PAGfe X - PLAINDEALER-WEDNfcSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1974 Winter Activities At YMCA Are Under Way Most of the winter session activities of the Lake Region YMCA begin this week. There are activities for all age youth and adults at the YMCA at 7350 S. Route 31, near Crystal Lake, and in a variety of community locations. Children from 4 to 6 years old are participating in a new gym and swim program. Six-year- olds through grandparents may register for a swim program aimed to interest beginners or accomplished swimmers. In addition to the progressive lessons, there are diving and synchronized swim classes. Physical Fitness • is a specialty class for high school students and adults. The four Fitness programs now beginning include Aqua-natics for swimmers and non- swimmers planning to exercise to improve their muscle tone and cardiovascular fitness; Belly Dancing for women in cluding historical details, conditioning and dance pat terns; Lifeline Conditioning for adults desiring to improve their overall bod^ tone and physical strength with both beginning and advance classes; Women's Exercise for women to trim and stretch muscle tone and to develop the entire body. Family swims continue every evenine and on weekends For Your Information Dear Friends, The sensible husband and wife will consult with their lawyer to draw up a will so that the disposition of their estate will occur with the least difficulty and expense. One day spent in estate planning with the right lawyer may do a man's family more good than one thousand days spent in making money. Respectfully, PETER M.JUSTEN & SON FUNERAL HOME 33i> 0063 Recreational swims are for ^fouth, high school students and adults according to scheduled times. Activities scheduled in community locations include Indian Guides, Indian Princess, Warriors, and Y's Men's clubs. Also bowling on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday for boys and girls in second through eighth grades at Metro Bowl, Karate for men on Wednesdays and for women on Mondays at Central school, and volleyball for men at Lundahl Junior high school Thursdays. Additional activities at the YMCA include Judo for youth at 9:30 and 10:40 a.m. and for adults at 11:50 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Saturdays; Chess on Wednesdays from 7:30 to 10 p.m.; Ground school Mondays from 7 to 9:30 p.m. and Swim Team for second grade through high school participants able to swim 2 lengths each of front crawl, back crawl and breast stroke. Boys team practices on Tuesdays from 6 to 7 p.m. while the girls team practices on Monday and Wednesdays from 6 to 7 p.m. Registrations continue to be accepted at the YMCA on week days from 9 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., and on Sundays from 2 to 5 p.m. MCC Students Are Fighting Energy Crisis The students at MCC are making a move in the right direction towards fighting the energy crisis. Their lead could be an example for all high schools and factories in the Physician On Duty Weekends, Area Hospital Memorial Hospital for McHenry County at Woodstock now has a physician on duty throughout the weekend for Emergency room duty, Bert Hanson, administrator, has announced. The licensed physician will stay in the hospital throughout the weekend every weekend from 7 p.m. Friday until 6 a.m. Monday to staff the Emergency department. During the week staff physicians are responsible for emergency room duty on a rotating twenty-four hour basis but are not always in the hospital when on call. This expanded service will provide immediate physician care on weekends when, by far, the largest number of emergencies are handled at the greatly enlarged Emergency depart ment, Hanson said. ^ This, new health care . jJroeram is through the area to join in and help save energy. There will be meetings for all students interested in car- pooling to MCC. The day students have scheduled their meeting for Wednesday, Jan. 9, at noon in the Student Union. Evening students will have an op portunity to meet Monday through Thursday, Jan. 7 to 10, at 8:15 p.m. in the Union. Any Spring semester students who are interested are urged to attend. A poster will be put up for rides for students who can't make the meetings. cooperation of the Memorial hospital and the medical staff, and it will provide some relief to the regular staff doctors who are handling the week day emergency room respon sibilities. Charges made for physician services and hospital services will be billed by Memorial hospital when patients are treated in the emergency room. If patients are admitted to the hospital for added care, the regular family physician will assume the patient care. In addition, Hanson noted that the regular staff doctors will serve as backup emergency room duty physicians should their help be needed. Increased usage of the Emergency room is a national trend and Memorial hospital at Woodstock is one of the Illinois hospitals involved with the Emergency Medical system as outlined by the Illinois Department of Public Health. During the past calendar year, Memorial hospital had 6,517 emergency room visits, an average of seventeen a day. However, on some weekends the patient load is far higher than that daily average would indicate. With a physician on duty in the Emergency < room on weekends, people now can seek medical assistance at Memorial Hospital if it is needed, Hanson said. A great deal of what we see depends on what we're looking for. The Daylight Savings Time which became a reality Sun day, Jan. 6, will present a real safety hazard for the youngsters of our community as they travel to bus stops or school. Dr. Robert Boos, McHenry Elementary District 15 superintendent, strongly urges all who drive in the early morning to be particularly aware of children in transit and those who are awaiting school buses. This hazard is truly a problem during the months of January and February while the daylight Hours are so short. let Jewel Help You Serve Nutritious low-Cost Meals! £££ ilNES^u SSNS5ANT3 ATW:SLEL ZuwS WEST ELM STREET ^SMOKED MEAT, LUNCHM£ATS_, POULTRY AND FROZEN FISH THURS. JAN. 10 THRU SUN., JAN. 13 AT ALL JEWEL FOOD ?! ° STORES IN COOK, LAKE. DU PAGE AND MC HENRY McHENRY, ILLINOIS COUNTIES (EXCLUDING RIVER OAKS) AND SEAFOOD ARE AVAILABLE AFTER SIX P.M. WEEKDAYS AND ALL "-DAY SUNDAY AND HOLIDAYS. ' Enjoy The Sunny Flavors Of Froth Jewel Citrus Fruits! FLORIDA INTERIOR - 40 SIZE White Grapefruit , 10l CHGO SUB. STORES STORES LB 12 100 SIZE Florida Juice Oranges CHGO cTrtSre STORIS STORES PRODUCE ITEMS AND PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SAT , JAN. 17, 1974 BONELESS Rely On Jewel's Chef For Busy Day Meals! 12 INCH CHEESE AND SAUSAGE Real Pizzeria Pizza $429 24 OZ. Am AMERICAN -REG 65c LB SAC TENDER. JUICY - REG. $1.59'/» LB <149 Potato Salad . lb 5" Roast Beef Round v,lb • AVAILABLE ONLY IN JEWELS WITH CHIf'S KITCHENS Choose From Burny's Wide Variety Of Luscious Baked Foods! BUTTERCRUST OR 6BurnyGBros. D w I I J I VF\ Mellocrust ^ $100 BREIID REG. 43* EA^^P LOAVES _ 79< Pecan Royal Cake Legs LB NEW STORE HOURS: Monday thru Saturday 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. GOVT. INSP. PORK LOIN Center Cut Pork Chops *i°' GOVT. INSP. Beef Liver LB. U.S.D.A. CHOICE - BEEF ROUND Boneless Rump Roast 89 IND $1 49 U.S.D.A. GRADE "A" - POPULAR BRANDS Hen 10-13 LB. Or Tom »•-»«. LDC Turkeys lb. GOV'T. INSP. Pork Steaks Or Butts LB. 69 89 GOV'T. INSP. FULLY COOKED - PORK SHOULDER Smoked ADDED) Picnic LB. U.S.D.A. GRADE A' QUARTERED COUNTRY STYLE Chicken U S D A CHOICE BEEF "f"11 5139 Steak lb 69 J* GOV'T INSPECTED LOWFAT Hillfarm V-2 Milk *1 35 ORCHARD Breakfast Orange . Drink 39 '/a GAL. BTL. REG 49c JEWEL - FRESH Pork Sausage CORN KING Sliced UB Bacon p*g JEWEL MARY DUNBAR CHOPPED OR LEAF JM| NATURE VALLEY REGULAR OR CINNAMON IIP! AND RAISIN Granola Frozen Spinach IOOZ. 16 OZ. BOX Grant Provides For Training In Management Joseph A. Connor, director of the Chicago region, U.S. Civil Service commission, has an nounced the awarding of a $56,037 grant to the state of Illinois. The grant is authorized under the Intergovernmental Personnel act of 1970. The grant will be used to continue a project funded last year: the Illinois In tergovernmental Personnel Development center. Under this year's grant, ap proximately 200 to 250 State and local administrators will be trained in the core management areas of ad- m i n i s t r a t i v e a n d organizational behavior. Faculty from Sanagmon State university; will assist in program construction. IPA monies alloted to both the state and to local governments are jointly being used to fund the grant, thus making the project truly intergovernmental in nature. The Intergovernmental Personnel act also provides for the admission of state and local employees to federal training courses; graduate fellowships for employees in ad ministrative, professional, and technical occupations; technical assistance in recruitment, examining, training, and other personnel management areas; and cooperative recruiting and examining among federal, state, and local governments. Another provision of the act eases the way for government officials to move back and forth on temporary assignment Between the federal govern ment and state or local governments or institutions of higher education. Thus far in Illinois, seven employees of the federal government have completed or are involved in mobility assignments to state or local agencies or institutions of higher education, while ten employees of state or local governments in Illinois have participated in or are par ticipating in assignments to federal agencies. Parents, please caution your children of the need to be ex tremely careful and alert. Be certain they realize the im portance of walking and standing well off the roadways. We strongly recommend outer wearing apparel that is light in color and easily visible to drivers. Drivers, be most careful during the hours of 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. Be alert to youngsers in transit. These youngsters are our most precious commodity and their safety must be paramount in our minds. Wonder Lake Man Awarded MS Degree Science in Education at the tenth annual university of Wisconsin-Whitewater mid year commencement held recently. Rasmussen, whose degree is in School Business Management, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Christian Rasmussen, 7620 Hancock drive, Wonder Lake. He earned the Bachelor of Business administration degree from UW-Whitewater, and received a school business management fellowship from the First Wisconsin bank, Milwaukee, while working on his Master's degree. TURN ONS CHRISTIAN RASMUSSEN, 111 Christian Rasmussen, III, Wonder Lake, was a candidate for the degree of Master of H/HAT&IFT CAN >OU6l\/E SOMEONE Vrtto HA6 EvERfltfNG. PEMICIUUIN. Women's SUEDINE CLOGS *4 oo REG. 6.99 Sporty, soaring vamp. . .center ridged with decorative double stitching. Popular platforms and new taller heels. Adjustable sling back strap with side buckle. SIZES: 510 Women's CLOGS REG. 6.99 Suedine uppers with moc-style toes. Moderate coriky heels for walking comfort Adjustable sling-back strap. SIZES: 5-10 HORNSBYS f a m i l y centers ^ 4400 Market Place STORE HOURS: 47 ^ Country Shopping Center Daily, 9-9 Club Road McHenry • Sunday Til 6