HAGEJ4 • PLA1NDEALER-WEPNESPAY. JANUARY 9, 1974 West Shore Beach Connie Schmidt 385-7841 Property Owners , Association Welcomes 1974 The first meeting of the new year is Saturday, Jan. 12, at 5412 Orchardway Drive. Let's begin with a good attendance record and more active par ticipation by residents of the community. A personal in vitation is extended to everyone in West Shore Beach to come and join in the discussion. If we start with a good turnout many others will be encouraged to make the rest of the year even better. Please be there at 4:30 p.m. this Saturday as the Association really welcomes you. Let's improve our at titudes and have more respect for this subdivision. Living here means you are already a part add you can determine your tenure through your action. Express your needs as it may be the same as your neighbors. Welcome a good 1974! PAPER AND GLASS Remember the third Saturday of each month is the collection of newspapers, glass and tin at the McHenry Market Place. Our subdivision must continue our concern for ecology and help save our environment. Saving is easy; all you have to do it try it. Your materials will be greatly ap preciated by the Defenders and the group who is in charge of glass and tin cans. Please wash and clean any bottles or cans. PET MONTH Did you know that it's be kind to your pet month in our sub division? With zero weather here many dogs and cats cannot survive in the outdoors for long periods of time. Especially be cautious of overnights since they are always the coldest. Know where your cat is and bring in the family dog for a little heeded comfort. Be kind to your pet and they will like you even better. FOR THE BIRDS While we remember our pets let's not forget the wild birds too. There are beautiful car dinals, blue jays and canaries flying around our area. With the heavy snow they need a supplement to their meager diet. Throw out some bread crumbs or hang suet on a nearby tree. We're lucky the birds still make our subdivision their home. Let's be kind to them also. CLAN GATHERS Our ladies club was hosted this month by Katherine Aissen and enjoyed by many. The evening's attendance award was given to a very lucky lady, Terri Brodin. She led the fun and games while the others followed with good con versation.an^J^iughter. The Women's Auxiliary meets the first Thursday of each month and is hosted by different ladies in our com munity. If you would like to join the group or become a hostess for the meeting call our chairwoman, Martha Dignan. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Otto went to Chicago for lunch and a bir thday party for their grandson, Paul, who turned 8 years old. Mr. and Mrs. Aissen are wishing Henry's daughter, Jackie, a happy birthday too. On Jan. 8 Dawn Jaburek celebrated her thirteenth birth day. Glad you're a teen now Dawn! Hope the new year brings Ray Scharlow many get-well wishes. Congratulations to Larry and Savings Bonds Interest Now At 6 Percent to older bonds as well, so there is no advantage in the redemption of outstanding bonds to buy new ones. Fur thermore, the maturity on E bonds, sold on or after Dec. 1, has been shortened from 5 Residents of Illinois - and* years and 10 months to 5 years. Americans everywhere - are -- "Savings Bonds are the ideal now earning higher interest on their Savings Bonds. The rate has been raised to 6 percent, when held to maturity; the previous rate was 5.5. William B. Johnson, Illinois chairman for U.S. Savings Bonds, says "the higher rate applies not only to new issues, sold on or after Dec. 1,1973, but Terri Brodin on their expected June arrival. Martha Dignan vacationed with the Kordik family in south Milwaukee over the holidays. Prices Effective January 9 thru 13 STORE HOURS: 4 Daily 9-9 Sunday Till 6 BOTH STORES Prlcot EH.ctiv. while quantiti.i last. W. r.s.rv. th. right to limit quantitl**. Duo-Tang Portfolio % Our Reg. 53c Handy portfolio homo pack. 6 Colors, 6 portfolios for 12" x 9" shoots. K 6 Pak Duo-Tang Portfolio w/pouch For 11" x 8Y»" shoots. 6 colors 6 portfolios for homo, school or offico. o= QUAklTV- k.OOSB-LEAP-FILLER-1 Our Reg 93c 500 Count Filler Paper 67* er Stationeiy Sale »Ti Your Choice OR WATCH -itc H6UP SeW-StUW "Hello" Label* Rofl- 49c oa. 15 P00 atch 3 po«k* •1 00 :k. Your eholca ml* °r aper cup* ***' 3 Pact" * ̂ match. Eraser pack *••• O l9C •°* V P® 00 A9c 6 pc*. P*r P"®*- match. choic. •"'* or J Thumb Tacks Reg- A9c 00 3 p<*k# * ̂ pock. Your choic. ml" <* Winner brand. Quality looso loaf fillor. 500 shoots IO'/»" x 8' Looseleaf Reinforcements Jc'o. 3P°tk' $^°° 555 p.r pock. Your choic. mix or motch Pocket Magnif*"" Si®0" Your chTc. mUormoKh^ R*9' ^ for 49c««*- W Push Pln# 00 R#9' 3 packi ̂ 1 30 P*r P®* match. Reg- A9c oa. 6 par P**1' match. % all®' Bulldogs Ciip* 3 Packs Your S^OO choic* rn\* °< f'Zl Self-Stick parcel Post Labels 3(100 pack* • r p., pack. Vour choic. n,«« or 22 . match. String Baggogo Ta9S $|00 3 pocits Rog. A9c 22 per pock. Your choic. ml. or match. One-Ho*eu pope' Punch 3 For * 1 49c oa. W -;v Your cholco^Worn^ 00 •JiMl Bic 3 for 1 Special Our Reg. 44c 21< School Special. Got 2 pons free. Reg. 49c ea Assorted Your match- Rubber Bonds a S t 0 0 3 Packs 1 Choice ml* or SpotHghter Set «*»• 3 Se1»*l°° A9c ea. w choic. mix 2 markers per set. you or match • LllKP Jumbo Dry Mount Photo Album Our Reg. I w» 2.86 10 sheets. 20 pages protect your photos from dust and fingermarks. Reg- 49c ea. Staple Remover 3ro,*l mix or match. 00 Your choice Bottle Sqoeexe-i Moistener 3 Fo $ 1 00 49c W f°r Your choic. mix or motch. Crayola CRAYONS Different Brill jnl Colors / 16 Count Crayolas 21' Our Reg. 31c Different brilliant colors in new plastic container. . 4400 Market Place Shopping Center McHenry, Illinois Rt. 47 & Country Club Road Woodstock, Illinois vehicle for helping ourselves and the country. As Treasury Secretary Shultz says, they are a 'cornerstone of our debt- management program.' And, of course, Savings Bond dollars help the federal government to finance housing, highways, education, and other programs and projects to improve our lifestyle", Chairman Johnson stated." Eugene Keys Cancer Crusade District Chairman EUGENE KEYS Clarence Sisson, Marengo, chairman of the McHenry county unit of the American Cancer Society in Illinois, announced this week the ap pointment of Eugene M. Keys as chairman of District I for the 1974 Crusade of the Society. As chairman of one of the eight districts for the April effort, in Illinois, Keys will mobilize Cancer Crusade volunteers to reach as many residents as possible in April with a lifesaving message, while working toward their share of a state-wide financial goal of $4,214,243 for expanding programs in research, education and service. The 1974 educational Crusade leaflet, "Warning Signals," which gives a quiz on the seven warning signals, will be given to each individual contacted in an attempt to reduce the tragic toll of 5,000 needless cancer deaths in Illinois alone last year. A veteran volunteer with the Society, Keys is a member of the Barrington Hills Country club, the Riding club of Barrington Hills, Boys club as well as several industry trade associations. Keys, his wife, Mary Frances, and their five children reside in Barrington. The feller with the flashy new car either 1) had money, 2) has money, or 3) hopes to have money. A forest fire near Peshtigo, Wise., on October 8, 1871, the same day as the great Chicago s Fire, took 1,200 lives and destroyed millions of board feet ot lumber. TAX FACTS SPEAKS ON UFOs Dr. J. Allen Hynek will be speaking Tuesday, Jan. 15, at 8 p.m. in the sanctuary of the First Congregational church of Crystal Lake as part of the Bill Ehle Memorial community lecture series. Dr. Hynek's subject, will be UFOs. Dr. Hyndk currently chairman of the Department of Astronomy at Northwestern university in Chicago, is the country's foremost authority on UFOs. Since its founding, he has been the official astronomical consultant to the U.S. Air Force's Project Blue book, the official clearing house for all UFO reports. He also served as the associate director of the Smithsonian Astrophysical observatory in Cambridge and headed its NASA-sponsored Suptnik tracking program. Tickets for this lecture may be purchased at the door. A coffee hour will be held following the lecture to allow the audience to speak informally with Dr. Hynek. The Internal Revenue Ser vice is getting ready to issue some 60 million tax refunds,- including about 2,800,000 to northern Illinois taxpayers. The problem is to get taxpayers started early enough to file for these refunds, v "Early enough,", says Roger C. Beck, District DirectoV of Internal Revenue for northern yiinois, "means January. Taxpayers who file in January can usually^ expect faster service than those who file later. The reason for the delay in issuing refunds to later filers, he explains, is that most tax payers tend to put off doing their tax returns, with the result that work piles up at the Service Center where they are processed. "It stands to reason," Beck points out, "that our Kansas City Service center can process returns and approve refunds much faster when workloads are light-as in January. It would be a good idea for anyone who would like an early refund to start getting his records together now." Even taxpayers who are still waiting for their W-2 forms or perhaps their interest or mortgage statements from their bank ought to start getting their other records together now so that they can file as soon as the documents arrive, Beck advises. "It's your money," he says. - "The law says you're entitled to it now, so why wait? Get your refund as soon as you can." With bills for Christmas gifts arriving, many taxpayers agree. Interest on charge ac counts add up, but the money the IRS holds earns none. In urging taxpayers to file in January, he refutes the com mon but erroneous belief that early returns are scrutinized more closely at IRS service centers because there is more time to devote to each in dividual return. This line of thinking, the Director says leads these same taxpayers to conclude incorrectly that early returns are more likely to be audited by the IRS than later ones. "This just isn't so," he says. "No matter when you file your return-Jan. 1, March 11, April 15-your return undergoes the same processing at our service centers. We hire thousands of temporary employees each filing season and we train them to process all returns the same way." The Director also explains that, in auditing returns, the IRS now uses what it calls a "Discriminant Function" (DIF) program to select returns for examination. Through the use of computers, "aTk individual returns are classified by the same procedures. Mathematical formulas are used to rank returns by error potential, and those having the highest probability of error are selected for audit. "The point here," he adds, "is that returns are selected not by filing date but by the error potential calculated by com puter." Speaking of errors, the District Director says late filers, in a hurry to fill out their returns, often make errors that cause refund delays. If ever a taxpayer needed a good reason to file early, U's to avoid those thoughtless, last-minute errors that people make when they're strapped for time. "Many taxpayers who wait until late March or April fail to read the instructions com- pletely-or they make an error in arithmetic." Some of these taxpayers forget to sign the return or to attach their W-2 forms, he added. All of these things °can delay a refund. "Considering the fact that a taxpayer who files later in the tax season has to wait approximately eight weeks before receiving his refund, an error only com pounds the problem and may add two or more weeks to the wait. So, for the taxpayer who is expecting a refund and wishes to get it as soon as possible, we strongly suggest that he file in January." To help taxpayers file early, the Director says the IRS is making a strong appeal to employers, banks, and cor porations to issue W-2 forms and other documents to tax payers as soon as possible. EVRYTHIN6! ^ for Valentine's Day ' Party Irritations & Faors • Valentine Cadi & Gifts • Snoopy Valentines • Comic Valentines • Valentino Cookie Cotters ( 5C FMim S FOUR SEAM GUT SHOP 2604 Johnsburg RL MeHenry 385-6699 *