Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Feb 1974, p. 10

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PAGE It MlHENRV HF.A1.F.R OFFICE HOURS Classified Copy Deadline MON.-FRI. 8:30 a.m. to 5:00p.m. SAT. 9:00 a.m. to Noon. WEDNESDAY PAPER-MONDAY 4 P.M. FRIDAY PAPER - WEDNESDAY 4 P.M. PHONE 385-0170 WEDNESDAY «. 1974 No cash refunds on prepaid ads. Cards of Thanks In Memoriam, Situation Wanted. Wanted To Ret*, Wanted To Buy and Garage Sales MUST be paid in advance. , « ... The Platndealer is not responsible for errors in ciaa- sified ads after the first insertion. Check your ad after the first insertion and call our attention to any mistakes. AUTOS CHEV. - 66 Impala 2 dr. H.T. New tires, 283 8 cyl. Almost rust-free. $500 or offer. 385- 4292. TF12 1970 Volkswagen, square back front end smashed, frame O.K. runs great, 3 month old re­ built engine Must sell. $450 Call after 5:30 P.M. 385-7562. 2-6/2-8 1967 Mustang 6 Cyln 3 speed good condition $450.; 1965 Rambler Wagon 6 cyln., stick shift, runs good $150#00 Call 385-8230 2-6/2-8 1970 Dodge Monico, p.s., p.b., air cond., automatic with snow tires, excellent condition 385- 7317 after 6:00 P.M. 2-6/2-8 1968 Triumph ^itfire, radio and heater, good condition, 28 miles per gallon. 815-653-2161. 2-6/2-8 1970 Chevrolet. Excellent con­ dition. Good mileage $850.00 385-1352. 2-6 '61 Chev., 6 cyl., stick shift, new battery, good mileage first $50*00 takes it. 385-5566. 2-6 FIND JUST THE RIGHT HOME FOR YOUR FAMILY WITH A PUUNDEALER CLASSIFIED TO PLACE YOUR AD PHONE 385-0170 CARD OF THANKS THANKS A LOT. Thank you Pastor Olson, Father Joe, The Congregation of Nativity Luth­ eran Church, teachers at West Campus, all our relatives, friends and neighbors for their prayers, cards visits and good­ ies for Andy during his stay in the hospital. Muss and Jay Hansen 2-6 The family of John Mazur wish­ es to thank all of their friends and neighbors for all of their acts of kindness in their re­ cent bereavement. 2-6 Thanks to all for flowers, cards and visits while I was in the Hospital. Also to the Nurses and Doctors who were so kind. Ella Krause 2-6 BUSINESS SERVICES HIGH PRICES paid for copp&r, brass, pluminum lead, etc. A. Otto, 2009 N. Ringwood Rd., McHenry Call 385-6236. 2-1-TF 1-2 NOttOPEN Marty Spoto's Auto Polish Shop •Recondition opl£P/ •New Car ^ Cleanup •Polishing 3910 W. John St. McHenry, Illinois 815-385-7366 or 815-385-7149 1/6-2/27 FUEL SHORTAGE GAS COSTS MORE Why buy a new gas guzzler? Have your older, more eco­ nomical car rebuilt by Brodin's Auto Repair McHenry, III. Guaranteed Work - Reasonable 815-385-1842 for appt. Also Winter Starting Service & Tune-ups. l-9/2-*>n TIME FOR SOME PILLOW TALK Try resting your head on a pillow just sanitized by our experts. ' Our special process cleanses and refluffs fea­ thers perfectly. 2 for *5.49 Gem Drive-In Cleaners 3004 W. Rt. 120 Next to V.F.W. Park 2 blocks past of river 385-2231 REMODELING CONTRMCTOR •Full additions •Basements Finished •Free Estimates •Reasonable •Satisfaction Guaranteed Call after 5:00 p.m. or weekends T. R. MCMILLAN CONSTRUCTION 815-6534276 2-6/3-1 LEE'S ROOFING! AND SIDING HOT TAR ROOFS, SHINGLES AND SIDING For Free Estimates. Call 385-4108 A N D A S K F O R L E E 2-1-TF 1-2 INCOME TAX SERVICE SINCE 1955 DAILY 9 to 9 385 4410 * •Fast an.^ efficient service , , •Year aroStid assistance •Computerized Returns •Individually Verified We have been doing tax service work in this area lor 19 years, with a full ** time staff working year around to assist our clients Paul A.Schwegel&Co. 385-4410 MeHENRY 2-6/2-27 FOR SALE Citizens band radio, 223 John­ son base, 23 channel like new. After 6:00 P.M., all day Sat­ urday and Sunday. 385-8913. ' 2-6 Blue oval rug, electric pres- ser, storage chest, end tables, misc. 815-653-9259. 2-6 1971 Harley Davidson 125cc., good condition, $350.00 385- 5193. 2-6 Beige sculptured carpeting with pad, 19',f0"xl4', good condition, no wear, reasonable. Call af­ ter 6:00 P.M. 385-4836. 2-6 Hollywood double bed w/book­ case headboard, complete, two leather top end tables, antique dresser, 7 ft. pool table. 385- 1964. 2/6-2/8 1971 440cc STINGER ffl Scorp­ ion with electric start and co­ ver. Very good condition $550 Call 815-675-2201. 2-6/2-8 2 red snowmobile suits size 18 used 1 season $8.00 each. 1 pr. insulated boots, size 4, call 385-5839 after 5 • p.m. TF12 100 sq. yards, Gulistan used commercial carpet by Karaghe- itian. Mat included $125.00. 385-2247 2-J/2-6 1970 Johnson 25 HP Skee- Horse. Excellent condition. Original owner. Like new, used less than20 hours. New$875.00. Will sel; for $500.00. Call Crystal Lake 459-2423 after 6:00 P.M. v 1-25/TF 1-2 HELP WANTED Part time mornings 7:00 - 10:00 Janitorial work. Call for appointment, 385-4131. 2-6/2-8 HIRE JUST THE RIGHT PERSON FOR THE JOB WITH A PLAINDEALER CLASSIFIED. TO PLACE YOUR AD PHONE 385-0170 SEAWALLS & PIERS, Nusbaum Welding Service. Estimates. C a l l 8 1 5 - 3 3 8 - 2 9 6 8 a f t e r 6 p m . 1-30/2-27 Will pick up junk cars free. Call 459-0081. 2-6/2-27 BOB and RANDY'S Door Cut­ ting and Carpet Installation. 653-9887. 2/1-2/8 -j, J. & D. CONSTRUCTION Home remodeling, additions, patios, roofing, etc. 815-385-6736. 2-1-TF 1-2 MERRIT •Painting •Paperhanging Appliance Maintenance] FOR FREE ESTIMATE! Call 385-3675 • 2-1-TF 1-2, Phone 385-017u to place your acf I I l I I I I l I IMMEDIATE OPENINGS DAY OR NIGHT SHIFT Some previous experience required. LATHE OPERATOR GENERAL SHOP ««Tram * Life Insurance • Group Insurance • Profit Sharing • Retirement Plan. STEADY EMPLOYMENT CRANE PACKING COMPANY BUR DENT DRIVE CRYSTAL LAKE, ILLINOIS An Equal Opportunity Employer. 2/6-2/8 SENIOR ELECTRONIC ENGINEER B.S.E.E. OR EQUIVALENT An excellent opportunity exists in the T.V. Tuner Laboratory for an experienced individual who qualifies for a senior or a project level position. Experience should be in the electronic industry, pre- ferrably with knowledge of R.F. circuits. Television design experience would also be helpful. The successful candidate will receive generous company paid benefits and an excellent starting salary. REPLY IN CONFIDENCE TO: DIRECTOR OF PERSONNEL (MIL Industries Inc. South Main Street Crystal Lake, Illinois - 60014 an equal opportunity employer. 1/30-2/22 Attention Beauticians Does your present job offer • Guaranteed Salary 0 plus liberal commission • Paid Vacation • Regular Hours • Group Insurance • Store Discounts • ,An Abundance of Supplies • Regular Advertising • Excellent Equipment ir you can't check yes for each of the above, then it's time to check into becoming a Spurgeon's Beautician - Maybe even a Manager. We offer these benefits to all our operators . .. and we give special consideration to those with following. Call the store manager and arrange for a confidential interview YES NO • • • D • • • C a d • D • D a • a • spuiMjeon s 815/3854100 Market Place Shopping Center] 4400 W. Rte. 12U McHenry. 2-6 WANTED TO RENT FEMALE HELP WANTED 2 BR. HOUSE with bsmt. and garage or 3 Br. house without bsmt. NeBd by March 15th. Re­ ferences furnished. McHenry Area. 385-5057. 2/1-2/13 Phorie 386-0170 to place ad.' WANTED TO RENT: Trans­ ferred store manager, wife and two older children, wanted to rent a modern 3 bedroom home in the McHenry area. Will supply references. Call 385- 3870 ask for Mr. Carey. 2-6/2-8 HELP WANTED WANTED B O Y S A N D G I R t S TO DELIVER NEWSPAPERS IN THE MORNING OR AFTERNOON. Call 385-2541 2-l/TF 1-2 PART TIME and FULL TIME NIGHT WAITRESSES Wanted For CRYSTAL LAKE COUNTRY CLUB Call 459-1237 2-1/2-6 U2£ I I I I I I ••a FINISHERS Flexible hours, Apply In Person BOBBIN COIL SPECIALISTS 1405 North Drive Wonder Lake, III. 815-385-6205 12/6-2/8' % I I I I I I I I l HELP WANTED Clean-up and general maintenance evenings. De­ sire stability and reliabil­ ity. Male or Female, will consider any age. Will train. ALSO LAUNDROMAT ATTENDANT Afternoon and for late eve­ ning work and weekends. Will train. Phone 385-2500 2/6&2/15 LOOKING FOR A NEW JOB? CHECK THE PLAINDEALER CLASSIFIED PAGES. TO PLACE YOUR AD PHONE 3850 Male or Female • PART TIME DAYS i Also 6a.m. to 11a.m. I Good working conditions. ; APPLY IN PERSON ' MANAGER ! McNeil's in McHenry Market Place I 2-6/2-8 I PART TIME WORK VETERANS ONLY NEED APPLY. Work 2 or 3 evenings a week and earn $4.60 an hour and up. Contact: VETERANS OUTREACH 815-459-6800 Extension 49 2-6/2-8 HELP WANTED PMTTIME Man or Woman with reliable vehicle to deliver newspapers 2 or 3 hours 7 days a week. 385-2541 •AK TOOL * DIE MAKER (Nites) AUTOMATIC SCREW MACHINE OPERATORS (Nites) AUTOMATION TECHNICIAN (Nites) EYELETTERS (Days & Nites) APPLY TO PERSONNEL MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM •AK Industries Inc. South Main Street Crystal Lake, III. 815-459-5000 an equal opportunity employer. 2-6 4410 W. ROUTE 120 4 FULL TIME HELP Secure Your Future Local opening in newspaper circulation, with Chicagolands leading newspapers, Paid vacation and company benefits. FOR INTERVIEW CONTACT: MR. GARDNER ' 385-2541 • 2-l/TF 1-2 PART TIME INTERVIEWERS University based research company needs part time interviewers. Hourly sal­ ary plus all expenses. Car necessary. Some college preferred. No experience required. For further in­ formation, call collect weekdays. MISS JANE MORSE, 312-684-5600 Extension 270 NATIONAL OPINION RESEARCH CENTER. 6030 S. Ellis Chicago, HI. 60637 2/6-2/8 BOOflBOOOOaOOPOPBOOOC>Ofl|BBieH8Qft SECRETARY TO OUR TECHNICAL DIRECTOR Company growth has created the need for a gal to assist our Technical Director. Besides excellent typing skills, this position requires a person who can independently assume many responsibilities. If you are an extremely capable woman who enjoys varied and diversified duties, this is an excellent opportunity to come grow with us. We offer many company benefits and a good starting salary. Please apply in person or call (815) 648-2424 CROWN INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS STATE LINE ROAD • HEBRON, ILL an equal opportunity employer oooooooooooooooooooooooooooc m I, EXCELLENT TYPING and WORD APTITUDE SKILLS needed ior DICTAPHONE TYPIST. No shorthand. All dictation by machine. Experience desirable. Per­ manent full time. Will train. Call Mrs. Lueth 385-1050 OR APPLY' u,i' McHenry Medical Group 1110 N. Green St. McHenry, III. 2-6/2' MALE HELP WANTED I I I I I I i'J EXPERIENCED man to work with livestock and Farm Equip­ ment. For half a day, McHenry area. 385-7720 or 385-4349. after 5:00 P.M. 2/1-2/6 HIRE JUST THE RIGHT PERSON FOR THE JOB WITH A PLAINDEALER CLASSIFIED. WELDING FOREMAN 1st Shift - 7:00 AM - 3:30 PM Immediate opening for an experienced individual with knowledge of all types of welding (mig, tig, and stick etc.) Must be familiar with the use of production jigs, and fixtures, material movement, and possess a willing­ ness to constantly improve the operation of his depart­ ment. MATHEWS COMPANY 500 Industrial Ave. Crystal Lake, III. PHONE 459-2210 2-6/2-8 METAL FABRICATION SET UP MAN 2nd Shift 4:00 P.M. - 12:30 A.M. Immediate opening for experienced individual with a strong background in tooling methods, production and some supervision. Will be working with blanket, brake and punch presses. * TOP w fOtt TOP HCWPUHL MATHEWS COMPANY 500 Industrial Aw. Crystal lake, IT PHONE 459-2210 „ „„ „ 2-6/2-8 HIRE JUST THE RIGHT PERSON WITH A CLASSIFIED, PHONE 385-0170 TOT*LACE YOUR AD. INSTRUCTIONS DOG CONFORMATION CUSSES Classes starting February 13. Complete instruction in breed, ring, procedure and showing. For information Phone MRS. HARN1SH 815-455-0354 1/23-1/30 &2/6 DOG CLASSES We offer the bqst: 1. Conformation Trainer Jo Arm Oliver member of PHA (Professional Handlers Association) 2. QhBflfiMB - Trainer Jeanette Everett, 14yrs. experience in training NEW CLASS STARTS FEBRUARY 11, 1074 For information call JEANETTE EVERETT 815-653-9016 1/30&2/6, i

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