I'AliK IH - McHENRY PLA1NDEALER - WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13,1974 POLITICAL CORNER Judge Dismisses Complaint Of Ron Stroupe Ron Stroupe of Huntley filed a complaint in Woodstock Circuit court against William E. McCormick, chairman of the Representative committee of the Democratic party in the 33rd district. The suit has since then been dismissed. Stroupe alleged that McCormick, alone or in conspiracy with one or more others, was attempting to manipulate the electoral process by not filing, as required by law, a resolution specifying the number of candidates to be nominated for state representative at the March 19-primary. Stroupe also alleged that Tom Hanahan, candidate for reelection and Democratic chairman of McHenry county, personally interfered and, in conspiracy, with McCormick, kept secret the fact that their actions, or non-actions, would lead to the nomination of three candidates instead of just Hanahan and Stroupe, the only ones to file nominating petitions and generally believed to be the only ones who could be nominated. On Feb. 5, Judge Cooney heard arguments and dismissed the case, saying that the law is directory, not mandatory. Stroupe quotes the law as saying "the committee shall meet, shall determine the number to be nominated and shall file a resolution with the Secretary of State specifying the number." Stroupe, in commenting on the decision, said; "Republicans Cal Skinner and Bruce Waddell have been guaranteed reelection as state representatives. Democrat Tom Hanahan made the guarantee and is delivering on it." Women Of The Moose The meeting of Feb. 5 was called to order by Senior Regent Carol Sexton, with nineteen members present. This month is Hospital committee month. The chair man, Mae Larre, was escorted to the altar and introduced her committee. Enrollment was held for Suzanne Olson, sponsored by Dorothy Daley, and Carol Budaj, sponsored by Marion Vornkahl. Balloting was held for three members. The ballot was favorable. They are now eligible to be elected to membership. An attendance pin was awarded to Vicki DeStepanatis by her sponsor, Marion Vor nkahl, for attending four meetings. Chapter Rally day will be held March 3 at Woodstock. We hope all officers and chairmen will be able to attend. Please notify the senior regent as soon as possible of your answer. We will need practice, so don't delay. We had five birthday girls: Marge Granath, Monique Kopp, Vicki De Stepanatis, Suzanne Olson and Pat Swanson. The attendance award was not drawn. The special award was won by Eileen Hodgson. The next meeting will be Tuesday, Feb. 19, at 8 p.m. Refreshments were served by the Hospital committee. Publicity Committee Service News Navy Seaman James M. Gram, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Gram of 10715 Commercial street, Richmond, graduated from recruit training at the Naval Training center, Great Lakes. \ , 3 •V THE OLD TIMER From Mrs. Rosa L. Stewart, Urbana, Illinois: I was born in Indiana and remember walking 1% miles to school. There were 11 children in my family. Mother made her own soap and often I had the job of putting water in the ash hopper for lye. We picked blackberries on the farm, made sorghum, syrup from the maple trees, raised tobacco. We lived in a two-room home in the hollow. Brother made home made sleds for the younger chil dren. We would climb the hill and run clear down to the back door. Everyone had to work, but we enjoyed it. We made popcorn in the open fireplace and carried water from a spring. Those were the good old times. s REE i350 PRIZE NATIONAL BRANDS SWEEPSTAKES HORHSBYSm hamily SPnters^Z* THE WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. PRICES EFFECTIVE WHILE OU AN TITIES LAST. vvrTH,AcWer Rarefy Br*1110 buVs! "TI!!!: """"""" "«»« "WHIT HATCHBACK ftetJift for S2.613.60 W SPC'fy compact AM r«J,r ' M O T O R S T % 5 b > a m e r i c a n MOTORS Buyer Protection Plan if Prices Effective February 13 Thru 17 ByyN*n*r • --.1 ftwA * - V % 1 I l r ' j NOT |E PRESENT TO WIN Rojister Now and Everydoy a* Hornsby's No obligation. Nothing to buy 24 Count Crayolas Our Reg. 41c 27 24 different and brilliant colors in a now plastic contained. Elmers Glue Our Reg. 47c 27 A 4 oi. bottle of Elmers school glue. Handy and safe. Famous Nationally Advertised Brands nunv- IENJIS C: Hornsby s Price I A. Zenith Portable FM/AM Radio The Royal E 47 W. 9 Transistor delivers best FM-AM reception. Earphone jock. American walnut color with ebony color. IB. Zenith FM/AM Solid State Clock Radio The Laurente C464W. Features illuminated clock dial, touch 'n snooze control and sleepy head buzzer alarm. Grained American Walnut Color. See Hornsby's Low Price 'Newell" 2-pc. Starter Set Our Reg. 4.67 2" Plush polyester and modacrylic toilet lid covers. For extra warm comfort colors, gold, green, blue, red or pink. Lysol Spray Disinfectant Our Reg. 1.32 87 14 oz. can of Lysol. Eliminates odors and kills household germs. Prevents mold qikI mildew. Famous Brands Oqy. I This quality underwear is styled for comfort and flood fit. Because the fabric is 100% cotton, It's wonderfully >absorbent and perfectly washable. Where there s elastic, it's made to stand up under lots of wearings and washings. Fruit ot the Loom ,.. they keep making it better--not expensive. TEE SHIRTS Sizes 2-16 KNIT BRIEFS Sizes 2-16 PRICED TO 3 f°r T to C. Zenith Cassette Player/Recorder The Tempest E608Y. Complete with earphone, integral microphone porta mike. ^>atch cord, AC power cord and more. Dimensions: 27i" high, 7" wide, 11'/«" deep. |D. Zenith Solid State Portable Stereo The Nomad I E540. Compact stereo that gives up to 20 feet stereo sound separation through twin detachable remote speaker units. Automatic record changer and diamond LP styles. Famous Nationally Advertised Brands Soft Absorbent Cosmetic Puffs See Hornsby's Low Price See Hornsby's Low Price fsoffi 1^. .k, i COSMtT /C PUFFS soft absorbent t 260 PUFFS 37e Mfgrs. List Price 90c Johnson ft Johnson's soft puffs ore baby soft for your skin. 260 Puffs to a package. rAsrts Bufferin 100's 89 Mfgrs. List Price 1.75 Fact acting Buffarin. work* twk* at last a* aspirin. A value buy for your madlcina chast. 0 Gentle Herbal Essence Shampoo Mfgrs. List Price 1.87 17 Oalrol't Horbal Essanco shampoo for normal and oily hair. Contains natural protain. I* ai. siia. Womens Utility Oxfords °3.,V" 2m Fit and comfort for woman on thair faat. Full cushionad insolas. Wipa claan uppart and polishing foravarl Siias MO. Brack's Chocolate Covered Morningside Cherries Contains Luscious maraschino Cherries centered in creamy fondat. 12 ox. Net Wt. Brack's Chocolate Covered Bngmont Cherries Rich, Maroon, Bing-type cherries with a unique taste difference 12 oz. Net Wt. YOUR CHOICE c 53 ea. Our Reg. 67c ea. Famous Nationally Advertised Brands Storage Chests Reg. 96c Reg. 1.37 4 Drawer Reg. 5.47 67* 93' 487 Spring -Maid Super Stowe1 Fabrics 97* Our Reg. 1.87 yd. 45" parma-prass of SO par cant Kadat polyester and SO par cant cotton with Raggady Ann and Raggady Andy daslgn. Mens andBoyi Baske tba 11 Shoes Our Reg. 3 2 9 2 Sport oxfor<i^%uilt to toko rough waar. Cushionad insoles. Arch support and suregrlp traad. Sixes: 11-2. 2V.-6, 47,-12. Famous Nationally Advertised Braids m 1 Pampers Diapers Daytime 30's 1 6i Praetor and Gombla's camfartabla and »ata I. Pampers (daytime 30'»). A °ur 31c savings whlla thoy Reg. (••t. 1.93 * 3SS&fr|.t Kitchen Special Pyrex Assortment A. 1-Qt. Liquid Measure B. 9Vi" Flavor savar pie plate C. 1 % qt. Oblong baking dish D. 2 qt. square cake dish E. 1 '/» qt. loaf dish Fine quality Pyrex ware is a welcome ad dition to any kitchen. 99- 4 Values to 1.4? Imported From California Monterey pine, imported to Chile from its native California, thrives so successfully that it now accounts for more than 60 per cent of Chile's lumber. MARKET PLACE SHOPPING CENTER "cHfcNRY, ILLINOIS HOURS: Daily 9-9 Sunday Til 6 HOURS: Daily 9-9 Sunday Til 6 Rt. 47 & COUNTRY CLUB ROAD WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS