BEAT THE GAS SHORTAGE! RENT A CAR FROM NATIONAL CAR RENTAL WE FEATURE CHEVROLETS AND OTHER FINE GM CARS. We pay for all gas, maintenance, $100 deductible collision insurance, PL, and PD everything. You pick up your nice new Chevrolet or other fine General Motors car filled with gas and ready to go. Rates are low and the service we offer is excellent. r NATIONAL CAR RENTAL We give you more time for your money. WE GIVE S ft H GREEN STAMPS PAYTON tMEVROLCT WHY 31 SOUTH McHENRY For help with all your family insurance needs, see: DENNIS CONWAY 3319 W. ELM ST. McHENRY, ILL. W-7111 State Farm Insurance Companies Home Offices: Bloomington, Illinois S T A T E F A R M I N S U R A N C E Upset "Upsetting99 To Warhawk Teammates and fans cheer as Mark Alvord of McHenry scores an upset victory by pinning Homer Wyche of North Chicago in less than 2 minutes. Like a good neighbor,M State Farm ̂ is there.-- STAFF PHOTOS/ WAYNE GAYLORD PAGE_7_ McHENRY PLAINDEALER_ FRIDAY. FEBRUARY ». Pinning his opponent in 1:24, Warrior Mark Alvord, a Junior, captured his first varsity win. Hie upset victory left his Warhawk opponent Homer Wyche in a very upsetting mood. The ref had to coax Homer to the center of the mat for the ceremony recognizing Mark as the winner. The win broke the 12-12 tie and the Warriors went on to capture an upset victory over the Warhawks. It was the first victory for McHenry in the 10 year rivalry against North Chicago. The ref tries coaxing the upset Warhawk to stand for the award ceremony. Dejected, Homer hangs his head as the ref raises Mark's arm in signifying him as the winner. FARMER'S TAX GUIDE We still have a supply of 1974 Farmer's Tax Guide available to Illinois farmers. Stop in to the Cooperative Extension Service, located on the Woodstock city square, old courthouse, second floor, and pick up a free copy while the supply still lasts. WEED CONTROL If you want good weed control in soybeans and corn, don't allow weeds to grow and seed freely in your other crops or in fence rows. Good weed control on all farm acreage reduces the weed seed supply in the soil and increases the chance of suc cessful weed control in corn and soybeans. f ,r- • The McHenry County , Ex tension service makes the following suggestions regar ding weed control in pasture and noncropland. PASTURE: Chemical weed control in pastures must be part of a total program of good management including proper grazing, good fertilization, and reseeding if necessary. For most broadleaf weeds 2, 4-D at l pound (a.e., acid equivalent) per acre will give good control. Milk cows must not graze on the pasture for seven days after application because of possible herbicide residue in the milk, but other livestock need not be removed. If woody plants are problems, 2, 4, 5-T or silvex is more ef fective. After applying 2, 4 5-T, do not allow dairy cows to graze on the pasture for six weeks; meat animals should not graze mi the pasture within two weeks of slaughter. NON-CROPLAND: Fen- cerows, ditch banks, and small nonfarmed areas need special consideration in a good weed control program. Because ground cover is desirable in these areas, soil sterilants should not be used. Competitive vegetation can effectively control weeds on non-cropland. Smooth, bromegrass is an excellent species for this purpose. Smooth bromegrass is best adapted for central and nor thern Illinois, while tall fescue should be planted in southern Illinois. They can be sown directly into existing vegetation, but lightly tilling the ground greatly increases the chances of getting a good start. The best times for sowing are April and early May or late August and September. These vigorously growing grasses are excellent competitors, do not need mowing, and do not tend to spread into cultivated land. Certain herbicides can be used in conjunction with a seeding program to help control weeds before the grass is seeded. Dowpon is good for controlling grasses. The rate will vary depending on the size and species of grasses. Seedling annual grasses can be controlled with 2 to 3 pounds per acre (a.e.) of 2,4-D will control most broadleaf weeds and can also be used after the grass has been established. Amitrole and amitrole-T are broad-spectrum herbicides which can control both grassy aftd broadleaf weeds. They can increase control of perennial broadleaf weeds such as Canada thistle or milkweed and help control perennial grasses. All of these herbicides usually decompose sufficiently within 4 to 6 weeks to allow newly- seeded grass to grow. MINI-CARD PARTY The Pistakee Highlands Woman's club will sponsor a mini-card party at the com- vwwwwwwwww V.A. NEWS The Veterans administration urges veterans, widows and parents to promptly return income questionnaires received last November, even though the Jan. 15 deadline has "Each year, thousands miss the deadline because questionnaires are misplaced, forgotten or lost, causing in terruptions or delays of monthly benefits checks," officials explained. It was noted that 907,000 of the 1.2 million questionnaires mailed were returned to VA before the deadline. In formation from the question naires is used to adjust pension benefits. Questionnaires were mailed to veterans on VA pension rolls, widows of veterans drawing pension based on nonservice connected deaths, and parents munity cento- Thursday, Feb. 14, from 1 to 3 p.m. Cake and coffee will be served. The public is invited. qi th receiving dependency and indemnity compensation for service connected deaths of sons and daughters. Pensioners 72 years old or older who have been on pension rolls during the last two con secutive years generally are exempt. "But they still must report changes in income, and those who were mailed uestionnaires must return em," officials pointed out. Information on pension and other benefits is available at VA offices and from representatives of local veterans service organizations, they added. LONDON -- Panic buying of bread, toilet paper and other items has hit British shops as Britain's energy crisis brought shortages- real and imagined--along with increased unemploy ment. BIRTHS McHENRY HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. Robert Englebrecht, Wonder Lake, are parents of a son Feb. 4. A son was born Feb. 5 to Mr. and Mrs. John Fairclaugh, Wonder Lake. A son, Bart Thomas, was born Jan. 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Scharlau of Wauconda at Lutheran General hospital, Park Ridge. He weighed 8 lbs., 11 oz., and has a 4-year-old brother, Brett Robert. Grand parents are Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Huffman, McHenry, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Scharlau of Glenview. Perfect A perfect wife is one , whose favorite TV program is your own. •* -Times, Rochester. • FROM THE FARM I If you want a compact book of answers on agronomy subjects then you'll want to purchase the 1974 Agronomy handbook. This book has the latest information on: 1974 weed control guide, soil management and tillage systems, soil testing and fer tility, complete information regarding planting, fertilizing, etc. for corn, soybeans, wheat and oats, complete management facts on hay, pasture, and silage production, crops for late planting and the different winter and spring varieties for wheat, oats and barley. Purchase your book at the Cooperative Extension Service, Old Courthouse, second floor, Woodstock, 111. Hurry while the supply lasts. WHAT'S AHEAD? Rising demand for food and feed grains, new government regulations and programs, potential shortages of fuels and fertiUzers-and likely higher prices-are new factors McHenry county farmers must consider as they make their 1974 crop-production plans. And to help them decide how these new factors-plus "every- year" factors such as tillage methods, crop varieties, insect, weed and plant-disease control- -will affect their crop profits, farmers need up-to-date in formation says the McHenry County Extension Service. Two locations to get that information are as follows: 1 - Boone County Agronomy days - - Jan. 29 and 31, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Sweden House motel (intersection of Business Rt. 20 and Alpine street) Rock- ford; Jan. 29, Herbicides, In sects, Economics and Market Outlook; Jan. 31, Fertilizer, Crop Varieties, Tillage, Soil Management and Pesticide Safety. 2 - DeKalb County Agronomy days - Jan. 29 and Feb. 1, 9:30 a.m. coffee, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Farm Bureau Upper auditorium, DeKalb; Jan. 29, Production and Tillage; Feb. 1, Crop Protection. Specialists from the University of Illinois Depart ment of Agonomy, Plant Pathology, Entomology, and Agricultural Engineering will be there with up-to-the-minute information on these and other topics: -- Stretching Fertilizer Supplies and Dollars - What the New Federal Environmental Pesticide Control Act Means To You - What About Fuel Supplies for 1974? - Predicting Soil-Insect Problems in Corn - Nitrogen Applications: How Much? When? - Soybean Emergence Problems -Machinery Selection and Management -Phosphorus and Potassium Applications: Are They Needed Every Year? - What Narrow Rows May Mean To Soybean Browers -- Tillage Practices For Efficient Production, Minimum Erosion - Seed Treatments For Small Grains - Corn and Soybean Disease Problems Any McHenry county farmer or interested person may at tend either of the above two locations for up-to-date Agronomy information. UPER SNOW TIRE ALE !! •-PLY NYLON & • E78 x 14 $2goo & Tax • F78 x 14 & 15 $29°°&Tax • G78 x 14 & 15 $0100 & Tax FET 2.22 to 3.15 Per Tire • H78 x 14 & 15 *32°° & Tax • J78 x 14 & 15 *35°° & • L78 x 15 $3700 & Tax McHenry Tire Mart 3931 W. Main St. Ph. 0294 1