WHAT) DIAL DOWN Model FPCI-170TU Here and There In Business... PAGE 9 - PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1974 WINS STATE AWARD - Charles J. Miller, left, president of Lakeland Construction Co., Inc., of McHenry, receives 1973 certificate of excellence award from Lang Horne Bond, State of Illinois Department of Transportation secretary. Presentation was made at the Illinois Road Builders association annual award banquet held at the Drake hotel in Chicago. The contract which won for the McHenry firm top award in one of four categories, was for the reconstruction and modernization of Rt. 120 from west of Draper road easterly to the intersection of Rt. 120 and Rt. 31. The H.J. Curran Contracting company of Crystal Lake was sub-contractor for the bituminous paving. In attendance at the awards banquet were Jerome M. Miller, Eugene J. Miller, Allen R. Miller, Phil Miller, Tom Olsen, Richard Doherty and Richard Young, all of Lakeland Construction Company, Inc., Fred Meyer, superintendent of public works for the city of McHenry and Nick Steffans, project engineer for the state of Illinois. HELPING PAWS by Carol Wilyat Cold weather is here! While you are snug inside watching TV, please think of your dog tied outside in the snow and wind. The common expression is, "Oh well, he's used to being outside." Normal winter weather doesn't seem to hurt them if a dog house is provided; but even a dog house doesn't help when the temperature is below zero and the snow blows in. We recommend a garage or even the basement or utility room for those "below zero" days and nights - please think about it! The Helping Paws office is open Tuesday through Friday, 10-12 and 1-3 (815-459-2641). We are training two gals and hope that your calls can be received on Mondays soon. The pets up for adoption this week are as follows: A full gVown male Schnoodle with short black hair and silver on his back can be seen by calling 815-385-1627. He is housebroken, loves kids and sits on command. A nine month old female Rat Terrier mix, reddish gold and white, housebroken and good with children is staying in Harvard at 815-943-4229. A golden Shepherd-Labrador female pup, about 5 months old, good with kids and very af fectionate and quiet is staying in Woodstock at 815-338-0754 after 5:30 or weekends. Also in Woodstock at 815-338- 6949 is a black male Terrier- Cocker mix about one year old and the size of a Fox Terrier. A four month old female Collie-Shepherd-Setter mix puppy, brown shades with white, good with kids and semi- housebroken is at 815-385-8687. A four month old, long haired male gray kitten with green eyes that is litter trained and used to children is at 815-385- 6912 evenings only. Two 10 week old kittens, one all black female with blue eyes and the other a dark tiger stripe male kitten are available at 815-385-3036 evenings or weekends. A very affectionate adult female Calico cat is waiting for someone at 815-385-2600. A male brown tiger stripe cat, about one year old that loves dogs and the outside is at 815-385-5373. Three fourteen week old kittens, one black and white female, one gray and white female and a calico female kitten are at 815-338-1725 in Woodstock. AH have short fur, are housebroken and very lovable. A one year old female black and white cat with short fur, is housebroken. good with James Blundell ' Earns U. of I. Pilot License Seventy-nine aircraft pilot licenses and certificates were earned by students in the University of Illinois at Ur- bana-Champaign during the first semester just closed. Among students whose achievements were announced by Prof. Ralph E. Flexman, director of the UIUC Institute of Aviation, was James S. Blundell, 1619 N. Mar drive, who received a private pilot license. Awarded were forty-three private pilot licenses, fourteen commercial pilot licenses, fourteen certified flight in structor ratings, three in strument flight instructor ratings, four multi-engine land ratings and one instrument flight rating. HAPPINESS IS: FINDING YOU WANT THE PLAINDEALER'S CLASSIFIED AD SECTION TODAY •N.n Ringwood News children and has had a distemper shot, needs a home, at 815-385-1458. In Woodstock at 815-338-2181 is a female cat under one year old, declawed and looks Siamese. LOST DOGS Lost in the Wonder Lake area at 815-653-9615 is a five year old male Collie-Shepherd, tan with white collar and paws and short fur. FOUND DOGS A full grown male Schnoodle, short black fur with a silver back was found Jan. 2 on Route 31, ^4 mile from Johnsburg road. Call 815-385-1627 to claim him. All were earned in ground and flight courses given at University of Illinois-Willard airport by the institute's pilot training department. Aviation courses are offered at UIUC on the same basis as other courses. For some students they are directly connected with future careers or plans in aviation or other fields, and for others are an auxiliary skill comparable to becoming licensed to drive an automobile. Local Travelers Return Home From Southern Trips Clayton and Virginia Bruce have returned home from the hot and sunny south, and with it they ran into all kinds of weather including ice. They spent a day and a half living in the trailer frozen into the main thoroughfare of Henderson, Ky. To say the least that makes for an exciting life style. They also stopped in Mt. Vernon to visit Clayt's mother, and to attend the funeral of a relative. The Charles Ackermans are home from the sunny south also. They spent three weeks at Sebastion State Park Inlet at Wabasso, Fla. Resae and Rod rode their bikes on a four mile trip to visit grandma and gramps in the swim suits and were going to swim when to their surprise they saw gators in the water in the inlet and decided that it wasn't a very good idea. The trip back home wasn't too exciting. They were scared stiff. Also they visited with Chuck's sister who lives in Eau Gallie. Len and Phyllis A. also visited there along with Bill and Lorraine Mall of McHenry, at the Wagners, and to their surprise Len's sister, Darlene, and her husband from McHenry were there also. For excitement Len, Phil, Bill, Lorraine, Howie Wagner went deep-sea fishing. Len caught a Barracuda, and Howie a sail and not to be outdone Phil brought in the prize, a little turtle. All she said was that he sure was" a cute little thing. The weather was a warm 81 to 84 degrees. Even the dogs thought it was hot. The races are a must if you go down. As far as the gas, the answer from everyone is it really was no problem. Except in Illinois on a Sunday. ABOUT TOWN Mr. and Mrs. Russell Soddy of Kenosha spent the weekend with Mrs. Nellie Hepburn. On Sunday they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Reinwall of McHenry, Mrs. Anna Reinwall and Mrs. Mabel Hawley. They also called on Mrs. Marie Henne who was visiting at her daughter's home, the Loren Harrisons. Last Wednesday, Rev. Ruth Wegner and Mrs. Hepburn called on Mrs. Mabel Hawley. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnson of Waukegan were visitors in the Brennan-Hepburn home Monday. Saturday night, Mr. and Mrs. Mert Farmers of Pell Lake and Mr. arid Mrs. Bud Winters called on Bud and June Oxtoby. On Sunday, June's mother, Mrs. Theresa Nelson, spent the day with them. "500" CARD CLUB 'The Paul Walkingtons and the Walt Lows went to Wood stock to the home of Walt and Alice Mae Wilcox to play cards on Saturday evening. Paul and Althea came home with high scores and low scores were made by Ruth Rawson and Glenn Benoy. UMW The United Methodist women met at the church for their first meeting of 1974. It was hosted by our new president Mrs. Paul Walkington. The program was informal and was a program planning afternoon for the rest of the year. Some very good ideas came to light for the year of 1974. With Mrs. Richard Zell as vice president in charge of programs, it sounds like a very interesting year. We will try to keep everyone posted the week ahead of the meetings and they are open to anyone in the area who wishes to attend. Do come. "FISH" "FISH" the very worthwhile group of volunteer people who are available to offer help to those in need when called are also asking for help. They are desperately in need of more voluneers in this area. So if you are available to drive or shop for the elderly or sick please call 728-0121 and give them your name and phone number and time available. . SQUARE DANCERS There has been another graduation class of square dancers from the Checker board Square lessons given every fall. They are now able to attend other square dance club dances and really enjoy this fun thing* The Checkerboard Squares are having their third annual jamboree at Parkland School Sunday, Jan. 27 from 3 to 5 p.m. Do join them if you are a square dancer. BIRTHDAYS- ANNIVERSARIES Happy birthday to Leslie Mough on Jan. 22 and to Christal Afckerman on Jan. 24. Colleen Tonyan and Tom Kane share their natal day on Jan. 25. Happy birthday to all and have many more of those wonderful years ahead of you. John - and Ann Hogan will celebrate their anniversary on Jan. 25, how many years has it been, kids? Hope it's many many more. Footnote: The John Hogan home burned on Jan. 20, 1967. If you're average, you're as near the bottom, as the top. ' Information Center Have you ever tried to find an answer to a simple question about the federal government and been referred to three or four offices? Or, have you had a question so confusing that you didn't know where to look first for help? "To help with situations like this, several federal information centers have been established, notes Pat Frank, McHenry County Extension adviser, home economics. The one serving Illinois is at Everett McKinley Dirksen building, 219 Dearborn street, Chicago, Illinois 60604. The telephone number is (312) 353-4242. The people at these centers are knowledgeable about the vast number of agencies, programs and activities that make up the federal government, she explains. If you are not able to get your questions answered directly, you will be referred to an expert who can give the information to you. If you visit the center, you will find a number of informative government publications available. LUNCHEON SPECIAL MONDAY thru FRIDAY $ J 9 5 (Different Luncheon Everyday) Snack Shop On The Fox River 3312 N. Chapel Hill Rd. McHenry, III. (815-385-1475) 4-PLY NYLON ANTIFREEZE Gallon $2©© McHenry Tire Mart 3854)294 ARE YOU ^ I N N E E D O F . . . * Kitchen Cabinets • Range \ Hoods & Medicine Cabinets * Bathroom Fixtures * Fi berglass Showerstalls! * Vanities and Tops * Gas & Oil Furnaces * Air Con ditioning, Central and Win dow * Hot Water Boilers and Base Radiation * Sump Pumps * Water Softerners SEE OUR DO-IT-YOUR-! SELF HOME IMPROVE MENT DEPARTMENT THE BATH SHOP 3012 W. Rte. 120 McHenry- 385-0048 FRIGIDAIRE IMTUTWT HHCTIIM - ON 1973 REFRIGERATORS - Frigidaire! 17.0 cu. ft. Refrigerator only 30" wide Now! A huge refrigerator in a 30" cabinet. 17.0 cu. ft. with a 4.75 cu. ft. freezer that stores up to 166 lbs. 100% Frost-Proof. Add-On Automatic Ice Maker may be in stalled now or later. Reversa-doors hinge for right- or left-hand open ing. Smooth-glide nylon Rollers make it easy to move. WASUeWBT *369 LEE & RAY ELECTRIC 1005 N. Front Street Phone 385-0082 McHenry, Illinois Ph. St. Main 3931 FAMOUS BRAND DRESS SHIRTS NOW $7 00 $9 50 Values Reg to $ 95 Quality Styling At Remarkable Values. Don't Miss This Outstanding Chance To Save ! > -Plus- A Limited Selection Of Big & Tall Sizes All Sales Final On Sale Merchandise S T O R E f o r M E N r 1245 N. GREEN ST. McHENRY 385-0047 BIG ENOUGH TO SERVE YOU . . . SMALL ENOUGH TO KNOW YOU"