0997. 10-17/11-9 Miniature Schnaufcer puppies. A.K.C. reg., male & female $80.00. 815-675-2469after 3:30 p.m. 10-19/10-26 Adorable A.K.C. Cocker Spaniel puppies. Beautiful markings and colors. Perfect size for house pets, ap proximately 25 lbs. full grown. Born 8-31-73 . 312-497-3102. 10-24 10-26 SIBERIAN HUSKIE, AKC, 1 yr. old, good watch dog. 815-344- 0955. 10-19 10-24 HELP WANTED Registered Nurse for O.R. This is a full time posi tion for someone with prior operating room experience. DAY SHIFT Must be able to take call Apply Personnel Dept. McHENRY HOSPITAL 3516 W. Waukegan Rd. McHenry, III. 385-2200 ext 645 10-24/10-26 > NOW IS THE TIME ! TO EARN EXTRA CASH S FOR CHRISTMAS I Part time work at your I convenience. 9:00 to 2:00 P.M. 5:00 to 9:00 P.M. or rrrrrm Call GEN 385-1070 ^ 10-24/10-26 Light Assembly Work FULL TIME" CRV ELECTRONICS 913 N. Front St. McHenry, III. » 9-28TF12 HELP WANTED PART TIME Man or Woman with reliable vehicle to deliver newspapers 2 or 3 hours 7 days a week. 385-2541 10-24/10-26 WE NEED PEOPLE! WE'RE AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF EMPLOYMENT IN MANY YEARS AND WE NEED PEOPLE TO FILL OUR PERMANENT JOB OPENINGS. OAK BENEFITS, WORKING CONDITIONS AND WAGES ARE AMONG THE BEST IN THE McHENRY COUNTY AREA. CURRENT JOB OPENINGS ARE: TOOL & DIE MAKER AUTOMATIC SCREW MACHINE OPERATORS AUTOMATION TECHNICIAN PRODUCTION SET UP PLATERS ASSEMBLERS EYELETTERS PART TIME Eyeletting Also available for DAYS 9:00A.M. to 2:30P.M. or NITES 6:30P.M. to Midnite Apply to Personnel MONDAY thru FRIDAY 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M OAK Industries Inc. South Main Street Crystal Lake/ III. 815-459-5000 an equal opportunity employer. 2 Br. house in Wonder Lake, $160 plus utilities and heat. Adults preferred, child and pet okay. References and security deposit. Phone Maniotis (815-653-2061) * 10-24 2 BR. HOUSE, full bsmt. in Wonder Lake. Ref. and deposit. 653-9618 or 728-0242. 10-24 10-26 FOR SALE or for rent, 3 br. house with garage, washer, dr yer, stove, refrigerator. 385-5406 after 6 pm 10-24/10-26 2 bedroom apartment, extra large, stove, ref. & utilities furnished. $220.00 per month. For appointment Call 653-6576. 10-24 10-26 Nice sleeping room for em ployed man or couple. McHenry area. 385-4398. 10-24 tf 1-2 2 BR. House, 1V2 car garage, stove and refrigerator in cluded. Pistakee Bay Area. Call 815-653-6546. 10-24 10-26 3 ROOM APARTMENT Phone 385-7852. 10-24 10-26 NEW 3bedroom ranch, l%baths, 2 car garage, Wonder Lake 653- 9669 ref. pfef. 10-24/10-26 HALL FOR RENT. Capacity approximately 125. Kitchen and bar facilities. $75.00. Phone 497- 3626. 10-3TF12 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT 2309 Johmbuig Rd., McHenry • Approximate 1,000 ft. suitable for offices, light industry, storage. • Air Conditioned. • Off the street parking. • $4.00 per sq. ft. per annum Call MR. SHERIDAN 3854152 or 385-4278 10-24/10-26 •••nrarnnram I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. JOURNEYMEN ENGINE & HARDINGE LATHE OPERATORS Must have tools and must be able to set up. Top Wages and overtime. Paid holidays, Insurance and other benefits. PREM ENTERPRISES, INC. 3519 N. Chapel Hill Road McHenry, Illinois 815-385-2700 an equal opportunity employer 10-24/10-26 Southgate Apartments 1 & 2 Bedroom Apts. Fully carpeted, private I decks, stove, refrigerator air conditioner furnished. | One year lease. One bed room $175.00, 2 bedrooms I $205.00 Apartments shown | by appointment. Call 385-4345 10/17TF12 FIND JUST THE RIGHT HOME FOR YOUR FAMILY WITH A PLAINDEALER CLASSIFIED Phone 385-0170 to place ad. GARAGt SALE MOVING SALE Oct. 22 to Nov. 4, 9a.m.-7p.m. Furniture, clo thing, dishes, appliances, dolls, copper boiler, plants, antiques, rugs. 3706 W. John St., Mc Henry. 10-19/10-24 McHenry County Viscounts hold rummage sale on October 25- 28. Big barn on 120 behind A. & W., Eastwood Manor. 10-19/10-24 Fri., Sat. & Sun. Oct. 26,27 & 28. 9:00 - 5:00 3110 W. Idyll Dell Road. Ladies clothes size 16-18, men's clothes, books baby items, and much misc. 10-24 GARAGE SALE 128 S. Sheridan Rd. - Lakemoor. Oct. 27-28 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Ladies clothes sizes 5 to 22Vfe, Household furniture, tires, Much Misc. 10-24-10 26 3 FAMILY GARAGE SALE Fri.-Sat. October 26-27 10 am to 5 pm Bike, washers, dryer, fur niture , games, toys, roas ter oven, drapes and blinds, clothes and misc. 3714 W. Main St. McHenry, III. 10-24/10-26] GARAGE SALE Thurs. and Fri. 3212 Kin McHenry Shores. SoCa, tables, lamps, reasonable eap, misc. 385-6941 10- Garage Sale Oct. 26-27 10a.i&. - 4p.m. bikes, furniture, chil- drens clothes, electric drill, hairdryer, 68 Buick Special - 303 N. Green St. 10-24/10-J8 Business Opportunity i EXCELLENT YEARNS I ROUND COMPLETE • I RESTAURANT WITH I D0NUT FRANCHISE I I Downtown, Minocqua, Wis- 5 consin. $20,000.00 Hous- | ing available also. Write Box No. 505 c/o McHenry • Plaindealer, 3812 W. Elm" ISt., McHenry, III. 10-^11-2^1 ! AUCTION » I CARPET INSTALLERS Good pay, Car allowance STEADY WORK 815-653-6630 10-19/10-24 HIRE JUST THE RIGHT PERSON FOR THE JOB WITH A PLAINDEALER CLASSIFIED. Phone 385-0170 to place your ad. I % * McHenry TOOL MAKER PRODUCTION MACHINISTS Excellent opportunities and insurance plan. T. R. JONES MACHINE CO. 357 E. Judd St Woodstock, III. 338-2711 10-24/10-261 Young Man 19 yrs. or older Reliable with drivers license, good pay Work outdoors. 815-653-9720 10-24 MAINTENANCE MAN 2ND SHIFT Experienced in Hydraulics pneumatics plus welding. General knowledge of electrical and building facilities necessary. This position offers job security, good starting salary and an excellent benefit package. INTERMATIC, INC. Intermatic Plaza Rte. 12 & Winn Road Spring Grove, Illinois 815-675-2321 An equal opportunity employer AUCTION Saturday, October 27th--12:00 Noon Pillow Hill - Spring Grove (East of Rt. 31 on Rt. 12 to State Park Rd., and follow signs) 1934 Riley imp., mint cond., 1946 Jeep, fully restored; 1930 Model A, statiom wagon, needing restoration; Car parts; English copper street lamps; small brass cash register; English Steam engines toys; Spinet piano; air compressor; childs racing car; household furnishings and other misc. DUNNING'S AUCTION SERVICE Elgin, Illinois 312-741-3483 10-24 REAL ESTATE Northwest vacant 10 acre homesite on blacktop road, Wonder Lake area. 312-231- 1025. 10-3-tf 1-2 FOR SALE WONDER LAKE • 1 Bedroom on 3 lots, • excellent condition, I fireplace, new carpeting, • range, refrigerator, ; comb, storms & screens, J full bsmt. • new 24 x 24 garage. • $18,000 is LOUISE THOMAS j REAL ESTATE 1: 815-459-3298 j 10-24/10-26 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * FEMALE HELP WANTED HOUSEWIFE for Box Office Ca shier. Apply Skyline Drive In Theatre, McHenry, 385-5015 or 497-3428. 10-19/10-24 "" TeTp™ ANTED J I Receptionist/Secretary | | Good typing skills nec-l Iessary. 37^hr. week,plea-1 sant working conditions* • good pay and benefits. ADMINISTRATION OFFICE] School Dist. 15 3926 West Main Street, | I McHenry 10-24/10-26 1 m m 10-19/10-24 NOTICE REDUCEexcess fluidswithFlu- idex. Lose weight with Dex- A-Diet capsules at Bol- gers Drugs. 10-17&10-24 WANTED TO RENT Space to store 2 antique autos 385-7189. 10-19/10-24 FEMALE HELP WANTED SALES aWRESPONDENT"] Attractive opening for individual with 1-2 j years office background. Will handle mail j pertaining to sales, answer product inquiries by letter or phone, distribution of advertising literature and recording of orders. Must have good typing ability and a willingness to learn dictaphone. Excellent working conditions, starting salary and fringe benefits INTERMATIC, INC. Spring Grove, Illinois 815-675-2321 Please call for an appointment 10-19/10-24 ggj MALE HELP WANTED MALE HELP WANTED WANTED SALESMEN For clothing and sportswear. Experienced preferred. TOBER'S 51 North Williams Crystal Lake, Illinois 459-0271 10-24/10-26 McHENRY MEDICAL GROUP needs: PART TIME EMPLOYEE All day Saturday in maintenance department in Crystal Lake No experience necessary. Call MRS. LUETH 385-1050 or apply 1110 N. Green St., McHenry, III. 10-19/10-26 V1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PAINT SPRAYERS SPOT WELDERS ELECTRICAL ASSEMBLY SHEET METAL SET UP (Punch Press or Brake Press) 52^ HOUR WORK WEEK Company benefits Include: Company Paid • Major Medical Insurance • Hospitalization • Sick Leave • $4,000.00 Life Ins. • 9 Paid Holidays • Vacations Apply Daily 7:30 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. THE GRIEVE CORPORATION Industrial and Laboratory Ovens and Furnaces 500 HART ROAD ROUND LAKE, ILL. 60073 312-546-8225 MAINTENANCE MAN 2ND SHIFT 3:30 P.M. - Midnight Maintenance experience, machine repair work, good mechanical ability. Varied type of maintenance work. Good opportunity, excellent fringe benefits. Apply 7:00 A.M. • 4:00 P.M. Monday • Friday or Call 815-653-2841 or 815-385-3964 i M O D I N E MANUFACTURING COMPANY 4 miles north of McHcnrv on RmgwooJ R ! RINGWOOD, ILL INOIS Ar- E '!uhI O-iportunit" tr.. >lnv«-r 10-24 PLASTIC INJECTION MOLDING Machine Operator FOR 2ND & 3RD SHIFTS 40 To 48 His. Per Week CLEAN LIGHT WORK ON NEW EQUIPMENT GOOD STARTING BASE AND SHIFT RATES AUTOMATIC INCREASE AFTER 30 DAYS AUTOMATIC INCREASE AFTER 6 MONTHS 1% TIMES BASE PAY BEYOND 40 HOUR WEEK LIBERAL PIECE RATE INCENTIVES Excellent Working Conditions Air Conditioned Plant Free Coffee - Paid Lunch Period Paid Life Insurance Paid Hospital & Surgical Insurance ('250,000 Minimum) Paid Holidays & Paid Vacations No-Cost Stock Bonus Plan ' CALL JEAN WILKE 815/648-2416 FILTERTEK, INC. Price Road - Hebron, Illinois AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER