t West Shore Beach I u»0' NoW" \ cTATr nr n t tvmc l»XliK 5 - 1M-A1SDEALKR - WEDNESDAY, NOVK? Connie Schmidt 385-7841 Ditching Work Completed On Area Streets A contract signed earlier this year by the West Shore Beach Property Owners Association proposed the recent ditching completed by Gene Hughes. Culverts have been placed under Hillside Road and the corner of Alton and Or- thardway. The purpose of these culverts is to direct the flow of drainage water to the small creek that empties into Mc- Cullom Lake. Alton Road has been a big concern for some time because the hilly terrain of* the land has constantly hashed out in the past and :caused much flooding. Also Beachside ditching will divert water drainage toward the Hreek and prevent overflow on $pojnia property. This is only ie beginning of needed tulverts and ditching in our tubdiyision. Your own water problems on private property must be lolved individually. Our Jissociation does not have the liiecessary support or financial ^status to complete more than ^already has been done. Our small populous of concerned citizens must use what they have. Anybody who is effected should be a concerned association member. But we have people of the community who -do not even pay their annual dues. If you want to •v. know where money is spent |£$henN9e there when it is being made. Your cooperation is '"•needed. Please support the subdivision projects. OWNERS INVITED Come Nov. 10 at 4:30 p.m. to 5412 Orchardway for a meeting of the property owners association. Make this a first time meeting and show people you live here. Any member of the community is welcome. Young people where are you? Have you ever invited a neigh bor personally? Let's make this a good turnout! LADIES CLUB The women of West Shore Beach gathered at the home of Dolores Jaburek last Thursday to discuss plans for the coming holiday season. Those present included: Grace Latimer, Ann Garrelts, Katherine Aissen, Marie Wegner, Pat Hartmann, Erna Piatt, Martha Dignan,* Terri Brodin and Connie Sch midt. The evening's attendance award was won by Grace Latimer. A Christmas party will be held Dec. 5 at 8 p.m. in the home of Connie Schmidt. The ladies of West Shore Beach are invited to attend along with their husbands or a guest. Women of the auxiliary will deliver notices later this month to remind everyone of the celebration. Caret, games and refreshments are the spirit for the evening. Grab bag gifts may be brought by any woman or man wishing to participate in the exchange. Mark the date now as we would like to see you all there. DONATE FOR WEEDS The McCullom Lake Con servation Club placed weed killer on a large portion of our waterfront property. The cost of this operation was ap proximately $300. In order to do our part and to show our ap preciation for their fine work a small donation to the club is greatly needed. Please contact Boyd Knaack or Dolores Jaburek if you can give to the weed cause. We had the worst weed problem on the lake and feel the residents here need to do their share. More chemicals will be again added by the conservation club in the spring. Your help is greatly needed. STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )SS COUNTY OF MCHENRY ) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS DONNA M. BRANHAM, ) ) Plaintiff, ) ) vs. ) ) GLENFORD BRANHAM, ) Defendant. ) No. 73-3371 PUBLICATION NOTICE The requisite affidavit for publication having been filed, notice is hereby given you, GLEtfFORD BRANHAM Defendant in the above-entitlea suit, that the said suit has been commenced in the Circuit Court of McHenry County by the said Plaintiff against you, braying for divorce, and for other relief; that summons was dblyjssued out of the said court against you as provided bv law, and that the said suit is still pending. Now, therefore, unless you, GLENFORD BRANHAM, the PERSONALS Thirteen birthday wishes went to Charlynda Johnson on Oct. 29. Congratulations on becoming a teenager Lynda! A speedy recovery to Virginia Posthuma who is convalescing in Madison, Wis., at the University hospital. Please send a card as Virginia loves to hear from all of her friends. Get well soon Virginia. Ed and Erna Piatt traveled to Harwood Heights last Saturday to visit friends, Marie and Arlene and then stayed in Chicago with Ed's sister, Lil, and her husband, Clem. On Sunday they went to extend many get-well wishes to another sister, Hattie. Please call. HEADQUARTERS Duck & Pheasant Shot Gun Shells 12 Gau*e YOUR 16 Gauge CHOICE 20 Gauge No. 09894-006 $2 99 Castle "Skeeter" Canvas Gun Cases Small (38-40") YOUR Medium (42-44") puniPF («-«••) , X-Large (50-52") # O ® ' No. 08175 ^ Our Reg. *4.47 Standard Hunting Coat Brown hunting coat made of 2 ply army duck fabric with water re pellent finish. Corduroy collar, padded shoulders, nylon yoke. 3 front pockets; 6 shell loops in each bottom pocket. Our Reg. '11.97 *8 97 Standard Hunting Pants Brown 2 ply army duck fabric with water re pellent finish. Full ny lon rubberized front and seat. Reg. '8.97 Standard Shell Vest Made of brown field * duck fabric with wa ter repellent finish. Breast pocket, 22 allgauge shell loops. Reg. *3.37 $267 McHenry, Illinois Market Place Shopping Center HORNSBYS - f a m i l y cen te r s - HOURS: Daily 9-9 Sunday Till 6 Woodstock, III. Rte. 47 & Country Club Rd. said Defendant, file your an swer to the complaint in said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein, in the said Circuit Court of McHenry County, held in the courthouse in the City of Woodstock, Illinois, on or before thirty (30) days after the first publication of this notice, that date being October 31, 1973, default may be entered against you at any time after that day and a decree entered in accordance with the prayer of said com plaint. Dated October 17, 1973 Margaret O'Neil Clerk Samuel J. Diamond Attorney for Plaintiff LOOZE AND KINNE 3431 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois 6005 815-385-1580 (Pub. Oct. 31, Nov. 2,7,1973) t: rv •l&M HBtaE * • - -? Among the people who ap preciate the beauties of autumn, also, are NOT the fellers who have to rake up millions of soggy leaves. RECOGNIZED FOR SERVICE - Pictured above are nine McHenry Kiwanians who were honored at a recent Kiwanis meeting for having had perfect attendance while members of the McHenry Kiwanis chib. In the top row are Bob Beres, 1 year; Ed (•uettler, 16 years; Bob Smith, 3 years; and Tom Miller, 2 years; in the bottom row, from left, Gary Garde, 1 year; Dean Cunat, 7 years; Al Mapes, 6 years; Bob Mortell, 6 years; and Bob Peterson, I year. Absent when the picture was taken was Jerry Adair with 2 years perfect attendance. The McHenry Kiwanis club meets each Monday and has several special functions each month. Members are required to attend each Monday or make up at a special func tion. It is the support of fine Kiwanians such as these that allow the McHenry Kiwanis club to continue its support of many civic ac tivities. We think fashions should be as up- to-date as a brand new store. HOURS: Ladies, Girls Junior Six* 13.97 All the latest fall styles in autumn shades, colors Choose from Hornsby's wide selection of dresses for the school or career-minded girl Sizes 5-15. Sweater and Skirt Set Beautiful soft 7 gauge acrylic knit sweater & skirts sets Assorted styles in fall colors Sizes S-M-L. Ladies Long Sleeve Blouse Ladies Popular Cuffed Pants C38 Ladies Fancy Body Suit 297 Our Reg. 7.87 Polyester knit blends. Fancy lacquard patterns in a wide assortment of colors and designs. Sizes (10-18). Our Reg 4.32 Long sleeve, nylon knit body suit in the new "fashion's latest" look. Novelty collars and cuffts. Sizes (S-M-L) Ladies Short Sleeve Smock C«»y to car* for, polyester •nd nylon blend. Lots of fall colors in sizes (S-M-L). Button front. Fine nylon knit in beautiful prints. Fancy colors A cuffs Sizes (S-M-L). HORNSBYS - family centers ^ We honor Master Charge and Bank Americard Charge Cards McHenry, Illinois Market Place Shopping Center HORNSBYS Woodstock, Illinois Rte. 47 & Country Club Rd.