Mens Winter Jackets & Coats Our Reg. 25.87 A 5.87 savings on all mans wintar jackets and coats marlcod. 25.87. Comes in wools, nylons and vinyls, (all ? sixes), while they last. t Mens Fashion Mens Fashion Hit Shirts Mens Turtle Neck Shirt Styled Pants Our Reg. 9.87 Our Reg 7417 Mens pants in polyester knits, solids and novelties. (All sixes) 2.87 savings on all mans pants morkad 9.87 while stock lasts. Men's turtle neck light weight shirt. In solid colors off 100 par cant Orion. All sixes, whila they last. Largo salaction off man's dross, sport or knit shirts In all sixes. Save 2.87 on all shirts markad 7.87 whila stock last*. Ties not included. Gins Stylish ress Coats All Girls Coats Say* $3 off rag. markad 10.86 and up girls (7-14) and littla girls (&6X) full langth dross coats. All stylos, white thoy last. All Girls Dress Blouses Parma prass drniy »*yU girl* blouses (3-6X) t (7-14). $1 tawing* on all girls blousas markad 3.(4 whila stack last. Girls Warm Snowmobile Suits K7-14) Our Rag. 12.96 (3-6X) Our Rag 11.87 (2-4) Our Rag. 9.87 Nylon shall, quilt linod girls snowmobilo suits with full zippor at a $4 savings, whila stock lasts All Girls 2 pc. Pant Suit Our Rag. C 5.76 • Popular 2 pc. pant suits (n tho latost styles for all girls (7-l4^and little gWs (3-6X). L A Y - A - W A Y > (on» use our (onvemtm loyowoy plon to hold oil »our purchases y 4 Infant and Toddlers " Coat and Legging Sets OFF Sava $4 oH all infants (12-24 OurRaa month) and toddlars (2-4) 1597(12-24 coot and lagving sats pricad montha) 15.97 to 19.76 whila stock ,9 (2-4) THESE HORNSBY'S FAMILY CENTERS OPEN 9 to 9 DAILY & 10 to 6 SUNDAY Rt . 34 & 47 Yorkv i l l e , I I I . 110 Waver ly Mor r is , I I I . Route 1 36 Havana , I I I . R t . 66 & 1 16 Pont iac , I I I . U .S . 6 & Rt . 26 Pr ince ton , I I I . Marke t C t r . McHenr y , I I I . Route 47 Woodstock , I I I .