-*v on® Cokmttg Two Burner Catalytic Coleman Coleman Coleman Stove Heater Sleeping Bog Lantern Lantern Coleman Fuel 1327 23" 1387 137t 1374 87c Our Rag. 16.96 Our Reg. 29.97 Easy to light, quick Thlt light weight ttove hooting and tafe. I* a mutt for tho Provldet up to 30 budget mindod hour* of hoot on a campor. Modol No. tingle filling. Modol 425. No. SI3-X. Our Reg. 18.96 Sloop warm in thlt Exceptional (looping bog. Will withstand hard uto yet weight only 3 lb. (Model No. •144403) Our Reg. 18.97 Double Mantle. Large ventilator reflect! wide circle of light. Very dependable lantern at a low price. Model No. 22*. Our R«g. 16.97 One of Coleman't bett double mantle Ion- t e r m . S t a n d a r d ventilator will tpreod a 100 foot circle of light. Modol No. 220F. Our Reg. 1.23 Superior quality formulated for w fuel, uto in lanternt, itovot and Catalytic ho a tort. One Gallon. Deluxe Bowling Bags 787 Bag with decorative racing strip* and gold nylon wait trim. Modol No. 06061. Complete Table Tennis Set Our Rag. 5.97 3.87 Have hours off fun with this official slzo table tennis set. Model No. 06632. Girl's Figure Ice Skate Excellent quality skates with naugalon uppers and water resistant soles. Model No. 06472. Boy's Hockey Skates Tendon guard skates with split leather uppers and hard box toes. Model Np. 06491. White or Black Hockey Tape */*" x 60 ft. roll of fine hockey taoe by Kendall. Ideal for taping hockey sticks, blades or olding socks in place. iFREEl 37' Hockey Puck Get our reg. 37c puck free with purchase of any hockey stock 97c and up. ' Our Reg. Our Reg. 12.97 Our Reg. 57c FREE THESE HORNSBYS FAMILY CENTERS OPEN 9 to 9 DAILY & 10 to 6 SUNDAY Rt. 34 & 47 Yorkville, III. 110 Waverly Morris, I I I . Route 136 Havana, I I I . Rt . 66 & 116 Pontiac, I I I . U.S. 6 & Rt. 26 Princeton, I I I . Market Ctr . McHenry, I I I . Route 47 Woodstock, I I I .