PAGK H - I 'LAIXDEALER-WEDNKSDAY. NOVEMBER 14. 1973 SPORTS Mobile News f % McHenry West Campus football coach Bill Day and two of his senior athletes. Kerry Decker and Steve Hurckes, visit a kin dergarten class at .James C. Bush Elementary School in John- sburg. The athletes talked football to an excited group of boys while the girls met with high school cheerleaders and pom pom girls. The kindergarteners later got together for a general question and answer period with the high school students. What's it like to be a pom pom girl? Do cheerleaders lose their voice a lot? A group of kindergarteners can be very inquisitive, especially on a subject in which they are all interested. Eight West Campus cheerleaders and pom pom girls enjoyed answering the questions when they visited the James C. Bush Elementary School recently. Cross Country Team Completes Another Successful Season By Dick Babbitt Coach Bill Hutchinson's "Running Warriors" com pleted another successful season. The Varsity won 13 lost 3 and tied 1, while the sophomores were 14 and 3. The freshmen had a 12 and 2 record, bringing the total for the three teams to a 39 wins, 8 losses and 1 t ie. In view of the caliber of competition, this is indeed a great record for the young Warrior squads. The Varsity were the champions of the Crystal Lake - Grant Invitational, and finished third in the North Suburban Conference. The Sophs also won their division in the Crystal Lake-Grant meet, and won the 20 team Northwest-North Suburban Invitational The freshmen placed 4th in the Crystal Lake Freshmen In vitational. In going back over the records from 1968 through 1973 we find the "Running Warriors" with a record of 177 wins, 25 losses and 2 ties. This has to be one of the top records in the state over a 6 year period McHENRY COUNTY COLLEGE Program Suggestions and Teachers Wanted Help us to make the Adult Education program more responsive to community needs. would like to see offered: • Courses I I | Courses I would like to teach: I I I I I I I Phone Number Your name Address I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J Please return to the Office of Community Services, McHenry County College, 6200 Northwest Highway, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014 or call at (815) 459-6800 (Ext. 24) by Monday, November 19, 1973.» * McHENRYTEACHERS BOWLING 11-7 Team Standings: Flunkies 12-4 1098 The Group 10-6 9114 Wrecks 8-8 9063 Jetset 7-9 8627 Undiscovered 6-10 8949 Hotshots 3-11 8872 The Sharpie Award ol the week goes to Mary Kasprzyk for raising her average 4 pins. Splitsville Corner has three members this week Loretta Homo'picked up the 5-8-10; and Carolyn Oetjen and Will Farrell picked up the 5-10. The McHenr\ Snowmobile Club first dance at \f McHenry (K» I ' dance was well only by members 1 interested m < ! ir safe and sane s Live entertuinnu the highlight;- ..•! A portion m > he from tick*'1 m . donated to the " Johnsburg Rescue r e s c u e s q u a d s v l i with the siv)\\nx advocate a saw * program. The ; include a trail v. anyone i nten ' safety and > repairs. Autumn !.-> : ! Nature puts (.n S no-Bugs leld their Moose in 1973 The attended not 3ut also those furthering ot nrnvmobiling •iit added to the evening monev raised ies will bp 1cHenry and • Squads. The : be working >biio < lab m • -v ;nV.bili.n;.: i • wh< eds. It must be near the holiday season. In the last two weeks, we have received fifteen letters from organizations asking lor donations. All good causes Each of us has to do some charity, but have to pick the spots where we think it will do the most good. If we give to everybody, somebody is going to have to run a tag day to keep us in the black. Another good cause. It seems a shame that in this land of plenty there are people who are hungry and need warm clothes as the severe winter approaches. Most of us put away clothing that we will never wear again. There is a certain attachment to old clothing. EARL WALSH So I H SPORT IKY INVITATIONAL -- The McHenry Junior 1 • sins Country Invitational held recently at I;-Henry. Over 50 students participated from ' grades. Members of the Junior High team - H u t c h i n s o n , C. Mortell, M. Lund, B. Cable, nine. s. (JTiesbafh, K. Freund, G. Rossetti. 2nd row I to r, C. Beyer, B. Bohl, D. Anderson, R. Rouse, E. Walker, G. Grenke, C. Aissen, P. Becker, J. Frantz, M. Ziszik, B. Bitterman, C. Nowell. 3rd row I to r, M. Rossetti, J. Freund, P. Mitche, L. Deja, D. Sehaeffer, J. Koehler, R. Harris, R. Rouse, J. Bit- termann, G. Roberts, D. Henshall, D. Wilson, J. Hutchinson. •* o money thai tells us it wo people for •, i-n i ld r j OR J ,• iretho p:<- hii . ig; cowling Instructor It Woodstock How Coach Hutchinson has presented the following awards to the team- VARSITY LETTERS John Barnings, Jr . Mike Jablonski, Jr . Roy Maras, Jr. Joe Meyer. Jr . John Melner- ney, Jr, Rich Nowell, Sr, Greg O'Halleran. Soph, Jerry Pepping, Soph, Greg Worm, Jr, Kevin Worm, Sr, Kevin YVyn- veen, Jr . Managers: Mike McDonough and Lou Sharp. J V. AWARDS Mark Afeld Jr, Mike Allison, Jr . Steve Griesbach, Jr, Mark Shuster, Sr, Scott Sveen, Jr, Keith Teuber, Jr , Tim Wilt, Sr. SOPHOMORE "M"AWARDS Mike Bazan. Ron Him- pelmann, Jim Murgatrovd, Andy Oakley, Dean Peterson, Steve Thorns, Greg Thornton, Marty Van Kanegan. Scott Chesler -- Manager. FRESHMEN NUMERAL (77) AWARDS Rich Brusca to. Bruce Byrne, Mark Dehn. Rich Long. Tom McAuhffe, Russ McKay, Greg O'Halleran. Mike Peterson. One guy asked us what we do with our old suits. "Wear'em"% was our reply. \or do .. . ! the scientif .c • f rom those ; to u'>nder:n*j ; expenpie.i ' 1 < • sums to Ji 'e :\ : i . on the Uih!e ' nnghl uerk but W e Im moon si tar. t in found hi JUS! })! '(»!. see it he ki the Laurel being hum) Sunday nij. him for the back lion; has a white Thert protest ommiss would 1 protest Wat erg; A.J. Ir . It and 1 «)U . ing ach- ock, 197:5 B C a i r y chool and : his dors learn bov\; con- ,v, i l i also learn about the A.J.B.C. program. In order for you to become a certified coach-instructor, you must be at least 18 years of age, but young people 14 years and older are also encouraged to attend, especially if they are school coaches or officers. Edgetown Bowl is on Route 47 (near Business Route 14) in Woodstock. Please bring your bowling ball and shoes and be prepared for an enjoyable and interesting day. HO* Service Tips lOOii' 1 ra: ; i nit : :arn AR SEALS - • JW OF >AOUNT PL T,EP >. '.101! off ' Just heard of another trip to be taken into space. The trip will cost the tax payers ore hundred million dollars. Bill hick Alk White So thousand a lot ot )e\ ». Car. repot ! Blake u eek We have no idea how Mike Rabbitt , Greg Sehaeffer. Ken Stanek, Kurt Teuber. Scott Wohnrade. VARSITY ALLCONFERENCE NORTH SUBURBAN 1973 John Mclnerney. 10th place, ' John Barnings, 15th place. Jerry Pepping, 19th place: Joe Meyer, 20th place. SPECIAL AWARDS Most Valuable - Varsity, John Mclnerney; Most Improved Varsity, Jerry Pepping; 100 percent Man - Varsity. Kevin Worm; Most Valuable Frosh- Soph, Greg O'Halleran. Best Time Home Course: Varsity, John Mclnerney 16:14 (3 miles); Soph. Geg O'Halleran 17:08 ( 3 miles ' ; Frosh. Rich Bruscato 11:13 '2 miles). With the squad made up of mostly underclassmen, it looks as if the future is very bright for Coach "Hutch" and his Cross Country team in the next few years. * wle how up ea we s l ie 's ; Oi was ; agai: that • r e a ! i " Y\ah c \ r i f t s 'Mti * * * * * * * * * * * $ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Are You N McHenry Are; Do You Know Some :>r WE WOULD LIKE TO uIl WELCOME TO EVERY NE OUR AREA ! ! • CALL v MANN :V Lv :V v^a usages, 'ind Bacon AND CHEESES mo Of lessen KNOW YOUR AREA-ROYAL W FINAL WARRIOR FOOTBALL STATISTICS Scoring T.D. P A T. (1) P.A.T^ (2) TP Dulberg 6 1 38 Klapperich 4 24 Freund 3 2 22 Grabowski Z 2 16 Staley 2 12 Dix 1 6 Whitehead 3 3 Mroz 1 2 RUSHING Name CARRIES YDS AVE TD Klapperich 65 449 6.9 3 Freund 89 432 4.9 2 Dulberg 56 181 3.2 6 Hansen 37 123 3.3 Thornton 7 70 10.0 Staley 48 23 - 2 Hurckes 9 16 1.7 Lane 5 15 3.0 Dix 3 11 3.6 Williams 2 6 3.0 McCafferty 11 -3 - Mroz 1 -4 - Grabowski 2 -9 - 335 1310 3.9 13 Passing Att Cemp Yds % T.D. Staley 107 49 736 42 5 McCafferty 9 2 35 22 Grabowski 3 0 0 _ Freund 2 1 13 50 Hansen 1 0 0 - Receiving Catches Yds Ave T.D, Grabowski 21 343 16.3 ' 2 Mroz 13 244 18.7 Dix 8 92 11.5 1 Hansen 4 43 10.7 Klapperich 2 38 19.0 1 Freund 2 26 13.0 Thornton 1 5 5.0 Hurckes 1 3 3.0 Interceptions Kasprzyk 1 : , Kt. i . Box 894, McHenry. Seen taking ti Pier (if; hotel in F^ort Lauderdale, Fla. ipated in "The Compressed Gas & ll-8-7'.5. niiiiaiMiiii i i i iMiiii i iuiii i i i i i imimiHiiihiimiiit Punt Returns No. Yds Ave. Klapperich 6 147 24.5 Hansen 10 56 5.6 Mroz 3 11 3.6 Long 1 - - Kickoff Returns No. Yds Ave Freund 4 138 34.5 Hansen 7 95 13.5 Hurckes 8 78 9.7 Klapperich 3 55 18.3 Kasprzyk 3 51 17.0 Decker 2 42 21.0 Eppel 5 39 7.8 Meyer 1 . . Williams 1 DEFENSE Name Solo Initial Asst's Total Eppel 21 77 45 140 Freund 12 32 36 80 Mroz 16 29 17 62 Hansen 9 31 22 62 Decker 10 33 14 57 Dobbertin 11 26 15 52 Roberts 9 28 11 48 Dulberg 12 20 15 47 Kasprzyk 16 13 17 46 Barry 7 18 14 39 Hurckes 10 18 11 39 from HISTORY'S SCRAPB0OK DATES AND EVENTS FROM YESTERYEARS On November 16, 1970, Oklahoma was admitted as the 46th state in the Union. The Suez Canal was officially opened, November 17, 1869 Panama and the United States signed an agreement' about the Panama Canal, November 18, 1903. President Lincoln delivered his famous Gettysburg Ad dress on November 19, 1863. The Nuremberg Trials began on November 20 1945 President Kennedy flew to Texas for a 2 day visit in that state, November 21, 1963. President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas Texas on November 22. 1963. J Just easf o f Rf . 12 = VOLO I •.i>iii i i i i : : i i i i i i i i l i l i i i l i imiiii i i | i i i>ill l l l l l l i l l iunui7 AMERICAN LEGION CLUB No. 491 RINGWOOD ROAD LIVE ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY NIGHT I 5" PM'to ? ?^ 2 BEERS & A COKE" NOVEMBER 2, 9, 16, 23 OPEN TO THE PUBLIC