PAGE 4 - PLA1NDEALER-WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 5, lf73 REVIEW NEW MARRIAGE LAWS - Mrs. Muriel Miller, left, officer in the Episcopal church women's group, and Marilyn Lang, president of the unit in St. Paul's church, McHenry, are shpwn with Mrs. Evelyn Steans of St. Lawrence church, Libertyville, diocesan president. Mrs. Stean^ met with the St. Paul women to explain new marriage laws adopted at the national convention of the Episcopal church, held in Louisville, Ky. Among rules defeated were the ordination of women ttf the priesthood. Q/otsx Jlzaguz ^Pzs±icUn£ (cNclytlexL !Z7o c/lfifizali !Boazd June Girard (Mrs. H.D.) of Woodstock was recently ap pointed to the McHenry County Zoning Board of Appeals. A fifteen-year member of the League of Women Voters, Mrs. Girard has a diversity of background experiences upon which to draw in fulfilling her new responsibilities. After joining the league in Bloomington, Minn., she began her career chairing the Water Resources Study committee. In Lake Bluff league she acted as secretary and was chairman of human resources. She was selected to serve on the Lake County committee of the League. In 1966 she authored a booklet titled Lake County Government. Since her next community of residence didn't have a League, Mrs. Girard helped to organize one, the Libertyville-Mundelein league, i .and she was elected its first • / president. Along with her chairmanship of membership for the Illinois State league, she was appointed advisor to the Carpentersville- Dundee league. Most recently she has functioned as both vice- president and president of the Woodstock-McHenry league conjointly holding the public relations and U.S. Congress 0 ; HAVE YOU BEEN IN THE WEATHERVANE SHOP? Come In And See Our Lovely Selection » NEEDLEPOINT • CREWEL KNITTING • CROCHETING • MACRAME' • RUG MAKING MANYOTHER GIFT SELECTIONS CLASSES AVAILABLE: NEEDLEPOINT • KNITTING • CROCHETING WEATHERVANE SHOP Open 10 to 5 - Hon mm Sat • 815-385-0884 1313 N. Riverside Drive • McHenry, III. Give Yourself Som Give Yourself A For Cfiristmas. ONLY $2995 f 11 £ ^ 3012 W. > aj % Rte. 120- Ij P ^McHenry 7 385-0048 ssage ' \zNutcuxc£u.\. P̂xouLcLes iSfiizil Of ffltxistmas American Legion Auxiliary News The lglow of Christinas will surround the Opera Howe on the city square in Woodstock when the Woodstock Fine Arts association (WFAA) presents Tschaikovsky's "The Nut cracker" on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, Dec. 7,8 and 9 and Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 15 and 16. Friday and Saturday curtain times are 7 p.m.; Sunday performances begin at 5 p.m. Imaginative costumes^ designed and sewn by Mrs. Jane Krause and Mrs. Kathy Gaylord, use a rainbow of colors in keeping with the special stylized sets. Mrs. Julie Shufelt has transformed the Opera House stage in keeping with the hour-and-a-half adaptation of this popular family fantasy. The cast, selecteft-from W.F.A.A. Dance company members and McHenry county actors and actresses, includes Michelle Stork as Clara; Mathew Krause, Fritz, her brother; Theresa' Bill, her mother, and, Paul Withington, her father. Herr Drosselmeyer, who gives Clara the famous racker as a Christmas gift, is placed Ey Andy Learner. The Nutcracker «>mes to life in the person of Harry Krippes. Andrea Norris is the Snow Queen, and Don Barden, the Snow King. Andrea returns as the Sugar Plum Fairy in the final Candyland scene. King Rat will be played by Tom Tambone. Popular McHenry county personalities, Mai Bellairs and Sasha Vereschagin, will serve as narrators. Dancers include Cynthia Leibert, Ellen Parusis, Lynn Schauble, Mary Cain, Allison Peterson, Bonnie Holtzee, Sharon Meisel, Sue Cable, Kitty Schauble, Melissa Wisse, Liz Remich, Lynn Norris, Paige Kurtz, Jodie Kurtz, Roxanne Shook, Becky Harris, Ann Wissell, LaDona Muleski, Stephanie Stewart, Vicki Lang, Mary Huebsch, Lisa Withington, Lisa Barden and David Barden. Esther Wanieck is the director, and Don Barden is the producer. WFAA Ballet teachers, Lynn Norris and Margaret Wittenden, did the choreography. Program designer is Rudy Magnani and make-up will be done by Nancy Hollister. Tickets will be available at the box office prior to each performance. To arrange for group attendance or to obtain further information, contact the program chairman, Mrs. Gerson Widoff, 1712 Hobe road, Woodstock. JUNE GIRARD portfolios for/the Illinois State leaguer*""""* Gerri Braun of Harvard was elected to succeed Mrs. Girard as president of the Woodstock- McHenry League of Women Voters. Mrs. Braun assumed her new duties at the November board meeting held in the First Methodist church, Woodstock. Two vice-presidential posts were filled by Christine Clark (Mrs. Cameron T.) of McHenry and Grace Jo O'Leary (Mrs. Robert J.) of Woodstock. In addition to the responsibilities of their new offices, Mrs. Clark maintains the international relations portfolio and Mrs. O'Leary will continue to be the school finance chairman. Mrs. Braun brings over four years of league and related community experiences to her new office. With the Family Service and and Mental Health Center for McHenry County, she acted as board director for the auxiliary and a member of the Education committee. More recently she has been asked to sit on the board of C o m p r e h e n s i v e H e a l t h Planning agency for McHenry! county. Mrs. Braun's service to the Woodstock-McHenry League includes/membership in the housing study and welfare committees, chairing the corrections and voter service committees, a two-year secretarial term, and vice- president, She retains the responsibilities of voter service in addition; to her duties as president! The challenges before Mrs. <Sfi\Lng <prJ€> <W tSfxaxjOzttL ^Sufxpu.x The Spring Grove PTO is having a spaghetti dinner Sunday, Dec. 9. The hours of the dinner will be noon to 5 p.m. and will be served in the learning center of the Spring Grove elementary school. In addition to the delectable Italian dinner available, there will be a Country Store with the aroma of fresh baked goods and all the nostalgia of home. Anyone desiring to contribute any home baked goods or bazaar items fill find them graciously accepted by Carol Olenick. Tickets will be sold preceeding the event and alstf at the door. Everyone is welcome. D(xis U^iLngCz azaax diiif Cfuixcfi The women of Faith Presbyterian church will hold their Kris Kringle bazaar Saturday, Dec. 8, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., at Faith Presbyterian church, 1511 N. Chapel Hill road, across from the outdoor theatre. All items are handcrafted including tree decorations, stuffed toys, doll clothes, candles, pine cone wreaths and the Faith church women's cookbook. There will also be home baked goods, featuring fudge. The 'teen group of the church will serve lunch. Unusual low cost gifts will be found for that special person. Children are encouraged to attend, too. FINAL ( CLOSEOUT ! CHRISTMAS TREE * LIGHTS & * DECORATIONS 50% TO 67% OFF RenAwulUHt & £o*U, 9hc>. Quality BuildeB Rt 31 between Ciystal Lake and McHeniy Phone 815-459-0660 HOURS: MON. - FRI. 8to^ Tgir; "" ! SAT. - SUN. 10 to 3 cMo[idcuj <cRe.cifi.Ei 9oi (J^LaJj€.tLc cJ^ucLilcdjb Isabel Br6dy, ft»D., therapeautic dietitian rat McHenry hospital, has /Com piled a sheet erf holiday recipes which are designed /for the diabetic patient. In addition to bread stuffing, cranberry- orange relish, mock hollan- daise sauce, and other recipes, suggested menus for holiday dinners are also included. Copies of "Diebetics Can Enjoy Holiday Menus" may be had by writing Mrs. Brody, McHenry hospital, McHenry. UNIT NO. 491 By Pearl Cooper Mrs. Lloyd (Midge)/Scharf, president of the McHenry unit, American Legion auxiliary, has announced her chairmen for the year11973-74. They are as follows: Americanism and National Security, Mrs. George (Ruth) Mrachek; Auxiliary Loan\and Education, Mrs. Jay (Evelyn) Osmon; mood Bank, Mrs. Ed. (Maria) Guettler; Children and Youth (Child Welfare), Mrs. Dennis (Grace) Latimer; Civil Defense and Emergency Planning, Mrs. Jean Sherwood; Com munications and Publicity, Mrs. Jack (Pearl) Cooper; Community Service, Mrs. Tom ( H e l e n ) B i r m i n g h a m ; Coupons, Mrs. Lorraine Freund; Finance, Mrs. Raymond (Betty Lou) Smith, Mrs. C.J. (Ceil) Violett, and Mrs. Jay (Evelyn) Osmon; Also Foreign Relations, Mrs. Richard (Lydia) Fenner; Funerals, Mrs. Bernie (Frances) Matchen; Girl's State, Mrs. Ed. (Margaret) Datz; Gold Star, Mrs. Jacob (Mary) Kantorski, Kitchen, Mrs. Frances Matchen; Legislative and By-Laws, Mrs. Dorothy Miller; Members Liaison, Mrs. Betty Lou Smith; Membership, Mrs. David (Dpris) Henken; Memory Book, Mrs. Lydia Fenner; Music, Mrs. Maria Guettler; Parliamentarian, Mrs. Edwin ( E l e a n o r e ) R e i d ; P a s t President's Parley, Mrs. Betty Lou Smith; Poppy, Mrs. Gib (Carolyn) Congdon, Sunshine, Betty Lou Smith; Veterans' Craft, Mrs. Stephen (Theresa) Huska; and Ways and Means, Mrs. Ceil Violett. Mrs. Victor (Marie) Howe will be Veterans' Affairs and Rehabilitation chairman for Elgin hospital. Tips For The Homemaker BENEFIT SUCCESS The Kim White benefit concert held recently was a success. Bill Dean thrilled his audience with an excellent v organ program. Funds were raised in the amount of $1,443.44, for Kim, an Island Lake girl, who suffered a tragic mishap this past summer., leaving her paralyzed. "Keep up the pace by keeping your machine oiled and clean," says Pat Sullivan, McHenry county Extension adviser. For oiling it's best to use oils distributed by sewing-machine manufacturers to lubricate your sewing machine. Household oils are too heavy for sewing machines and will leave a wax-like deposit on the moving parts, causing the machine to work harder. Many new sewing machines have sealed motors that don't require lubrication. Don't oil the motor unless your sewing machine manual tells you to oil it. It you use your machine all day long every day, clean and oil it at least once a day. And if you keep it in a warm or damp place, oil it frequently. Refer to your manual for specific oiling points. After oiling, always sew a few lines of stitching on a fabric scrap to remove the excess oil. Ideal Man? Often, a woman's ideal man is the one that she turned down twenty years ago as being to or dinary. Good Advice When you art in deep water, it's a good ide| to keep your mouth shut \ Girard and Mrs. Braun are in the spirit of the League's c o n t i n u i n g g o a l o f a c t i v e political participation and developing an informed electorate. MR. AND MRS. JAMES R. MICHMERSHUIZEN BRIDAL COUPLE - A beautiful fall wedding was solemnized in the First Congregational church, Genoa City, Wis., Saturday, Oct. 6, when Pamela May Watson became the bride of James Robert Michmershuizen. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norwin Wat9on of 721 Carter street, Genoa City, Wis., and her bridegroom iy the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mictunershuizen of 10711 Maijpweet, Richmond. a*; MR. AND MRS. LOUIS F. GROTH JloiLtA (Wzd 50 Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Groth of 1815 S. Femwood, McHenry, observed the occasion of their fiftieth wedding anniversary Wednesday, Nov. 28. That evening, friends in Fernwood subdivision called at the Groth home. The following Sunday, friends from Chicago and Rolling Meadows joined others from McHenry to visit the couple. Pastor Herman Graef of Zion Lutheran church officiated at a special celebration held at the Groth residence. Louis and Elizabeth Groth were married in St. Andrews Lutheran church, Chicago, Nov. 28, 1923. They moved to the McHenry community twenty years ago. The Groths have one son, Clifford, of Chicago, two grandchildren, Christine and Larry, and a great- granddaughter, Anna. Mr. Groth is a retired Chicago fireman. His wife worked for twenty-one years for the Department of the Army, Defense Subsistence )ply agency, employee of the McHenry Supply agency, and now is an Plaindealer in department. irculation HOSPITAL NOTES McHENRY HOSPITAL Among patients admitted to McHenry hospital were Marc Hutt, Erick O. Kentzel, Henrietta Bruce, Edward A. Kolan, Donald G. Williams^ Sandra Miesen, Katrina Marie Marunde, Kerry Batdorff, Jennie W. Schultz, Loretta M. Abbs and Virginia Henderson, McHenry ; Dolores M. Duenser, Island Lake; Linda J. Cook and Diane Puleo, Wonder Lake. BIRTHS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wisniewski became parents of a daughter, Heather Renee, Nov. 29, at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. She weighed 6 lbs., 7 oz., and is^their first child. Maternal grandmother is Esther Karbin, McHenry. The paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Wisniewski, McHenry. Great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ben Miller, McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. James Williams, McHenry, announce CAPACITY CROWD In commenting on the tremendous crowds that more than filled West campus auditorium for the McHenry Choral club program both Saturday and Sunday nights, club president, Edwin Wit- trock, has assured steps will be taken before the next concert to be sure that persons will not be disappointed again in being turned away. The club is c o n s i d e r i n g v a r i o u s suggestions and will make a decision before the next program. the birth of a son, Brion Thomas, Nov. 28. He weighed 9 lbs., 6 oz., and has three brothers, James, 17, Donnie, 9, Robert, 3; and two sisters, Patricia, 18, and Diane, 14. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. W. Calhoun of Spring Grove. The paternal ones are Mrs. Ralph Williams of DeBray, Fla. McHENRY HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Low announce the birth of a son Nov. 30. \<W0(. I .3812 West Elm Street Phone 385-0170 McHenry. Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesday & Friday at McHenry, Illinois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois By McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY Larry E. Lund Publisher Adele Froehlich Editor MEMBER V NEWSPAPER NATIONAL NEWSPAPER SfggQE >«~^»* in NNA SUSTAINING .S MEMBER - 1974 fret Priu • Key SU' .CRIPTION RATES SI Near 1 Year $9.00 In McHenry and Lake Outside McHenry and H ^ County Lake County ^ 8 fgtt CHRfcf cm wtkffi LnnSTDNE 1219 N. GREEN ST. 385-0182 GREEN STREET MALL McHENRY, ILL HOURS: SUN. 9-2 * MON. thru THRUS. 9-6 FRI. 9-9 SAT. 9-6 1