PAGE M - PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1973 McHenry Shores Mrs. ROM UUegard 385-850C BOARD MEETING The regular board of trustee meeting was held Nov. 29, one week later than normal due to Joseph Rybacek, instructor of Art, and Barb Swant, MCC Art student, are shown arranging the display of MCC work in the Social Security office in Woodstock. Display MCC Students' Art Students of the painting and drawing courses at McHenry County college are displaying their work at the Social Security office, 226 W. Judd street, Woodstock, now through Jan. 8. Student artists include Judy Baird, Pearl Pedersen and Sue Smith of McHenry; Mary Ehredt of Wonder Lake; April Anderson of Marengo; Sharilynn Durden, Keith Gassmann, Karen Stahlecker and Roberta Streb of Crystal Lake; Marvin Leanna of Woodstock; Ken Pacquette, Barb Swank and Kim Ziph of Cary and Janet Schmidt of Harvards. Students in the college's Art club helped in hanging the show. LEARN KARATE FROM MI EXPERT !! • CUSSES MEET NINE TIMES EVERY WEEK (Afternoon & Evening Classes) • CHRISTMAS GIFT PROGRAM • FREE TRAIL LESSON- NO OBLIGATION Young Hong Karate Inst. •For Further Information Call- 815-338-5159 or 459-1441 401 St. John's Road - Woodstock First Twin Girls Born In Village Hear ye, Hear ye, let it be known that another first has been recorded since we have incorporated as a village. This notorious first belongs to Guy and Patricia Walton who became the proud parents of fraternal twin girls December 3. All of McHenry hospital and of course McHenry Shores are very excited of the bubbling news. Michelle Lynn born at 5:40 p.m. weighed inat6 lbs., 11 oz., and has dark hair while Jennifer Lynn born at 5:45 p.m. weighed in at 7 lbs., 8% oz., and has blonde hair. The proud - parents claim no history of twins on either side of the family and needless to say, it was a complete surprise right up to 5:45 p.m. when the second girl was born. The twins will be welcomed home by their only sister, 10 year old Shelley Lynn. We understand that papa' is doing just fine and mother will have quite a few buttons to sew on his shirts on her return from the hospital. The proud grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Fruehe of Lake Zurich and Mr. and Mrs. John Walton of Fox Lake will have their work cut out for them when it becomes time for a baby sitter. Patricia asks that any friends who may have a suggestion as to how to make 24 hour day into 48 hours to please call and let her know. I'm sure that all of us in McHenry Shores wish only double happiness to both Guy and Patricia. SANTA IS COMING By this time all homes in McHenry Shores have received notice that Santa is coming Saturday, Dec. 22, between the hours of 54 p.m. If by chance you have not received notice contact either Sandra Moyer 385-8646 or Rose Lillegard 385- 8500. Unfortunately, Santa's elves have only been able to stock a limited quantity of stockings for the children so §lease make your request nown immediately before Dec. 15. The carollers have been busy practicing and organizing themselves under the direction of Mrs. Gerry Olbinski. The carollers will accompany Santa on his iourney for everyone's en joyment. The next event on the women's social committee is the annual garage sale to be held in April. You are asked to save items that you wish to donate to the garage sale. All proceeds from the sale will be used by the women's social committee to finance ad ditional functions for the community. Your cooperation is needed. VEHICLE STICKERS Once again it is that time of the year to renew your vehicle license and village stickers. While it is on your mind, do it today. The office hours are Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 2-4 p.m. Any other time during the week up uAtil 5 pul Plaindealer under the legals. All members were present with the exception of President Bieritz who became ill earlier in the evening. In the absence of the President. Clarence Sch- weikert presided /over the meeting as duly (•appointed president pro-tem. There was no treasurer's report as the report is due only at the first meeting of each month. Bills were presented in the amount of $71.33 in the general fund and all bills were approved for payment. The new proposed dog or dinance was presented to the board by Mr. Olbinski for their consideration for the next meeting. Building Inspector Mr. Ewald presented to the board a „ -- up p.m. is by chance, so please do not say that " " " availabl the clerk was not By BOB JUSTEN NEW! Advertisers know the word has impact. Almost magic appeal. Anew service or product sig nifies, or at least implies new knowledge has been acquired. It is more abundant in our life time,, than in any previous era in history. Take for example the knowledge acquired in transmission of sight and sound in T V, computerized information instantly avail able, the knowledge acquired in the landing of man on the moon, etc. Smooth and fluent phrases lead people to believe man's knowledge in many things'will make all things possible. Nothing seems impossible. Yet, with all this acquisition of knowledge, perilous problems of personal, family and social nature have "increased. Personal discontent and unhappiness out-matches sat isfaction and happiness for many people throughout the world. . .Why? . . .The reason was given cent uries ago by Solomon when he wrote the last verse in Ecclesiastes: "For in much wisdom is much grief; and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow" . . .The Bible is right - again . . .GEORGE R. JUSTEN FUNERAL HOME - 3519 W. Elm Street, McHenry, Ill inois - Phone 385-2400 Hard work never kills anyone, they say, but occa sionally it wears us down. SUPER CHRISTMAS SPECIALS AT BEN FRANKLIN SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8 ONLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9 ONLY SUPER SPECIALS! SUPER SPECIALS! One Size Panty Hose Plastic Christmas Placemats REG. 'LOO REG. 99 Limit 6 Pakof 4 Ironing Board Pad & Cover Set Mens Hi-Bulk Dress Socks REG. *2.99 set REG. *1.50 Homecrest C or D Flashlight Batteries Mixed Nuts REG. 99' REG. 25' Wrigle/s Plent Pak Automatic Electric Blanket REG. *14.98 REG. 19 Limit 6 BENfFRAN KLIN STORE HOURS: Saturday 9:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. YOUR FRIENDLY FASHION STORE Shop These Addition I Hours: 1250 N. Green St, McHeniy, III. Mon. • hi. til 9 Sunday 10:00 HM. to 5:00 P.M. The Bible Speaks Virgje L. Chappell, Pastor First Baptist Church, McHenry request for a variance as to square footage for a new residence. The request is for the incompleted foundation on Biscayne. No action was taken at this time. Although the present building code known as Ordinance No. 2 provided for and explained the conversion of garages to habitable space an additional amendment known as Or dinance No. 2.3 was passed to further explain this type of conversion. You can find this Ordinance No. 2.3 printed elsewhere in today's paper under the legal notices. It was further discussed as to what type of work would require Sermits. After a lengthy iscussion it was decidea to refund permit fees that were collected for reroofing. To simplify matters a list for what type of work that would not require a permit will be available in tne future as soon as it can be assembled. Insurance coverage for the police department and correspondence on village letter head took a good portion of the meeting. These matters will be further discussed at the next regular board meeting Dec. 13. The meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. BOWLING STANDINGS Team standings as of Nov. 30. Alley Cats 20-12, Sensationals 18-14, Undecideds 17-15, Un- believables 17-15, Power House 13-19, and Lucky Strikes 11-21. High average to date is a close contest Detween Linda Kurowski with a 130.8 and Pat Knapik with a 130.4. The outstanding game of the day went to Jan Mapes w h o b o w l e d 5 s t r a i g h t Mapes who bowled 5 straight strikes from the seventh frame on to end up with a 161 game. Jan started the next game with her eighth strike. Welcome to Mrs. Laura Ferwerda who was so kind to bowl as a sub and also to Sharon Tibbs. I understand that we will be seeing (Jerry Olbinski bowling again in the very near future. GIFTS AND GIVING - Part I - * St. Mark records an instance in the life of Jesus Christ when he visited the treasury of the Temple. He observed as people brought their gifts (Mark 12:41-44). Many who were rich brought their large gifts and placed them in the treasury. There was a widow in the group who came bringing only two coins of small value. Jesus called the attention of the disciples to this widow. "Verily, I say unto you, that this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury: For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living," Jesus said (Mark 12:43-44). Christmas is a time of giving and receiving gifts. Probably too much time is spent thinking upon what is to be received rather than what is given. Few of us give a second thought concerning a gift to our God for Christmas. Let us consider the motivation of the widow as she gave this great gift to God. The greatest motivation for any believer to give to God is the desire to follow the teaching of thie Holy Bible. Such passages as, "God loves a cheerful giver," (2 Cor. 9:7) and "Give and it shall be given unto you," (Luke 6:38) are sufficient for the committed Christian. The widow knew such passages as: "The holy unto the Lord," (Leviticus 27:30) and "Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse," (Malachi 3:10) and even others. However, the motivation to give her all went far beyond the concept of the "tenth." Undoubtedly, there was also a motivation of thanksgiving. One could hardly imagine anyone giving her all without an emotional expression of thanksgiving from her heart. One does not give all unless it comes from the heart. We might identify her with the woman who was healed by Jesus of an issue of blood, though this is perhaps unlikely (Matthew9:20ff). This woman had "spentall" on doctors services seeking physical healing. A miraculous touch of the Master brought immediate healing. This woman could easily have given her last two coins in heartfelt gratitude. At this season, we should "Count our many blessings, name them one by one" (J. Oatman, Jr.) and our gifts to God could become more proper gifts from the heart. A third motivation could have been an anticipation of a future meeting with God and our Lord Jesus Christ in eternity. She did not see the experience of this life to be final and ending. Instead, she understood and had accepted that God had prepared a place in eternity for her, and that place was in the very presence of God. Jesus taught that each of his followers would "give account" of his stewardship to God (Matthew 18:23 ff). As she gave this gift, it symbolized that she committed her complete self to God. Nothing was withheld. All was given. "But who am I and who are my people that we should be per mitted to give anything to you? Everything we have has come from you, and we only give you what is yours already!" (I Chronicles 29:14 LB). POLITICAL CORNER TELLS CANDIDACY office of the Superintendent of Educational Service Region of McHenry county in the primary election to be neld March 19. Mr. Hall is presently assistant Superintendent of Ec Service County. Region ducational of McHenry * • * • The crop of pretty things in the schools and colleges this fall is better than usual. EDWARD W.HALL Edward W. Hall has an nounced that he will seek the Republican nomination for the DIAL DOWN _J Conserve \ Heating Fuel r 11 11 ii --COUPON""---"" !10°° OFF jANY MIRROR OR BLACK IRON TABLE! (One Coupon Per Customer) I McHENRY GLASS 1301 N. RIVERSIDE | McHENRY | Offer Good Til December 22, 1973 | 4-PLY NYLON ANTIFREEZE Gallon *2°° McHenry Tire Marl 3931 W. Main St. Ph. 385-0294 I