Your Dollars iwch rornier H e r e A t . . . H0RN5BYS f a m i l y cen ter s ^ a Coats and Clark Knitting Yarn Our Reg. To 1.58 1 Wool worsted or wintuk, 3% and 4 ox. 4 ply skeins. In entire color spoctrum. Limit 6 skoins, mix or match. Fibre-Craft Beaded Fruit Kits Beautiful & Handy Braided Rugs Useful braided rugs made of nylon and acetate. 24" x 45". They come In floral prints and are reversible-washable. $ l Mfgrs. 2.29 Value 1 Our Reg. 1.93 Choico of poach, lomon, pinoapplo, strawborrios, orango, applo, plum, banana or poar. Each kit completely self-contained. All Purpose Rit Dye <? If 12" x 12" Ass't. Throw Pillows Our Reg. 34c 5 Pkgs. for & Our Reg. 1.87 ea. 3 : * 2 36 colors from which to choose. Powder concentrate. 1 '/• oz. package. 1001 uses. Completely guaranteed. I Scotch 3-M Pinless Pattern Holder Fantastic assortment of fake furs and better fabric toss pillows to add to any decor. Our Reg. 1.77 1 Holds your pattern in place without using pins. Safe to use and handy. MORE VALUES • • • TO S-T-R-E-T-C-H YOUR HARpTIpucn 00tUR Package of 3 ea. (12 flashes). Uses no batteries. Limit 2 Pkgs. Dependable film that fits Kodak, C.A.F., and all pocket cameras. Limit 2. 20 exposures. I Disposable World's thinnest butane lighter. Givos lots of lights and fits just about anywhoro. THESE HORNSBYS FAMILY CENTERS OPEN 9 to 9 DAILY & 10 to 6 SUNDAY Rt. 34 & 47 Yorkville, III. 110 Waverly Morris, III. Route 136 Rt. 66 & 116 U.S.6&Rt.26 Market Ctr. Route 47 Havana, III. Pontiac, III. Princeton, III. McHenry, III. Woodstock, III